Irrational exuberance - [PDF Document] (2024)

Irrational exuberance - [PDF Document] (1)


Robert J. Shiller

Princeton University PressPrinceton, New Jersey

Irrational exuberance - [PDF Document] (2)

Copyright © 2000 Robert J. Shiller

Published by Princeton University Press, 41 William Street, Princeton,New Jersey 08540In the United Kingdom: Princeton University Press, Chichester, West Sussex

All Rights Reserved

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication DataShiller, Robert J.

Irrational exuberance / Robert J. Shiller.p. cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.ISBN 0-691-05062-7 (cloth : alk. paper)1. Stocks—United States. 2. Stock exchanges—United States.

3. Stocks—Prices—United States. 4. Risk. 5. Dow Jones industrialaverage. I. Title.HG4910.S457 2000332.63'222'0973—dc21 99-088869

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List of Figures and Tables ixPreface xiAcknowledgments xix

One The Stock Market Level in Historical Perspective 3

Part OneStructural Factors

Two Precipitating Factors: The Internet, the Baby Boom, and Other Events 17

Three Amplification Mechanisms: Naturally OccurringPonzi Processes 44

Part TwoCultural Factors

Four The News Media 71Five New Era Economic Thinking 96Six New Eras and Bubbles around the World 118

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Part ThreePsychological Factors

Seven Psychological Anchors for the Market 135Eight Herd Behavior and Epidemics 148

Part FourAttempts to Rationalize Exuberance

Nine Efficient Markets, Random Walks, and Bubbles 171Ten Investor Learning—and Unlearning 191

Part FiveA Call to Action

Eleven Speculative Volatility in a Free Society 203

Notes 235References 269Index 283


Figures and Tables


1.1 Stock Prices and Earnings, 1871–2000 61.2 Price-Earnings Ratio, 1881–2000 81.3 Price-Earnings Ratio as Predictor of Ten-Year Returns 119.1 Stock Price and Dividend Present Value, 1871–2000 186


6.1 Largest Recent One-Year Real Stock Price Index Increases 1196.2 Largest Recent One-Year Real Stock Price Index Decreases 1206.3 Largest Recent Five-Year Real Stock Price Index Increases 1216.4 Largest Recent Five-Year Real Stock Price Index Decreases 122

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This book is a broad study,drawing on a wide range of

published research and historical evidence, of the enormous recentstock market boom. Although it takes as its specific starting pointthe current situation, it places that situation in the context of stockmarket booms generally, and it also makes concrete suggestionsregarding policy changes that should be initiated in response tothis and other booms.

The need for such a book is particularly urgent today, in viewof the widespread and quite fundamental disagreement aboutthe stock market. When people disagree at such a basic level, it isusually because they possess only pieces of the overall picture. Yetmeaningful consensus can only be achieved by laying out all theavailable facts. I have therefore tried in this book to present a muchbroader range of information than is usually considered in writingson the market, and I have tried to synthesize this information intoa detailed picture of the market today.

Why did the U.S. stock market reach such high levels by the turnof the millennium? What changed to cause the market to becomeso highly priced? What do these changes mean for the market


outlook in the opening decades of the new millennium? Are pow-erful fundamental factors at work to keep the market as high asit is now or to push it even higher, even if there is a downwardcorrection? Or is the market high only because of some irrationalexuberance—wishful thinking on the part of investors that blindsus to the truth of our situation?

The answers to these questions are critically important to pri-vate and public interests alike. How we value the stock market nowand in the future influences major economic and social policy deci-sions that affect not only investors but also society at large, eventhe world. If we exaggerate the present and future value of the stockmarket, then as a society we may invest too much in business start-ups and expansions, and too little in infrastructure, education, andother forms of human capital. If we think the market is worth morethan it really is, we may become complacent in funding our pen-sion plans, in maintaining our savings rate, in legislating animproved Social Security system, and in providing other forms ofsocial insurance. We might also lose the opportunity to use ourexpanding financial technology to devise new solutions to the gen-uine risks—to our homes, cities, and livelihoods—that we face.

To answer these questions about today’s stock market, I harvestrelevant information from diverse and, some would say, remotefields of inquiry. Insights from these fields too often go unnoticedby market analysts, but they have proved critical in defining sim-ilar market episodes throughout history, as well as in other marketsaround the world. These fields include economics, psychology,demography, sociology, and history. In addition to more conven-tional modes of financial analysis, they bring potent insights to bearon the issues at hand. Much of the evidence is drawn from theemerging field of behavioral finance, which, as the years go by, islooking less and less like a minor subfield of finance and more andmore like a central pillar of serious finance theory.

I marshal the most important insights offered by researchers inthese fields. Taken as a whole, they suggest that the present stockmarket displays the classic features of a speculative bubble: a situ-ation in which temporarily high prices are sustained largely byinvestors’ enthusiasm rather than by consistent estimation of real

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value. Under these conditions, even though the market could pos-sibly maintain or even substantially increase its price level, the out-look for the stock market into the next ten or twenty years islikely to be rather poor—and perhaps even dangerous.

I do not purport to present a wholly new conception of finan-cial market behavior. This book is a work neither of economic theorynor of econometrics, although it partakes in both. Rather, it is anattempt to characterize the complex nature of our real markets today,considering whether they conform or do not conform to ourexpectations and models. By assembling the most relevant evidence,economic and otherwise, on the state of the market, I hope to cor-rect what I consider to be the perilous policy paths now being fol-lowed by legislators and economic leaders. I also hope to challengefinancial thinkers to improve their theories by testing them againstthe impressive evidence that suggests that the price level is morethan merely the sum of the available economic information, as isnow generally thought to be the case.

Within the past generation the branch of financial theory that isderived from the assumption that all people are thoroughly ratio-nal and calculating has become the most influential analyticaldevice to inform our mastery of the market. Those financial the-orists who consider the market price to be a cunningly efficientprocessor of financial information have had a profound effect onthe systematic management of the world’s wealth, from the cor-ner stockbroker right up to the Federal Reserve. But most of thesescholars of finance and economics shrink from public statementsabout the level of the stock market (although they are often moreloose-lipped in expressing their opinions at lunch and over beers)because they do not want to be caught saying things in public thatthey cannot prove. Assuming the mantle of scientific detachment,these financial economists tend to fall back on the simple butelegant model of market efficiency to justify their professionalposition.

However, there are serious risks inherent in relying too heavilyon such pristine models as the basis for policy discussion, for thesemodels deal only with problems that can be answered with scientificprecision. If one tries too hard to be precise, one runs the risk of


being so narrow as to be irrelevant. The evidence I present in thefollowing chapters suggests that the reality of today’s stock mar-ket is anything but test-tube clinical. If the theory of finance isto grow in its usefulness, all economists eventually will have tograpple with these messier aspects of market reality. Meanwhile,participants in public debate and economic policy formation mustsort out this tangle of market factors now, before it is too late.

Among the unanticipated consequences of today’s investmentculture is that many of the tens of millions of adults now investedin the stock market act as if the price level is simply going to keeprising at its current rate. Even though the stock market appearsbased on some measures to be higher than it has ever been,investors behave as though it can never be too high, and that itcan never go down for long. Why would they behave this way?Their logic is apparently consistent with the free-rider argument.That is, if millions of researchers and investors are studying stockprices and confirming their apparent value, why waste one’s timein trying to figure out reasonable prices? One might as well takethe free ride at the expense of these other diligent investors whohave investigated stock prices and do what they’re doing—buystocks!

But unknown to most investors is the troubling lack of credibilityin the quality of research being done on the stock market, to saynothing of the clarity and accuracy with which it is communicatedto the public. Some of this so-called research often seems no morerigorous than the reading of tea leaves. Arguments that the Dowis going to 36,000 or 40,000 or 100,000 hardly inspire trust. Certainlysome researchers are thinking more realistically about the market’sprospects and reaching better-informed positions on its future, butthese are not the names that grab the headlines and thus influencepublic attitudes.

Instead the headlines reflect the news media’s constant atten-tion to trivial factoids and “celebrity” opinion about the market’sprice level. Driven as their authors are by competition for readers,listeners, and viewers, media accounts tend to be superficial andthus to encourage basic misconceptions about the market. A con-ventional wisdom of sorts, stressing the seemingly eternal dura-

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bility of stocks, has emerged from these media accounts. The pub-lic has learned to accept this conventional—but in my view shal-low—wisdom. To be fair to the Wall Street professionals whoseviews appear in the media, it is difficult for them to correct theconventional wisdom because they are limited by the blurbs andsound bites afforded them. One would need to write books tostraighten these things out. This is such a book.

As noted earlier, the conventional wisdom holds that the stockmarket as a whole has always been the best investment, and alwayswill be, even when the market is overpriced by historical standards.Small investors, in their retirement funds, are increasingly shift-ing their investments toward stocks, and the investment policy of100% stocks in retirement funds is increasingly popular. They puttheir money where their mantra is. This attitude invites exploita-tion by companies who have an unlimited supply of equities to sell.“You want stocks? We’ll give you stocks.”

Most investors also seem to view the stock market as a force ofnature unto itself. They do not fully realize that they themselves,as a group, determine the level of the market. And they under-estimate how similar to their own thinking is that of other investors.Many individual investors think that institutional investors dom-inate the market and that these “smart money” investors havesophisticated models to understand prices—superior knowledge.Little do they know that most institutional investors are, by andlarge, equally clueless about the level of the market. In short, theprice level is driven to a certain extent by a self-fulfilling prophecybased on similar hunches held by a vast cross section of large andsmall investors and reinforced by news media that are often con-tent to ratify this investor-induced conventional wisdom.

When the Dow Jones Industrial Average first surpassed 10,000in March 1999, Merrill Lynch took out a full-page newspaper adwith a headline saying, “Even those with a disciplined long-termapproach like ours have to sit back and say ‘wow.’” In the bottomleft corner of the page, next to a stock plot ending up at 10,000,appeared the words “HUMAN ACHIEVEMENT.” If this is an achieve-ment worth congratulating, then we should congratulate em-ployees whenever they submit glowing self-evaluation reports.


At present there is a whiff of extravagant expectation, if not irra-tional exuberance, in the air. People are optimistic about the stockmarket. There is a lack of sobriety about its downside and the con-sequences that would ensue as a result. If the Dow were to dropto 6,000, the loss would represent something like the equivalentvalue of the entire housing stock of the United States. There wouldbe harmful and uneven effects on individuals, pension funds,college endowments, and charitable organizations.

We need to know if the price level of the stock market today, tomor-row, or on any other day is a sensible reflection of economic reality,just as we need to know as individuals what we have in our bankaccounts. This valuation is the future food on our tables andclothes on our backs, and nearly every decision to spend money todayought to be influenced by it. We need a better understanding of theforces that shape the long-run outlook for the market—and it is suchan understanding that this book is intended to provide.

Outline of This Book

After an introductory chapter placing the current stock market intohistorical context, Part I discusses precipitating events: factorsoutside the stock market, such as technology and demography, thatnevertheless shape the market’s behavior. It also covers amplify-ing mechanisms that cause these precipitating factors to have suchan outsized effect on the market. These mechanisms can reinforceconfidence in the market despite its already high price by creatingsituations in which price changes cause further price changes, thusbeginning the speculative bubble.

Part II introduces cultural factors that further reinforce the struc-ture of the speculative bubble. These factors include accounts ofthe economy that contend that it has moved into a “new era” thatmakes it impervious to downside forces, accounts that are ampli-fied by the news media. Examples of similar “new era” thinkingat each of the previous market peaks in the twentieth century arerecounted, as are numerous examples from other countries.

Part III discusses the evidence we have collected about the psy-chological anchors and herd behavior that further define the spec-ulative bubble.

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Part IV investigates attempts on the part of academic and pop-ular thinkers to rationalize the recent market levels through, forexample, the efficient markets theory and the “learning” of certain“facts” about the behavior of the market.

Part V analyzes the implications of the current speculativebubble for individual investors, institutions, and governments. Sev-eral prescriptions for urgently needed policy changes are offered,as are suggestions for ways in which individual investors canlower their exposure to the consequences of a “burst” bubble.



Jeremy Siegel, while clearly notagreeing with me on all points,

urged me to set down my ideas in this book. He is its real instigator.Jeremy has been a lifelong friend. Our families regularly vacationtogether, and I learned a distinctive approach to finance from himwhile strolling the beach together or watching our children fish.

John Campbell, my former student, then co-author on a dozenscholarly papers on financial markets, and for years a close friend,has been my intellectual other half in formulating many of the ideasthat led to this book. My original work on volatility in financial mar-kets was refined and significantly advanced with his collaboration.He has also offered many helpful suggestions for this book and com-ments on the manuscript.

Peter Dougherty, my editor at Princeton University Press, hasbeen an extremely important formative influence on the book,helping to define the fundamental aspects of its structure. He hasbeen a great colleague and more—really almost a collaborator. PeterStrupp of Princeton Editorial Associates was an unusually helpfulcopy editor.

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I was fortunate to have several excellent research assistants tohelp me during the writing. Peter Fabrizio unearthed the truth aboutmany of the historical events discussed. Yuanfeng Hou performedcareful data analysis. Luis Mancilla was a skillful fact finder.Steven Pawliczek was the source of many important ideas.

I am also blessed with a number of friends and colleagues whor*ad drafts of the manuscript and provided extensive comments:Stefano Athanasoulis, John Geanakoplos, William Konigsberg,Stephen Morris, Sharon Oster, Jay Ritter, Martin Shubik, andJames Tobin.

My colleagues at the Cowles Foundation for Research in Eco-nomics at Yale University—Donald Brown, Stefan Krieger, andWilliam Nordhaus—have been a great help. I must also take thisoccasion to express gratitude to our late founder, Alfred CowlesIII, an investment manager in the early part of this century andpatron of mathematical economics, who tabulated the pre-1926 div-idend and earnings data used in this book.

Help from my colleagues at the new Yale International Centerfor Finance—its director, William Goetzmann, as well as ZhiwuChen, Roger Ibbotson, Ivo Welch, and Jeffrey Wurgler—is alsoacknowledged. Roger, who is currently giving talks entitled “Dow100,000” and predicting a brilliant future for the stock market, hasbeen a willing foil for my ideas.

Support from my colleagues at Case Shiller Weiss, Inc.—itspresident, Allan Weiss, as well as Karl Case, Neel Krishnaswami,and Terry Loebs—is much appreciated. As a team, they are attempt-ing to put into practice some of the improvements to our society’srisk management institutions that I describe at the end of this book.

I am grateful to the Russell Sage Foundation for sponsoring thebehavioral finance workshops that Richard Thaler and I havebeen organizing for the past ten years at the National Bureau ofEconomic Research. The term behavioral finance refers to researchon financial markets that takes into account the details of humanbehavior, including human psychology and sociology. This bookbenefits immeasurably from the work of the many scholars in theemerging field of behavioral finance, which is now beginning totake a solid place in university finance departments.


The U.S. National Science Foundation has supported much ofmy basic research on financial markets. Their continuing supportof my work for over twenty years now has enabled me to focusattention on issues independent of financial pressures.

I am also grateful to Brad Barber, Scott Boorman, David Colan-der, Ray Fair, Peter Garber, Jeffrey Garten, Trevor Greetham, StefanKrieger, Ricky Lam, Benoit Mercereau, Stephen Morris, WilliamNordhaus, John Rey, Colin Robertson, and Mark Warshawsky forhelpful discussions, and to my assistant Carol Copeland and typistGlena Ames for much help. Yoshiro Tsutsui of Osaka Universityand Fumiko Kon-Ya of the Japanese Securities Research Institute havecollaborated with me for the last dozen years on questionnaire sur-vey research exploring investor attitudes in Japan as well as theUnited States. Help from Josephine Rinaldi and Walt Smietana atCompuMail has been much appreciated. I should certainly alsothank the numerous investors who have taken the time to fill outquestionnaires for me.

To my wife, Virginia Shiller, who is a clinical psychologist, I owefundamental gratitude for getting me really interested in psy-chology and convincing me of its importance in economics. She hasgiven the most careful reading and criticism to the entire book andhas helped me greatly in articulating my ideas. She also kept thehome fires burning while I spent long days and nights working.

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The Stock Market Levelin Historical Perspective

When Alan Greenspan, chair-man of the Federal Reserve

Board in Washington, used the term irrational exuberance to describethe behavior of stock market investors in an otherwise staid speechon December 5, 1996, the world fixated on those words. Stock mar-kets dropped precipitously. In Japan, the Nikkei index dropped3.2%; in Hong Kong, the Hang Seng dropped 2.9%; and in Germany,the DAX dropped 4%. In London, the FT-SE 100 index was down4% at one point during the day, and in the United States, the DowJones Industrial Average was down 2.3% near the beginning of trad-ing. The words irrational exuberance quickly became Greenspan’smost famous quote—a catch phrase for everyone who follows themarket.

Why did the world react so strongly to these words? One viewis that they were considered simply as evidence that the FederalReserve would soon tighten monetary policy, and the world wasmerely reacting to revised forecasts of the Board’s likely actions.But that cannot explain why the public still remembers irrationalexuberance so well years later. I believe that the reaction to thesewords reflects the public’s concern that the markets may indeed


have been bid up to unusually high and unsustainable levelsunder the influence of market psychology. Greenspan’s wordssuggest the possibility that the stock market will drop—or at leastbecome a less promising investment.

History certainly gives credence to this concern. In the balanceof this chapter, we study the historical record. Although the dis-cussion in this chapter gets pretty detailed, I urge you to follow itsthread, for the details place today’s situation in a useful, and quiterevealing, context.

Market Heights

By historical standards, the U.S. stock market has soared to ex-tremely high levels in recent years. These results have created a senseamong the investing public that such high valuations, and evenhigher ones, will be maintained in the foreseeable future. Yet if thehistory of high market valuations is any guide, the public may bevery disappointed with the performance of the stock market in com-ing years.

An unprecedented increase just before the start of the new mil-lennium has brought the market to this great height. The Dow JonesIndustrial Average (from here on, the Dow for short) stood ataround 3,600 in early 1994. By 1999, it had passed 11,000, more thantripling in five years, a total increase in stock market prices of over200%. At the start of 2000, the Dow passed 11,700.

However, over the same period, basic economic indicators didnot come close to tripling. U.S. personal income and gross domes-tic product rose less than 30%, and almost half of this increase wasdue to inflation. Corporate profits rose less than 60%, and that froma temporary recession-depressed base. Viewed in the light of thesefigures, the stock price increase appears unwarranted and, certainlyby historical standards, unlikely to persist.

Large stock price increases have occurred in many other countriesat the same time. In Europe, between 1994 and 1999 the stockmarket valuations of France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and the UnitedKingdom roughly doubled. The stock market valuations of Canada,too, just about doubled, and those of Australia increased by half.

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In the course of 1999, stock markets in Asia (Hong Kong, Indone-sia, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, and South Korea) and Latin Amer-ica (Brazil, Chile, and Mexico) have made spectacular gains. But noother country of comparable size has had so large an increase since1994 as that seen in the United States.

Price increases in single-family homes have also occurred overthe same time, but significant increases have occurred in only a fewcities. Between 1994 and 1999 the total average real price increaseof homes in ten major U.S. cities was only 9%. These price increasesare tiny relative to the increase in the U.S. stock market.1

The extraordinary recent levels of U.S. stock prices, and asso-ciated expectations that these levels will be sustained or surpassedin the near future, present some important questions. We need toknow whether the current period of high stock market pricing islike the other historical periods of high pricing, that is, whether itwill be followed by poor or negative performance in coming years.We need to know confidently whether the increase that broughtus here is indeed a speculative bubble—an unsustainable increasein prices brought on by investors’ buying behavior rather than bygenuine, fundamental information about value. In short, we needto know if the value investors have imputed to the market is notreally there, so that we can readjust our planning and thinking.

A Look at the Data

Figure 1.1 shows, for the United States, the monthly real (cor-rected for inflation using the Consumer Price Index) Standard andPoor’s (S&P) Composite Stock Price Index from January 1871through January 2000 (upper curve), along with the correspond-ing series of real S&P Composite earnings (lower curve) for the sameyears.2 This figure allows us to get a truly long-term perspectiveon the U.S. stock market’s recent levels. We can see how differentlythe market has behaved recently as compared with the past. Wesee that the market has been heading up fairly uniformly ever sinceit bottomed out in July 1982. It is clearly the most dramatic bull mar-ket in U.S. history. The spiking of prices in the years 1992 through2000 has been most remarkable: the price index looks like a rocket


taking off through the top of the chart! This largest stock marketboom ever may be referred to as the millennium boom.3

Yet this dramatic increase in prices since 1982 is not matched inreal earnings growth. Looking at the figure, no such spike in earn-ings growth occurs in recent years. Earnings in fact seem to be oscil-lating around a slow, steady growth path that has persisted for overa century.

No price action quite like this has ever happened before in U.S.stock market history. There was of course the famous stock run-up of the 1920s, culminating in the 1929 crash. Figure 1.1 revealsthis boom as a cusp-shaped price pattern for those years. If one

Figure 1.1Stock Prices and Earnings, 1871–2000

Real (inflation-corrected) S&P Composite Stock Price Index, monthly, Janu-ary 1871 through January 2000 (upper series), and real S&P Composite earn-ings (lower series), January 1871 to September 1999. Source: Author’scalculations using data from S&P Statistical Service; U.S. Bureau of LaborStatistics; Cowles and associates, Common Stock Indexes; and Warren and Pear-son, Gold and Prices. See also note 2.

Real S&P Composite Stock Price Index Real S&P Composite earnings

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corrects for the market’s smaller scale then, one recognizes that thisepisode in the 1920s does resemble somewhat the recent stock mar-ket increase, but it is the only historical episode that comes evenclose to being comparable to the present boom.

There was also a dramatic run-up in the late 1950s and early1960s, culminating in a flat period for half a decade that was fol-lowed by the 1973–74 stock market debacle. But the price increaseduring this boom was certainly less dramatic than today’s.

Price Relative to Earnings

Part of the explanation for the remarkable price behavior between1990 and 2000 may have to do with somewhat unusual earnings.Many observers have remarked that earnings growth in the five-year period ending in 1997 was extraordinary: real S&P Com-posite earnings more than doubled over this interval, and sucha rapid five-year growth of real earnings has not occurred fornearly half a century. But 1992 marked the end of a recession dur-ing which earnings were temporarily depressed. Similar increasesin earnings growth have happened before following periods ofdepressed earnings from recession or depression. In fact, there wasmore than a quadrupling of real earnings from 1921 to 1926 as theeconomy emerged from the severe recession of 1921 into the pros-perous Roaring Twenties. Real earnings doubled during five-yearperiods following the depression of the 1890s, the Great Depres-sion of the 1930s, and World War II.

Figure 1.2 shows the price-earnings ratio, that is, the real (inflation-corrected) S&P Composite Index divided by the ten-year movingaverage real earnings on the index. The dates shown are monthly,January 1881 to January 2000. The price-earnings ratio is a measureof how expensive the market is relative to an objective measure ofthe ability of corporations to earn profits. I use the ten-year aver-age of real earnings for the denominator, along lines proposed byBenjamin Graham and David Dodd in 1934. The ten-year averagesmooths out such events as the temporary burst of earnings dur-ing World War I, the temporary decline in earnings during WorldWar II, or the frequent boosts and declines that we see due to thebusiness cycle.4 Note again that there is an enormous spike after


1997, when the ratio rises until it hits 44.3 by January 2000. Price-earnings ratios by this measure have never been so high. Theclosest parallel is September 1929, when the ratio hit 32.6.

In the latest data on earnings, earnings are quite high in comparisonwith the Graham and Dodd measure of long-run earnings, but noth-ing here is startlingly out of the ordinary. What is extraordinary todayis the behavior of price (as also seen in Figure 1.1), not earnings.

Other Periods of High Price Relative to Earnings

There have been three other times when the price-earnings ratio asshown in Figure 1.2 attained high values, though never as high as

Figure 1.2Price-Earnings Ratio, 1881–2000

Price-earnings ratio, monthly, January 1881 to January 2000. Numerator:real (inflation-corrected) S&P Composite Stock Price Index, January. Denom-inator: moving average over preceding ten years of real S&P Composite earn-ings. Years of peaks are indicated. Source: Author’s calculations using datafrom sources given in Figure 1.1. See also note 2.

Price-earnings ratio

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the 2000 value. The first time was in June 1901, when the price-earnings ratio reached a high of 25.2 (see Figure 1.2). This mightbe called the “Twentieth Century Peak,” since it came around thetime of the celebration of this century. (The advent of the twentiethcentury was celebrated on January 1, 1901, not January 1, 1900.)5

This peak occurred as the aftermath of a doubling of real earningswithin five years, following the U.S. economy’s emergence fromthe depression of the 1890s.6 The 1901 peak in the price-earningsratio occurred after a sudden spike in the price-earnings ratio, whichtook place between July 1900 and June 1901, an increase of 43%within eleven months. A turn-of-the-century optimism, associ-ated with expansion talk about a prosperous and high-tech future,appeared.

After 1901, there was no pronounced immediate downtrend inreal prices, but for the next decade prices bounced around or justbelow the 1901 level and then fell. By June 1920, the stock markethad lost 67% of its June 1901 real value. The average real returnin the stock market (including dividends) was 3.4% a year in thefive years following June 1901, barely above the real interest rate.The average real return (including dividends) was 4.4% a year inthe ten years following June 1901, 3.1% a year in the fifteen yearsfollowing June 1901, and –0.2% a year in the twenty years followingJune 1901.7 These are lower returns than we generally expect fromthe stock market, though had one held on into the 1920s, returnswould have improved dramatically.

The second instance of a high price-earnings ratio occurred inSeptember 1929, the high point of the market in the 1920s and thesecond-highest ratio of all time. After the spectacular bull marketof the 1920s, the ratio attained a value of 32.6. As we all know, themarket tumbled from this high, with a real drop in the S&P Indexof 80.6% by June 1932. The decline in real value was profound andlong-lasting. The real S&P Composite Index did not return to itsSeptember 1929 value until December 1958. The average real returnin the stock market (including dividends) was –13.1% a year forthe five years following September 1929, –1.4% a year for the nextten years, –0.5% a year for the next fifteen years, and 0.4% a yearfor the next twenty years.8


The third instance of a high price-earnings ratio occurred in Jan-uary 1966, when the price-earnings ratio as shown in Figure 1.2reached a local maximum of 24.1. We might call this the “Kennedy-Johnson Peak,” drawing as it did on the prestige and charisma ofPresident John Kennedy and the help of his vice-president andsuccessor Lyndon Johnson. This peak came after a dramatic bullmarket and after a five-year price surge, from May 1960, of 46%.This surge, which took the price-earnings ratio to its local maxi-mum, corresponded to a surge in earnings of 53%. The marketreacted to this earnings growth as if it expected the growth to con-tinue, but of course it did not. Real earnings increased little in thenext decade. Real prices bounced around near their January 1966peak, surpassing it somewhat in 1968 but then falling back, and realstock prices were down 56% from their January 1966 value byDecember 1974. Real stock prices would not be back up to the Jan-uary 1966 level until May 1992. The average real return in the stockmarket (including dividends) was –2.6% a year for the five years fol-lowing January 1966, –1.8% a year for the next ten years, –0.5% a yearfor the next fifteen years, and 1.9% a year for the next twenty years.

A Historical Relation between Price-Earnings Ratiosand Subsequent Long-Term Returns

Figure 1.3 is a scatter diagram showing, for January of each year1881 to 1989, on the horizontal axis, the price-earnings ratio for thatmonth, and, on the vertical axis, the annualized real (inflation-corrected) stock market return over the ten years following thatmonth. This scatter diagram allows us to see visually how well theprice-earnings ratio forecasts subsequent long-term (ten-year)returns. Only January data are shown: if all twelve months ofeach year were shown there would be so many points that the scat-ter would be unreadable. The downside of this plotting method,of course, is that by showing only January data we miss most ofthe peaks and troughs of the market. For example, we miss the peakof the market in 1929 and also miss the negative returns that fol-lowed it. The price-earnings ratio shown in Figure 1.3 is the sameas that plotted in Figure 1.2. Each year is indicated by the last two

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digits of the year number; years from the nineteenth century areindicated by an asterisk (*).

Figure 1.3 shows how the price-earnings ratio has forecastreturns, since each price-earnings ratio shown on the horizontalaxis was known at the beginning of the ten-year period. This scat-ter diagram was developed by fellow economist John Campbelland me. Plots like it, for various countries, were the centerpiece ofour testimony before the board of governors of the Federal Reserveon December 3, 1996.9

Figure 1.3Price-Earnings Ratio as Predictor of Ten-Year Returns

Scatter diagram of annualized ten-year returns against price-earnings ratios.Horizontal axis shows the price-earnings ratio (as plotted in Figure 1.2) forJanuary of the year indicated, dropping the 19 from twentieth-century yearsand dropping the 18 from nineteenth-century years and adding an asterisk(*). Vertical axis shows the geometric average real annual return per year oninvesting in the S&P Composite Index in January of the year shown, reinvestingdividends, and selling ten years later. Source: Author’s calculations using datafrom sources given in Figure 1.1. See also note 2.


The swarm of points in the scatter shows a definite tilt, slopingdown from the upper left to the lower right. The scatter shows thatin some years near the left of the scatter (such as January 1920, Jan-uary 1949, or January 1982) subsequent long-term returns have beenvery high. In some years near the right of the scatter (such as Jan-uary 1929, January 1937, or January 1966) subsequent returnshave been very low. There are also some important exceptions, suchas January 1899, which still managed to have subsequent ten-year returns as high as 5.5% a year despite a high price-earningsratio of 22.9, and January 1922, which managed to have subsequentten-year returns of only 8.7% a year despite a low price-earningsratio of 7.4. But the point of this scatter diagram is that, as a ruleand on average, years with low price-earnings ratios have been fol-lowed by high returns, and years with high price-earnings ratioshave been followed by low or negative returns.

The relation between price-earnings ratios and subsequentreturns appears to be moderately strong, though there are ques-tions about its statistical significance, since there are only abouttwelve nonoverlapping ten-year intervals in the 119 years’ worthof data. There has been substantial academic debate about the sta-tistical significance of relationships like this one, and some diffi-cult questions of statistical methodology are still being addressed.We believe, however, that the relation should be regarded asstatistically significant.10 Our confidence in the relation derivespartly from the fact that analogous relations appear to hold for othercountries and for individual stocks. Figure 1.3 confirms that long-term investors—investors who can commit their money to aninvestment for ten full years—do well when prices were low rel-ative to earnings at the beginning of the ten years and do poorlywhen prices were high at the beginning of the ten years. Long-terminvestors would be well advised, individually, to stay mostly outof the market when it is high, as it is today, and get into the mar-ket when it is low.11

The recent values of the price-earnings ratio, well over 40, are faroutside the historical range of price-earnings ratios. If one were tolocate such a price-earnings ratio on the horizontal axis, it would

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be off the chart altogether. It is a matter of judgment to say, fromthe data shown in Figure 1.3, what predicted return the relation-ship suggests over the succeeding ten years; the answer dependson whether one fits a straight line or a curve to the scatter, and sincethe 2000 price-earnings ratio is outside the historical range, the shapeof the curve can matter a lot. Suffice it to say that the diagram sug-gests substantially negative returns, on average, for the next tenyears.

Part of the reason to suspect that the relation shown in Figure 1.3is real is that, historically, when price was high relative to earningsas computed here (using a ten-year moving average of earnings),the return in terms of dividends has been low, and when pricewas low relative to earnings, the return in terms of dividends hasbeen high.12 The recent record-high price-earnings ratios have beenmatched by record-low dividend yields. In January 2000, S&Pdividends were 1.2% of price, far below the 4.7% that is the his-torical average. It is natural to suppose that when one is gettingso much lower dividends from the shares one owns, one ought toexpect to earn lower investing returns overall. The dividend is, afterall, part of the total return one gets from holding stocks (the otherpart being the capital gain), and dividends historically representthe dominant part of the average return on stocks. The reliablereturn attributable to dividends, not the less predictable portionarising from capital gains, is the main reason why stocks have onaverage been such good investments historically.

Returns from holding stocks must therefore be low when div-idends are low—unless low dividends themselves are somehowpredictors of stock market price increases, so that one can at timesof low dividends actually expect stock price to rise more than usualto offset the effects of the low dividends on returns. As a matterof historical fact, times when dividends have been low relative tostock prices have not tended to be followed by higher stock priceincreases in the subsequent five or ten years. Quite to the contrary:times of low dividends relative to stock price in the stock marketas a whole tend to be followed by price decreases (or smaller thanusual increases) over long horizons, and so returns tend to take a


double hit at such times, from both low dividend yields and pricedecreases. Thus the simple wisdom—that when one is not gettingmuch in dividends relative to the price one pays for stocks it is nota good time to buy stocks—turns out to have been right historically.

Worries about Irrational Exuberance

The news media have tired of describing the high levels of themarket, and discussion of it is usually omitted from considerationsof market outlook. And yet, deep down, people know that the mar-ket is highly priced, and they are uncomfortable about this fact.

Most people I meet, from all walks of life, are puzzled over theapparently high levels of the stock market. We are unsure whetherthe market levels make any sense, or whether they are indeed theresult of some human tendency that might be called irrational exu-berance. We are unsure whether the high levels of the stock marketmight reflect unjustified optimism, an optimism that might pervadeour thinking and affect many of our life decisions. We are unsurewhat to make of any sudden market correction, wondering if theprevious market psychology will return.

Even Alan Greenspan seems unsure. He made his “irrational exu-berance” speech two days after I had testified before him and theFederal Reserve Board that market levels were irrational, but a mereseven months later he reportedly took an optimistic “new era” posi-tion on the economy and the stock market. In fact, Greenspanhas always been very cautious in his public statements, and he hasnot committed himself to either view. A modern version of theprophets who spoke in riddles, Greenspan likes to pose questionsrather than make pronouncements. In the public exegesis of hisremarks, it is often forgotten that, when it comes to such questions,even he does not know the answers.

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Part One

Structural Factors



Precipitating Factors: The Internet,the Baby Boom, and Other Events

If the growth of the economydoes not in itself justify the

increase in the value of the stock market since 1982, then what haschanged since 1982 to cause the market to climb? What precipitatingfactors started this remarkable surge? What, in particular, hashappened since July 1997, when the price-earnings ratio passedabove its former record high, set in September 1929, and thenproceeded to move up by yet another third by the start of 2000?To answer these questions, it is not enough to say that the marketsin general are vulnerable to irrational exuberance. We must specifywhat has changed to cause the market to behave so differently fromother times.

Most historical events, from wars through revolutions, do nothave simple causes. When these events move in extreme directions,as price-earnings ratios have in the recent stock market, it is usu-ally because of a confluence of factors, none of which is by itselflarge enough to explain these events.

Rome wasn’t built in a day, nor was it destroyed by one suddenbolt of bad fortune. More likely, it owed its fall to a plurality offactors—some large and some small, some remote and some

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immediate—that conspired together. This ambiguity is unsatisfyingto those of us seeking scientific certitude, especially given that itis so hard to identify and isolate the precipitating factors to beginwith. But that is the nature of history, and such ambiguity justifiesthe constant search for new and better information to expose at leastthe overall contours of causation.

Recognizing these limitations, let us look at a list of factors—twelve of them—that may help explain the present speculative mar-ket. These factors make up the skin of the bubble, if you will. Iconcentrate here mostly on factors that have had an effect on the marketthat is not warranted by rational analysis of economic fundamentals. Thelist omits consideration of all the small variations in fundamentalfactors (e.g., the growth in earnings, the change in real interest rates)that should rationally have an impact on financial markets. In morenormal times or in markets for individual stocks, such rational fac-tors would assume relatively greater prominence in any discussionof changes in prices. Indeed it is thanks to a market’s ability torespond appropriately to such factors, for a variety of invest-ments, that well-functioning financial markets generally promote,rather than hinder, economic efficiency.1 The list of factors here wasconstructed specifically to help us understand the extraordinaryrecent situation in the stock market, and so it concentrates on lessrational influences.

In detailing these twelve factors, I describe the reaction of thegeneral public, not just of professional investment managers.Some observers believe that professional investment managers aremore sensible and work to offset the irrational exuberance of the non-professional investing public. Therefore these observers mightargue that a sharp distinction should be drawn between the behav-ior of the professionals and the nonprofessionals.2 Professionalinvestors, however, are not immune from the effects of the popu-lar investing culture that we observe in individual investors, andmany of the factors described here no doubt influence their think-ing as well. There is in fact no clear distinction between professionalinstitutional investors and individual investors, since the profes-sionals routinely give advice to the individual investors.


Some of these factors exist in the background of the market,including the revolution in information technology, a linking ofpatriotic feeling with supposed “victory” over foreign economicrivals, increased emphasis on business success, the political shiftin support of business, the demographics of the Baby Boom, thedecline of inflation and the economics of money illusion, and therise of gambling and pleasure in risk taking in general. Others oper-ate in the foreground and shape the changing culture of invest-ment. These include greatly increased media coverage of business,the aggressively optimistic forecasts of stock analysts, the rise of401(k) plans, the mutual funds explosion, and the expanding vol-ume of trade.

Despite their varied origins, these twelve factors have somethingin common: they have contributed to the self-fulfilling psychologyof a roaring stock market. It is this self-fulfilling psychology that—at least for now—binds the bubble.

The Arrival of the Internet at aTime of Solid Earnings Growth

The Internet and the World Wide Web have invaded our homesduring the second half of the 1990s, making us intimately consciousof the pace of technological change. The World Wide Web firstappeared in the news in November 1993. The Mosaic Web browserfirst became available to the public in February 1994. These datesmark the very beginning of the World Wide Web, when only afew people had access to it. Large numbers of users did not dis-cover the Web until 1997 and later, marking the very years whenthe NASDAQ stock price index (which is heavily weighted towardhigh-tech stocks) soared, tripling to the beginning of 2000, and price-earnings ratios took off into unprecedented territory.

Internet technology is unusual in that it is a source of enter-tainment and preoccupation for us all, indeed for the whole fam-ily. In this sense, it is comparable in importance to the personalcomputer or, before that, to television. In fact, the impression itconveys of a changed future is even more vivid than that produced

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when televisions or personal computers entered the home. Usingthe Internet gives people a sense of mastery of the world. They canelectronically roam the world and accomplish tasks that would havebeen impossible before. They can even put up a Web site andbecome a factor in the world economy themselves in previouslyunimaginable ways. In contrast, the advent of television made thempassive receivers of entertainment, and personal computers wereused by most people before the Internet mainly as typewriters andhigh-tech pinball machines.

Because of the vivid and immediate personal impression theInternet makes, people find it plausible to assume that it also hasgreat economic importance. It is much easier to imagine the con-sequences of advances in this technology than the consequencesof, say, improved shipbuilding technology or new developmentsin materials science. Most of us simply do not hear much aboutresearch in those areas.

Spectacular U.S. corporate earnings growth in 1994, up 36% inreal terms as measured by the S&P Composite real earnings, fol-lowed by real earnings growth of 8% in 1995 and 10% in 1996, coin-cided roughly with the Internet’s birth but in fact had little to dowith the Internet. Instead the earnings growth was attributed byanalysts to a continuation of the slow recovery from the 1990–91recession, coupled with a weak dollar and strong foreign demandfor U.S. capital and technology exports, as well as cost-cutting ini-tiatives by U.S. companies. It could not have been the Internet thatcaused the growth in profits: the fledgling Internet companieswere not making much of a profit yet, and indeed they still are not.But the occurrence of profit growth coincident with the appearanceof a new technology as dramatic as the Internet can easily createan impression among the general public that the two events aresomehow connected. Publicity linking these twin factors wasespecially strong with the advent of the new millennium—a timeof much optimistic discussion of the future.

The Internet is, of course, an important technological advancein its own right, and it, as well as other developments in computertechnology and robotics, does promise to have an unpredictableand powerful impact on our future. But we may question what


impact the Internet and the computer revolution should have onthe valuation of existing corporations. New technology will alwayshave an impact on the market, but should it really raise the valueof existing companies, given that those existing companies donot have a monopoly on the new technology?3 Should the adventof the Internet raise the valuation of the Dow Jones IndustrialAverage—which until very recently contained no Internet stocks?4

The notion that existing companies will benefit from the Inter-net revolution is belied by the stories of E*,,and other upstarts, who did not even exist just a few years ago. Stillmore new companies will appear in the future, in the UnitedStates and abroad, and these will compete with the companies inwhich we invest today. Simply put, the effect of new technologyon existing companies could go either way: it could boost ordepress their profits.

What matters for a stock market boom is not, however, thereality of the Internet revolution, which is hard to discern, but ratherthe public impressions that the revolution creates. Public reaction isinfluenced by the intuitive plausibility of Internet lore, and this plau-sibility is ultimately influenced by the ease with which examplesor arguments come to mind. If we are regularly spending time onthe Internet, then these examples will come to mind very easily.

Triumphalism and the Decline of Foreign Economic Rivals

Since the end of the cold war most other countries have seemed tobe imitating the Western economic system. Communist China hasbeen embracing market forces since the late 1970s. Increasing tol-erance of free markets within the Soviet Union culminated with thebreakup of that nation in 1991 into smaller, market-oriented states.The world seems to be swinging our way, and therefore it starts toseem only natural that confidence in the premier capitalist systemwould translate into confidence in the market, and that the U.S. stockmarket should be the most highly valued in the world.

These political events have unfolded gradually since the bull mar-ket began in 1982. The intervening years have also seen the declinein the Japanese market after 1989, the prolonged economic slump

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in Japan, and the Asian financial crisis of 1997–98, which coincidedroughly with the dramatic burst of the U.S. stock market intouncharted territory at the end of the millennium. These foreignevents might have been viewed as ominous developments forthe U.S. stock market, as the harbinger of what bad things couldhappen here, but instead they were seen by many as the weakeningof major rivals. The relation between the United States and its eco-nomic rivals is often described in the media as a competition inwhich there can only be one winner, as in a sports event. Theweakening of a rival is thus viewed simplistically, as good news.

The triumphalism is associated with patriotic feeling. Of course,patriotic self-congratulation has long been in evidence in dis-cussions of the stock market. In the 1990s Merrill Lynch used theslogan “We’re Bullish on America.” In the 1950s, the New YorkStock Exchange used the slogan “Take Stock in America.” Popu-lar slogans during the bull market of the 1920s were “Be a Bullon America” and “Never Sell the United States Short.” But whilesuch patriotic associations have long been with us, the associationsassume more prominence after a perceived economic victory.Extensive public discussion of perennial economic problems,which we may hear after the country feels humbled by failures,seems out of bounds after a triumph.

Cultural Changes Favoring BusinessSuccess or the Appearance Thereof

The bull market has been accompanied by a significant rise in mate-rialistic values. A Roper-Starch questionnaire survey in both 1975and 1994 asked, “When you think of the good life—the life you’dlike to have, which of the things on this list, if any, are part of thatgood life, as far as you personally are concerned?” In 1975, 38%picked “a lot of money,” whereas in 1994 fully 63% did.5

Materialistic values do not by themselves have any logical bear-ing on the level of the stock market. Whether or not people are mate-rialistic, it is still reasonable to expect them to save for the futureand to seek out the best vehicles for their savings. But it is plau-sible that such feelings would influence their demand for stocks,


which have long held out at least the possibility of amassing sub-stantial and quick riches. Such feelings have transformed our cul-ture into one that reveres the successful businessperson as muchas or even more than the accomplished scientist, artist, or revolu-tionary. The idea that investing in stocks is a road to quick richeshas a certain appeal to born-again materialists.

In the late 1980s and early 1990s, downsizing (the movement torelease surplus staff and the consequent decline in job security) ledto a change in the way people viewed their lives. The experienceof being laid off, or at least of knowing others who had been, wasoften viewed as a violation of an implicit pact of loyalty betweenemployee and employer. Such an experience encouraged workersto take control of their own lives and to rely less on employers, tobecome in effect economic entities unto themselves, rather thanparts of a larger economic organization.

Labor unions have long been in decline: the fraction of wage andsalary workers who were union members fell to 13.9% in 1998,down from 20.1% in 1983.6 The reasons for the decline are con-troversial, but a key factor appears to be an erosion of solidarityand loyalty among workers, an attitude that has come to be re-placed by an individual business-success ethic. By pursuingspeculative investments, people in effect create for themselves asecond job—one where they are, at last, their own boss. And inmany cases it is a job that seems to provide a source of income—income derived from one’s direct interaction with the world at large,not as part of an organization.

Firms have tilted their compensation packages for manage-ment away from fixed salaries toward participation, as investors,in the firm. By 1998, employee stock options had reached 6.2% ofthe outstanding shares in a sample of 144 of the largest S&P 500firms.7 With such options—which hold out the promise of sub-stantial wealth if the stock price rises above the exercise price ofthe options—management has an incentive to do everything theycan to boost share prices. They have an incentive to maintain anappearance of corporate success, an image of the company as work-ing toward a brilliant future. They have an incentive to undertakecorporate initiatives whenever they think the market will respond

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to them, even if they themselves are doubtful of the value of theseinitiatives. For example, managers the world over have of late beenscratching their heads to figure out how they can redefine their firmsas Internet companies because of the high market valuation such com-panies currently enjoy. This headlong rush to achieve dot-com sta-tus may lead them to undertake new and costly Internet-relatedinvestments with little concern for their long-run consequences.

Managers holding incentive options also have an unusual incen-tive to substitute share repurchases for a portion of the dividendpayout, since the direct effect of such a substitution is to increasethe value of the managers’ options. Between 1994 and 1998, the 144firms mentioned earlier repurchased on average 1.9% of their out-standing shares each year, more than offsetting the 0.9% of sharesissued per year, largely to meet the exercise of employee options.8

This level of substituting share repurchasing for dividends aloneshould have boosted share prices by a few percentage points.9

A Republican Congress and Capital Gains Tax Cuts

When Ronald Reagan was elected in 1980, so too was a Republi-can Senate, the first since 1948. In 1994, the House went to theRepublicans as well. Sensing the changed public attitudes that hadelected them, these lawmakers were much more pro-businessthan their Democratic predecessors. This change in Congress hasboosted public confidence in the stock market, because of a varietyof controls that the legislature can exert over corporate profitsand investor returns.

Consider taxation. No sooner had the Republican Congress beenseated in 1995 than proposals to cut the capital gains tax becameprominent. In 1997, the top capital gains tax rate was cut from 28%to 20%. After this cut had been enacted, Congress talked of cuttingrates further. A 1999 tax bill would have cut capital gains taxes stillfurther, had President Clinton not vetoed it.

Anticipation of possible future capital gains tax cuts can havea favorable impact on the stock market, even when tax rates actu-ally remain unchanged. From 1994 to 1997, investors were widelyadvised to hold on to their long-term capital gains, not to realize


them, until after the capital gains tax cut. This had a strengthen-ing effect on the market. At the time of the 1997 capital gains taxcut, there was fear that investors who had been waiting to sell woulddo so and bring the market down, as had apparently happened aftercapital gains tax cuts in 1978 and 1980. But this did not happen in1997. Of course, many investors must have thought there could bean even more favorable capital gains tax rate in their future, andif so there would have been no reason to sell right after the 1997cut took effect.

It is likely that the general atmosphere of public talk of futurecapital gains tax cuts, of possible indexing of capital gains taxesto inflation, and of analogous tax cuts such as estate tax cuts hascreated among investors a reluctance to sell their appreciatedstocks. If capital gains tax rates may be cut sharply in the future,why sell when the rates are as high as 20%? Having been advisedby experts to wait and see about capital gains tax cuts, manyinvestors could be expected to defer sales of appreciated assets untilwe are more clearly at a historic low in capital gains tax rates. Suchan atmosphere of holding, not folding, naturally places upwardpressure on stock prices.

The Baby Boom and Its Perceived Effects on the Market

Following World War II, there was a substantial increase in the birthrate in the United States. Peacetime prosperity encouraged thosewho had postponed families because of the depression and the warto have children. There were also postwar birth rate increases inthe United Kingdom, France, and Japan, but they were not asprotracted or strong as that in the United States, no doubt at leastin part because the economies of those nations were in such dis-array after the war. Then, around 1966, the growth of U.S. and worldpopulation showed a dramatic decline, one that continues to thisday. This decline was unusual, if not unique, by historical standards:it did not occur because of famine or war, but rather because of anendogenous decline in the fertility rate.10

Advances in birth control technology (the pill was invented in1959 and became widely available by the mid-1960s in the United

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States and many other countries) and social changes that acceptedthe legality of contraception and abortion were instrumental in low-ering the rate of population growth, as were growing urbanizationand advances in education and economic aspiration levels. Nowthe Baby Boom and the subsequent Baby Bust have created alooming social security crisis in many countries of the world:when the Boomers grow old and finally retire, the number of youngworking people available to support the elderly population willdecline worldwide.11

The Baby Boom in the United States was marked by very highbirth rates during the years 1946–66, and so there are in the year2000 (and will be for some time) an unusually large number ofpeople between the ages of 35 and 55. Two theories suggest thatthe presence of so many middle-aged people ought to boost to-day’s stock market. One theory justifies the high price-earningsratios we see today as the result of those Boomers’ competingagainst each other to buy stocks to save for their eventual retire-ment and bidding share prices up relative to the earnings they gen-erate. According to the other theory, it is spending on currentgoods and services that boosts stocks, through a generalized pos-itive effect on the economy: high expenditures mean high profitsfor companies.

These simple Baby Boom stories are just a bit too simple. For onething, they neglect to consider when the Baby Boom should affectthe stock market. Maybe the effect of the Baby Boom has alreadybeen factored into stock prices by investors. They also neglect suchfactors as the emergence of new capitalist economies worldwideand their demand, in another twenty years, for U.S. stocks. Thetheory that the Baby Boom drives the market up owing to Boomers’demand for goods would seem to imply that the market is highbecause earnings are high; it would not explain today’s high price-earnings ratios.

If life-cycle savings patterns (the first effect) alone were to be thedominant force in the markets for savings vehicles, there wouldtend to be strong correlations in price behavior across alternativeasset classes, and strong correlations over time between asset pricesand demographics. When the most numerous generation feels


they need to save, they would tend to bid up all savings vehicles:stocks, bonds, and real estate. When the most numerous genera-tion feels they need to draw down their savings, their selling wouldtend to force down the prices of all these vehicles. But when onelooks at long-term data on stocks, bonds, and real estate, one findsthat there has in fact been very little relation between their real val-ues.12 Possibly these differences across asset classes could still bereconciled with a Baby Boom theory, by postulating that peoplein different age groups have different attitudes toward risk becauseof age-related differences in risk tolerance, that the stock market isrelatively high now because the numerous people in their fortiestoday are naturally less risk averse than older people. But such atheory has never been carefully worked out or shown to explainrelative price movements. It is also noteworthy that the personalsavings rate in the United States has recently been nearly zero, notsignificantly positive, as the life-cycle theory might suggest. Ofcourse, one might argue that were it not for the Baby Boom, theeffect of the high stock market would have been to make savings,as measured, strongly negative, since the capital gains on stockswould be considered income not included in the national income,income that people could normally be expected to spend from.13

Another theory as to why Boomers may be less risk averse is thatthe Boomers, who have no memory of the Great Depression of the1930s or of World War II, have less anxiety about the market andthe world. There is indeed some evidence that shared experiencesin formative years leave a mark forever on a generation’s attitudes.14

Over the course of the bull market since 1982, Boomers have grad-ually replaced as prime investors those who were teens or youngadults during the depression and the war.

Although there is no doubt at least some truth to these theoriesof the Baby Boom’s effects on the stock market, it may be publicperceptions of the Baby Boom and its presumed effects that are mostresponsible for the surge in the market. The impact of the BabyBoom is one of the most talked-about issues relating to the stockmarket, and all this talk in and of itself has the potential to affectstock market value. People believe that the Baby Boom representsan important source of strength for the market today, and they do

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not see this strength faltering any time soon. These public per-ceptions contribute to a feeling that there is a good reason for themarket to be high and a confidence that it will stay that way forsome time to come. Congratulating themselves on their clevernessin understanding and betting on these population trends in theirstock market investments, many investors fail to appreciate just howcommon their thinking really is. Their perceptions fuel the con-tinuing upward spiral in market valuations.

The most prominent exponent of the Baby Boom theory of thestock market has been Harry S. Dent. He began with a 1992 bookentitled The Great Boom Ahead: Your Comprehensive Guide to Personaland Business Profit in the New Era of Prosperity, which was so suc-cessful that he has written several sequels. His 1998 book, The Roar-ing 2000s: Building the Wealth & Lifestyle You Desire in the GreatestBoom in History, was on the New York Times best-seller list for fourweeks in 1998. His 1999 book, The Roaring 2000s Investor: Strategiesfor the Life You Want, is as of this writing ranked within the top 100in sales among all books according to This book pre-dicts that the stock market will continue to boom until 2009, whenthe number of people who are 46 starts to decline, and then the mar-ket will drop.

Dent’s success with the Baby Boom theme has predictablyspawned a number of imitators—all extolling the wonderfulopportunities now to get rich in the stock market—with titles likeBoomernomics: The Future of Your Money in the Upcoming GenerationalWarfare by William Sterling and Stephen Waite (1998) and Boom, Bust& Echo: How to Profit from the Coming Demographic Shift by DavidK. Foot and Daniel Stoffman (1996). Discussions of the Baby Boomand its effects on the stock market are everywhere, and their gen-eral tone is that the Boom is good for the stock market now andwill be for years to come.

An Expansion in Media Reporting of Business News

The first all-news television station, the Cable News Network(CNN), appeared in 1980 and gradually grew, with viewership


boosted by such events as the Gulf War in 1991 and the O. J.Simpson trial in 1995, both stories that fueled great demand for un-interrupted coverage. The public acquired the habit of watchingthe news on television throughout the day (and night), not simplyat the dinner hour. CNN was followed by the business networks.The Financial News Network, founded in 1983, was later absorbedinto CNBC. Then came CNNfn and Bloomberg Television. Together,these networks produced an uninterrupted stream of financialnews, much of it devoted to the stock market. So pervasive was theirinfluence that traditional brokerage firms found it necessary to keepCNBC running in the lower corners of their brokers’ computerscreens. So many clients would call to ask about something theyhad just heard on the networks that brokers (who were supposedto be too busy working to watch television!) began to seem behindthe curve.

Not merely the scope but also the nature of business reportinghas changed in recent years. According to a study by RichardParker, a senior fellow at Harvard University’s Shorenstein Cen-ter, newspapers in the past twenty years have transformed theirformerly staid business sections into enhanced “Money” sections,which dispense useful tips about personal investing. Articlesabout individual corporations that used to be written as if theywould be of interest only to those involved in the industry or thecorporations themselves now are written with a slant toward profitopportunities for individual investors. Articles about corporationsregularly include analysts’ opinions of the implications of thenews for investors.15

Such enhanced business reporting leads to increased demandfor stocks, just as advertisem*nts for a consumer product makepeople more familiar with the product, remind them of the optionto buy, and ultimately motivate them to buy. Most advertising isreally not the presentation of important facts about the product butmerely a reminder of the product and its image. Given the height-ened media coverage of investments, a stock market boom shouldcome as no greater surprise than increased sales of the latest sportsutility vehicle after a major ad campaign.

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Analysts’ Increasingly Optimistic Forecasts

According to data from Zacks Investment Research about analysts’recommendations on some 6,000 companies, only 1.0% of recom-mendations were “sells” in late 1999 (while 69.5% were “buys” and29.9% were “holds”). This situation stands in striking contrast tothat indicated by previous data. Ten years earlier, the fraction ofsells, at 9.1%, was nine times higher.16

Analysts are now reluctant to recommend that investors sellanything. One reason often given for this reluctance is that a sellrecommendation might incur the wrath of the company involved.Companies can retaliate by refusing to talk with analysts whomthey view as submitting negative reports, excluding them frominformation sessions, and not offering them access to key execu-tives as they prepare earnings forecasts. This situation representsa change in the fundamental culture of the investment industry,and in the tacit understanding that recommendations are as objec-tive as the analyst can make them.

Another reason that many analysts are reluctant to issue sell rec-ommendations is that an increasing number of them are employedby firms that underwrite securities, and these firms do not wanttheir analysts to do anything that might jeopardize this lucrativeside of the business. Analysts affiliated with investment banks givesignificantly more favorable recommendations on firms for whichtheir employer is the co- or lead underwriter than do unaffiliatedanalysts, even though their earnings forecasts are not usuallystronger.17

Those who know the ropes realize that today’s hold recommen-dation is more like the sell recommendation of yesteryear. Accord-ing to James Grant, a well-known market commentator, “Honestywas never a profit center on Wall Street, but the brokers used tokeep up appearances. Now they have stopped pretending. Morethan ever, securities research, as it is called, is a branch of sales.Investor, beware.”18

Analysts’ recommendations have been transformed by somethinganalogous to grade inflation in our schools: C used to be an aver-age grade, yet now it is considered as bordering on failure. Many


of us know that such inflation happens, and we try to correct forit in interpreting our children’s grades. Similarly, in the market wefactor inflation into analysts’ recommendations. But not everyoneis going to make adequate corrections for analysts’ newly hyper-bolic language, and so the general effect of their changed standardswill be to encourage the higher valuation of stocks.

Moreover, it is not just a change in the units of measurement thatinfects analysts’ reports. Even their quantitative forecasts of earn-ings growth show an upward bias. According to a study bySteven Sharpe of the Federal Reserve Board, analysts’ expectationsof growth in the S&P 500 earnings per share exceeded actual growthin sixteen of the eighteen years between 1979 and 1996. The aver-age difference between the projected and actual growth rate ofearnings was 9 percentage points. The analysts breezed throughboth the steep recession of 1980–81 and the recession of 1990–91making forecasts of earnings growth in the 10% range.19

This bias in analysts’ forecasts is a characteristic of their one-yearforecasts; they are usually more sober in predicting the next earn-ings announcement just before it is released. Analysts tend tocomply with firms’ wishes to see positive earnings surprises eachquarter, by issuing estimates that fall slightly short of the actualnumber. Firms may, just before making earnings announcements,talk with analysts whose forecasts are on the high side, urging themdown, while neglecting to talk with analysts whose forecasts areon the low side, thereby creating a downward bias in the averageearnings forecast without being blatantly untruthful.20 Casualevaluation of analysts’ forecasts by clients would most naturallytake the form of comparing the latest earnings announcement withthe latest forecast, and therefore analysts do not sharply over-estimate earnings just before they are announced, which would bean obvious embarrassment to them.

Analysts’ upward bias comes to the fore in predicting the vague,undifferentiated future, not immediate quarterly or yearly outcomes.And it is expectations for the vague, undifferentiated future, evenfar beyond one-year forecasts, that lie behind the high marketvaluations we see. Analysts have few worries about being uniformlyoptimistic regarding the distant future; they have concluded that

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such generalized optimism is simply good for business. Certainlythey perceive that their fellow analysts are demonstrating such long-run optimism, and there is, after all, safety in numbers. Glibly androutinely offering “great-outlook-for-the-U.S.” patter to the invest-ing public, they perhaps give little thought to its accuracy.

The Expansion of Defined Contribution Pension Plans

Changes over time in the nature of employee pension plans haveencouraged people to learn about, and eventually accept, stocksas investments. Although these changes do not technically favorstocks over other investments for retirement, they have—by forc-ing people to make explicit choices among their retirement invest-ments, choices that previously were made for them—worked inthe direction of encouraging investment in stocks. Making suchchoices teaches people about stocks and increases their level offamiliarity with them.

The most revolutionary change in these institutions in theUnited States has been the expansion of defined contribution pen-sion plans at the expense of defined benefit plans. An importantmilestone came in 1981, when the first 401(k) plan was created; itwas soon ratified by a landmark ruling by the Internal RevenueService.21 Prior to that date, employer pension plans had usuallybeen of the defined benefit type, in which the employer merelypromised a fixed pension to its employees when they retired.Reserves to pay the defined benefit were managed by the employer.With 401(k) plans (as well as such analogues as 403(b) plans),employees are offered the opportunity to have contributions to atax-deferred retirement account deducted from their paychecks.They then own the investments in their 401(k) accounts and mustallocate them among stocks, bonds, and money market accounts.The tax law encourages employers to make matching contributionsto their employees’ 401(k) accounts, so there is a powerful incen-tive for employees to participate.

Various factors have also encouraged the growth of defined con-tribution pension plans since the bottom of the market in 1982. Laborunions have traditionally sought defined benefit plans for their


members as a way of ensuring their welfare in retirement, and thedecline of unions has meant diminishing support for these plans.The importance of the manufacturing sector, long a stronghold oflabor unions and defined benefit pensions, has shrunk. Definedbenefit plans have also become less popular with management,because so-called overfunded plans sometimes make companiesvulnerable to takeovers. Defined contribution plans are seen as lesscostly to administer than defined benefit plans. Moreover, definedcontribution plans have become more popular with those employ-ees who like to monitor their investments, and therefore compa-nies have tended to offer the plans to all employees.

Through these tax incentives for participation in plans offeringchoices between stocks and bonds, the government has forced work-ing people to learn about the advantages of stocks versus bondsor money market investments. Any incentive to learn about aninvestment vehicle is likely to boost demand for it. In 1954, whenthe New York Stock Exchange carried out a marketing study tounderstand how to promote public interest in the stock market, itconcluded that most people did not know very much about stocks:only 23% of the public even knew enough to define what a shareis. Moreover, the survey revealed a vague public distrust of the stockmarket.22 So the exchange held a series of public informationseminars to try to remedy this lack of knowledge and this preju-dice against stocks as an investment. But no set of seminars thatthe exchange could ever afford could compare with the learning-by-doing effects of the defined contribution plan in encouragingpublic knowledge about and interest in stocks.

If one’s attention to the stock market is filtered through the lensof a pension plan, it may encourage longer-term thinking. The statedpurpose of a 401(k) plan is to prepare for retirement, which is, formost workers, many years away. A 401(k) plan sponsor does notcall participants with tips about short-run investment opportuni-ties, and statements about portfolio value are mailed out onlyinfrequently. The participant cannot check his or her portfolio valueevery day in the newspaper. This longer-term thinking may booststock market valuations by diverting investors from preoccupa-tion with short-term fluctuations.

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Encouraging longer-term thinking among investors is probably,all in all, a good thing. But an additional effect of 401(k) plans asthey are structured today may be to boost demand for stocks fur-ther through another psychological mechanism. By offering mul-tiple stock market investment categories for employees to chooseamong, employers can create demand for stocks. An effect ofcategories on ultimate investment choices was demonstrated byeconomists Shlomo Benartzi and Richard Thaler. They found,using both experimental data and data on actual pension fund allo-cations, that people tend to spread their allocations evenly over theavailable options, without regard to the contents of the options. Forexample, if a 401(k) plan offers a choice of a stock fund and a bondfund, many people will put 50% of their contributions into each.If the plan instead offers a choice between a stock fund and a bal-anced fund (with, say, 50% stocks and 50% bonds in it) thenpeople will still tend to put 50% into each, even though they arenow really putting 75% of their portfolio into stocks.23

The options offered as part of 401(k) plans tend to be heavilyweighted in favor of stocks. In contrast, most 401(k) plans do nothave any real estate options; only one plan, that offered by TIAA-CREF, has an option for genuine, direct investment in real estate.In this way the growth of 401(k) plans has encouraged the growthof public interest in the stock market relative to the real estatemarket. Indeed the typical 401(k) plan today offers choices amonga stock fund, a balanced fund (typically 60% stocks and 40% bonds),company stock (investments in the employer itself), possibly aspecialized stock fund such as a growth fund, a bond fund, and amoney market fund, as well as fixed-income guaranteed investmentcontracts. It is not surprising, from the findings of the Benartzi andThaler study, that people put proportionately more into the stockfunds, given that so many stock-related choices are laid out beforethem. Moreover, since there are more interesting “flavors” ofstocks—just as, in the corner liquor store, there are more varietiesof wine than of vodka—more attention is likely to be drawn to them.

It is in such subtle ways that the interest value or curiosity valueof stocks, not any kind of rational decision-making process, encour-ages investors to want to buy more of them than they otherwise


would. And this seemingly unconscious interest has helped bid upthe price of the stock market.

The Growth of Mutual Funds

The stock market boom has coincided with a peculiar growth spurtin the mutual fund industry and a proliferation of advertising formutual funds. In 1982, at the beginning of the recent long-term bullmarket, there were only 340 equity mutual funds in the UnitedStates. By 1998, there were 3,513—more equity mutual funds thanstocks listed on the New York Stock Exchange. In 1982, there were6.2 million equity mutual fund shareholder accounts in the UnitedStates, about one for every ten U.S. families. By 1998, there were119.8 million such shareholder accounts, or nearly two accountsper family.24

Mutual funds are a new name for an old idea. Investment com-panies arose in the United States as early as the 1820s, though thesewere not called mutual funds.25 The Massachusetts InvestorsTrust, generally regarded as the first mutual fund, was created in1924. It was different from the other investment trusts in that it pub-lished its portfolio, promised prudent investment policies, and wasself-liquidating when investors demanded cash for their invest-ments. But this first mutual fund got off to a slow start: investorswere not quick to appreciate its advantages. The 1920s bull mar-ket instead saw the proliferation of many other investment trusts:investment companies without the safeguards we associate withmutual funds today, many of them dishonest operations and someof them even, effectively, Ponzi schemes (see Chapter 3).

After the stock market crash of 1929, many of these became evenmore worthless than the market as a whole, and the public souredon investment trusts. In particular, they felt betrayed by the man-agers of the trusts, who were often pursuing their own interestsin flagrant conflict with those of their investors. The InvestmentCompany Act of 1940, which established regulations for investmentcompanies, helped restore a measure of public confidence. Butpeople needed more than just government regulations; they neededa new name, one that did not carry the unsavory associations of

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investment trusts. The term mutual fund, with its similarity to themutual savings bank and the mutual insurance company—ven-erable institutions that had survived the stock market crash largelyuntouched by scandal—was much more reassuring and attractiveto investors.26

The mutual fund industry was given new impetus by theEmployee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, which createdIndividual Retirement Accounts. But the industry really took offafter the recent bull market began in 1982.

Part of the reason that equity mutual funds proliferated sorapidly after that date is that they are used as part of 401(k) pen-sion plans. As people invest their plan balances directly in mutualfunds, they develop greater familiarity with the concept; they arethus more inclined to invest their non-401(k) savings in mutualfunds as well.

Another reason for the funds’ explosive growth is that they havepaid for a great deal of advertising. Television shows, magazines,and newspapers frequently carry advertisem*nts for them, andactive investors receive unsolicited ads in the mail. Mutual fundsencourage more naïve investors to participate in the market, by lead-ing them to think that the experts managing the funds will steerthem away from pitfalls.

The proliferation of equity mutual funds has therefore focusedpublic attention on the market, with the effect of encouragingspeculative price movements in stock market aggregates, ratherthan in individual stocks.27 The emerging popular concept thatmutual fund investing is sound, convenient, and safe has encour-aged many investors who were once afraid of the market to wantto enter it, thereby contributing to an upward thrust in the mar-ket. (See Chapter 10 for a further discussion of public attitudestoward mutual funds.)

The Decline of Inflation and the Effects of Money Illusion

The outlook for U.S. inflation, as measured by the percentagechange in the Consumer Price Index, has gradually improved sincethe bull market began. In 1982, even though U.S. inflation was then


around 4% a year, there was still considerable uncertainty as towhether it would return to the high level (nearly 15% for the year)experienced in 1980. The most dramatic stock price increases of thisbull market occurred once the inflation rate had settled down intothe 2–3% range in the mid-1990s, and it then dropped below 2%.

The general public pays a lot of attention to inflation, as I dis-covered in my interview studies of public attitudes toward it.28

People widely believe that the inflation rate is a barometer of theeconomic and social health of a nation. High inflation is perceivedas a sign of economic disarray, of a loss of basic values, and a dis-grace to the nation, an embarrassment before foreigners. Low infla-tion is viewed as a sign of economic prosperity, social justice, andgood government. It is not surprising, therefore, that a lower infla-tion rate boosts public confidence, hence stock market valuation.

But from a purely rational standpoint, this stock market reac-tion to inflation is inappropriate. In 1979 Nobel laureate FrancoModigliani, with Richard Cohn, published an article arguing thatthe stock market reacts inappropriately to inflation because peopledo not fully understand the effect of inflation on interest rates.29

When inflation is high—as it was when they wrote, near the bot-tom of the stock market in 1982—nominal interest rates (the usualinterest rates we see quoted every day) are high because they mustcompensate investors for the inflation that is eroding the value oftheir dollars. Yet real interest rates (interest rates as corrected forthe effects of inflation) were not high then, and therefore thereshould not have been any stock market reaction to the high nom-inal rates. Modigliani and Cohn suggested that the market tendsto be depressed when nominal rates are high even when real ratesare not high because of a sort of “money illusion,” or public con-fusion about the effects of a changing monetary standard. Whenthere is inflation, we are changing the value of the dollar, and there-fore changing the yardstick by which we measure values. Facedwith a changing yardstick, it is not surprising that many peoplebecome confused.

Modigliani and Cohn also argued (and this is a more subtle point)that people fail to take account of a bias in measured corporate prof-its due to the fact that corporations deduct from their profits the

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total interest paid on their debt, and not just the real (inflation-corrected) interest. In inflationary times, part of this interest paidmay be viewed merely as a prepayment of part of the real debt,rather than a cost to the company. Few investors realize this andmake corrections for this effect of inflation. Their failure to do somay be described as another example of money illusion.30

Public misunderstanding about inflation at the present timeencourages high expectations for real (inflation-corrected) returns.Most data on past long-run stock market returns is reported inthe media in nominal terms, without correction for inflation, andpeople might naturally be encouraged to expect that such nomi-nal returns would continue in the future. Inflation today is under2%, compared with a historical average Consumer Price Index levelof inflation that has averaged 4.4% a year since John Kennedy waselected president in 1960. Therefore expecting the same nominalreturns we have seen in the stock market since 1960 is expectinga lot more in real terms.

Plots of historical stock price indexes in the media are almostinvariably shown in nominal terms, not the real inflation-correctedterms shown in the figures in this book. Consumer prices haveincreased six-fold since 1960 and seventeen-fold since 1913. Thisinflation imparts an strong upward trend to long-run historical plotsof stock price indexes, if they are not corrected for inflation. Thusthe extraordinary behavior of the real stock market at the turn ofthe millennium, the spike up in stock prices that was visible in Fig-ure 1.1, does not stand out in the long historical plots we see inthe media. In fact, viewing these plots encourages us to think thatnothing at all unusual is going on now in the stock market.

The reason news writers generally do not make corrections forinflation is probably that they think such adjustments are esotericand would not be widely appreciated by their readers. And theyare probably right. The general public has not by and large takenEconomics 101, and those who did sit through it have probably for-gotten much of what they learned. Thus they have not assimilatedthe basic lesson that there is nothing natural about measuringprices in dollars when the quantity, and value, of those dollars has


been highly unstable. The public at large does not fully appreciatethat the more meaningful measure of the stock market level is interms of some broad basket of goods, as the level is measured ifit is corrected for consumer price inflation.31

Expansion of the Volume of Trade: Discount Brokers,Day Traders, and Twenty-Four-Hour Trading

The turnover rate (the total shares sold in a year divided by the totalnumber of shares) for New York Stock Exchange stocks nearlydoubled between 1982 and 1999, from 42% to 78%.32 The NASDAQmarket, which emphasizes high-technolgoy stocks, shows an evengreater turnover rate increase, from 88% in 1990 to 221% in 1999.33

The higher turnover rate may be symptomatic of increased inter-est in the market as a result of other factors mentioned here. Butanother reason for the rising turnover rate in the stock market isthe declining cost of making a trade. After competitive brokeragecommissions were mandated by the Securities and ExchangeCommission (SEC) in 1975, there was an immediate drop in com-mission rates, and discount brokers came into being. Technolog-ical and organizational changes were also set in motion. Suchinnovations as the Small Order Execution System, introduced byNASDAQ in 1985, and new order handling rules issued by the SECin 1997 have resulted in ever lower trading costs. SEC regulationsencouraging equal access to the markets have now spawned agrowing number of amateur investors who can “day trade,” thatis, try to make profits by rapidly trading stocks using the same orderexecution systems used by professionals.

The significant growth of online trading services coincidesroughly with the most spectacular increases in the stock marketsince 1997. According to a study by the SEC, there were 3.7 mil-lion online accounts in the United States in 1997; by 1999 there were9.7 million such accounts.34 The growth of online trading, as wellas the associated Internet-based information and communication ser-vices, may well encourage minute-by-minute attention to the mar-ket. After-hours trading on the exchanges also has the potential to

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increase the level of attention paid to the market, as investors cantrack changing prices in their living rooms during their leisure time.

Speculative prices seem to get a volatility nudge whenevermarkets are open. The magnitude of price changes tends to be lowerover two-day intervals that include a day when markets are closed(as, for example, during a time when the New York Stock Exchangeclosed on Wednesdays).35 It is therefore plausible to expect that theexpansion of online trading and the opening of markets for longerhours will raise their volatility. Whether it will raise or lower thelevel of prices is less certain.

There is, however, some evidence suggesting that more frequentexposure to price quotes might in fact diminish demand for stocks.Economists Shlomo Benartzi and Richard Thaler have shown thatthe time pattern of attention to market prices can have importanteffects on the demand for stocks. In experimental situations, ifpeople are shown daily data on stock prices they express much lessinterest in investing in stocks than if they are shown only longer-run returns.36 Witnessing the day-to-day noise in stock prices appar-ently encourages more fear about the inherent risk of investing instocks. Thus institutional innovations that encourage viewing themarket price more frequently might tend to depress the pricelevel of the market.

On the other hand, the increased frequency of reporting of stockprices caused by recent institutional and technological changes mayhave just the opposite effect to that observed in the experimentalsituation crafted by Benartzi and Thaler. In a nonexperimentalsetting, where people’s focus of attention is not controlled by anexperimenter, the increased frequency of price observations maytend to increase the demand for stocks by attracting attention to them.And changing public attention is a critical factor in the valuationof investments, a point that will be elaborated in Chapter 8.

The Rise of Gambling Opportunities

There has been a dramatic increase in gambling opportunities inthe United States in recent years. Most forms of gambling and lot-teries were outlawed by states in the 1870s after a scandal in the


Louisiana lottery, and the Louisiana national lottery itself waseffectively shut down by an 1890 act of Congress prohibiting thesale of lottery tickets by mail. From then until 1970, opportunitiesto gamble legally were confined largely to racetracks, a form ofgambling that has limited public appeal and which at the timerequired travel to a racetrack. But by 1975, there were thirteen statelotteries, and by 1999 there were thirty-seven, offering very con-venient and easy means of wagering. Until 1990, legalized casinosoperated only in Nevada and Atlantic City. By 1999 there werenearly 100 riverboat and dockside casinos and 260 casinos onIndian reservations. Over the same interval, betting at racetrackshas also expanded dramatically, with the development of off-trackbetting, relying on satellite broadcasts of the races. Cable and Inter-net wagering on races is now possible from home. There has alsobeen a proliferation of electronic gambling devices, including slotmachines, video poker, video keno, and other stand-alone devices.In some states these may even be found at truck stops, conveniencestores, and lottery outlets. The ubiquity and convenience of gam-bling opportunities, and the strength of the marketing campaignundertaken to promote gambling, are unprecedented in U.S. his-tory. According to the 1999 report of the National Gambling ImpactStudy Commission, 125 million Americans gambled in 1998—afigure that represents most of the adult population.37 Moreover,7.5 million Americans were estimated to be either problem orpathological gamblers.

The rise of gambling institutions, and the increased frequencyof actual gambling, have potentially important effects on our cul-ture and on changed attitudes toward risk taking in other areas, suchas investing in the stock market. The legalization of gambling inthe form of state lotteries has sometimes been observed to help theillegal numbers business, rather than replace it,38 and thus it mightalso promote other capricious risk-taking activities. Gamblingsuppresses natural inhibitions against taking risks, and some ofthe gambling contracts, in particular the lotteries, superficiallyresemble financial markets: one deals with a computer, onereceives a certificate (the lottery ticket), and, in the case of the so-called mega-lottos, one participates in a much-talked-about national

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phenomenon. Having established a habit of participating in suchgambling, it would be natural to graduate to its more upscale form,speculation in securities.

The period of highest U.S. stock market volatility was 1929 to1933, when volatility was more than twice as high as had ever beenrecorded before. This period of volatility occurred during a “gam-bling craze” that was brought on not by legalization but by the orga-nized crime that was inadvertently created by the prohibition ofalcoholic beverages during the period 1920–33.39 The criminalgangs that grew after 1920 to satisfy the nation’s thirst for alcoholfound it natural to branch out into numbers games or speakeasyversions of craps and roulette. Organized crime developed amodern and efficient distribution, marketing, and retail system tosupply the nation at large with liquor, going far beyond its tradi-tional neighborhood strongholds, and this same infrastructureserved to facilitate illegal gambling activities on a much larger scale.Certainly the widespread disrespect for the law fostered by Pro-hibition helped legitimize gambling.

A spillover from gambling to financial volatility may come aboutbecause gambling, and the institutions that promote it, yield aninflated estimate of one’s own ultimate potential for good luck, aheightened interest in how one performs compared with others,and a new way to stimulate oneself out of a feeling of boredom ormonotony. Today we are constantly subjected to highly professionaladvertisem*nts that try to foster such attitudes, even radio and tele-vision advertisem*nts that depict typical gamblers’ self-justificationsas expressed by professional actors. These marketing efforts, andthe experience of gambling or seeing others gamble, may well havethe effect of encouraging frivolous risk-taking behavior in the stockmarket as well. Such ads may be startlingly explicit. A Connecti-cut billboard advertising off-track betting touts it, in big letters, asbeing “Like the Stock Market, Only Faster.”

Summing Up

Looking back at the list of potential precipitating factors for the stockmarket boom, it is worth remembering that there is no air-tight


science of stock market pricing. Economists have certainly madeprogress in understanding financial markets, but the complexityof real life continues to prevail.

Many of the foregoing factors have a self-fulfilling aspect tothem, and they are thus difficult, if not impossible, to capture inpredictive scientific explanations. Yet many of them also haveindisputable markers. The Internet boom, the rise of online trad-ing, the Republican Congress, and the proposed capital gains taxcut occurred just as the market started its most breathtakingascent. Other factors—including the rise of defined contributionpension plans, the growth of mutual funds, the decline of inflation,and the expansion of the volume of trade—were clearly associatedwith events that unfolded since the bottom of the market in 1982.Beyond these, our culture clearly reflects further developments thathave accompanied the surge in stocks. For example, studies revealthat the degree of materialism has risen steadily in the past gen-eration, that patriotic zeal following the demise of Communismhas contributed to our confidence in the capitalist system, and per-haps most interestingly, that gambling has been on the rise dur-ing the 1990s. Many of these factors are present in Europe and inother countries as well as the United States, and so a theory thatthey are responsible for the stock market boom in the United Statesis not inconsistent with the fact that the boom is shared substan-tially by these other countries.40

Correlation is certainly not causation, nor should it be con-strued as such. But when exuberance, irrational or otherwise, is theorder of the day, it is essential to take account of the self-fulfillingpsychology of stocks in making the policy decisions that willaffect our society for decades to come.

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Amplification Mechanisms:Naturally Occurring Ponzi Processes

In the previous chapter we ex-amined a number of disparate

factors that have precipitated the present speculative bubble. Inthis chapter we consider how the effect of these factors is ampli-fied by mechanisms involving investor confidence, investor expec-tations for future market performance, and related influences oninvestor demand for stocks. To provide context and concreteness,we shall first examine evidence about investor confidence andexpectations.

The amplification mechanisms work through a sort of feed-back loop; later in this chapter they will also be described as a typeof naturally occurring Ponzi process. Investors, their confidenceand expectations buoyed by past price increases, bid up stockprices further, thereby enticing more investors to do the same, sothat the cycle repeats again and again, resulting in an amplifiedresponse to the original precipitating factors. The feedback mech-anism is widely mentioned in popular discourse as merely ahypothesis, often regarded as unproven. In fact, there is some evi-dence in support of such a feedback mechanism, as we shall see.


High Investor Confidence

A striking feature of the recent bull market has been the high lev-els of investor confidence in the stock market. My 1999 mail ques-tionnaire survey of random samples of wealthy individuals in theUnited States showed that most people believe that stocks arethe best investment for the long run.1 One of the questions on thesurvey, and the 1999 results from 147 respondents, were as follows:

Do you agree with the following statement? “The stock market isthe best investment for long-term holders, who can just buy and holdthrough the ups and downs of the market.”

1. Strongly agree 76%2. Agree somewhat 20%3. Neutral 2%4. Disagree somewhat 1%5. Strongly disagree 1%

Agreement with this question is obviously very strong. Fully 96%of the respondents agreed at least somewhat in 1999. The percentagewho agreed strongly in 1999 is also remarkably high, at 76%. I alsoasked this question of wealthy individuals in 1996, and the resultswere only slightly less dramatic then: of the 134 respondents, 94%agreed at least somewhat, and 69% agreed strongly.

A 96% level of agreement on just about any survey questionis remarkable, and it is all the more so on a question about some-thing as personal as investing strategy.2 Many people used tothink (for example, in the 1970s and 1980s) that real estate was thebest investment or (for example, in making decisions about invest-ments for retirement before the recent bull market) that governmentbonds were the best investment.3 One might have thought that morethan a few of the respondents would believe that investing in goldor diamonds or other commodities, investing in antiques or art, oreven investing in education or self-improvement would be the beststrategy. But no: almost all agree on the stock market.

Associated with this view is a feeling that the stock market is avery safe place. Another question on the survey, and the 1999results from 147 respondents, were as follows:

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How much do you agree with this statement? “If there is anothercrash like October 19, 1987, the market will surely be back up to itsformer levels in a couple years or so.”

1. Strongly agree 47%2. Agree somewhat 44%3. Neutral 3%4. Disagree somewhat 5%5. Strongly disagree 1%

There is an overwhelming tendency to show concord with thisstatement: 91% of the wealthy individual investors agreed atleast somewhat in 1999. Almost no one really disagrees, as theyshould if they believe that markets are unpredictable. When Iasked this same question of wealthy individuals in 1996, there were135 answers, and of these 82% agreed at least somewhat.

It is curious that people do not seem to believe in the con-verse of the premise of the above question: they do not believe thatthe market will surely go back down in a couple of years if it goesup dramatically, as it has done recently.4 Their belief in theresilience of the market seems to stem from a generalized feelingof optimism and assurance, rather than a belief in the long-run sta-bility of prices.

Here, then, captured in the responses to these two questions, wesee the extraordinary public confidence in the stock market thatunderlies recent market valuations. People seem to think that theyhave discovered a safe and lucrative investment, one that cannotlose. They perceive no real downside risk, and this explains theirwillingness to buy stocks even when, by conventional measuressuch as price-earnings ratios, they are so greatly overvalued.

Although I have been surveying investors since the mid-1980s,it did not occur to me to ask these questions until 1996. I supposeI did not think to ask before then whether investors thought a stockmarket crash would surely be reversed because such highly opti-mistic investor thinking was not so flagrantly in evidence then. SoI have no way to prove that the public did not believe even backthen that any stock market crash would surely soon be reversed.I did, however, ask a somewhat similar question starting in 1989. Thequestion and the 1999 results from 145 wealthy individual respon-


dents, plus the 1996 results from 132 respondents and the 1989results from 116, were as follows:

If the Dow dropped 3% tomorrow, I would guess that the dayafter tomorrow the Dow would:

1999 1996 1989

1. Increase 56% 46% 35%2. Decrease 19% 24% 34%3. Stay the same 12% 18% 13%4. No opinion 13% 11% 18%

The percentage who thought in 1999 that the Dow would increaseis nearly three times the percentage who thought it would decrease.It was not always so. In 1996, there was about a 2:1 ratio betweenthe percentage predicting an increase and that predicting a decrease.In 1989, the percentage predicting an increase was about the sameas the percentage predicting a decrease. Thus, over this ten-yearinterval, it is clear that there has been a sharp increase in the con-fidence among individual investors that any one-day drop in themarket will be quickly reversed.5

There is some evidence suggesting that many people in 1929 feltequally certain about reversals of stock market drops. Althoughwe do not have questionnaire survey data of the time, we do havecontemporary accounts of investor confidence. Frederick LewisAllen, in his 1931 history of the 1920s, Only Yesterday, wrote:

As people in the summer of 1929 looked back for precedents, theywere comforted by the recollection that every crash of the pastfew years had ultimately brought prices to a new high point. Twosteps up, one step down, two steps up again—that was how the mar-ket went. If you sold, you had only to wait for the next crash (theycame every few months) and buy in again. And there was really noreason to sell at all: you were bound to win in the end if your stockwas sound. The really wise man, it appeared, was he who “boughtand held on.”6

Some Reflections on Investor Confidence

It is important to consider the nature, and likely sources, of thiscurrent investor confidence, not only to understand the present

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situation but also to lead us into a discussion, later in this chap-ter, of feedback loops. We will see that the feedback that reinforcesinvestor confidence occurs in the context of a complex social andpsychological environment.

Where did people get the idea that, if there is ever a crash, themarket is sure to rise to past levels within a couple of years or so?History certainly does not suggest this. There are many examplesof markets that have done poorly over long intervals of time. Topick just one from recent memory, the Nikkei index in Japan is stillselling at less than half its peak value in 1989. Other examples arethe periods after the 1929 and 1966 stock market peaks discussedin Chapter 1. But these examples of persistent bad performance inthe stock market are not prominent in the public mind.

One reason that the recent domestic market performance ismore prominent in investors’ minds is simply that they have expe-rienced these domestic stock prices every day; they have watchedand reacted to a rising U.S. market since 1982. U.S. investors todayhave not had the same experience with Japanese stocks, or withthe U.S. market in decades past. Many people fix their attentionon plots of rising stock prices in newspapers every day, and theyseem to come away with an intuitive feeling that every decline isreversed, to be followed swiftly by new highs. The same humanpattern-recognition faculty that we used when we learned to ridea bike or to drive a car, giving us an intuitive sense of what to expectnext, has been applied to our expectations for the market. Forinvestors in their twenties, thirties, or forties, this upward trend hasbeen present during most of the years they have been observing orinvesting in the market.

The subjective experience over the years of seeing stock marketdeclines consistently reverse themselves has a psychological impacton our thinking that is hard to appreciate, or reconstruct, after thefact. Those who thought the market would go down and stay downbecame sensitized to their bad feelings from being repeatedlywrong, year after year. Those who consistently predicted a declinebecame painfully aware of a loss of reputation from being so wrongso often. Since our satisfaction with our views of the world is partof our self-esteem and personal identity, it is natural for the for-


merly pessimistic to want to settle on a different view, or at leastto present themselves to the public with a different theme. Thusthe changed emotional environment will have an impact on theirviews—or certainly the expression of them—that is independentof any objective evidence supporting or refuting those views.

Even if they have not personally paid attention to the stock mar-ket since 1982, today’s investors are living in a time and place whererecitations of the feelings of others who have experienced the mar-ket are heard regularly. It is helpful, to appreciate this sense, to quoteone person’s argument against market timing, from the 1999 bookDow 40,000 by David Elias:

An example of what can happen when an individual waits for theDow to indicate “the perfect time” to invest is the saga of Joe, a friendof mine. Joe started calling me in 1982 when the Dow was just over1000, looking for the right time to get into equities. Over the years,he continued to seek a pullback that would be his perfect moment.Today, at age 62, Joe still has his money parked in bank CDs. He hasmissed the entire bull market and all its thousand-point milestones.Even now, Joe does not realize that there never is a perfect time. Whenthe market recovers from a pullback, it generally goes to new highs.7

There is something superficially convincing about this passage, espe-cially when it is combined, as in the next paragraph in Elias’sbook, with illustrations of the power of compound interest whenreturns are high (as they have recently been in the stock market),suggesting that the stock market is your chance to become reallyand truly rich. The tale has emotional immediacy, as would a storyabout a driving mistake that led to a serious accident or a story aboutthe advantages of asking the boss for a raise.

A related reason why an argument built around such a story hassuch appeal is that—by presenting successful investing as a processof mastering one’s own internal impulses rather than takingaccount of our present situation in history—it invites the readerto forget what is special about the present time in terms of the levelof the market. Normal people think a lot about controlling their ownimpulses—for example, about disciplining themselves to goodwork rather than dissipation, about staying slim rather than get-ting fat—and so arguments that appeal to such self-control have more

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resonance than articles about the history of price-earnings ratios.The appeal of Elias’s argument is also that it calls to mind the painof regret, the emotional reasons we have for investing now, a pointto which I will return later in this chapter. When arguments becomeso detached from an analysis of historical data, the only impact onpeople’s thinking made by actual data is a vague sense, fromcasual inspection of very recent data, that the market has alwaysreversed declines.

Many media accounts routinely tell stories about the satisfac-tion felt by those who have invested in stocks in years past, withthe clear suggestion to the reader that “you can do it too.” To citeonly one among numerous examples, a 1999 article in USA Week-end, a national Sunday magazine insert for newspapers, carried anarticle entitled “How to (Really) Get Rich in America.” The articlegives examples of investor successes and offers the hypotheticalstory of a twenty-two-year-old college graduate earning $30,000a year with annual real income raises of 1%. “If she saved only 10%of her income and invested the savings in an S&P index fundshe’d have a net worth of $1.4 million on retirement at age 67, intoday’s dollars.”8 These calculations assume that the S&P index fundearns a riskless 8% real (inflation-corrected) return. There is nomention of the possibility that the return might not be so high overtime, and that she might not end up a millionaire. An article witha very similar title, “Everybody Ought to Be Rich,” appeared inthe Ladies’ Home Journal in 1929.9 It performed some very similarcalculations, yet similarly omitted to describe the possibility thatanything could go wrong in the long term. The article became noto-rious after the 1929 crash.

These seemingly convincing discussions of potential increasesin the stock market are rarely offered in the abstract, but insteadin the context of stories about successful or unsuccessful investors,and often with an undertone suggesting the moral superiority ofthose who invested well. A strong public admiration for those whomake money patiently and slowly, unfazed by market fluctuations,has evolved. It is a theme developed in many popular books.Notable among these is The Millionaire Next Door: The SurprisingSecrets of America’s Wealthy by Thomas Stanley and William Danko,


which was on the New York Times hardcover best-seller list foreighty-eight weeks after its publication in 1996 and continues onthe Times paperback best-seller list as of this writing. The book,which extols the virtues of patience and frugality, has sold over amillion copies.

Indeed such stories of patient investing transcend U.S. borders.In Germany, the 1999 best-seller The Road to Financial Freedom: AMillionaire in Seven Years by Bodo Schäfer sets a seven-year horizonfor investors and gives as the first of ten “golden rules” the dictumthat any stock market decline must soon be reversed. Another Ger-man book from 1999, No Fear of the Next Crash: Why Stocks AreUnbeatable as Long-Term Investments by Bernd Niquet, devotes itselfentirely to the theme that patient investing in stocks always wins.10

In viewing the popular expressions of confidence in the market,whether from the 1990s or the 1920s, and in trying to understandhow people felt about them at the time, it is important to bear in mindthat in most cases the statements of confidence in the stock mar-ket that we see are not the focal point of attention in the contextsin which they appear. Thus, for example, Suze Orman, a highly suc-cessful investment adviser in the 1990s and a best-selling author,with books like The 9 Steps to Financial Freedom (1997) and TheCourage to Be Rich: Creating a Life of Material and Spiritual Abundance(1999), has built a remarkable reputation for herself on television,appearing often on shows like Oprah Winfrey’s, by stressing theemotional and spiritual steps one should take to acquire a fortune.Her concrete advice is to get out of debt and into stocks, and herexample of the power of compound interest with a rate of returnof 10% is never the focus of attention. Most of her audience is appar-ently interested in her spiritual message, and her confronting theirdifficulty in saving is on target and attention-grabbing for them. Herassumption that the market will surely produce a return of 10% ayear is mere background information that her viewers and readersdo not have the time or the inclination to examine. Yet the repeti-tion that she and others like her give to this assumption nonethe-less promotes it to the status of conventional wisdom.

Other factors lie behind today’s strong investor confidence—factors that only muddy their thinking. An important one has been

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the inexorable rise in the Consumer Price Index (CPI), noted in thepreceding chapter, which has put upward pressure on all prices,thereby tending to wipe out nominal declines in any speculativemarket. The inflation consequently disguises the fact that in realinflation-corrected terms the speculative asset may not haveregained its real value. People no doubt think back to the experi-ence they have had with their homes. In the northeast UnitedStates, for example, where home prices declined at the beginningof the 1990s, home prices in many regions are back up to their1988–90 peaks. People tend to forget that we have had 25–30% infla-tion in the CPI since then, so that real (inflation-corrected) homevalues are still way down. Of course, with today’s lower inflationthis feeling should be diminished, but people still have memoriesof higher-inflation environments, and they will have them for sometime to come. The present situation, with sharply lower but stillpositive inflation, may be especially conducive to high market val-uation: people are optimistic for the future economy because of lowinflation, but they are still expecting the same tendency for stockprices to rebound from falls that they showed during inflationaryperiods.

Another important factor is the current economic expansion, thelongest such peacetime expansion in U.S. history. Those who pre-dicted a recession have been almost as soundly discredited asthose who predicted a stock market drop, and this only serves asfurther intuitive confirmation of an optimistic view for the mar-ket. Indeed the evidence we see of public confidence in the stockmarket mirrors evidence of confidence in the overall economy. Theconsumer confidence measures of both the Conference Board andthe Survey Research Center at the University of Michigan have beenclose to record levels in recent years.

Evidence for Undiminished ExpectationsDespite a High Market

In my surveys of investors, I have found that the current high mar-ket has not diminished average expectations. I ask investors, inopen-ended questions, for their expectations for the Dow for var-


ious horizons. I do not ask them to select from categories or rangesof price increase; they must come up with a number on their own,without my suggesting anything. In my surveys of high-incomeindividual investors, in 1989, the average expected one-year-aheadchange in the Dow was 0.6%. In 1996, it was 5.0%, and in 1999, itwas 4.6%, about the same as in 1996. Thus, despite a sharply risingstock market over the past decade, average expectations amonghigh-income individual investors have on the whole also been ris-ing since 1989. Among institutional investors, I find no particulartrend to expectations for one-year-ahead stock market returns, andso they too are not becoming discouraged by the higher market.

Some might be surprised at how modest the average reportedexpectations are today. Looking at the individual answers, it is obvi-ous why the averages are so low. Most investors are answering thatthe market will increase something like 10–15% over the next year,which is roughly the average historical nominal return over the lastfifty years. Very few of them answer that it will do better than this.Something like a third of the individuals answer that the marketwill go down, typically by 10%, some saying by 20%. Thus, giventhese answers, the average of the expectations has been an approx-imately 5% market price increase. In 1989, many more respondentsthought that the market would go down 10% or 20%, so that theaverage expectation for the market was about zero.

It is not surprising that few people answer that they expect themarket to go up 20% or 30% in the next year. That is just not arespectable answer, not something one would expect to see validatedin media accounts. The respectable thing to say is that it will con-tinue to post the same impressive returns it has on average over thepast thirty years or more. It is equally respectable to venture thatthere could be a correction—one hears that in the media, too—hencethe predictions of a decline by some respondents. Do people in factbelieve the answers they write on the questionnaire? Probablymost of them do not know what to believe, and possibly they con-sider their own answers as good as anything else to believe.

The PaineWebber/Gallup polls have reported much moreoptimistic average expectations among individual investors. TheirJuly 1999 surveys showed that these investors expected on average

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a 15.0% return on the stock market over the next twelve months.This sounds like quite an optimistic expectation, much higher than that in my surveys. The difference in results may have to dowith subtle differences in wording. Their question was: “Think-ing about the stock market more generally, what overall rate ofreturn do you think the stock market will provide investors dur-ing the coming twelve months?” Mine was: “How much of achange in percentage terms do you expect in the following (usea + before your number to indicate an expected increase, a − toindicate an expected decrease, leave blanks where you do notknow)” and the questionnaire then provided spaces to give answersfor the Dow Jones Industrial Average for one month, three months,six months, one year, and ten years. Note the different sounds ofthe two questions. PaineWebber/Gallup asks respondents for a per-centage return. Perhaps this suggests to their respondents that areturn should be a positive number. I ask for a percentage changein price. My question mentions the possibility that the answer couldbe negative. Answers to survey questions can be sensitive to thewording of those questions (although if the wording is keptunchanged over time on the questionnaires, the changes in theanswers over time may be indicative of the direction of changesin expectations).

Montgomery Asset Management carried out quarterly surveysof mutual fund investors in 1998 that were widely reported in thepress as having found yet more extravagant expectations for thestock market. One survey concluded that expectations were for 34%annual returns on average for the next ten years. However, theirmethodology was apparently flawed, as was revealed in a Wall StreetJournal article.11 The question they posed to interviewees did notmake it clear whether they should give an annual return for thenext ten years or the ten-year total return. A total return of 34% forthe next ten years would be on the order of 3% a year, not a highexpectation. Moreover, their reported median expectation was only15% a year, and so their reported 34% a year average expectationmust have been caused by a few wild answers that brought theaverage up.

Overall expectations for the market among most investors aretherefore not so extravagantly high as suggested by some polls. But


expectations do appear to be somewhat higher and at least remainas strong as they were in 1989, despite a very high market.

Some Reflections on Investor Expectations and Emotions

Economists usually like to model people as calculating optimallytheir investment decisions based on expectations of future pricechanges and estimates of the risk in alternative investments. How-ever, in fact, the typical investor’s actual decision about how muchto allocate to the stock market overall, and into other asset classessuch as bonds, real estate, or other investments, tends not to bebased on careful calculations. Investors are not often assemblingforecasts for these different asset class returns and weighing theseagainst measured risks.

Part of the reason they are not is that investors more often feelthat experts have little or no idea what to expect of future pricechanges for these asset classes, or how much risk there is in each.After all, experts disagree all the time, and one might easily con-clude that there is no great loss in ignoring what they are currentlysaying about the outlook for any given asset class. Investors musttherefore base their judgments on basic principles on which mostexperts seem always to agree.

The evidence used by experts to predict the relative returns onbroad asset classes has little immediacy for most people. Expertstalk about the potential actions of the Federal Reserve Board in Wash-ington, about shifts in the Phillips curve, or about distortions onaggregate earnings caused by inflation and conventional account-ing procedures. Most individuals have little interest in such esoterica.

And yet investors must make some decisions. What factors mightthen enter into one’s mind when making a decision about howmuch to put into the stock market? The feeling that the stock mar-ket is “the only game in town,” in some emotional sense, might playa pivotal role at this point in the decision making.

One knows that the stock market could repeat the performanceof recent years. That possibility seems quite real, just as real as thepossibility of a major correction in the market. But how does onefeel about the decision at this point? How does one feel, forexample, when one knows, late at night, that it is time to fill out

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the 401(k) allocation form, and one is tired and annoyed by thenecessity to make such an important decision based on so little solidinformation?

How one feels certainly depends on one’s recent experience ininvesting. If one has been out of the market and has not partici-pated in the profits that others have recently enjoyed, one may befeeling a sharp pain of regret. And regret is an emotion that, psy-chologists have found, provides considerable motivation.12 Envyof others who may have made more in the stock market than oneearned at work in the past year is a related painful feeling, espe-cially so in that it diminishes one’s ego. If these people who madeso much in the market were really smarter and knew better, thenone really feels like a laggard. Even if they were not smarter, justlucky—smiled on by God—it may not feel much better. One mayfeel that if one can participate in just one more year of an advanc-ing stock market—assuming it advances for another year—that willhelp assuage the pain. Of course, one also thinks that the market maywell go down. But how does one weigh the potential emotionalexpense of such a possible loss at the time that one is making theasset allocation decision?

Perhaps one feels that the potential loss will not be much morediminishing to one’s ego than the failure to participate has alreadybeen. Of course, one likely realizes that one takes the risk of enter-ing the market just as it begins a downward turn. But the psy-chological cost of such a potential future loss may not be so muchgreater relative to the very real regret at having been out of the mar-ket in the past. Therefore—although there are many other ways todeal with the thought that one is a “loser,” such as rediscoveringthe importance of being a good friend, spouse, or parent, or pur-suing the simple things in life—it may well end up that the onlyreally emotionally satisfying decision to make now is to get intothe stock market.

Of course if one has been in the stock market, and is decidingtoday whether to stay in the market, one has a very differentemotional frame of mind. One feels satisfaction and probably somepride in one’s past successes, and one certainly feels wealthier. Onemay feel as gamblers do after they have raked in winnings: that


one is “playing with the house money” and therefore has nothingto lose emotionally by wagering again.13

The emotional state of investors when they decide on their invest-ments is no doubt one of the most important factors causing thebull market. Although their emotional state may be in part a con-sequence of the factors described in the previous chapter, such asthe rise of materialistic sentiment and individualism, it is alsoamplified by the psychological impact of the increasingly stronguptrend observed in the market.

Public Attention to the Market

The level of public interest in and attention to the market changessignificantly over time, just as the public’s interest jumps from onenewsworthy topic to another. Attention shifts from news storiesabout Jacqueline Kennedy to stories about O. J. Simpson to storiesabout Princess Diana. Interest in the stock market goes through fadsin just the same way, depending on the story quality of the precip-itating events.

Some writers have indicated that 1929 was a time of dramati-cally heightened investor attention to the stock market. John Ken-neth Galbraith, in his book The Great Crash: 1929, wrote:

By the summer of 1929 the market not only dominated the news.It also dominated the culture. That recherché minority which atother times has acknowledged its interest in Saint Thomas Aquinas,Proust, psychoanalysis and psychosomatic medicine then spoke ofUnited Corporation, United Founders and Steel. Only the mostaggressive of the eccentrics maintained their detachment from themarket and their interest in autosuggestion or communism. MainStreet had always had one citizen who could speak knowinglyabout buying or selling stocks. Now he became an oracle.14

That public attention was focused on the stock market in the late1920s is supported by many other such commentaries. One shouldbear in mind that Galbraith’s argument contains some journalis-tic overstatement that he no doubt could not have gotten away withhad he been writing in the 1920s. But Galbraith is on the right trackin terms of the direction of change over the 1920s.

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If one looks at the Reader’s Guide to Periodical Literature year byyear throughout the 1920s, one sees that only a tiny percentage ofthe articles in periodicals, always less than 0.1%, were about thestock market in any given year. People were thinking about plentyof other things besides the market. However, the percentage ofarticles concerning the stock market grew markedly over the courseof the decade. There were 29 articles about the stock market in1922–24, or 0.025% of all articles listed; 67 articles in 1925–28, or0.035% of all articles listed; and 182 articles in 1929–32, or 0.093%of all articles listed. Thus over the 1920s the percentage of articlesabout the stock market almost quadrupled.

We see a similar pattern of changed interest in the stock mar-ket from an identical study of the Reader’s Guide in the recent bullmarket, although the percentage of articles that are about the stockmarket is higher throughout this period than in the 1920s. In 1982,at the bottom of the stock market, there were 242 articles about thestock market, or 0.194% of all articles. In 1987, the year of the crash,there were 592 articles, or 0.364% of all articles, almost twice asmany. After the crash, interest waned again, and there were only255 articles, or 0.171% of all articles, in 1990. In 1996, 1997, and 1998the number of articles rose again, to 580 articles in 1998, or 0.293%of all articles.

Another source of evidence on investor attention to the marketis the number of investment clubs, as reported by the National Asso-ciation of Investors Corporation (NAIC). Investment clubs aresmall social groups, typically meeting at members’ homes in theevening, that together invest small sums of money for fun and forthe purpose of learning about investments. The NAIC was foundedin 1951 by four investor clubs at the beginning of the 1950s bull mar-ket; the number of clubs grew to 953 by 1954, reached a peak of14,102 in 1970 (near the top of the market), and fell with the mar-ket to 3,642 in 1980 (near the bottom of the market). Now the num-ber of clubs is up well beyond its prior peak, to 37,129.15 The crudeconformity of the number of investment clubs to the performanceof the market is noteworthy, suggesting that investors’ attentionis indeed attracted by bull markets.


Further evidence that past successes in the market encourageattention to the market can be seen in the behavior of the volumeof sales in the stock market. Volume of sales, measured by dollartrading volume over total market value on the New York StockExchange, rose sharply in the early years of the bull market after1982, but declined for a couple of years after the 1987 crash, there-after to resume its upward path. Economists Meir Statman andSteven Thorley have shown with a statistical analysis that highreturns in the stock market continue to promote high volume formany months afterward, and that while high volatility in marketprices also promotes volume of trade, the effect of volatility on vol-ume of trade is more transient. Statman and Thorley concludethat this persistent effect of returns on volume is due to the impactof higher returns on investor confidence.16 Even though a risingmarket “lifts all boats,” there is still a tendency for investors to inter-pret their investing success as confirmation of their own abilities,and this reinforces their interest in trading stocks.

When people experience success in any area, there is of coursea natural tendency for them to take new initiatives and developtheir skills in hopes of achieving more such success. In a study ofinvestors who switched from phone to online trading, comparingthem with investors who continued to use telephones to make theirtrades, economists Brad Barber and Terrance Odean found that theswitchers on average had beat the market by over 2% a year. Afterthey went on line, these switchers traded more speculatively andactively, and then proceeded to lag the market by more than 3%annually.17 This finding may be interpreted as showing that over-confidence from past success encouraged people to expend thefixed cost of learning about online trading. Having acquired thesecapabilities and interests, they are likely to pay greater attentionto the market for a sustained period, measured in years, in orderto see their skills investment “pay off.”

If one watches casually for discussions of the stock market, theytypically come at some point during a dinner party, cookout, orother social event. Bringing up the stock market is seen as anaccepted, even mildly exciting, conversational gambit. It is an

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agreeable topic. Twenty years ago, bringing up the stock marketat such an occasion would have seemed like an intrusion, a fauxpas, a poorly judged attempt to mix business with pleasure. Thedifference between now and then is subtle, but nevertheless rev-elatory of the fundamental change in investor enthusiasm for themarket.

Feedback Theories of Bubbles

In feedback loop theory, initial price increases (caused, for example,by the kinds of precipitating factors described in the previouschapter) lead to more price increases as the effects of the initial priceincreases feed back into yet higher prices through increased investordemand. This second round of price increases feeds back again intoa third round, and then into a fourth, and so on. Thus the initialimpact of the precipitating factors is amplified into much larger priceincreases than the factors themselves would have suggested. Suchfeedback loops may be a factor not only in the historic bull and bearmarkets for the aggregate stock market but also, with some differ-ences in details, in the ups and downs of individual investments.

The feedback theory is, as I have noted, widely known, but mostpeople do not use the term feedback loop to describe it. The phraseis a scientist’s term for what might popularly be called a viciouscircle, a self-fulfilling prophecy, a bandwagon effect. Althoughthe phrase speculative bubble has more than one meaning in com-mon discourse, it usually appears to refer to such feedback.

In the most popular version of the feedback theory, one that relieson adaptive expectations, feedback takes place because past priceincreases generate expectations of further price increases.18 Inanother version of the feedback theory, feedback takes place becauseof increased investor confidence in response to past price increases.Usually, such feedback is thought to occur in response not so muchto a sudden price increase as to a pattern of consistency in priceincreases.

The evidence discussed earlier in this chapter is consistent withboth the adaptive expectation and investor confidence feedbacktheories playing a role in the current stock market situation. The


feedback can also occur for emotional reasons, reasons unconnectedwith either expectations or confidence. The effect of “playing withthe house’s money,” as discussed previously, can result in a sortof feedback: this frame of mind may reduce investors’ inclinationto sell after a price increase, thus amplifying the effects of the pre-cipitating factors on price.

Economists John Campbell and John Cochrane have proposeda theory of habit formation that may also serve to amplify stockmarket responses. In their model, people become slowly habitu-ated to the higher level of consumption that they can expect froma more highly valued stock market. After a stock market increase,people may be newly experimenting with higher consumptionlevels, but not yet habituated to them. Investors who have madeprofits in the market may be willing to take more risks, becausethey still feel they could give up the higher consumption level ifinvestment losses forced them to do so. Again, their willingnessto hold stocks at higher prices may amplify the effects of the pre-cipitating factors.19

Regardless of which feedback theory applies, the speculativebubble cannot grow forever. Investors’ demand for a stock cannotgrow forever, and when it stops growing price increases will stop.According to the popular version of the expectation feedbacktheory, at that point we would expect a drop in the market for thestock, a bursting of the bubble, since investors no longer think priceswill continue to rise and therefore no longer see a good reason tohold the stock. However, other versions of the feedback theory donot suggest a sudden bursting of the bubble, since they are not pred-icated on continually increasing prices.

Indeed, even according to the most popular versions of thefeedback theory, there is actually no reason to think that there shouldbe sudden bursts of bubbles. There must be some noise in investordemand, some unpredictability of response to past price changes,some lack of synchrony across investors. Moreover, the enticementto enter or exit the market that past price changes create is notlikely to be determined only by the most recent change in price.It is plausible that investors will look back over many days, weeks,or months of price changes in deciding whether they find recent

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market performance enticing. Thus the simple feedback theoryis consistent with a price pattern that shows many interruptionsand jiggles.20

With any of these feedback theories, it would also seem thatnegative bubbles should occur, in which feedback occurs in adownward direction, as initial price declines discourage someinvestors, causing further price declines, and so on.21 (The termnegative bubble always reminds me of watching a sealed plastic sodabottle filled with warm air gradually implode as it cools, and see-ing it pop back into shape when the cap is loosened—though thismetaphor is really no more apt than the soap bubble metaphor forthe positive speculative events.) Price continues to decline until fur-ther price decreases begin to seem unlikely, at which point thereis no reason for people to want to stay away from the stock andthe negative bubble bursts back up—even though, as with positivebubbles, the burst will probably not be sudden.

Feedback loop dynamics can generate complex and even appar-ently random behavior. The so-called random number generatorsin some types of computer software are really just simple nonlinearfeedback loops, and even some quite simple feedback loops havebeen demonstrated to yield behavior that looks so complicated asto suggest randomness. If we suppose that there are other kindsof feedback loops operating in the economy, besides simple price-increase-to-further-price-increase feedback, then we may concludethat the apparent randomness of the stock market, the tendencyit has to create sudden moves for no apparent reason, might not beso inexplicable after all. The branch of mathematics that studies non-linear feedback loops, called chaos theory, may be applicable tounderstanding the complexity of stock market behavior.22

Perceptions of Feedback and Bubbles among Investors

The feedback theory of speculative bubbles is so widely knownas to be considered part of our popular culture. It is natural to won-der, therefore, whether public perceptions of such a bubble mightbe influenced by the recent high pricing of the market. Con-


ceivably, the current bubble might exist only because peoplethink that there is a temporary bubble and want to ride with it fora while.

By looking at a series of indicators from my semiannual surveysof institutional investors, I have constructed a bubble expectations index.The indicators I look at are the percentages of the respondentswho say that the market is too high but will go up in the short term,that the market will rise and then decline, that it is advisable to stayin the market only for the short run, that one must be careful notto be influenced by others’ optimism, and that the market willincrease in the short run, although the probability of a stock mar-ket crash in the next six months is greater than 10%. Substantial per-centages of the respondents, averaging from 10% to 50%, say thesethings in answer to my questions. The bubble expectations indexshows substantial oscillations, indicating that the percentage ofinstitutional investors exhibiting bubble sentiment has fluctuatedover time. The level of the index seems to be related to the changein the stock market over the prior six months, meaning that expec-tations of a temporary bubble are higher whenever the markethas been going up more in the preceding six months. However, theindex shows no strong trend over the decade since 1989.

A Barrons Big Money Poll of professional money managers inApril 1999 asked, “Is the stock market in a speculative bubble?”Seventy-two percent of the respondents said yes, only 28% no.23

This result may seem surprising, given that I found no substan-tial upward trend in the bubble expectations index, but theirquestion is rather ambiguous, since it does not define a bubble,and no comparison is made with earlier years. Their other surveyquestions do not ask the respondents if they have bubble expec-tations as I define them, and their survey finds relatively optimisticexpectations overall.

In fact I find little evidence that people have been thinking, dur-ing the recent market highs at the dawn of the new millennium,that we are in a temporary speculative bubble. The conspicuousfeature of the current high pricing is high confidence that themarket will always do well.

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Ponzi Schemes as Models of Feedbackand Speculative Bubbles

It is very hard to prove that a simple mechanical price feedbackmodel, producing heightened investor attention and enthusiasm,is actually a factor in financial markets. We may have a casualimpression that investors are showing enthusiasm for investmentsin response to past price increases, but we do not see any concreteevidence that such feedback actually affects their decisions.

In order to provide evidence that such feedback mechanisms doplay a role in financial markets, it is helpful to look at the exampleof Ponzi schemes, or pyramid schemes, by means of which hoax-ers create positive feedback from putative current investmentreturns to future investment returns. These schemes have been per-petrated so many times that governments have had to outlawthem, yet they still keep popping up. They are particularly inter-esting since they are, in a way, controlled experiments (controlledby the hoaxer!) that demonstrate characteristics of the feedback thatcannot be seen so plainly either in normal markets or in the exper-imental psychologist’s laboratory.

In a Ponzi scheme, the manager of the scheme promises to makelarge profits for investors by investing their money. But little or noinvestment of contributors’ funds in any real assets is actually made.Instead, the manager pays off the initial investors with the proceedsof a sale to a second round of investors, and the second round withthe proceeds from a sale to a third, and so on. The name of thescheme derives from a particularly famous (though certainly notthe first) example, perpetrated by one Charles Ponzi in the UnitedStates in 1920. A Ponzi scheme entices initial investors, after theyhave made a lot of money, to tell their success stories to anotherround of investors, who then invest even more in the scheme, allow-ing the hoaxer to pay off the second round of investors, whosesuccess story entices an even larger round of investors, and so on.This scheme must end eventually, since the supply of investors can-not increase forever, and the perpetrator of the scheme no doubtknows this. The perpetrator may hope to exit, not having paid off


the last and largest round of investors, and then hide from the law.(Or, possibly, he or she may imagine that with luck, fantastic invest-ment opportunities will be found later, thereby saving the scheme.)

We know that Ponzi schemes have been successful in makingtheir perpetrators rich, at least until they were apprehended. CharlesPonzi attracted 30,000 investors in 1920 and issued notes totaling$15,000,000, all within seven months.24 In a recent celebrated story,a former housewife, Raejean Bonham, set up an enormous Ponzischeme on her own in the tiny town of Fox in rural Alaska. Shepromised to pay 50% returns in two months and enticed 1,200investors in forty-two states to pay her a total of between $10and $15 million between 1989 and 1995.25

A particularly dramatic story emerged in Albania in 1996 and1997 when a number of Ponzi schemes promising fantastic ratesof return enticed a good share of the people of that country.Seven Ponzi schemes accumulated some $2 billion, or 30% ofAlbania’s annual gross domestic product.26 Enthusiasm for theschemes was so intense that in the 1996 local elections membersof the ruling government party included symbols of the Ponzischeme funds on their campaign posters, apparently wanting togain some credit for the new wealth sources. When the schemesfailed in 1997, enraged protesters looted banks and burned build-ings, and the government was forced to call out the army torestore peace; a number of rioters were killed. The collapse of theschemes forced the resignation of Prime Minister AleksanderMeksi and his cabinet.27

As part of their strategy, successful Ponzi schemes present toinvestors a plausible story about how great profits can be made.Charles Ponzi told investors that he was able to make money forthem by exploiting an arbitrage profit opportunity involving inter-national postage reply coupons. These coupons were sold by postalservices so that the purchaser could enclose the coupon in a letterto another country and thereby prepay a reply. There were appar-ently some genuine potential profit opportunities in buying postagereply coupons in Europe and selling them in the United States,because the currency exchange rate did not correspond exactly to

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the rate implicit in the coupons. Ponzi’s story of profit opportuni-ties from trading the coupons, eventually published in newspapersduring the scheme, sounded plausible to some influential people.But the actual profit opportunities were not realizable since therewas no easy way to sell the coupons, and the hoax began tounravel when the New York postmaster declared that the world’ssupply of international postage reply coupons was not enough tomake the fortune Ponzi claimed to have made.

Raejean Bonham in Alaska claimed she was buying unusedfrequent-flier miles from large companies, repackaging them as dis-count tickets, and then selling them at a large profit. The Albanianinvestment company VEFA was supposedly making a number ofconventional investments in a reviving economy. (There was alsoa rumor in Albania at the time that VEFA was a front for money-laundering, an activity that also sounded like a plausible sourceof big money to many investors.)28

A critical observation to be made about these examples of Ponzischemes is that initial investors were reportedly very skeptical aboutthe schemes and would invest only small amounts. A story aboutan arbitrage profit opportunity in postage reply coupons, if merelytold directly, without the evidence that it had made others a lot ofmoney, would not sound credible enough to entice many investors.Investors do not become truly confident in the scheme until theysee others achieving large returns.

The possibility that the so-called investment payoffs are in factcoming only from new money is typically raised repeatedly and pub-licly well before the collapse of these schemes, and the hoaxers mustof course deny the claim publicly. This was the case both for the orig-inal Ponzi scheme and for the Albanian example. The fact thatmany people continue to believe in the scheme afterward seems puz-zling, and to outside observers the believers in the scheme may seemquite foolish.29 But this only shows the powerful effect on people’sthinking of seeing others having made substantial sums of money.That others have made a lot of money appears to many people asthe most persuasive evidence in support of the investment story asso-ciated with the Ponzi scheme—evidence that outweighs even themost carefully reasoned argument against the story.


Speculative Bubbles as Naturally Occurring Ponzi Processes

It would appear, by extrapolation from examples like those givenin the previous section, that speculative feedback loops that arein effect naturally occurring Ponzi schemes do arise from time totime without the contrivance of a fraudulent manager. Even if thereis no manipulator fabricating false stories and deliberately deceiv-ing investors in the aggregate stock market, tales about the marketare everywhere. When prices go up a number of times, investorsare rewarded sequentially by price movements in these markets,just as they are in Ponzi schemes. There are still many people(indeed, the stock brokerage and mutual fund industries as awhole) who benefit from telling stories that suggest that the mar-ket will go up further. There is no reason for these stories to be fraud-ulent; they need only emphasize the positive news and give lessemphasis to the negative. The path of a naturally occurring Ponzischeme—if we may call speculative bubbles that—will be more irreg-ular and less dramatic, since there is no direct manipulation, butthe path may sometimes resemble that of a Ponzi scheme when itis supported by naturally occurring stories. The extension from Ponzischemes to naturally occurring speculative bubbles appears sonatural that one must conclude, if there is to be debate about spec-ulative bubbles, that the burden of proof is on skeptics to provideevidence as to why Ponzi-like speculative bubbles cannot occur.

Many of the major finance textbooks today, which promote a viewof financial markets as working rationally and efficiently, do notprovide arguments as to why feedback loops supporting specu-lative bubbles cannot occur. In fact, they do not even mentionbubbles or Ponzi schemes.30 These books convey a sense of orderlyprogression in financial markets, of markets that work with mathe-matical precision. If the phenomena are not mentioned at all today,then students are not given any way to judge for themselveswhether or not they are in fact influencing the market.

Irrational Exuberance and Feedback Loops Today

Perceived long-term risk is down. Expected returns are not down,despite a high-flying market. Emotions and heightened attention

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to the market create a desire to get into the game. Such is irrationalexuberance today in the United States.

There are many ultimate causes for this exuberance, as detailedin the previous chapter, and the effects of these causes can beamplified by a feedback loop, a speculative bubble, as we have seenin this chapter. As prices continue to rise, the level of exuberanceis enhanced by the price rise itself.

In this chapter we have only begun to describe the process offeedback. We have seen that feedback does not merely come aboutas individuals look at past price increases and make arithmeticalcalculations to adjust for individual levels of confidence andexpectations. The changes in thought patterns infect the entire cul-ture, and they operate not only directly from past price increases butalso from auxiliary cultural changes that the past price increaseshelped generate. For a better understanding of how precipitatingfactors exert their effects and how they are amplified, we turn, inthe next part, to a broader discussion of the cultural changes thataccompanied the recent stock market boom and other speculativebooms.

Part Two

Cultural Factors

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The News Media

The history of speculative bubblesbegins roughly with the advent

of newspapers.1 One can assume that, although the record of theseearly newspapers is mostly lost, they regularly reported on the firstbubble of any consequence, the Dutch tulip mania of the 1630s.2

Although the news media—newspapers, magazines, and broad-cast media, along with their new outlets on the Internet—presentthemselves as detached observers of market events, they are them-selves an integral part of these events. Significant market eventsgenerally occur only if there is similar thinking among largegroups of people, and the news media are essential vehicles for thespread of ideas.

In this chapter, I consider the complexity of the media’s impacton market events. As we shall see, news stories rarely have asimple, predictable effect on the market. Indeed, in some respects,they have less impact than is commonly believed. However, acareful analysis reveals that the news media do play an importantrole both in setting the stage for market moves and in instigatingthe moves themselves.


The Role of the Media in Settingthe Stage for Market Moves

The news media are in constant competition to capture the publicattention they need to survive. Survival for them requires findingand defining interesting news, focusing attention on news that hasword-of-mouth potential (so as to broaden their audience), and,whenever possible, defining an ongoing story that encourages theiraudience to remain steady customers.

The competition is by no means haphazard. Those charged withdisseminating the news cultivate a creative process, learning fromeach others’ successes and failures, that aims to provide emotionalcolor to news, to invest news stories with human interest appeal,and to create familiar figures in the news. Years of experience ina competitive environment has made the media professions quiteskillful at claiming public attention.

The news media are naturally attracted to financial marketsbecause, at the very least, the markets provide constant news inthe form of daily price changes. Certainly other markets, such asreal estate, are sources of news. But real estate does not typicallygenerate daily price movements. Nothing beats the stock marketfor sheer frequency of potentially interesting news items.

The stock market also has star quality. The public considers itthe Big Casino, the market for major players, and believes that onany given day it serves as a barometer of the status of the nation—all impressions that the media can foster and benefit from. Finan-cial news may have great human interest potential to the extent thatit deals with the making or breaking of fortunes. And the financialmedia can present their perennial lead, the market’s performance,as an ongoing story—one that brings in the most loyal repeat cus-tomers. The only other regular generator of news on a compara-ble scale is sporting events. It is no accident that financial news andsports news together account for roughly half of the editorial con-tent of many newspapers today.

Media Cultivation of Debate

In an attempt to attract audiences, the news media try to presentdebate about issues on the public mind. This may mean creating

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a debate on topics that experts would not otherwise considerdeserving of such discussion. The resulting media event may con-vey the impression that there are experts on all sides of the issue,thereby suggesting a lack of expert agreement on the very issuesthat people are most confused about.

I have over the years been called by newspeople asking me if Iwould be willing to make a statement in support of some extremeview. When I declined, the next request would inevitably be to rec-ommend another expert who would go on record in support of theposition.

Five days before the 1987 stock market crash, the MacNeil/LehrerNewsHour featured Ravi Batra, author of The Great Depression of1990: Why It’s Got to Happen, How to Protect Yourself. This book tookas its basic premise a theory that history tends to repeat itself inexact detail, so that the 1929 crash and subsequent depression hadto repeat themselves. Despite Batra’s significant scholarly reputation,this particular book of his is not one that would be viewed withany seriousness by most reputable scholars of the market. But ithad been on the New York Times best-seller list for fifteen weeks bythe time of the crash. On the NewsHour, Batra confidently pre-dicted a stock market crash in 1989 that would “spread to thewhole world”; after it, he declared, “there will be a depression.”3

Batra’s statements, made as they were on a highly respected show,may—even though they predicted a crash two years hence—havecontributed in some small measure to an atmosphere of vulner-ability that brought us the crash of 1987. Although Batra’s appear-ance on the NewsHour just before the crash might be considereda coincidence, one must keep in mind that predictions of stock mar-ket crashes are actually quite rare on national news shows. The prox-imity of his appearance to the actual crash is at the very least highlysuggestive.

Should the media be faulted for presenting debates on topicsof little merit? One can argue that they ought to focus on a vari-ety of topics of interest to general audiences, so that the public canrefine their views. Yet in doing so the media seem often to dis-seminate and reinforce ideas that are not supported by real evidence.If news directors followed only their highest intellectual interestsin judging which views to present, the public might indeed find


its consciousness constructively broadened. But that is appar-ently not how the media see their mission—nor do competitive pres-sures encourage them to rethink the matter.

Reporting on the Market Outlook

There is no shortage of media accounts that try to answer our ques-tions about the market today, but there is a shortage within theseaccounts of relevant facts or considered interpretations of them. Manynews stories in fact seem to have been written under a deadlineto produce something—anything—to go along with the numbersfrom the market. The typical such story, after noting the remark-able bull market, focuses on very short-run statistics. It generallystates which groups of stocks have risen more than others inrecent months. Although these stocks are described as leaders, thereis no good reason to think that their performance has caused thebull market. The news story may talk about the “usual” factorsbehind economic growth, such as the Internet boom, in glowingterms and with at least a hint of patriotic congratulation to our pow-erful economic engine. The article then finishes with quotes froma few well-chosen “celebrity” sources, offering their outlook for thefuture. Sometimes the article is so completely devoid of genuinethought about the reasons for the bull market and the context forconsidering its outlook that it is hard to believe that the writer wasother than cynical in his or her approach.

What are the celebrity sources quoted as saying in these articles?They typically give numerical forecasts for the Dow Jones IndustrialAverage in the near future, tell stories or jokes, and dispense theirpersonal opinions. For example, when Abby Joseph Cohen ofGoldman Sachs & Co. coins a quotable phrase—as with her warn-ings against “FUDD” (fear, uncertainty, doubt, and despair) or herphrase “Silly Putty Economy”—it is disseminated widely. Beyondthat, the media quote her opinions but pay no critical attentionto her analysis. In fact, although she no doubt has access to a for-midable research department and performs extensive data analy-sis before forming her opinions, they are ultimately reported as justthat—her opinions. Of course she should not be faulted for this, for

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it is the nature of the sound-bite-driven media that superficial opin-ions are preferred to in-depth analyses.

Record Overload

The media often seem to thrive on superlatives, and we, theiraudience, are confused as to whether the price increases we haverecently seen in the stock market are all that unusual. Data that sug-gest that we are setting some new record (or are at least close todoing so) are regularly stressed in the media , and if reporters lookat the data in enough different ways, they will often find somethingthat is close to setting a record on any given day. In covering thestock market, many writers mention “record one-day pricechanges”—measured in points on the Dow rather than percentageterms, so that records are much more likely. Although the mediahave become increasingly enlightened about reporting in terms ofpoints on the Dow in recent years, the practice still persists amongsome writers.

This record overload—the impression that new and significantrecords are constantly being set—only adds to the confusion peoplehave about the economy. It makes it hard for people to recognizewhen something truly and importantly new really is happening. Italso, with its deluge of different indicators, encourages an avoidanceof individual assessment of quantitative data—a preference forseeing the data interpreted for us by celebrity sources.

Do Big Stock Price Changes Really Follow Big News Days?

Many people seem to think that it is the reporting of specific newsevents, the serious content of news, that affects financial markets.But research offers far less support for this view than one wouldimagine.

Victor Niederhoffer, while he was still an assistant professorat Berkeley in 1971 (before he became a legendary hedge fund man-ager), published an article that sought to establish whether dayswith news of significant world events corresponded to daysthat saw big stock price movements. He tabulated all very large


headlines in the New York Times (large type size being taken as acrude indicator of relative importance) from 1950 to 1966; there were432 such headlines. Did these significant-world-event days cor-respond to big movements in stock prices? As the standard of com-parison, Niederhoffer noted that the S&P Composite Index overthis period showed substantial one-day increases (of more than0.78%) on only 10% of the trading days, and substantial one-daydecreases (of more than 0.71%) on only another 10% of the tradingdays. Of the 432 significant-world-event days, 78 (or 18%) showedbig price increases, and 56 (or 13%) showed big decreases. Thus suchdays were only slightly more likely to show large price movementsthan other days.4

Niederhoffer claimed that, on reading the stories under theseheadlines, many of the world events reported did not seem likelyto have much impact on the fundamental value represented bythe stock market. Perhaps what the media thought was big nationalnews was not what was really important to the stock market. Hespeculated that news events that represented crises were more likelyto influence the stock market.

Defining a crisis as a time when five or more large headlinesoccurred within a seven-day period, Niederhoffer found elevencrises in the sample interval. These were the beginning of theKorean war in 1950, the capture of Seoul by the Communists in 1951,the Democratic National Convention of 1952, Russian troops’threatening Hungary and Poland in 1956, the Suez crisis of 1956,Charles de Gaulle’s taking office as French premier in 1958, the entryof U.S. marines into Lebanon in 1958, Russian premier NikitaKhrushchev’s appearance at the United Nations in 1959, Cuban ten-sions in 1960, the Cuban arms blockade in 1962, and President JohnKennedy’s assassination in 1963. During these crises, so defined,42% of the daily price changes were “big” changes, as comparedwith 20% for other, “normal” time periods. Thus the crisis periodswere somewhat, but not dramatically, more likely to be accom-panied by big stock price changes.

Note that there were only eleven such weeks of “crisis” in thewhole sixteen years of Niederhoffer’s sample. Very few of the

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aggregate price movements in the stock market show any meaning-ful association with headlines.

Tag-Along News

News stories occurring on days of big price swings that are citedas the causes of the changes often cannot, one suspects, plausiblyaccount for the changes—or at least not for their full magnitude.On Friday, October 13, 1989, there was a stock market crash thatwas clearly identified by the media as a reaction to a news story.A leveraged buyout deal for UAL Corporation, the parent companyof United Airlines, had fallen through. The crash, which resultedin a 6.91% drop in the Dow for the day, had begun just minutes afterthis announcement, and so it at first seemed highly likely that itwas the cause of the crash.

The first problem with this interpretation is that UAL is just onefirm, accounting for but a fraction of 1% of the stock market’s totalvalue. Why should the collapse of the UAL buyout have such animpact on the entire market? One interpretation at the time wasthat the deal’s failure was viewed by the market as a watershedevent, portending that many other similar pending buyouts wouldalso fail. But no concrete arguments were given in support of thisview; rather, dubbing it a watershed seemed to have been nothingmore than an effort to make sense after the fact of the market’s movein response to the news.

To try to discover the reasons for the October 13, 1989, crash,survey researcher William Feltus and I carried out a telephone sur-vey of 101 market professionals on the Monday and Tuesday fol-lowing the crash. We asked: “Did you hear about the UAL newsbefore you heard about the market drop on Friday afternoon, ordid you hear about the UAL news later as an explanation for thedrop in the stock market?” Only 36% said they had heard aboutthe news before the crash; 53% said they had heard about it after-ward as an explanation for the drop; the rest were unsure whenthey had heard about it. Thus it appears that the news story mayhave tagged along after the crash, rather than directly caused it, and


therefore that it was not as prominent as the media accountssuggested.

We also asked the market professionals to interpret the newsstory. We queried:

Which of the following two statements better represents the viewyou held last Friday:

1. The UAL news of Friday afternoon will reduce futuretakeovers, and so the UAL news is a sensible reason for thesudden drop in stock prices.

2. The UAL news of Friday afternoon should be viewed as a focalpoint or attention grabber, which prompted investors toexpress their doubts about the market.

Of the respondents, 30% chose 1 and 50% chose 2; the rest wereunsure. Thus they were mostly reacting to the news as an inter-pretation of the behavior of investors.5 It may be correct to say that thenews event was fundamental to this stock market crash, in that itrepresented a “story” that enhanced the feedback from stock pricedrops to further stock price drops, thereby preserving the feedbackeffect for a longer period than would otherwise have been the case.Yet it was unlikely to have been its cause.

The Absence of News on Days of Big Price Changes

We can also look at days of unusually large price movements andask if there were exceptionally important items of news on thosedays. Following up on Niederhoffer’s work, in 1989 David Cut-ler, James Poterba, and Lawrence Summers compiled a list of thefifty largest U.S. stock market movements, as measured by the S&PIndex, since World War II, and for each tabulated the explanationsoffered in the news media. Most of the so-called explanations donot correspond to any unusual news, and some of them could notpossibly be considered serious news. For example, the reasons givenfor large price movements included such relatively innocuous state-ments as “Eisenhower urges confidence in the economy,” “furtherreaction to Truman victory over Dewey,” and “replacement buy-ing after earlier fall.”6

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Some would argue that perhaps we should not expect to seeprominent news on days of big price changes, even if markets areworking perfectly. Price changes in a so-called efficient market occur,so the argument goes, as soon as the information becomes public;they do not wait until the information is reported in the media. (Thisis a topic to which I return in Chapter 9.) Thus it is not surprising,according to this line of reasoning, that we often do not find newinformation in the newspaper on the day of a price change: earlierinformation, appearing to the casual observer as tangential or irrel-evant, has already been interpreted by perceptive investors as sig-nificant to the fundamentals that should determine share prices.

Another argument advanced to explain why days of unusuallylarge stock price movements have often not been found to coin-cide with important news is that a confluence of factors may causea significant market change, even if the individual factors them-selves are not particularly newsworthy. For example, suppose cer-tain investors are informally using a particular statistical model thatforecasts fundamental value using a number of economic indica-tors. If all or most of these particular indicators point the same wayon a given day, even if no single one of them is of any substantiveimportance by itself, their combined effect will be noteworthy.

Both of these interpretations of the tenuous relationship betweennews and market movements assume that the public is paying con-tinuous attention to the news—reacting sensitively to the slight-est clues about market fundamentals, constantly and carefullyadding up all the disparate pieces of evidence. But that is just notthe way public attention works. Our attention is much morequixotic and capricious. Instead, news functions more often as aninitiator of a chain of events that fundamentally change the pub-lic’s thinking about the market.

News as the Precipitator of Attention Cascades

The role of news events in affecting the market seems often to bedelayed, and to have the effect of setting in motion a sequence of pub-lic attentions. These attentions may be to images or stories, or to factsthat may already have been well known. The facts may previously


have been ignored or judged inconsequential, but they can attainnewfound prominence in the wake of breaking news. Thesesequences of attention may be called cascades, as one focus of atten-tion leads to attention to another, and then another.

At 5:46 A.M. on Tuesday, January 17, 1995, an earthquake measuring7.2 on the Richter scale struck Kobe, Japan; it was the worst earth-quake to hit urban Japan since 1923. The reaction of the stock mar-kets of the world to this event provides an interesting case studysince in this case we know without doubt that the precipitatingevent, the earthquake, was truly exogenous and not itself generatedby human activity or business conditions—not a response to a subtlehint of economic change nor the result of a confluence of unusualvalues of conventional economic indicators. In the Cutler-Poterba-Summers list of media explanations for the fifty largest postwarmovements in the S&P Index in the United States, discussed earlier,not a single one of the explanations referred to any substantial causethat was definitely exogenous to the economy.7

The earthquake took 6,425 lives. According to estimates by theCenter for Industrial Renovation of Kansai, the total damagecaused by the earthquake was about $100 billion. The reaction infinancial markets was strong, but delayed. The Tokyo stock mar-ket fell only slightly that day, and prices of construction-relatedcompanies generally rose, reflecting the expected increased demandfor their products and services. Analysts reported at that time thatthe probable effects of the earthquake on corporate value were asyet ambiguous, since the wave of rebuilding after the quake mightstimulate the Japanese economy.

The biggest reaction to the earthquake did not come until a weeklater. On January 23, the Japanese Nikkei index fell 5.6% on noapparent news except the gradual unfolding of numerous newsaccounts of earthquake damage. Over the ten days following theearthquake, the Nikkei lost over 8% of its value. If viewed as thedirect result of the earthquake damage alone, the loss of value wouldbe an overreaction.

What was going on in investors’ minds over the ten days fol-lowing the earthquake? Of course, there is no rigorous way to findout. We know only that over this period the Kobe earthquake dom-

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inated the news, created new and different images of Japan, andmay have led to very different impressions about the Japanese econ-omy. Moreover, the quake sparked discussions about the risk ofan earthquake centered in Tokyo. Despite the fact that geologicalevidence suggesting that Tokyo is at risk for a major earthquakewas already known, greater attention was now focused on thispotential problem. The damage that an earthquake of the sever-ity of the 1923 quake could cause to modern-day Tokyo was putat $1.25 trillion by Tokai Research and Consulting Inc.8

Even more puzzling than the direct effect of the Kobe earthquakeon the domestic Japanese markets was its effect on foreign stockmarkets. On the day that the Nikkei fell 5.6%, the FT-SE 100 indexin London fell 1.4%, the CAC-40 in Paris fell 2.2%, and the DAXin Germany fell 1.4%. The Brazilian and Argentine stock marketsboth fell about 3%. These diverse countries around the world suf-fered no earthquake damage on this occasion.

The best interpretation of the effects of the Kobe earthquake onthe stock markets of the world is that news coverage of the earth-quake, and of the accompanying stock market declines, engagedthe attention of investors, prompting a cascade of attentions thatbrought to the fore some more pessimistic factors.

Another market reaction to news illustrates how media attentionmay, through a cascade of attentions, lead many investors to even-tually take seriously news that would normally be considerednonsense and irrelevant. A sequence of news stories about JosephGranville, a flamboyant market forecaster, appear to have causeda couple of major market moves. The only substantive content ofthese media stories was that Granville was telling his clients to buyor sell, and that Granville himself was influential.

Granville’s behavior easily attracted public attention. His invest-ment seminars were bizarre extravaganzas, sometimes featuringa trained chimpanzee who could play Granville’s theme song, “TheBagholder’s Blues,” on a piano. He once showed up at an invest-ment seminar dressed as Moses, wearing a crown and carryingtablets. Granville made extravagant claims for his forecastingability. He said he could forecast earthquakes and once claimed tohave predicted six of the past seven major world quakes. He was


quoted by Time magazine as saying, “I don’t think that I will evermake a serious mistake in the stock market for the rest of my life,”and he predicted that he would win the Nobel Prize in economics.9

The first Granville episode took place on Tuesday, April 22,1980. With the news that he had changed his recommendation fromshort to long, the Dow rose 30.72 points, or 4.05%. This was thebiggest increase in the Dow since November 1, 1978, a year and ahalf earlier. The second episode occurred on January 6, 1981, afterGranville’s investor service changed from a long recommendationto a short recommendation. The Dow took its biggest dive sinceOctober 9, 1979, over a year earlier. There was no other news oneither of these occasions that might appear responsible for themarket change, and on the second occasion both the Wall StreetJournal and Barrons squarely attributed the drop to Granville’srecommendation.

Can we be sure that media reporting of Granville and his sup-posed powers of prognostication caused these changes? Manypeople wondered if the Granville effect was not just a coincidencethat the news media exaggerated. We can be sure that a sequenceof news stories about Granville’s pronouncements, with theirsubstantial word-of-mouth potential, had a cumulative effect onnational attention, and that public reactions to his pronouncementsand to market declines at the time of his announcements were fun-damentally altered by this cascade.10

News during the Crash of 1929

The role of the news media in causing the stock market crash of1929 has been debated almost since the crash itself. In fact the puzzlefacing historians and economists has been, by some interpretations,that just before the crash there was no significant news at all. But,people have wondered ever since, how could this record stock mar-ket crash get under way with no news? What common concernswere on the minds of sellers that caused so many of them to try tosell at the same time?

The Monday, October 28, 1929, stock market crash was the big-gest single-day drop (measured between the closing price the

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previous trading day and the closing price on the day) in theDow until the October 19, 1987, crash. On October 28, 1929, the Dowfell 12.8% in one day (13.01% measured from the high to the lowon that day). The second-biggest drop in history (until 1987)occurred the following day, when the Dow dropped 11.7% (15.9%measured from the high to the low on that day). The combined close-to-close drop in those two days in 1929 was 23.1%. What news hadarisen that might rationally account for such a sizable stock marketdecline?

On reading the major newspapers over that weekend and oninto the morning of Tuesday, October 29, one is easily led to con-clude that nothing of any consequence for the fundamentals ofthe market was happening. Indeed that was the conclusionreported in the newspapers themselves. On the morning of Octo-ber 29, newspapers around the country carried an Associated Pressstory that said in part, “In the absence of any adverse newsdevelopments over the week-end, and in the face of the optimisticcomments on business forthcoming from President Hoover andleading industrial and banking executives, Wall Street’s onlyexplanation of today’s decline was that a careful checking up ofaccounts over the week-end disclosed numerous weak spots,which had been overlooked in the hectic sessions of last week.”The New York Times attributed the drop only to a “general loss ofconfidence.” The Wall Street Journal reported that “business in gen-eral shows no signs of disintegration” and that the decline wasdue to “necessitous liquidation of impaired accounts.”11

What else was in the news on those days? As of Monday morn-ing there was news that the Interstate Commerce Commissionwould proceed with its plan to recapture some excess railroadincome. There was a favorable report on the earnings of U.S. Steel.New information was reported on charges that the ConnecticutManufacturer’s Association had succeeded in introducing into atariff bill provisions favoring Connecticut. Mussolini had made aspeech saying that the “men and institutions of fascism can faceany crisis, even if it is sudden.” A new aspirant to the French pre-miership, Edouard Daladier, announced the foreign minister of hisprospective cabinet. A British airliner was lost at sea with seven


aboard. The Graf Zeppelin planned a trip to explore the Arctic.Richard Byrd’s party was making progress toward the South Pole.

After Black Monday, early on Tuesday morning, the second dayof the crash, it was reported that prominent financiers had assertedthat heavy banking support would come into the market thatday, in search of bargains. If this was significant news at all, onewould think it was good news. Other news on Tuesday morningwas that two senators had called on President Hoover to declarehis position on duties on agricultural and industrial products, thatSenator Hiram Bingham had complained that the Lobby Inquiryhad treated him unfairly, a Hungarian count and countess had beengiven the right to enter the country, and another airliner had beenlost with five aboard.

All of these stories sound very typical. If there really was a goodreason for the drop in the market, then certainly there must havebeen something happening at the time that people knew about. Andone would think that such concerns would have made it into thenews in some form. Perhaps one must read the papers more care-fully. One author, Jude Wanniski, indeed claimed that there wasa story in the New York Times on the morning of Monday, October28, 1929, that might conceivably account for such a decline. Thisfront-page story was an optimistic report on the likelihood of pas-sage of the Smoot-Hawley tariff, then still in committee. The storywas picked up by the Associated Press and United News the fol-lowing day and given front-page treatment around the country onTuesday, October 29.12

It is conceivable that the Smoot-Hawley tariff might have beenexpected to hurt the outlook for U.S. corporate profits. One couldhave thought that it would generally benefit corporations, manyof whom actively sought the tariff. But it has been argued by his-torians of the 1929 crash that the tariff might have been expectedto have the opposite effect, given the retaliation from other countriesthat it would engender. Allan Meltzer in fact argued that the tariffcould be the reason “why the 1929 recession did not follow the pathof previous monetary contractions but became the Great Depres-sion.”13 However, other economists, including Rudiger Dorn-busch and Stanley Fischer, pointed out that exports were only 7%

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of the gross national product (GNP) in 1929 and that between1929 and 1931 they fell by only 1.5% of 1929 GNP. This hardly seemslike the cause of the Great Depression. Moreover, they pointed outthat it is not clear that the Smoot-Hawley tariff was responsible forthe decline in exports. The depression itself might be held respon-sible for part of the decline. Dornbusch and Fischer showed thatthe 1922 Fordney-McCumber tariff increased tariff rates as muchas the Smoot-Hawley tariff, and the Fordney-McCumber tariffwas of course followed by no such recession.14

Even if we were to allow that the possibility of passage of theSmoot-Hawley tariff was important enough to account for adecline in share values of this magnitude, one must still askwhether there was any news over the weekend that would sub-stantially alter one’s estimation of the likelihood that the tariff wouldbe passed. Just what was the content of the story in the New YorkTimes? On Saturday, October 26, Senator David Reed declaredthat the Smoot-Hawley tariff bill was “dead” in committee. Thisprovoked denials by Senators Reed Smoot and William Borah. TheTimes quoted Senator Smoot as saying, “If that is Senator Reed’sopinion, I suppose he has a right to express it. But it isn’t the viewof the Finance Committee.” Senator Borah said, “My opinion is thatthe tariff bill is not going to die.” The next morning, October 29,the Times reported that Senator Reed had reiterated his convictionthat the bill was dead and went on to cite other opinions on bothsides of the issue. Although the original Times story had soundedoptimistic for the bill, the United News version of the story pub-lished on October 29 was pessimistic. The Atlanta Constitution, whenit ran the story on October 29, carried the headline, “Senate GivesUp Hope of Enacting New Tariff Bill.”

Nonetheless, it is hard to see that this interchange among sen-ators, so typical of political wrangling, amounts to important news.The same sort of news accounts had been coming out all along withregard to the tariff bill. A week earlier, on October 21, the Times hadquoted Senator James Watson, Republican leader of the Senate,offering his view that the Senate would pass the bill within anothermonth. On October 13, Senator Smoot was reported as tellingPresident Hoover that there was a chance the bill would pass by


November 20. Alternately optimistic and pessimistic news on thetariff bill had been coming in since Hoover’s election.

Far more significant than news about fundamentals among thenewspaper stories on Monday, October 28, 1929, are clues to theimportance attached in people’s minds to the events of just a fewdays earlier, when the stock exchange had seen a record declinein share prices. That was the so-called Black Thursday, October 24,1929, when the Dow had fallen 12.9% within the day but recov-ered substantially before the end of trading, so that the closing aver-age was down only 2.1% from the preceding close. This event wasno longer news, but the memory of the emotions it had generatedwas very much part of the ambience on Monday. The New YorkTimes noted in its Monday morning edition that Wall Street,“normally deserted and quiet on Sunday as a country graveyard,hummed with activity as bankers and brokers strove to put theirhouses in order after the most strenuous week in history. . . .When the bell clangs at 10 o’clock this morning for the resumptionof trading, most houses will be abreast of their work and ready forwhat may come.” The atmosphere of that Sunday on Wall Streetwas described: “Sightseers strolled from street to street, gazing curi-ously at the Stock Exchange Building and the Morgan bankingoffices across the way, centers of last week’s dramatic financial hap-penings. Here and there a sightseer picked up from the street avagrant slip of ticker tape, as visitors seize upon spent bullets ona battlefield as souvenirs. Sightseeing buses made special tripsthrough the district.”15

Indeed, on that same Monday morning of the crash the Wall StreetJournal saw fit to run a front-page editorial stating that “everybodyin responsible positions says that business conditions are sound.”16

The editorial staff of the Journal must have had reasons to suspectthat reassurance was needed if the market was to remain stable.Presumably they had heard snippets of popular conversation, orcould at least guess how people might react following the week-end, given the huge debacle on Thursday.

So perhaps what happened on Monday, October 28, 1929, wasjust an echo, albeit a very exaggerated one, of what had happenedthe previous week. What had the media said about this? Again, the

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newspapers seemed to think that there was no important news. TheChicago Tribune wrote, on Sunday, October 27, 1929, “It has beenthe collapse of a vastly inflated bubble of speculation, with little orno cause in the country’s general situation. A top-heavy structurehas collapsed of its own weight—there has been no earthquake.”The New York Times said, “The market smash has been caused bytechnical rather than fundamental considerations.” The GuarantySurvey, published by the Guaranty Trust Company, remarked that“to suppose that the selling wave of the last few weeks was dueto adverse developments of corresponding importance in the gen-eral business situation would be a fundamental error.”17

Let us go back in time and look at the news on the morning ofBlack Thursday, October 24, 1929. Once again, the news does notseem to be very significant. President Hoover had announced a planto develop inland waterways. Atlantic Refinings’ earnings for theyear were reported to be its highest ever. The president of a sugarcompany had told a Senate committee investigating lobbying that$75,000 had been spent by the sugar lobby since December in a cam-paign to reduce duties on sugar. Negotiators had reported a set-back in efforts to establish the Bank for International Settlements.A Carnegie Fund report decried the subsidization of college ath-letes. The America’s Cup committee had announced the rules forthe next running of the yacht race. An amateur pilot attemptinga solo flight across the Atlantic was reported lost. President Hooverhad taken a trip on a picturesque river boat down the Ohio River.

Nothing here seems remotely to suggest anything fundamen-tal about the outlook for the stock market. But let us look back yetanother day. There was news on the Wednesday before BlackThursday that there had been a major drop in the market (the Dowclosed on Wednesday down 6.3% from Tuesday’s close) and thattotal transactions had had their second highest day in history.Should we then look for the cause in the news of October 23, 1929?Again there was no national news of any apparent significance, butagain there were references to past market moves. The most sig-nificant concrete news stories in the newspapers seem consistentlyto have been about previous moves of the market itself. The mostprominent content in the news appears to have been interpretations


of the reasons for these previous moves, often in terms of investorpsychology.

There is no way that the events of the stock market crash of 1929can be considered a response to any real news stories. We seeinstead a negative bubble, operating through feedback effects of pricechanges, and an attention cascade, with a series of heightened pub-lic fixations on the market. This sequence of events appears to befundamentally no different from those of other market debacles—including the notorious crash of 1987, to which we now turn.

News during the Crash of 1987

When the stock market crashed on October 19, 1987—setting a newrecord one-day decline that nearly doubled that of either October28 or October 29, 1929 (to this day it is the all-time record one-dayprice drop)—I considered it a unique opportunity to inquiredirectly of investors what they considered to be the significant newson that day. It was no longer necessary, as it had been for those whostudied the 1929 crash, to rely on media interpretations suggest-ing what was the important news on investors’ minds. As far asI have been able to determine, no one else took advantage of thisopportunity. The results of my questionnaire survey, sent out toa sample of institutional investors and a sample of individualinvestors the week of the crash, were the only published findingsof a survey asking investors what they were thinking on the dayof the crash.18

In my 1987 survey, I listed all the news stories published in thefew days preceding the crash that seemed at all relevant to the chang-ing opinions of the market, ending with news that had appearedin the papers on the morning of the crash. I asked the investors:

Please tell us how important each of the following news items wasto you personally on October 19, 1987, in your evaluation of stockmarket prospects. Please rate them on a one-to-seven scale, 1 indi-cating that the term was completely unimportant, 4 indicating thatit was of moderate importance, 7 indicating that it was very impor-tant. Please tell how important you then felt these were, and not howothers thought about them.

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I included ten news stories, and in the eleventh position a spacemarked “Other” where respondents could write in their ownchoices.

The results were broadly similar between institutional and indi-vidual investors, and between those who had actually bought orsold on October 19. Respondents rated everything as relevant. Theythought that most of the news stories rated at least a 4, that is, theywere of moderate importance. The only news story that meritedan average score less than 3 was the sell signal that investment guruRobert Prechter was reported to have given on October 14, and eventhat received a score around 2. Even the news that the United Stateshad attacked an Iranian oil station, a minor skirmish reported onOctober 19, received a rating over 3. Respondents were not veryforthcoming with other news stories in the “Other” category. Theytended to mention concerns, rather than news stories that brokeat the time of the crash. The most common write-in answer wasa concern about too much indebtedness, referring variously to thefederal deficit, the national debt, or taxes. Such a response wasoffered by a third of the individual investors who wrote in answersand a fifth of the institutional investors.

But the striking result was that the most highly rated newsstories among those I listed were those about past price declines them-selves. The most important news story, according to the respondents,was the 200-point drop in the Dow on the morning of October 19,a news story that yielded an average score of 6.54 among individualsellers on October 19 and 6.05 among institutional sellers on Octo-ber 19. The preceding week’s news of the record (in terms of pointslost) stock market declines was considered the second most impor-tant story.

One of the questions asked respondents to give their recollec-tions of the interpretations they had attached to the price declineson the day of the crash: “Can you remember any specific theoryyou had about the causes for the price declines October 14–19,1987?” Respondents were given space to write answers in their ownwords, which I read and categorized. Odd as it may seem from theperspective of today’s much higher market, the most commontheme in the answers to this open-ended question was that the


market had been overpriced before the crash. Overpricing was men-tioned by 33.9% of the individual investors and 32.6% of the insti-tutional investors. Although this response accounts for fewer thanhalf the answers, it is noteworthy that so many thought to men-tion this in answer to an open-ended question. (I also asked themdirectly elsewhere on the questionnaire whether they thought, justbefore the crash, that the market was overpriced, and 71.7% of theindividual investors [91.0% of those who had sold on October 19]and 84.3% of the institutional investors [88.5% of those who hadsold on October 19] said yes.)19 Another important theme in answerto the open-ended question was one of institutional stop-loss, iden-tified by the presence of the words institutional selling, program trad-ing, stop-loss, or computer trading; 22.8% of the individuals and33.1% of the institutional investors mentioned such a theme. Therewas also an investor irrationality theme, identified by statementsto the effect that investors were crazy or that the fall was due toinvestor panic or capricious changes in opinion; 25.4% of the indi-viduals and 24.4% of the institutional investors touched on thistheme. None of these major themes had anything to do withbreaking news events other than the crash itself.

Immediately after this question, I asked on the questionnaire,“Which of the following better describes your theory about thedeclines: a theory about investor psychology [or] a theory aboutfundamentals such as profits or interest rates?” Most—67.5% of theinstitutional investors and 64.0% of the individual investors—picked a theory about investor psychology.

Thus it appears that the stock market crash had substantially todo with a psychological feedback loop among the general investingpublic from price declines to selling and thus further price declines,along the lines of a negative bubble, as discussed in Chapter 3. Thecrash apparently had nothing particularly to do with any news storyother than that of the crash itself, but rather with theories aboutother investors’ reasons for selling and about their psychology.

President Ronald Reagan, reacting to the crash, set up a studycommission headed by former Treasury Secretary Nicholas Brady.He asked the Brady Commission to tell him what had caused thecrash and what should be done about it. Investment professionals

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are generally uncomfortable going on record to explain the causesof such events, and many reports about the crash tended to focusthe inquiry away from its ultimate causes. But the members ofthe Brady Commission were under orders from the president of theUnited States to face the matter head on. As a result, we have intheir report the only major effort to collect all the relevant facts andexplain the crash of 1987. They wrote in their summary the followingexplanation for the crash:

The precipitous market decline of mid-October was “triggered” byspecific events: an unexpectedly high merchandise trade deficitwhich pushed interest rates to new high levels, and proposed taxlegislation which led to the collapse of the stocks of a number oftakeover candidates. This initial decline ignited mechanical, price-insensitive selling by a number of institutions employing portfolioinsurance strategies and a small number of mutual fund groupsreacting to redemptions. The selling by these investors, and theprospect of further selling by them, encouraged a number of aggres-sive trading-oriented institutions to sell in anticipation of furthermarket declines. These institutions included, in addition to hedgefunds, a small number of pension and endowment funds, moneymanagement firms and investment banking houses. This selling, inturn, stimulated further reactive selling by portfolio insurers andmutual funds.20

This conclusion by the Brady Commission sounds in some waysvery much like the one I drew from my own survey-based studyof the crash. By “price-insensitive selling” they mean selling thatcomes in response to a price drop but is insensitive to how low theprice goes before the sale is concluded—selling at any price. Thecommission was saying here, most prominently, that the crash wascaused by what I have called a feedback loop, with initial pricedeclines influencing more investors to exit the market, thereby cre-ating further price declines. The Brady Commission was saying,in effect, that the crash of 1987 was a negative bubble.

A strength of the Brady Commission’s study of the crash rela-tive to my own was their unparalleled access to major investinginstitutions. Their study complements my own in reaching the con-clusion that a feedback loop was at work in the crash. However,their conclusion sounds a bit different from mine in that it gives


prominence to the substantive content of news stories. In addition,theirs suggests that much of the selling was “mechanical” or “reac-tive,” rather than psychological or herdlike.

Based on the results of my study, the news stories that the BradyCommission mentions about the merchandise trade deficit andabout new highs in interest rates cannot be considered central toinvestors’ thinking. In my survey, I included these in my list of newsstories and got a lukewarm response from respondents (mostly 4s).Moreover, if one looks at long-term plots of both the trade deficitand interest rates, it is very clear that there was no sudden breakin either of these series that could possibly be seen as standing outin a historical perspective. Virtually nothing happened to either thetrade deficit or interest rates.

The proposed tax legislation that the Brady Commission men-tions had completely escaped my notice as an important news storyto include on my list. The news had broken on October 14, five daysbefore the crash, and it had not seemed to me to be the subject ofsignificant public comment in the days leading up to the crash. Rep-resentative Dan Rostenkowski’s House Ways and Means Committeewas considering tax changes that would have had the effect ofdiscouraging corporate takeovers. Changing capital gains tax pro-visions struck many would-be interpreters of the crash after thefact as having fundamental importance for stock prices in an effi-cient market.

When I learned of the potential importance of this news story,I went back over the questionnaires I had received to see how manyrespondents had mentioned it in their answers under “Other.” Ifound no mention at all among the 605 individual responses, andonly three mentions among the 284 institutional responses. Clearly,this news story does not deserve to be singled out as a major causeof the crash.21

The Brady Commission puts quite a bit of stress on a tool of insti-tutional investors called “portfolio insurance.” Portfolio insuranceis a strategy for limiting losses that was invented by ProfessorsHayne Leland and Mark Rubinstein at the University of Californiaat Berkeley and successfully marketed by them to many institu-tional investors in the 1980s. Portfolio insurance is really a mis-nomer; the strategy is merely a plan for selling stocks. It involves

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impressive mathematical models, but in fact it is nothing more thana formalized procedure for getting out of the market by sellingstocks when they start to go down. Leland himself, in his classic1980 article on portfolio insurance, admits as much: “Some ‘rulesof thumb’ such as ‘run with your winners, cut your losses’ and ‘sellat a new high, buy at a new low,’ will be shown to approximatethe optimal dynamic trading strategies for certain types ofinvestors.”22 So, by using portfolio insurance, investors are merelydoing what has always come naturally, only with a little moremathematical precision and careful planning. But with the fancynew name “portfolio insurance,” which suggests that the strategyis prudent and sensible, and with its high-tech image, the adventof this strategy quite likely made many investors more reactive topast price changes.

The adoption of portfolio insurance by many institutionalinvestors was a sort of fad—a sophisticated fad, but a fad none-theless. Since it has a distinctive name (the term portfolio insurancehad essentially not been used before 1980), it is possible to tracethe course of this investor fad by means of word counts in the press.I performed such a count on ABI/INFORM, a database of businessperiodicals, and found no more than 1 reference to portfolio insur-ance in each of the years 1980–83, 4 in 1984, 6 in 1985, 41 in 1986,and 75 in 1987. References to portfolio insurance were growingalong the type of steady growth path that characterizes simpleword-of-mouth epidemic models, which will be discussed inChapter 8.23

So the development of portfolio insurance changed the way someinvestors reacted to past price changes just before the crash of 1987.There were probably other changes in the nature of the feedbackloop that, because they were not so concretely programmed as port-folio insurance, we could not observe directly. But the importantpoint is that it was the changed nature of the feedback loop, not the newsstories that broke around the time of the crash, that was the essentialcause of the crash.

Feedback can be modified by many factors, and the news mediathemselves can certainly have an impact on it. The Wall StreetJournal, on the morning of the 1987 crash, ran a plot showing theDow in the 1980s and, just below it, a plot showing the Dow in the


1920s up to and for a month after the crash of 1929.24 The two plotswere aligned so that the current date lined up with the date of the1929 crash, and so the plot suggested that the crash of 1929 mightbe about to repeat itself. Investors had the opportunity to see thisplot at breakfast a matter of minutes before the crash of 1987 actu-ally started. The Journal was openly suggesting the possibility of acrash starting that day. True, this was not a front-page story, andno one story by itself is decisive in causing a crash. But this littlestory and the accompanying plot, appearing as they did on the morn-ing of the crash, probably did help prime investors to be more alertto suggestions of a crash.

When the big price declines on the morning of October 19, 1987,began, the archetype that was the 1929 crash encouraged manypeople to question whether “it” was happening again—the “it”being the Great Crash as illustrated in the Journal, not the crash of1907, nor the upcrash of 1932, nor any of the numerous other his-torical stock market events that by then had been almost completelyforgotten. The mental image of the biggest crash in history possiblyhappening on that very day had the potential to enhance the feed-back from initial price declines to later price declines. The imagealso provided a suggestion of how far the market would declinebefore it rebounded, a crucial factor in determining how far themarket actually did fall. In fact, in the crash of October 19, 1987,the Dow actually fell in one day almost the same amount as it didon October 28–29, 1929—22.6% in 1987 versus 23.1% in 1929. Thatit fell roughly the same amount on both occasions might be regardedas just a coincidence, especially since the 1987 crash took twodays rather than one, and few investors in 1987 even knew exactlyhow far the market fell in 1929. On the other hand, many did havea rough impression of the extent of the 1929 plunge, and there waslittle other concrete information available to investors on October19, 1987, to suggest when the market should stop falling.

The changed feedback that occurred at the time of the 1987 crashshould be thought of as just one example of continually changingprice-to-price feedback, as investors’ theories and methods changeover time. It would be a mistake to describe the changed feedbackas the result only of the technological innovation represented byportfolio insurance. Despite the use of computers in executing port-

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folio insurance strategies, it is still people who decide to deploythe tool and who decide how quickly it will take effect in a declin-ing market. And there are of course many other people who, awarethat portfolio insurance is being used, adjust their own informalresponses to past price changes depending on their perceptions ofother investors’ use of the strategy. Portfolio insurance is of inter-est to us in this context only because it shows us concretely howpeople’s thinking can change in ways that alter the manner in whichfeedback from stock price changes affects further stock pricechanges, thereby creating possible price instabilities.

The Role of News Media in Propagating Speculative Bubbles

The role of the news media in the stock market is not, as commonlybelieved, simply as a convenient tool for investors who are react-ing directly to the economically significant news itself. The mediaactively shape public attention and categories of thought, andthey create the environment within which the stock market eventswe see are played out.

The examples given in this chapter illustrate that the newsmedia are fundamental propagators of speculative price movementsthrough their efforts to make news interesting to their audience.They sometimes strive to enhance such interest by attaching newsstories to stock price movements that the public has alreadyobserved, thereby enhancing the salience of these movementsand focusing greater attention on them. Or they may remind thepublic of past market episodes, or of the likely trading strategiesof others. Thus the media can sometimes foster stronger feed-back from past price changes to further price changes, and they canalso foster another sequence of events, referred to here as an atten-tion cascade.

This is not to say that the news media are a monolithic force push-ing ideas onto a purely passive audience. The media represent achannel for mass communication and the interpretation of popularculture, but popular culture has an inherent logic and process ofits own. We turn next to a study of some of the basic ideas in ourculture, whose transformation over time bears a relation to thechanging speculative situation in stock markets.



New Era Economic Thinking

Stock market expansions haveoften been associated with pop-

ular perceptions that the future is brighter or less uncertain thanit was in the past. The term new era has periodically been used todescribe these times.

Of course, there is some obvious validity to the new era notion.The general trend over the twentieth century has been a rise in thestandard of living and a decline in the impact of economic riskson individuals. By many measures the world has indeed been grad-ually growing into a new and better era. But the most salientcharacteristic of popular new era thinking is that it is not contin-uously in evidence; rather, it occurs in pulses.

In contrast to the irregular references to a new era in popularculture, economists or other influential commentators who haveproclaimed a new era at various times in history have usually beenquite cautious in their choice of words. Often, they merely seem tobe betting on the continuation of long-term trends.

Impressions that the public is affected in different ways at dif-ferent times by new era thinking—or for that matter by any otherpopular economic theory—are hard to pin down. For example, it

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is difficult to trace the evolution of ideas through questionnairesurvey work, because one only knows to question the publicabout specific ideas after those ideas have attracted a good dealof attention.

We can do word counts of publications using computerized data-bases, and thereby get some idea of the changing frequency withwhich certain economic terms are used, but such searches are crudeand miss the often subtle ways in which the use of the termschanges over time. When I tried to establish how often the phrasenew era has been used in the past few years, I found that the termhas been used in so many different contexts that a search on thisphrase alone is not meaningful for our purposes. On the other hand,I have established from the Nexis database that the term new eraeconomy did not have any currency until a Business Week coverstory in July 1997 attributed this term to Alan Greenspan, mark-ing an alleged turning point in his thinking since the “irrationalexuberance” speech some months earlier.1 The term new era econ-omy has been in regular use ever since. (The association of this termwith one powerful figure provides yet another striking exampleof how individual actors or media events can change publicthinking.)

The recent use of the term new era in this context actually pre-ceded the Business Week article, for a pair of articles in the BostonGlobe in June 1997 used the terms new era thesis, new era theorists,and new era school and identified Ralph Acampora, technicalresearch director at Prudential Securities, as a member of the so-called school. In August 1997, a much-talked-about article byPaul Krugman in the Harvard Business Review attacked the newlyprominent new era theory, and this of course gave the term evengreater currency.2 In the decade before 1997, the Nexis searchreveals that the term new era was used only rarely to denote opti-mistic economic outlooks; in those years the term apparently hadlittle currency.

All of these uses of the term new era to describe the economyoccurred after the 1990s stock market had advanced far enough thatit was beginning to amaze people, and all the new era stories fea-ture the stock market.3 It was not as if some economists proclaimed


a new era after looking at national income data or other data rel-evant to the real economic outlook. The new era theory emergedprincipally as an after-the-fact interpretation of a stock market boom.This is surely no surprise. A stock market boom is a dramatic eventthat calls for an equally dramatic interpretation. In contrast, anincrease in the growth rate of the gross domestic product—from,say, 2% to 3%—although perhaps exciting to economists, does notmake the same impression on the general public. It is insubstan-tial, esoteric, and simply cannot hold its own against the flashiernews offerings bombarding the public.

Whenever the market reaches a new high, public speakers,writers, and other prominent people suddenly appear, armed withexplanations for the apparent optimism seen in the market.Reporters may not always get the timing right, and they may sug-gest that it was the words spoken by these great men and womenthat caused the market shifts. Although prominent people cancertainly move markets, often their wisdom merely tags alongwith market moves. Nevertheless, the new era thinking they pro-mote is part of the process by which a boom may be sustained andamplified—part of the feedback mechanism that, as we have seen,can create speculative bubbles.

A defender of markets’ rationality might point out that even ifdiscussions of a new era really are the cause of the boom, it doesnot follow that news accounts of these discussions must precedethe boom. Technically, of course, it is possible—in spite of the factthat most media discussions of new era theories seem to coincidewith or come after stock market booms—that the word-of-mouth dis-cussions did in fact precede and cause the booms. The news mediamight have been late to recognize the discussions.

But that defense of markets’ rationality is not very plausible ifwe consider the nature of the thought patterns observed among thegeneral investing public. There is such lack of interest among the pub-lic in reasoned arguments about the future course of the corporatesector that it is highly unlikely that the public could have been har-boring secret thoughts of a new era in corporate profits unrelatedto past stock price increases.

It appears that most people are not interested in long-run eco-nomic growth forecasts for the aggregate economy. Economic

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theory would suggest that they should be interested, if they arebehaving rationally. But in fact the topic is too abstract, boring, ortechnical. The public is interested in expansive descriptions offuture technology—for example, in what amazing new capabilitiescomputers will soon have—not in gauging the level of U.S. cor-porate earnings in coming years. In fact, it is doubtful that morethan a small percentage of the populace today could give an esti-mate of aggregate U.S. corporate earnings accurate within an orderof magnitude. They are hardly likely to be interested in predict-ing changes in those same earnings.

History does show that there are at times strong unseen forceswithin public opinion that are not revealed in the media or in pub-lic discussions until some key event brings them out of the wood-work. But such currents in public opinion typically relate to naïvetheories based on personal observations or ill-founded prejudicesagainst minority groups or foreign countries. The public simplydoes not harbor secret opinions about the economic growth rate.4

Conventional wisdom interprets the stock market as reacting tonew era theories. In fact, it appears that the stock market often cre-ates new era theories, as reporters scramble to justify stock marketprice moves. The situation reminds one of the Ouija board, inwhich players are encouraged to interpret the meaning of movementsin their trembling hands and to distill forecasts from them. Or thestock market is seen as an oracle, issuing mysterious and meaning-less pronouncements, which we then ask our leaders to interpret,mistakenly investing their interpretations with authority.

In this chapter I analyze the “new era” thinking that accompa-nied previous market peaks in the United States. I also offer someindications of the public’s thinking in the times when the “new eras”had run their course. I make liberal use of contemporary quota-tions, since these provide the most direct evidence of people’sthoughts and concerns.

The 1901 Optimism: The Twentieth-Century Peak

As noted in Chapter 1, the first of the three major peaks in the price-earnings ratio since 1881 occurred in June 1901, right at the dawnof the twentieth century. Prices had achieved spectacular increases


over the preceding twelve months, and in mid-1901 observersreported real speculative fervor: “The outburst of speculationduring April, 1901, was something rarely paralleled in the historyof speculative manias. . . . The newspapers were full of stories ofhotel waiters, clerks in business offices, even doorkeepers anddressmakers, who had won considerable fortunes in their specu-lations. The effect on the public mind may be imagined.”5

With the beginning of the century in January 1901, there wasmuch talk of the future and of technological progress to come:“trains [will be] running at 150 miles per hour, . . . newspaper pub-lishers will press the buttons and automotive machinery will do therest, . . . phonographs as salesmen will sell goods in the big storeswhile automatic hands will make change.”6 Guglielmo Marconimade the first transatlantic radio transmission in 1901, and therewere predictions that we would soon be in radio communicationwith the planet Mars.

The Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, New York, from May 1to November 1, 1901, emphasized high technology. It had as itscenterpiece the 375-foot Electric Tower, illuminated by 44,000 lightbulbs powered by faraway generators at Niagara Falls. The towerwas “indescribably brilliant” and held visitors “spellbound.”7 Theexposition’s Electricity Building featured exhibits about the won-ders of electricity. There was an electrograph, a machine thattransmitted pictures by wire (forerunner of the fax machine), anda tel-autograph, a machine that enabled one to transmit one’ssignature over long distances (forerunner of credit card signature-verification devices). The exposition even offered a simulated tripto the moon on the airship Luna: the visitor could take a strollthrough the streets and shops of the moon before returning to earth.

In a sense, the high-tech age, the computer age, and the spaceage seemed just around the corner in 1901, though the concepts wereexpressed in different words than we would use today. People wereupbeat, and in later years the first decade of the twentieth centurycame to be called the Age of Optimism, the Age of Confidence,or the co*cksure Era. The mood was perhaps similar to that oftoday, a century later and near the dawn of the twenty-first cen-tury. Given the modern media’s exploitation of anniversary or

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threshold events, and the human tendency to consider such eventsas symbolic new beginnings, investing them with exaggeratedhopes and expectations, the transitions to new centuries may tendto be optimistic times. The 1901 example suggests that new-centuryoptimism might in fact extend for years beyond 2001.

But there was another reason why people in 1901 thought thatthe stock market ought to be highly valued. The most prominentbusiness news in the papers in recent years had been about the for-mation of numerous combinations, trusts, and mergers in a widevariety of businesses, stories such as the formation of U.S. Steelout of a number of smaller steel companies. Many stock market fore-casters in 1901 saw these developments as momentous, and the termcommunity of interest was commonly used to describe the new econ-omy dominated by them. An April 1901 editorial in the New YorkDaily Tribune explained:

But a new era has come, the era of “community of interest,” wherebyit is hoped to avoid ruinous price cutting and to avert the destruc-tion which has in the past, when business depression occurred, over-taken so many of the competing concerns in every branch ofindustry. In the great iron and steel industry, for example, which,as Andrew Carnegie has said, has been the prince and the pauperof the industrial world, now highly prosperous again and againdeeply depressed, consolidations of scores of scattered concerns intoa dozen larger ones within the last two years have now been fol-lowed by the combination of the latter into the most gigantic com-bination the world has ever known, a combination which, if theexpectations of its projectors are fulfilled, will result in the avoid-ing of much economic waste through eliminating the possibility ofthe erection of unnecessary plants for competitive reasons, in theeffecting of many economies through the abolishing of duplicate offi-cial positions and establishment of a uniform price list, and in theenlargement of export trade by reason of the lower prices which canbe fixed in consequence of the various economies coincident toconsolidation.

In the railroad field, too, combination is the ruling idea, and forthe same reasons. Competing roads are being consolidated or leased,with resulting economy of operation and permanent cessation of ratecutting, and representatives of powerful roads are going into theboards of heretofore incorrigible rate cutting lines, in which bodiesthey have an influence potent, if not controlling.8


These reasons for optimism for the stock market are certainlyplausible. It is easily believable that elimination of competitionmight create monopoly profits for corporations, thus boostingtheir share prices.

But the editorial does not mention the potential for antitrustlaw to end the “community of interest” era. In September 1901, thepro-business president William McKinley was assassinated whilevisiting the Pan-American Exposition; he was succeeded by his“cowboy” vice president, Teddy Roosevelt. It was only six monthslater, in March 1902, that Roosevelt dusted off the almost-forgottenSherman Antitrust Act of 1890 and used it against the NorthernSecurities Company. Over the next seven years he embarked ona vigorous antitrust policy. When the defects of the Sherman Actbecame apparent, the Clayton Antitrust Act of 1914 furthered thegovernment’s assault on corporate combinations.

The premise of the “community of interest” theory of stockprices turned out to be wrong; those who expressed high optimismfor stocks on this basis were not thinking of all that could go wrong.People were not considering the possibility that society would nottolerate this shift of wealth toward stockholders. Presumably theydid not consider this because there had not yet been any concreteantitrust activity. Yet in thinking about the level of the stock mar-ket, one must of course consider the long-run earnings, spread overfuture decades, that the market represents, and of the potential forsociety to make adjustments, positive or negative, to control thisearnings stream.

Rarely do discussions of the level of the stock market considerthe possibility of government reaction to the level of profits, eventhough government policy toward corporations has changed sub-stantially and dramatically over time. The corporate profits tax alonehas been adjusted many times, from 0% in 1901, to 1% in 1911, to10% in 1921, to 14% in 1931, to 31% in 1941, to 50.75% with a 30%excess-profits tax in 1951, to 35% today. Despite the fact that theU.S. government’s past actions raised the corporate profits tax from0% to 50.75%, effectively nationalizing more than half the stock mar-ket, potential future adjustments in this tax are rarely mentionedin discussing the outlook for the market.

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The 1901 example illustrates one way in which new era think-ing can go wrong: such thinking concentrates attention on the effectsof events currently prominent in the news. Little attention is paidto “what-ifs,” even if they have substantial probability.

There was another important theme in 1901: that stocks were nowbeing held in “strong hands.” “The ownership of stocks haschanged hands. The public speculators do not now own them. Theyare owned by people who are capable of protecting them underany circ*mstances, such as the Standard Oil, Morgan, Kuhn Loeb,Gould and Harriman Interests. These people who are the foremostfinanciers of the country evidently know when they go into a propo-sition what ultimate results may be expected.”9 This theory, liketheories expressed at other market peaks, finds it inconceivable thatthere could be a selling panic. In the shortest run, perhaps this theorywas right. But those strong hands did not stop the stock marketcrash of 1907, nor the dramatic slide of stock values between 1907and 1920.

The 1920s Optimism

The bull market of the 1920s was apparently a time of relativelygreat public enthusiasm for and interest in the stock market, andthe enthusiasm seemed to peak in 1929 with the market. In his 1931book Only Yesterday, Frederick Lewis Allen wrote of 1929:

The rich man’s chauffeur drove with his ears laid back to catch thenews of an impending move in Bethlehem Steel; he held 50 shareshimself on a twenty-point margin. The window cleaner at the bro-ker’s office paused to watch the ticker, for he was thinking of con-verting his laboriously accumulated savings into a few shares ofSimmons. Edwin Lefevre (an articulate reporter on the market atthis time who could claim a considerable personal experience) toldof a broker’s valet who made nearly a quarter of a million in the mar-ket; of a trained nurse who cleaned up thirty thousand followingthe tips given her by grateful patients; of a Wyoming cattleman, thirtymiles from the nearest railroad, who bought or sold a thousandshares a day.10

Although this account may create an exaggerated impression of thelevel of public attention to the stock market, there is no question


that attention was much keener in the 1920s than at other times,and that enthusiastic investors were not hard to find.

The 1920s were a time of rapid economic growth and, in par-ticular, of the widespread dissemination of some technological inno-vations that had formerly been available only to the wealthy. Theautomobile came into common use at roughly this time. In 1914there had been only 1.7 million automobiles registered in the UnitedStates, but by 1920 there were 8.1 million and by 1929 there were23.1 million. The automobile brought with it a new sense of free-dom and possibility, and a widespread awareness that these per-sonal values could be attained by new technology.

The 1920s were also the time when the electrification of thecountry was extended beyond the major cities, which had alreadybeen electrified. By 1929, 20 million U.S. homes were wired.Kerosene lamps were out; electric light bulbs were in. By 1929,nearly half of all wired homes had vacuum cleaners, and a thirdhad washing machines. Moreover, the 1920s saw the expansionof radio broadcasting and the development of radio as a maturenational entertainment medium. In 1920 there were only three radiostations in the entire United States; by 1923 there were over fivehundred. Nationally known radio stars like Rudy Vallee andnationally popular shows like Amos ’n’ Andy appeared in the1920s. The National Broadcasting Company formed the firstnational network in 1926, and regular shows created a sense ofnational culture previously unknown. Sound also invaded ourmovies. Lee De Forest invented the sound-on-film system in 1923,and talkies had completely displaced silent movies by the end ofthe decade. Because these innovations had such an impact on every-day lives, affecting people in their homes and in their hours ofleisure, the 1920s were a time when massive technological progresswas unusually apparent to even the most casual observer.

There were, at the time of the 1920s stock market boom, manyclear statements proclaiming a new era for the economy. Forexample, as early as 1925 we hear, “There is nothing now to be fore-seen which can prevent the United States from enjoying an era ofbusiness prosperity which is entirely without equal in the pagesof trade history.”11

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John Moody, head of Moody’s Investors Service, a rating agency,said in an article about the stock market in 1928, “In fact, a newage is taking form throughout the entire civilized world; civi-lization is taking on new aspects. We are only now beginning torealize, perhaps, that this modern, mechanistic civilization in whichwe live is now in the process of perfecting itself.”12

Given the public enthusiasm for stocks and the enormous run-up in the market, there was a corresponding demand for booksthat interpreted and justified the market boom. In 1929, CharlesAmos Dice, in New Levels in the Stock Market, gave a number of rea-sons to expect the increase to continue. He preferred the term newworld to new era, but the idea was the same. He wrote of a “newworld of industry,” referring to techniques of mass production,large research departments, the beginning of the electrical age, theindustrialization of the South, the emergence of large-scale pro-duction, and the mechanization of agriculture. Furthermore Dicewrote of a “new world of distribution,” predicting the prolifer-ation of installment credit, the chain-store movement, new tech-niques of advertising that would stimulate demand, and newmarket research techniques. He also spoke of a “new world offinance,” referring to the expansion of investment banking toprovide new sources of funds for corporations, the rise of the hold-ing company as a tool to make financing more flexible, andadvances in the Federal Reserve System’s understanding of howto stabilize business. Dice described the Federal Reserve as anal-ogous to the governor on a steam engine, regulating the speed ofthe economy.13

The Dice book, curiously, was printed in August 1929, a monthbefore the peak of the market prior to the onset of the depression.The timing of the book’s appearance seems even more remarkablewhen one finds attached at page 69 a small slip of paper entitled“Errata.” The slip, apparently added after the text was printed butbefore the book was bound, notes that the Dow Jones IndustrialAverage rose on September 3, 1929, to over 20 points above the levelindicated in the book. The slip of paper instructs the reader to adjustupward the projections for the Dow given in the printed book by15 to 20 points. Thus Dice managed to time his book for the exact


peak of the market, and thus to make the most catastrophic errorpossible in forecasting the market.

Prof. Irving Fisher at Yale, who has been described as one ofAmerica’s most eminent economists, argued that the U.S. stock mar-ket was not at all overvalued. He was quoted as saying just beforethe peak in 1929 that “stock prices have reached what looks likea permanently high plateau.” He wrote a book entitled The StockMarket Crash—And After, with a preface dated less than two monthsafter Black Thursday. Fisher must have been working on thisbook at the same time as Dice was writing his, but his timing wasnot so bad. The 1929 crash came while he was still at work on thebook. Yet Fisher was still able to be optimistic after the crash,especially since the market had gone down only a fraction of thedistance it ultimately would by 1932, and the crash did not yet seemto signal anything like the end of an era.

Fisher argued in his book that the outlook was for rapidlyincreasing earnings for a number of reasons, some of them paral-lel to those cited by Dice. First, he pointed out that the merger move-ment of the 1920s allowed economies of large-scale production. Henoted that “the economies from mergers take time to develop, whilethe effect on the stock market of their formation is instant.” Scientificresearch and invention were proceeding at a faster pace thanbefore. The advantages of the automobile were only just beginningto be exploited, with the development of a rapidly widening net-work of surfaced highways. Much was being learned about the effi-cient use of waste products. In agriculture, recent inventionsincluded subsoil plowing, better fertilizers, enhanced breeds of farmanimals, and new and improved crops. As all of these inventionscame gradually to be applied, further earnings increases could beanticipated from them. Fisher also maintained that the managementof American corporations was improving, thanks to the applicationof “scientific” methods, improved layouts of manufacturing facil-ities, and more sophisticated management techniques. Businesseswere able to plan better for the future, he claimed, partly becauseof his own invention of “master-charting,” a pencil-and-papermethod of priority planning for executives. Fisher also was encour-aged by his perception that labor unions were now accepting jointresponsibility for the solution of industrial problems.14

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Others argued that the market valuations of the 1920s weresound because we were in a more sober time—and not just figu-ratively. The prohibition of alcoholic beverages was thought to bea sign of greater steadiness and intelligence: “Many differentthings contributed to this happy result. . . . [including] the elimi-nation from our national life of the saloon and its destructive ele-ments, and consequent comparative sobriety among the populationas a whole. Most of the money formerly spent in the saloon has sincegone into continually higher standards of living, investments andsavings banks.”15

Of course, optimistic sentiments for the market were not theonly sentiments expressed at the time. The high price of the mar-ket relative to rough measures of fundamental value did not go un-noticed in 1929. The New York Times and the Commercial andFinancial Chronicle consistently pointed out what they interpretedas speculative excess. Paul M. Warburg of the International Accep-tance Bank decried the “unrestrained speculation.”16 Yet we know,from the level of the stock market itself, that the weight of publicsentiment was overwhelmingly positive in the 1920s.

New Era Thinking of the 1950s and 1960s

New era thinking also seemed, judging from media accounts, toundergo a sudden surge in the mid-1950s, when the marketincreased 94.3% in real (inflation-corrected) terms between Sep-tember 1953 and December 1955. The market had been stalled dur-ing most of the early 1950s, amid lingering fears that the economymight sink back into a depression now that the stimulus ofincreased World War II production was absent. But the sudden near-doubling in the stock market, supported by a solid growth inearnings, apparently caused the investing public to forget such fearsand to indulge in genuine new era thinking. In May 1955 U.S. Newsand World Report wrote:

Once again the feel of a “new era” is in the air. Confidence is high,optimism almost universal, worry largely absent.

War is receding as a threat. Peace is a growing prospect. Jobs arequite plentiful. Pay never was so good. The promise is that taxeswill be cut. Everywhere things are in a rising trend.


Three times in 10 years a depression scare has come and gone with-out amounting to much. The first scare came in 1946, right after WorldWar II. Military spending was cut drastically with scarcely a ripple.The second scare came in 1949. The public went right on buying,oblivious to the worries of businessmen, and this scare faded. Thethird scare began in mid-1953. It now is little more than a memory.17

The sense that investors were terribly optimistic and confidentof the market was in and of itself part of the new era thinking.Newsweek wrote in December 1955 that “basic to the upsurge [inthe stock market] was an investor faith in the overwhelmingstrength of the economy—and the fact that corporations werecashing in on this prosperity.”18

In a development strongly paralleling the evolution of radio inthe 1920s as the vehicle for a mass national culture, the early1950s had seen the widespread introduction of television. In 1948only 3% of U.S. families owned television sets; by 1955 76% did.Like the Internet, television was a vivid technological innovationthat captured the imagination of almost everyone. It was evidencefor technological progress that could not be overlooked; within afew short years the majority of Americans began regularly spend-ing hours watching an electronic device.

Inflation was very low at the time, and people credited this tonewly enlightened Fed policy. Treasury Secretary George Humphreyboasted in 1955 that

In the past 2-3/4 years, the value of the dollar has changed only one-half of one cent. We have kept inflation’s hand out of your savingsalmost entirely.

We regard inflation as a public enemy of the worst type. But wehave not hesitated, either, to ease or restrict the basis of creditwhen need was indicated. The full force of monetary policy has beenmade effective more promptly than ever before to respond to nat-ural demands. This has been done by the timely use of monetarypolicy and credit; by the return to the public of purchasing powerthrough the biggest tax cut in the history of the nation; by cuttingunjustified Government spending; by timely encouragement toconstruction, home building and needed improvements.19

Something analogous to the “strong hands” theme seen in the1920s—the idea that the demand for stocks was stable enough to

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prevent any downturn—was present in the 1950s as well. Newsweekwrote in 1955:

Many financial men like to think that the nation has developed a“new capitalism” with an ever-broadening base. Some 7.5 millionpeople hold stock in publicly owned corporations, compared with6.5 million three years ago. Assets of mutual funds, which give thesmall investor a chance to spread his risk, have soared from $1.3 bil-lion in 1946 to $7.2 billion. Thousands of workers have become own-ers of the firms they work for via employee stock-purchase plans.

All this may not add up to an absolute guarantee against another’29, but most experts are confident that it goes a long way.20

The idea that Irving Fisher had presented in the 1920s as a rea-son for optimism, that businesses were able to plan better for thefuture, was floated again as a new idea in the 1950s: “there is a newattitude of business itself that promises to avoid deep depressionsin the future. Business firms today make long-term plans andappear to be less influenced than in the past by short-term fluc-tuations in activity.”21

The Baby Boom was seen as another important factor drivingprosperity and the market, because people needed to spend moneyon their babies (just as the grown-up babies themselves, despitehaving fewer children, are now perceived as bidding up stock pricesas they save for their retirement): “It is this boom in babies that isbeing counted on now to make the latest ‘new era’ different fromthe last one. Families are growing bigger. Good roads and fine auto-mobiles are opening the countryside. The urge is toward suburbanliving and for houses with three or four bedrooms instead of oneor two.”22

The increase in the use of consumer credit was also cited, as ithad been in the 1920s, as a reason to expect prosperity: “This will-ingness to lay out cash amounted, in the opinion of one influentialWashington individual, to a ‘consumer spending revolution.’ . . .In spending his money, the average individual’s wants have grad-ually been upgraded.”23

With the election of John Kennedy as president in 1960, and givenhis advocacy of economic stimulus measures, it was generallythought that the economy ought to do especially well. Kennedy


inspired confidence beginning with his initial State of the Unionmessage in 1961. He was perceived as showing vision and opti-mism, and he hit upon a dramatic symbol for that vision bypromising, in a special message to Congress in May 1961, that theUnited States would land men on the moon before 1970. Ameri-cans expected that such an achievement would be remembered forcenturies, marking as it would humankind’s first escape from itsplanet of origin. Kennedy was viewed as the incarnation of ournational optimism and of the strength of the stock market: “WallStreet has a simple description for the phenomenal strength of stockprices, ‘The Kennedy Market.’” The confidence inspired by theKennedy economic program led some to conclude that the countrywas entering a “new economy” in which “businessmen can enjoyreasonably continuous prosperity indefinitely” and that there was“more justification for confidence” in monetary policy than in timespast.24 The Kennedy initiatives were expanded on by the “GreatSociety” program of his successor, Lyndon Johnson, beginning in1964; Johnson’s program set as its primary goals nothing lessthan an end to poverty and urban decay.

In the 1960s, the theory that the stock market is the “best invest-ment” was prominent: “Investors feel that stocks are the bestinvestment medium—as a hedge against possible inflation, as ameans of participating in the future growth of business.” “Investorsseem to be betting that inflation will accompany recovery—and thatcommon stocks, even at present prices, represent the only realhedge.”25 At that time, investors believed that if inflation broke out,the stock market would go up, rather than down, as is now com-monly thought, and that therefore the prospect of inflation was areason to own stocks. There was concern in the early 1960s that,even though there was virtually no inflation, the Kennedy-Johnsoneconomic programs could become inflationary.

A possibly significant factor behind the 1960s market peak wasthe Dow’s approach to 1,000. That the approach of a new milestonesuch as a four-digit Dow would have an impact on the public imag-ination may seem silly, but, given the lack of any other solid basisfor the market’s valuation, talk of such an arbitrary level pro-vided a solid anchor for people’s expectations.

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Even before the Dow got close to 1,000, the press was countingthe milestones. A 1965 Business Week article noted that “Like thefour-minute mile, psychological barriers are made to be cracked.It’s no less so in Wall Street, where the 900 ‘magic’ mark on the Dow-Jones industrial average (as the 600, 700, and 800 marks before it)will probably crumble sooner or later.” Newsweek wrote that the900 barrier had reached “almost mystical significance in the mindsof many observers.” In 1966, when the 1,000 level loomed, Timewrote that “At week’s end the average had reached 986.13, less than14 points from the 1000 mark that the Street considers a mysticalnumber. Even though that number may be more mystical thanmeaningful, the date of the breakthrough will appear in historybooks of decades, or perhaps even centuries, to come—and the dateis not far off.”26 The market appears to have raced to just under1,000, but it would not pass the magic number for a long time.Although the Dow was not then computed on a minute-by-minutebasis, it finally rose above 1,000 (if computed using the highs forthe day) in January 1966. It was not until 1972, the eve of the stockmarket crash, that it closed above 1,000, and even then it stayedabove 1,000 only briefly.

The Dow did not rise solidly above 1,000 until 1982, and, if onecomputes a real stock price, it did not rise above the 1966 high inreal terms—and stay above it—until January 1992, twenty-sixyears later.27 The period from January 1966 to January 1992 wasone of low returns, confined as it was (with no capital gain) toincome from dividends; the average annual real stock market returnwas only 4.1% per year.28 These are signs consistent with a notionthat the market was in some sense “reaching” toward 1,000 in 1966,and that it became relatively overpriced.

New Era Thinking duringthe Bull Market of the 1990s

I have already described some of the new era thinking that char-acterized the 1990s in Chapter 2. Here I make just a few additionalobservations and then contrast the modern new era thinking withthat during the new eras described in this chapter.


As with all major stock market booms, there have been writersduring the 1990s who offer new era theories to justify the market.Michael Mandel, writing in Business Week in 1996 in an articleentitled “The Triumph of the New Economy,” listed five reasonsfor his belief that the market is not crazy: increased globalization,the boom in high-tech industries, moderating inflation, fallinginterest rates, and surging profits.29

A prominent theory during this boom has been that low infla-tion makes for a strong market outlook. In the 1990s, theoriesabout inflation dominated discussion of the market outlook justas they did in the 1960s, but now the prevalent theory has beenreversed. In the 1990s, it was thought that if inflation were tobreak out the market would go down rather than up. The idea thatthe stock market is a good investment because it is a hedge againstinflation (i.e., that it will go up if there is an outbreak of inflation)was dead.

Why did people in the 1990s think that inflation would push themarket down, whereas in the 1960s they thought it would push*t up? In the 1990s, investors may have been reacting to a literaturepublished by economists showing that economies do more poorlyduring sudden outbursts of very high inflation. In fact, these stud-ies do not show much of a relation between moderate or long-runinflation and real economic performance; over the relevant range,they would suggest that the 1960s-era theory was right—that thereal value of the stock market should be relatively immune to newsof inflation, and that the stock market should move with con-sumer prices, not against them.30 More likely, people in the 1990swere reacting to the fact that the stock market had in recent yearsmoved against inflation, rather than with it.

Many of the same themes that appeared in the 1920s, 1950s, and1960s after stock market booms were repeated in the 1990s.

Roger Bootle, in his 1998 book The Death of Inflation, argued thatthe “inflationary era,” during which “managed capitalism” andstrong labor unions have induced an inflationary spiral, is draw-ing to a close. In “managed capitalism,” “prices were decided, notdetermined by the interplay of interpersonal supply and demand.”Now, Bootle declared, we are entering the “zero era,” brought on

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by global capitalism, privatization, and the decline of laborunions, all of which make it impossible for prices to be decidedby committee.31

Steven Weber, with his 1997 article “The End of the BusinessCycle” in the public policy journal Foreign Affairs, argued thatmacroeconomic risks are lower now: “Changes in technology,ideology, employment and finance, along with the globalizationof production and consumption, have reduced the volatility of eco-nomic activity in the industrialized world. For both empiricaland theoretical reasons in advanced industrial economies thewaves of the business cycle may be becoming more like ripples.”Weber presented a number of reasonable-sounding arguments. Forinstance, he noted that the economy has come to be dominated bythe service sector in a way that it was not thirty years ago, and hepointed out that service employment has always been more stablethan industrial production.32

Downsizing and restructuring—terms describing so-called man-agerial revolutions in the 1980s—were thought then to be impor-tant reasons for the growth of profits since 1982. The thought thatthey are still sources of profit growth still lingers in some people’sminds. Yet there has also been substantial skepticism about thesemanagerial revolutions, as exemplified by the comic strip Dilbert,which dwells on petty labor-management conflicts in the newera economy.

It should be noted that not all stories in the media in the 1990swere slanted toward new era emphases when compared withstories during earlier episodes of high pricing. I could not find 1990saccounts that were as expansively and breathlessly optimistic assome in 1901 or 1929, and although there is much optimism in themedia in the 1990s, it is usually a matter of background presump-tion rather than bold assertion. There appears to have been a mediaattitude change, and optimistic hyperbole was out in the 1990s.Many writers seemed, if anything, rather more influenced by con-cerns about market overpricing and speculative mania. In fact, manymedia accounts in the mid- to late 1990s have focused on whatthey consider the craziness of investors. For example, a Fortune storyin April 1996 told of reporters stopping random people on the street


and asking them for stock tips. They stopped a policeman, a Star-bucks barista, a carpenter on a billboard crew, and an ID checkerat a fitness club, and all them offered expansive stock recom-mendations. They could not find a shoeshine boy, but otherwisetheir experience mirrored that of Bernard Baruch before the crashof 1929, who remarked that he had received stock tips from theshoeshine boy and interpreted that as a sign of market excess.33

Articles with titles like “Gamblers High: Is This a Market WhereYesterday’s Yardsticks Don’t Apply?” or “It’s Tulip Time on WallStreet” or “Say Goodbye to the Last Bear” abounded. The possi-bility that the stock market boom is a speculative bubble was cer-tainly thrust before the minds of readers in the 1990s.

The Ends of New Eras

Despite the suggestion inherent in the phrase speculative bubble thatthere may be a dramatic burst—a stock market crash—speculativebubbles and their associated new era thinking do not end defini-tively with a sudden, final crash. Upon reflection this is not sur-prising, given that stock prices are essentially formed in the mindsof the millions of investors who buy and sell stocks, and it is unlikelythat so many people would simultaneously arrive at sudden andenduring changes in their long-run perceptions.

People today remember the stock market crash of 1929 as occur-ring in one or two days. In fact, after that crash, the market recov-ered almost all of its lost ground by early 1930. The significanceof 1929 is not the one-day drops in October, but the fact that thatyear marked the beginning of the end: the beginning of the three-year period that reversed much of the stock market gains of the1920s. The same is true of other stock market drops. One-day eventsdo not figure prominently, except as symbols of the malaise in themarkets.

I noted in Chapter 1 that the high pricing of the market in 1901was not followed by any immediate or dramatic price decline, butrather that prices ceased to increase and that eventually, aftersome twenty years had elapsed, the market had lost most of thereal value it had had in 1901. The change took so long to work itself

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out that it is rather more generational in character, and thereforeit is hard to find comment about in the media.

If we look at 1920–21, when the real stock market was at its low-est since 1901, discussions of the stock market centered on what hadgone wrong; the glowing descriptions of future prosperity seen in1901 were no longer to be found. The biggest factor in most com-mentary of the period centers on the 1920–21 recession, which wasunusually severe. Coverage centered on recent losses by business-men and on paper fortunes that had disappeared. In place of the“community of interest” keeping prices up, there was instead dis-cussion of hostility from farmers and shippers toward railroads, ofcustomers demanding reductions in rates. The cancellation of gov-ernment contracts following the world war was thought to haverevealed weakness in existing businesses. Strained political condi-tions abroad following the war were also viewed as a negativefactor for the U.S. economy. The actions of “conscienceless” shortsellers or bear raiders were considered negative influences on themarket, as were the effects of tax-loss selling for income tax purposes.

There is some evidence that investors in 1921 had learned notto be influenced by exaggerated claims and inflated schemes. A 1921article in the Saturday Evening Post by Albert Atwood describeshighly speculative prices as a thing of the past and quotes a stock-broker as saying that “the promotions of the last few years havebeen neither as wild nor as fantastic as those of the boom periodof 1900 and 1901.”

Another theme running through accounts of the period is thatmarket psychology somehow mysteriously changes, and that it had,at that time, become inexplicably negative. Atwood quotes abanker in 1921: “All the world got together to drive down prices,and when the whole world makes up its mind, when everyonethinks alike and is determined that prices shall go lower, nothingcan resist the movement.”34

The end of the 1929 new era thinking was more dramatic anddirectly tied to the Great Depression that followed; by 1932 it wasalready plain that the United States was into the deepest depres-sion it had ever experienced, and there seemed to be prima facieevidence that the new era was over. The optimists who had been


extolling a bright future for the economy were silenced by eventsthat deviated so markedly from their forecasts that it seemed theycould not be explained by any convenient adjustments in theories.Economic forecasters demonstrated extreme uncertainty aboutthe future, and observers of consumer behavior claimed that con-sumer uncertainty had stalled demand.35

The depression of the 1930s was a time of widespread concernthat our economic system was failing. Oscar Lange, a Universityof Chicago professor of economics, wrote in the American EconomicReview in 1939 that “the view is widely held that the American econ-omy has lost its momentum of expansion and reached a stage ofmore or less permanent stagnation.”36

The perceived failure of capitalism ushered in the heyday ofCommunism in the United States. Communism seemed to manyto be the wave of the future, even inevitable. Many of the best writ-ers of the era became openly sympathetic to Communism in the1930s, including Kenneth Burke, Erskine Caldwell, Robert Cantwell,Jack Conroy, Edward Dahlberg, John Dos Passos, James Farrell,Langston Hughes, and William Saroyan.37

Further evidence of the loss of hope for the uncontrolled capi-talist economy can be seen in the ascendance of radical politicalmovements abroad. The rise of Nazism in Germany is itself a tellingsymptom of the widespread despair that took hold of manypeople’s thinking after 1929. The change in mindset of the Germanpublic within the space of a few years seems astonishing, and itis a useful reminder of how changeable any public mood may be.

The end of 1965 new era thinking was associated with the appear-ance of high inflation. The Kennedy administration’s claim that itcould lower unemployment through high-pressure economicswas found to be false; in fact we entered a period of “stagflation,”with both high unemployment and high inflation. In 1974, ArthurOkun, who had been a staff member of the Council of EconomicAdvisors under President Kennedy and later its chairman, calledthe attempt at high-pressure economics “one of the greatest failuresof economic analysis in modern times.” Inflation was seen as asignificant brake on the economic outlook. Arthur Burns, thechairman of the Federal Reserve Board, said, “No country that I

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know of has been able to maintain widespread economic prosperityonce inflation got out of hand.”38 Even though this fact is unsup-ported by economic analysis, there was a general perception thatit was true.39

By the early 1980s, there was a widespread feeling that the UnitedStates was losing its preeminence to Japan. In a USA Today articleentitled “How Japan Is Taking Over Our Markets,” an expert isquoted as saying, “The only problem is that no targeted industryin history—not autos, not steel, ball bearings, televisions, motor-cycles—has been able to cope with the onslaught from the Japa-nese.” Japan was seen then as especially strong in the high-techfields, in which our past successes had always been integral to ournational self-esteem and identity.

Ends of new eras seem to be periods when the national focusof debate can no longer be upbeat. At such times, a public speakermay still think that it would be good business to extol a vision ofa brilliant future for our nation’s economy, but it is simply notcredible to do so. One could, at such times, present a case that theeconomy must recover, as it always has, and that the stock mar-ket is underpriced and should go up, but public speakers who makesuch a case cannot achieve the command of public attention theydo after a major stock market run-up and economic boom. Thereare times when an audience is receptive to optimistic statementsand times when it is not.



New Eras and Bubblesaround the World

Large stock market moves likethe U.S. examples I discussed in

the last chapter have also occurred in many other countries overthe years, affording us numerous other observations. These sug-gest that speculative bubbles—periods of exaggerated but tem-porary investor enthusiasm, often associated with “new era”theories—are in fact commonplace.

In this chapter, I examine the largest recent stock market movesaround the world. For some of these, I rely on accounts by thenews media. Of course, media accounts are not always reliable, andI cannot claim to have done exhaustive research on any of theseexamples. However, they illustrate the significance in these countriesof factors I have identified in previous chapters as important in U.S.stock market moves. I show that the record price movements in thesecountries have tended to be reversed afterward—as one wouldexpect if bubbles were common among them.

The Largest Recent Stock Market Events

Table 6.1 shows the twenty-five largest recent (until 1999) one-yearreal stock price index increases for thirty-six countries, and Table 6.2

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shows the twenty-five largest decreases for the same countries.Table 6.3 shows the twenty-five largest recent five-year real stockprice increases, and Table 6.4 shows the twenty-five largestdecreases. The tables are based on monthly data starting at vary-ing dates for the different countries, but for over half the thirty-sixcountries, the data begin in or before 1960.1

Table 6.1Largest Recent One-Year Real Stock Price Index Increases

Price change over subsequent

Percentage One-year one-year period Country increase period (percent)

1. Philippines 683.4 Dec. 1985–Dec. 1986 28.42. Taiwan 400.1 Oct. 1986–Oct. 1987 65.73. Venezuela 384.6 Jan. 1990–Jan. 1991 33.14. Peru 360.9 Aug. 1992–Aug. 1993 15.85. Colombia 271.3 Jan. 1991–Jan. 1992 –19.96. Jamaica 224.5 Apr. 1992–Apr. 1993 –59.27. Chile 199.8 Jan. 1979–Jan. 1980 38.98. Italy 166.4 May 1985–May 1986 –15.79. Jamaica 163.4 Aug. 1985–Aug. 1986 8.7

10. Thailand 161.9 Oct. 1986–Oct. 1987 –2.611. India 155.5 Apr. 1991–Apr. 1992 –50.312. Italy 147.3 Apr. 1980–Apr. 1981 –32.113. Austria 145.4 Feb. 1989–Feb. 1990 –19.814. Finland 128.3 Sept. 1992–Sept. 1993 46.315. Denmark 122.9 Apr. 1971–Apr. 1972 –12.416. Spain 119.8 Dec. 1985–Dec. 1986 4.217. Luxembourg 113.4 Dec. 1992–Dec. 1993 –10.818. Sweden 111.5 Aug. 1982–Aug. 1983 –9.619. Portugal 103.8 Apr. 1997–Apr. 1998 –34.120. Luxembourg 103.6 Jan. 1985–Jan. 1986 2.621. Hong Kong 101.0 Jan. 1993–Jan. 1994 –38.522. Hong Kong 99.1 Feb. 1975–Feb. 1976 –3.423. Korea 98.8 Feb. 1975–Feb. 1976 31.924. Hong Kong 98.6 Nov. 1979–Nov. 1980 –22.425. Sweden 96.6 Aug. 1977–Aug. 1978 –50.8


It is clear that very large stock price movements are common-place by world standards. Many are much larger, in the percent-age terms shown, than those we have recently experienced in theUnited States. Indeed, no example from the United States evenappears in any of the tables. (We should bear in mind that the is the largest in the world, and there are a few near misses

Table 6.2Largest Recent One-Year Real Stock Price Index Decreases

Price changeover subsequent

Percentage One-year one-year periodCountry decrease period (percent)

1. Taiwan –74.9 Oct. 1989–Oct. 1990 85.12. Jamaica –73.8 Jan. 1993–Jan. 1994 69.63. Sweden –63.6 Aug. 1976–Aug. 1977 96.64. United

Kingdom –63.3 Nov. 1973–Nov. 1974 72.75. Thailand −62.8 Aug. 1997–Aug. 1998 71.96. South Africa –62.1 July 1985–July 1986 48.97. Philippines –61.9 Oct. 1973–Oct. 1974 –14.18. Korea –61.9 June 1997–June 1998 167.09. Pakistan –59.5 Oct. 1990–Oct. 1991 9.0

10. India –58.4 Nov. 1963–Nov. 1964 –18.811. Denmark –56.0 July 1969–July 1970 –15.312. Hong Kong –55.5 Aug. 1997–Aug. 1998 90.013. Hong Kong –55.1 Dec. 1981–Dec. 1982 7.714. Norway –54.2 May 1967–May 1968 39.915. Spain –54.1 Oct. 1976–Oct. 1977 –15.616. Norway –53.6 Jan. 1974–Jan. 1975 –2.117. Australia −53.0 Oct. 1973–Oct. 1974 33.618. France –49.0 Sept. 1973–Sept. 1974 25.319. Indonesia –48.1 Mar. 1997–Mar. 1998 –45.120. Canada –47.9 June 1981–June 1982 69.421. Finland –47.5 Feb. 1990–Feb. 1991 6.322. Colombia –47.1 Jan. 1980–Jan. 1981 74.223. Italy –46.1 Apr. 1974–Apr. 1975 –31.324. Norway –46.1 Dec. 1989–Dec. 1990 68.625. Denmark –45.8 Sept. 1973–Sept. 1974 14.7

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even in percentage terms. For example, the 184.8% real U.S. stockmarket increase from April 1994 to April 1999 almost makes thelist of the biggest five-year price increases. In addition, the U.S. stockmarket fell 44.1% in real terms from October 1973 to October 1974,which almost puts it on the list of biggest one-year drops. And thereal 113.9% rise from June 1932 to June 1933 would qualify forthe list of biggest one-year increases, except that this period, from

Table 6.3Largest Recent Five-Year Real Stock Price Index Increases

Price changeover subsequent

Percentage Five-year five-year periodCountry increase period (percent)

1. Philippines 1,253.2 Nov. 1984–Nov. 1989 43.52. Peru 743.1 Sept. 1991–Sept. 1996 Not available3. Chile 689.7 Mar. 1985–Mar. 1990 104.24. Jamaica 573.9 Dec. 1980–Dec. 1985 38.75. Korea 518.3 Mar. 1984–Mar. 1989 –36.66. Mexico 501.7 Jan. 1989–Jan. 1994 –50.97. Taiwan 468.1 May 1986–May 1991 –12.78. Thailand 430.7 May 1986–May 1991 17.09. Colombia 390.7 Apr. 1989–Apr. 1994 –52.0

10. Spain 381.9 Oct. 1982–Oct. 1987 –33.711. India 346.1 Apr. 1987–Apr. 1992 58.412. Finland 336.3 Sept. 1992–Sept. 1997 Not available13. Austria 331.3 Jan. 1985–Jan. 1990 –39.714. Portugal 329.1 Apr. 1993–Apr. 1998 Not available15. Finland 291.0 Sept. 1982–Sept. 1987 –55.516. Jamaica 280.2 July 1984–July 1989 10.917. Japan 275.6 Aug. 1982–Aug. 1987 –48.518. France 262.6 Mar. 1982–Mar. 1987 10.219. Finland 262.5 Feb. 1968–Feb. 1973 –68.220. Hong Kong 261.6 Jan. 1975–Jan. 1980 –17.221. Netherlands 256.6 July 1993–July 1998 Not available22. Norway 253.1 Sept. 1982–Sept. 1987 –18.923. Norway 248.4 Oct. 1992–Oct. 1997 Not available24. Sweden 247.1 Aug. 1982–Aug. 1987 –36.925. Hong Kong 230.9 Oct. 1982–Oct. 1987 –14.6


the depths of the Great Depression to the beginnings of recovery,occurred much earlier than the sample period used to constructthe tables.)

The rightmost column in each of the tables also shows, wheneverpossible, what happened during the twelve months or five yearsafter each of these periods of dramatic price change.2 As can be seen,there is considerable variability across these countries as to whether

Table 6.4Largest Recent Five-Year Real Stock Price Index Decreases

Price changeover subsequent

Percentage Five-year five-year periodCountry decrease period (percent)

1. Spain –86.6 Dec. 1974–Dec. 1979 0.12. Jamaica –85.5 July 1973–July 1978 185.23. Venezuela –84.9 May 1977–May 1982 138.94. Thailand –84.0 Jan. 1994–Jan. 1999 Not available5. Philippines –83.1 Feb. 1980–Feb. 1985 1,000.06. Italy –80.7 June 1973–June 1978 72.67. Pakistan –78.3 Feb. 1994–Feb. 1999 Not available8. Norway −77.1 July 1973–July 1978 74.19. Jamaica –76.9 Jan. 1993–Jan. 1998 Not available

10. Philippines –76.6 Sept. 1969–Sept. 1974 –40.711. India –74.6 Aug. 1962–Aug. 1967 0.712. United Kingdom −73.5 Dec. 1969–Dec. 1974 81.513. South Africa –73.4 Apr. 1981–Apr. 1986 16.614. Colombia –73.3 July 1971–July 1976 –24.815. Colombia –72.7 July 1979–July 1984 36.916. Chile –72.6 June 1980–June 1985 587.917. Philippines –72.2 Apr. 1976–Apr. 1981 24.418. Finland –71.3 Oct. 1973–Oct. 1978 99.019. Korea –68.3 June 1993–June 1998 Not available20. Portugal –67.9 Jan. 1988–Jan. 1993 222.621. Jamaica –64.2 Nov. 1969–Nov. 1974 –68.922. Korea –63.6 Aug. 1978–Aug. 1983 375.023. Italy –62.6 Jan. 1970–Jan. 1975 –46.124. France –62.5 Jan. 1973–Jan. 1978 5.725. Italy –62.3 Sept. 1960–Sept. 1965 –0.5

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the market continued in the same direction over the subsequent inter-val or reversed itself. At the end of this chapter, I describe what weknow about the sequelae of the large price changes tabulated here.

Stories Associated with the Largest Price Changes

It is easier to find stories associated with one-year price changes thanwith five-year price changes. Five years is such a long time that fac-tors underlying the rise or decline in stock markets are often lost frompublic consciousness, being seen as underlying trends rather thansalient events. Fortunately for our purposes, fourteen of the twenty-five five-year intervals of real price increase shown in Table 6.3 con-tain twelve-month intervals shown in Table 6.1, and eleven of thetwenty-five five-year intervals of real price decline shown inTable 6.4 contain twelve-month intervals shown in Table 6.2.

Some of the twelve-month price increases seem to be associatedwith good reasons for a rational price change. This is especiallyso for the very largest one-year changes: typically something veryunusual was going on. But even in these cases, there often seemsto be a suggestion of some market overreaction to events.

The biggest one-year real stock market increase of all, in thePhilippines from December 1985 to December 1986, was an amaz-ing 683.4%. The biggest five-year real price change, of 1,253%, alsooccurred in the Philippines. The five-year period, from November1984 to November 1989, included the record one-year period.

During the twelve-month period from December 1985 to Decem-ber 1986 the regime of Ferdinand Marcos collapsed, Marcos fledthe country, and a new government led by Corazon Aquino tookcharge of the country. In the period just before the price increase,a Communist insurgency had threatened to turn the country intoanother Vietnam. The Marcos government had assassinated Cora-zon Aquino’s husband. There were demonstrations in the streets.It was in general a time of enormous uncertainty about the future.With the new government in place, the country developed renewedhope: a “new era” certainly seemed at hand. Moreover, the pricechanges were not reversed during the subsequent one- or five-yearintervals, as can be seen from the tables.


One might suspect that the very low values for the Philippinestock market in December 1985, at the beginning of the recordtwelve-month period, were the result of a sort of negative bubble.Indeed, three of the top twenty five-year price decreases shown inTable 6.4 occurred in the Philippines by 1985. The Philippine stockmarket had a truly dismal record prior to its spectacular increase.Newspaper accounts in 1985 and earlier puzzled over the unusu-ally low price-earnings ratios, often around 4. When viewed fromthis perspective, the largest stock increase in our tables was but areversal of a series of decreases.

The second biggest one-year increase (October 1986 to Octo-ber 1987) and the biggest one-year decrease (October 1989 toOctober 1990) both occurred in Taiwan. Taiwan is also the homeof the seventh-largest five-year increase, from May 1986 to May1991, and to the twenty-seventh-largest five-year decrease, fromOctober 1988 to October 1993.

During the year of the highest speculative increase in Taiwan,October 1986 to October 1987, there were some impressive “newera” reasons for optimism. Booming exports had pushed economicgrowth rates into the double-digit range, and it was widely pre-dicted that with this steep growth trajectory the economy wouldsoon be producing such high-tech items as computer chips. The newaffluence was visible everywhere: expensive foreign cars cruisedthe streets of Taipei and businessmen freely downed $100 bottlesof wine at glamorous new restaurants. Even so, the savings ratewas very high, and the country was investing heavily in its future.

In the fall of 1987, after a series of antigovernment street demon-strations, the government finally lifted the martial law that had beenin force since 1949 and also allowed the formation of oppositionparties for the first time. Later in that twelve-month period, in Sep-tember 1987, the government made two historic and highly visibleannouncements: permitting foreign investors to establish companiesin Taiwan and allowing Taiwanese citizens to visit their relativeson the mainland for the first time since 1949.

Despite these good reasons to anticipate the dawning of a “newera” in the Taiwanese economy, there still seemed to many observersto be an air of speculative excess to the Taiwan stock market of

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1986–87. Volume of trade soared, increasing sevenfold from Jan-uary to September 1987, to exceed the combined volume of all Asianmarkets excluding Japan.3 Price-earnings ratios reached 45, com-pared with 16 at the beginning of the year.

Taiwan was in the grip of a gambling fever that expressed itselfin other venues besides the stock market. An illegal numbers game,called Ta Chia Le or Happiness for All, unknown until 1986, sud-denly became a national obsession. It was so popular that “on dayswhen winning numbers are announced, peasants neglect[ed] theirfields and workers fail[ed] to report to their factories.”4

A Taiwanese student of mine at Yale later confided to me that,while he was still a teenager in Taiwan in 1987, his mother hadforced him to go regularly to the stock exchange, observe the trad-ing, and report back to her if something significant should happen.It was while carrying out these surveillance missions that hebecame convinced, he told me, of the utter madness of the spec-ulative situation.

The Taiwan stock market increase was not reversed right away:over the year following the year of most rapid price increase therewas yet another increase. But starting a year later, we see the 74.9%decline in the Taiwan stock market, the biggest one-year declineon our list.

The third-largest one-year price increase, of 384.6%, occurred inVenezuela between January 1990 and January 1991. This price surgecame on the heels of a severe economic slump that had producedan economic growth rate of –8%, an unemployment rate of 10%,and inflation of 85% in 1989.5 Then the Iraqi occupation of Kuwait(from August 1990 to February 1991) resulted in an interruptionof Persian Gulf oil supplies, a rapid rise in international oil prices,and increased demand for Venezuelan oil. The stage was set fora time of sudden prosperity in Venezuela. The Kuwaiti experiencesupposedly convinced investors of the importance of Venezuelaas an alternate oil supplier outside the unstable Persian Gulf. Butthis seems unlikely as a rational explanation for the run-up in theVenezuelan stock market, because the potential for disruptionsof Persian Gulf oil supplies was already known long before theinvasion. President Carlos Andres Perez warned that “Venezuela


is living with a totally artificial economy” supported only by theoil price increase; nevertheless the stock market soared.6 The priceincrease was not reversed in the subsequent year, but by January1993 Venezuelan real stock prices had lost 60.3% of their January1991 value, and by January 1999 they had lost 82.0% of that value.

The fourth-largest one-year price increase, at 360.9%, took placein Peru from August 1992 to August 1993. The increase occurredafter a stock market plunge in April 1992, when Alberto Fujimoriseized dictatorial powers, dissolving congress and suspending theconstitution amid a protracted civil war with the Shining Path guer-rillas. But in September 1992 the Shining Path leadership was cap-tured, and by April 1993 democracy had been restored in Peru,ending fourteen years of guerrilla violence that had killed 27,000people. Inflation had reached 7,000% and economic growth wasnegative in 1990, but by 1993 inflation was being brought undercontrol and economic growth was positive. A wonderful sense ofa “new era” was certainly in evidence—but a quadrupling of stockprices within a year left many wondering if the increase was exces-sive. The market did go up a bit more the following year, and thenit lost a little of its value. By January 1999 the real level of the mar-ket was lower, but only by 8%. Of all our examples, the Peruvianstock market increase looks least like a speculative bubble; ratherit seems to have been properly motivated by genuinely positive, fun-damental news.

The stock market increase in India from April 1991 to April 1992,eleventh on the list in Table 6.1, began just as the assassinationof Rajiv Gandhi in May 1991 ended the thirty-eight-year Nehrufamily dynasty. Gandhi’s successor immediately appointed Man-mohan Singh, a former professor at the Delhi School of Econom-ics, as finance minister, and the new government announced aderegulation plan that was viewed as a substantial turn awayfrom socialism. Foreign investment was now invited. Singh pre-sented a budget plan that exempted financial assets from the cal-culation of the wealth tax. Previously, managers had tried to keeptheir companies’ share prices as low as possible to avoid taxation;now they took steps to encourage high prices. The budget plan alsoreduced regulations on the pricing and timing of new stock issues.

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These reforms were certainly plausible reasons for a stock marketincrease, but the actual increase was widely described as excessive,and authorities warned the nation of the potential for speculativeexcess. This was also a time of widespread attempts at stock pricemanipulation. The machinations of Harshad “Big Bull” Mehta, aMumbai stockbroker, set off a national scandal in 1992, after themarket peak had been reached. He was described as creating a “vor-tex effect” in individual stocks by buying in the market, selling atdepressed prices to friendly institutions, and then buying again inthe now-diminished pool of available shares, thereby pushing pricesup.7 The 1992 rise in Indian stock prices is now referred to as the“Mehta Peak.” It was indeed a peak, since the market fell 50.3%during the following year.

In these examples, there was always some event, or series ofevents, outside the market itself that suggested the start of a gen-uine new era. Even if the market was believed to be overreactingto the event, it is hard to argue with any certainty that this was thecase. In some of the other large price increases, on the other hand,there are no such plausible explanations for the magnitude of theprice changes, and media interpretations therefore center on re-interpretations of long-term processes or on market psychology.

For example, in the Italian stock market boom of May 1985 toMay 1986, when the market rose 166.4% in real terms, it was notedthat economic growth was solid, that inflation remained low, andthat the government of Prime Minister Bettino Craxi was stableand well liked. But none of this was really news. One Italian news-paper quoted an analyst as saying, “There are no explanations. . . .Everyone has gone crazy and that’s it. This is a collective madness;total. It is useless to try to understand, to stop or to guide.”8 TheFinancial Times of London said, “A fever has gripped Italy: hundredsof first-time small investors are pouring money into the stock mar-ket as though they were buying lottery tickets.”9 The real level ofthe Italian market fell by 15.7% the following year. By September1992 the Italian market had lost 68.0% of its May 1986 real value.

In France at around the same time, investors’ “love affair withthe market”10 surprised observers by its intensity and lack of goodexplanation, and the French stock market makes our list, increasing


282.6% in real terms from March 1982 to March 1987. The “new era”story that the French government under François Mitterrand wasdeparting from its socialist rigidity seemed inadequate to explainthe market surge. Rather, if there was a new era, it seemed tomany observers to be only in terms of market psychology, withFrench investors embracing free markets with renewed ardor. Thisperiod of enthusiasm was followed by the worldwide stock mar-ket crash of 1987, which set the French stock market back as well,although it still managed to gain another 10.2% over the succeed-ing five years, March 1987 to March 1992. Curiously, the French mar-ket went upward from there, with the growth of French real stockprices between 1992 and the turn of the millennium almost asdramatic, and as mystifying, as that in the United States.11

Ends of New Eras and Financial Crises

The sequelae of the extraordinary price increases described in theprevious section were highly variable. They were frequently fol-lowed by dramatic reversals, but this is by no means always thecase. Do the increases carry the seeds of their own destruction, orare the interruptions due to other causes?

Often the ends of bull markets appear to be caused by concreteevents unrelated to any irrational exuberance in the stock market.Notable among these are financial crises, such as banking orexchange rate crises. These other events then become the focusof analysis, since their causes appear more definite than those ofthe stock market crisis. According to such an analysis, the endsof the “new eras” have a narrow technical origin, rather than a psy-chological or social origin.

The 1994 Mexican crisis appears as the aftermath of the sixth mostspectacular five-year stock price increase in Table 6.3. The anatomyof this crisis is a complicated one. Analysts stress an investor runon the peso, followed by investors’ refusal to accept again thetesobono, the dollar-denominated short-term debt of the Mexicangovernment. The investing public knew that the Mexican govern-ment did not have enough dollars in reserve to support the pesoexchange rate if many people were to sell pesos, and although this

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knowledge alone need not have caused a currency devaluation, incombination with a belief that the devaluation of the peso was immi-nent, it in fact forced the devaluation. A devaluation of the peso,of course, is not itself a bad thing, and in fact it might have beenthe boost that the Mexican economy needed. But then there wasthe fact that investors mistrusted and decided not to reinvest in thetesobono debt. Since the Mexican government could not sell newdebt, as its old debt came due it was unable to repay it. Fortunately,the government was saved by an international loan that enabledit to make good on this debt after all, and an economic crisis wasresolved.

However, note—despite having identified the source of the prob-lem as related to the peso, despite the shortness of the Mexican eco-nomic crisis, and despite the international loans to Mexico to fixthe problem—that the real Mexican stock market was still, as ofmid-1999, 50% below its 1994 peak. The period saw a fundamen-tal change in the public’s attitude toward the Mexican stock mar-ket. Before the 1994 crisis, under the Salinas government, with theadvent of the North American Free Trade Agreement and with Mex-ico’s admission into the Organization for Economic Cooperationand Development, there seems to have been an exaggerated “newera” sense of invulnerability and of a great future ahead forMexico, which faded after the crisis.

The Asian financial crisis of 1997–98 was also much more thana stock market crisis. It included exchange rate and banking crises,and again these tended to attract the attention of analysts. But, ascan be seen from Table 6.3, the Asian crisis was preceded by a goodnumber of the largest five-year price increases, and these came sub-stantially before the exchange rate and banking crises. Japan hadhad a 275.6% five-year real stock price increase from August 1982to August 1987; Hong Kong a 230.9% stock price increase fromOctober 1982 to October 1987; Korea a 518.3% stock price increasefrom March 1984 to March 1989; Taiwan a 468.1% stock priceincrease from May 1986 to May 1991; and Thailand a 430.7% stockprice increase over the same period. Most of these price increasescame during the period 1982–87, as the world experienced a recov-ery from the Great Recession of 1981. In all of these countries, the


stock market was already down from its peak by December 1996,before there was any hint of the Asian financial crisis. It appearsthat the collapse of a speculative bubble in these countries precededthe crisis and was part of the ambience that produced the crisis.Yet when the crisis finally came, the stock market stories, as wellas stories of public confidence, appeared only vaguely in the back-ground, as attention centered on changes in currency exchange rates,the sudden withdrawal of foreign investors, banking problems,inflation, and labor difficulties.

These financial crisis stories illustrate the complicated factors thatsometimes capture the attention of economic and financial analysts.Each of them may seem to be “the” technical story that explainsevents. Discussions may focus on these factors and pull attentionaway from the large changes in public opinion that are reflectedin speculative prices. Therefore the underlying story of investorsoverreacting to news and of the feedback of price increases leadingto further price increases often tends to get lost.

What Went Up (Down) Usually Came Back Down (Up)

It is impossible to prove the assertion that some speculative excesseswere behind many of these events. One can always argue that thefundamental reasons offered by investors to justify them were validin terms of the evidence that was available when the market wasgoing up, and that “new era” stories are never completely with-out merit as theories of what might happen. But one can also askwhether these price movements have tended to be reversed. If theprice increases are, on average, reversed, then we have some evi-dence that the fundamental reasons were not sound.

The data on which these tables are based confirm for countriesthe result first discovered by Werner De Bondt and Richard Thaler:that winner stocks—if winner status is measured over long inter-vals of time such as five years—tend to do poorly in subsequentintervals of the same length, and that loser stocks—if loser statusis measured over equally long intervals—tend to do well in sub-sequent intervals of the same length.12

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From the data used to produce the tables, we find that, for theseventeen countries shown in Table 6.3 for which subsequent five-year data were available, eleven (65%) experienced a decrease,on average, in real stock prices in the five-year periods after largefive-year real price increases, and the average price change for theseventeen countries was a decrease of 3.9%.13 Similarly, for the six-teen countries shown in Table 6.4 for which subsequent five-yeardata were available, fifteen (94%) experienced an increase in realstock prices in the five-year periods after large five-year real pricedecreases, and the average price change was an increase of 121.9%.We thus see quite a substantial, though imperfect, tendency formajor five-year stock price movements to be reversed in anotherfive years, for both up movements and down movements.

When we look at one-year real price changes, as in Tables 6.1 and6.2, we find that the tendency toward reversals is less pronounced,as we would expect from past literature on prices of individualstocks. We find that, for the eighteen countries shown in Table 6.1for which subsequent twelve-month data were available, nine(50%) experienced a decrease in real stock prices in the twelve-month periods after large twelve-month price increases, so that thedirection of the change was equally split between up and down,and the average change was an increase of 11.4%. For the twenty-one countries shown in Table 6.2, fourteen (67%) experienced anincrease in real stock prices in the twelve-month periods afterlarge twelve-month decreases, and the average real price changewas an increase of 10.7%. Twelve months does not appear to beenough time to begin to see a tendency for these extreme pricemovements to reverse themselves.

Quite possibly, the tendency for individual countries’ stockmarket valuations to grow dramatically and then to be reversed willdiminish in the future. With freer capital movements than were pos-sible during the periods covered by the examples in the tables, andwith more and more global investors seeking profit opportunitiesbuying undervalued countries or shorting overvalued countries,markets may become more stable. Even so, it is unlikely that theseforces will soon eliminate the potential for such movements,


particularly infrequent and slow large-country events or world-wide events, for which the attendant profit opportunities are slowand hard to diversify. The possibility of major speculative bubbles,now and in the future, cannot be ignored.

In this section on cultural factors, we have explored the justifi-cations people have given, at various points in history, for chang-ing market valuations, and we have seen evidence of the transitorynature of these cultural factors. Ultimately, however, the conclu-sions we draw from such evidence depend on our view of humannature and the extent of human abilities to produce consistent andindependent judgments. To consolidate our understanding of theargument, we turn, in the next part, to a study of fundamental psy-chological factors—human tendencies to act independently or toacquiesce, to believe others or to disbelieve them, to feel confidenceor self-doubt, to be attentive or inattentive. These tendencies bearon the plausibility of our view of speculative bubbles.

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Part Three

Psychological Factors



Psychological Anchors for the Market

We have seen that the market isnot well anchored by funda-

mentals. People do not even know to any degree of accuracywhat the “right” level of the market is: not many of them spendmuch time thinking about what its level should be or whether itis over- or underpriced today. So what is it that ties down the mar-ket’s level on any given day? What anchors the market? What isit that determines whether the Dow Jones Industrial Average isat 4,000 or 14,000? What ultimately limits the feedback from pricechanges to further price changes that amplifies speculative pricemovements? Why does the market stay within a certain region fordays at a time, only to break out suddenly? We have already seensome partial answers to these questions, but to understand the truenature of the anchors at work here, we must also turn to psychology.

In considering lessons from psychology, it must be noted thatmany popular accounts of the psychology of investing are simplynot credible. Investors are said to be euphoric or frenzied duringbooms or panic-stricken during market crashes. In both booms andcrashes, investors are described as blindly following the herd likeso many sheep, with no minds of their own. Belief in the rationality

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of markets starts to sound a lot better when the only alternativesare such pop-psychological theories.

We all know that most people are more sensible during suchfinancial episodes than these accounts suggest. Financial boomsand crashes are, for most of us, not emotion-laden events on a parwith victories in battle or volcanic eruptions. In fact, during the mostsignificant financial events, most people are preoccupied with otherpersonal matters, not with the financial markets at all. So it is hardto imagine that the market as a whole reflects the emotions describedby these psychological theories.

However, solid psychological research does show that there arepatterns of human behavior that suggest anchors for the marketthat would not be expected if markets worked entirely rationally.These patterns of human behavior are not the result of extremehuman ignorance, but rather of the character of human intelligence,reflecting its limitations as well as its strengths. Investors are striv-ing to do the right thing, but they have limited abilities and cer-tain natural modes of behavior that decide their actions when anunambiguous prescription for action is lacking.1

Two kinds of psychological anchors will be considered here: quan-titative anchors, which themselves give indications for the appro-priate levels of the market that some people use as indications ofwhether the market is over- or underpriced and whether it is a goodtime to buy, and moral anchors, which operate by determining thestrength of the reason that compels people to buy stocks, a reasonthat they must weigh against their other uses for the wealth theyalready have (or could have) invested in the market. With quan-titative anchors, people are weighing numbers against prices whenthey decide whether stocks (or other assets) are priced right. Withmoral anchors, people compare the intuitive or emotional strengthof the argument for investing in the market against their wealthand their perceived need for money to spend now.

Quantitative Anchors for the Market

Designers of questionnaires have learned that the answers peoplegive can be heavily influenced by suggestions that are given on the


questionnaires themselves. For example, when people are askedto state within which of a number of ranges their income falls, theiranswers are influenced by the ranges given. The ranges serve as“anchors” to which they make their answers conform.

Psychologists have shown that people’s decisions in ambiguoussituations are influenced by whatever available anchor is at hand.When you must come up with an estimate, and you are unsure whatto say, you take whatever number is before you. Psychologists AmosTversky and Daniel Kahneman demonstrated this tendency clearlyin an experiment involving a wheel of fortune: a large wheel withthe numbers from 1 to 100 on it, similar to those used in televisiongame shows, that is designed to stop at a random number whenit is spun. Subjects were asked questions whose answers were num-bers between 1 and 100, difficult questions such as the percentageof African nations in the United Nations. They were asked first tosay whether the answer they would give was above or below thenumber just produced by the wheel of fortune. Then they wereasked to give their answer. The experimenters found that the answerwas quite substantially influenced by the random number on thewheel. For example, if the wheel stopped at 10, the median per-centage of African nations according to their subjects was 25,whereas if the wheel stopped at 65, the median percentage was 45.This experiment was particularly interesting because it was designedso that the subject clearly knew that the number produced by thewheel was purely random and, moreover, because the numberproduced by the wheel should have had no emotional significancefor the subject.2

In making judgments about the level of stock prices, the mostlikely anchor is the most recently remembered price. The tendencyof investors to use this anchor enforces the similarity of stock pricesfrom one day to the next. Other possible anchors are rememberedpast prices, and the tendency of past prices to serve as anchors maybe part of the reason for the observed tendency for trends in indi-vidual stock prices to be reversed. Another anchor may be the near-est milestone of a prominent index such as the Dow, the nearestround-number level, and investors’ use of this anchor may helpexplain unusual market behavior surrounding such levels. Past price

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changes may also provide an anchor, if attention is suitably drawnto them. Recall from Chapter 4 that the drop in the market in theOctober 19, 1987, crash was nearly the same in percentage termsas that in the October 28–29, 1929, crash that was so much discussedat the time of the 1987 crash.

For individual stocks, price changes may tend to be anchoredto the price changes of other stocks, and price-earnings ratios maybe anchored to other firms’ price-earnings levels. This kind ofanchoring may help to explain why individual stock prices movetogether as much as they do, and thus ultimately why stock priceindexes are as volatile as they are—why the averaging across stocksthat is inherent in the construction of the index doesn’t moresolidly dampen its volatility.3 It may also explain why stocks of com-panies that are in different industries but are headquartered in thesame country tend to have more similar price movements thanstocks of companies that are in the same industry but are head-quartered in different countries, contrary to one’s expectation thatthe industry would define the fundamentals of the company bet-ter than the location of its headquarters.4 And it may explain whyreal estate investment trusts traded on stock exchanges tend tobehave more like stocks than like the appraised value of their under-lying commercial real estate.5 Indeed all of these anomalies notedin financial markets have a simple explanation in terms of quan-titative anchoring to convenient numbers.

Moral Anchors for the Market

With moral anchoring, the market is tied down by people’s com-parisons of the intuitive force of stories and reasons to hold theirinvestments against their perceived need to consume the wealththat these investments represent. The market is not prevented fromgoing up to arbitrarily high levels because people have any ideawhat its intrinsically “right” level is or what level would be too high.Rather, if the market were to get too high, the discrepancy betweenthe wealth many people would then have in the market and theircurrent living standards would, when compared with their reasonsfor holding stocks, encourage them to sell. One can appreciate the


nature of this anchor with an extreme example. Suppose, counter-factually, that the psychology of the market caused the level of thestock market to rise so as to make most holders of stocks multi-millionaires—on paper. Then, unless the reason these people haveto continue holding every single share is perceived to be extremelystrong, they would want to start living a little more like multi-millionaires and sell some of their stocks to be able to spend themoney. Such selling would obviously bring stock prices down, sincethere would be no buyers, and obviously there just isn’t sufficientcurrent national income available to sustain anything like thismany multimillionaires. The stock market can reach fantastic levelsonly if people think that they have good reasons not to test it bytrying to enjoy their newfound wealth.

Underlying this notion of moral anchors is the psychological prin-ciple that much of the human thinking that results in action is notquantitative, but instead takes the form of storytelling and justifica-tion. That is why, in the case of moral anchors, people are weigh-ing a story, which has no quantitative dimension, against theobserved quantity of financial wealth that they have available forconsumption. Such reasoning is not well described by the usual kindof economic theory, but there is a large amount of evidence in sup-port of the assertion that investor reasoning does take this form.

Psychologists Nancy Pennington and Reid Hastie have shownthe importance of stories in decision making by studying how jurorsreached decisions in difficult cases. They found that jurors’ approachto reasoning through the complicated issues of the trial tended totake the form of constructing a story, filling out the details that wereprovided to them about the case into a coherent narrative of thechain of events. In describing their verdict, they tended not to speakof quantities or probabilities, or of summing up the weight of theevidence, but rather merely to tell a story of the case, typically achronology of events, and to remark how well their story fit togetherand how internally consistent it was.6

By analogy, those who sell stocks to the general public often tendto tell a story about the stock, a vivid story describing the historyof the company, the nature of the product, and how the public is usingthe product. The sales call does not as often engage in discussions

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of quantities or probabilities, or of whether the price is at theright level in terms of quantitative evidence about future dividendsor earnings. These quantitative factors are not as congenial to thenarrative-based decision making that comes naturally to people.

There is a basic human interest in gambling, seen in one formor another in all cultures,7 an interest that also expresses itself inspeculative markets. Some of the attraction to gambling, despiteodds that are often openly stacked against gamblers, apparentlyhas to do with narrative-based thinking. When gamblers are heardtalking, they are usually telling stories, not evaluating probabili-ties, and the possibilities suggested by the stories often seem to havemore substantive reality than any quantitative concepts. In thesestories, gamblers use a different vocabulary than do probability the-orists, preferring the words luck or lucky day, and rarely utteringthe words probability or likelihood. There are stories of their winningsand losses, of the chains of events that preceded their best or worstluck, of the strength of their intuition that yielded good bets. Thesestories can convey a sense of meaning and significance to eventsthat are in fact purely random.8

It has been noted that employees have a tendency to invest incompany stock (that is, stock issued by the firm that employs them),even though it would appear to be more in their interest to diver-sify away from the source of their own livelihood. About a thirdof assets in large retirement savings plans are invested in companystock, and in some companies, such as Coca-Cola, company stockreaches 90% of assets.9 This tendency to invest in company stockcan be interpreted as consistent with investors’ being influencedby stories: they know many more stories about their own companiesand so invest in those companies’ stocks.

People also appear to want to construct simple reasons for theirdecisions, as if they feel the need to justify those decisions in simpleterms—if not to others, then to themselves. The need to have asimple reason to explain a decision is similar to the need to havea story behind a decision; both the stories and the reasons are simplerationales that can be conveyed verbally to others.

Psychologists Eldar Shafir, Itamar Simonson, and Amos Tverskydemonstrated experimentally an effect that appears to represent


decision biases caused by people’s search for simple reasons to jus-tify decisions. They presented their subjects with a simple choicebetween two options: one option was “impoverished,” with nostriking positive or negative features. The other was “enriched,”displaying both distinctly positive and distinctly negative features.In one of their experiments, subjects were asked to choose towhich parent they would award sole custody of a child. Parent A,the impoverished option, was described with the words “averageincome, average health, average working hours, reasonable rap-port with the child, and relatively stable social life.” Parent B, theenriched option, was described with the words “above-averageincome, very close relationship with the child, extremely activesocial life, lots of work-related travel, minor health problems.” Theexperimenters found that the subjects’ choices depended on howthey were asked about the two choices. When a group of subjectswas asked to select the parent to whom they would award custody,64% chose Parent B. When a second group was asked to pick theparent to whom they would deny custody, 55% again chose Par-ent B. The predominant answers given by the two groups are log-ically inconsistent, but they are consistent with a feeling that onemust have a solid reason to justify a decision. The psychologistsfound that the same tendency occurs even for purely personal deci-sions that will never need to be explained to others.10

Reasons to hold stocks or other investments can take on ethicalas well as practical dimensions. Our culture may supply reasonsto hold stocks and other savings vehicles that are related to our senseof identity as responsible people, as good or levelheaded people.The Millionaire Next Door, a best-seller since 1996, makes the pointthat most millionaires in the United States are not exceptionalincome earners, but merely frugal savers: average folks who arenot enticed by a new car every year, an extravagant house, or othersuch money pits.11 This book is not only an interesting study ofmillionaires; it also projects a subtle message suggesting the moralsuperiority of those who hold and gradually accumulate wealthover a lifetime. It therefore provides an attractive reason to saveand invest. The book offers no analyses of price-earnings ratiosor anything remotely like specific investment advice, thus subtly

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reinforcing the impression that these are irrelevant. Instead, itoffers lots of stories of successful, frugal people, many of whomprospered during the recent bull market—stories with vivid detailsand great immediacy for readers. The book’s enticing story aboutinvesting millionaires who do not test the market by trying to cashout and consume their wealth is just the kind of moral anchorneeded to help sustain an unusual bull market.

Overconfidence and Intuitive Judgment

In judging the significance of these psychological anchors for themarket, it is important to bear in mind that there appears to be apervasive human tendency toward overconfidence in one’s beliefs.People are ready to act on stories or reasons that one might thinkthey should have little confidence in.

People think they know more than they do. They like to expressopinions on matters they know little about, and they often act onthese opinions. We have all observed at one time or another thatthere are a lot of know-it-alls out there. But psychologists havedescribed the tendency toward overconfidence with some care andindications of its generality.

Psychologists Baruch Fischhof, Paul Slovic, and Sarah Lichten-stein showed that if people are asked simple factual questions (suchas which of two popular magazines has the higher circulation orwhich of two common causes of death is the more frequent) andare then asked to give the probability that their answer is right, theytend to overestimate the probability that they are right. In fact, whenpeople said they were certain they were right they were in fact rightonly about 80% of the time.12

This result has been the subject of controversy among psychol-ogists, and the overconfidence phenomenon has not been foundto be universal. It has been shown that people can sometimes betrained out of their overconfidence in the experimental setting.13

Yet some basic tendency toward overconfidence appears to be arobust human character trait: the bias is definitely toward over-confidence rather than underconfidence. I find that overconfidenceis apparent when I interview investors; they seem to expressoverly strong opinions and rush to summary judgments.


Psychologists have long wondered why it is that people seem tobe overconfident. One theory has been that, in evaluating the sound-ness of their conclusions, people tend to evaluate the probability thatthey are right on only the last step of their reasoning, forgetting howmany other elements of their reasoning could be wrong.14 Anothertheory is that people make probability judgments by looking forsimilarities to other known observations, and they forget that thereare many other possible observations with which they could com-pare.15 The reason for overconfidence may also have to do with hind-sight bias, a tendency to think that one would have known actualevents were coming before they happened, had one been presentthen or had reason to pay attention.16 Hindsight bias encourages aview of the world as more predictable than it really is.

Another factor in overconfidence as it relates to speculativemarkets is magical thinking. When we speak of people’s intuitionabout the likelihood that investments will do well or poorly andtheir own decisions to invest, we are speaking of their innermostthoughts—thoughts that they do not have to explain or justify toothers. Patterns of thought referred to as “magical thinking” or“quasi-magical thinking” by psychologists are likely to play a role.People have occasional feelings that certain actions will make themlucky even if they know logically that the actions cannot have aneffect on their fortunes.

People will make serious decisions based on thinking that theywould, if pressed, admit was illogical. It has been shown that peoplewill place larger bets on a coin that has not yet been tossed thanon a coin that has already been tossed (and for which the outcomehas been concealed). And people will, if asked how much moneythey would demand to part with a lottery ticket they already hold,give a figure over four times greater if they themselves chose thelottery number on the ticket. Apparently, at some magical levelpeople think that they can influence a coin that has not yet beentossed and influence the likelihood of winning the lottery by choos-ing the number.17

Based on such experimental results, it seems clear that peopleare capable of thinking, at least at some intuitive level, “If I buy astock, then it will go up afterwards” or “If I buy a stock, then otherswill probably want to buy the stock, too, because they are like me”

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or “I have a hot hand lately; my luck is with me.” Such thinkingis likely, in a subtle way, to contribute to the overconfidence thatmay help the propagation of speculative bubbles.

Another aspect of overconfidence is that people tend to makejudgments in uncertain situations by looking for familiar patternsand assuming that future patterns will resemble past ones, oftenwithout sufficient consideration of the reasons for the patternor the probability of the pattern repeating itself. This anomaly ofhuman judgment, called the representativeness heuristic, was demon-strated in a number of experiments by psychologists Tversky andKahneman.

For example, these researchers asked people to guess the occu-pation, from a list of occupations, of people with a given personal-ity description. If the description given was that the person was artisticand sensitive, they tended to choose conductor or sculptress, ratherthan laborer or secretary, disregarding entirely the fact that the for-mer occupations are extremely rare and thus that the answers aremuch less likely to be right.18 It would be wiser, in answering suchquestions, almost never to guess the occupation conductor or sculp-tress, since the base rate probabilities are so low. But people look forthe best-fit occupation, disregarding the base rate probabilities.

Economists Nicholas Barberis, Andrei Shleifer, and Robert Vishnyhave developed the representativeness heuristic into a theory ofinvestors’ selective overconfidence and into a psychological theoryof an expectational feedback loop. These authors argue thatinvestors, when they see stock prices move in the same directionfor a while, gradually begin to assume that the trend is represen-tative of many trends that they have seen in other economic data.According to a psychological principle of conservatism, peopleare slow to change their opinions. For this reason, it takes some timebefore investors begin to conclude that the trend will continue. Theinterplay between the representativeness heuristic and the prin-ciple of conservatism determines the speed at which the specula-tive feedback progresses.19

Overconfidence, however generated, appears to be a funda-mental factor promoting the high volume of trade we observe inspeculative markets. Without such overconfidence, one would


think that there would be little trading in financial markets. If peoplewere completely rational, then half the investors should think thatthey are below average in their trading ability and should there-fore be unwilling to do speculative trades with the other half, whothey think will probably dominate them in trading. Thus the above-average half would have no one to trade with, and there shouldideally be no trading for speculative reasons.20

Overconfidence in judgments can at times influence people tobelieve that they know when a market move will take place, evenif they generally believe as an intellectual matter that stock pricesare not forecastable. In the survey that I carried out of investorsright after the crash of October 19, 1987, I asked them, “Did youthink at any point on October 19, 1987, that you had a pretty goodidea when a rebound was to occur?” Of individual investors whohad bought on that day, 47.1% said yes; of institutional investors,47.9% said yes. Thus nearly half of those trading that day thoughtthey knew what the market would do that day. I find this remark-able. Even among all individual investors, most of whom did notbuy or sell at all on that day, 29.2% answered yes to this question;among all institutional investors, 28.0% answered yes.

Why would anyone think that they knew what the market woulddo on any given day, and especially on such a tumultuous day?The idea that one would know such things stands contrary to themost elementary observations about markets’ forecastability, andcontrary to the conventional wisdom that accurate market timingis very difficult. Quite a few people apparently do not consistentlybelieve that the market is never very forecastable.

The next question on the questionnaire was, “If yes, what madeyou think you knew when a rebound would occur?” There was astriking absence of solid grounding for the answers. References weremade to “intuition,” “gut feeling,” “historical evidence and com-mon sense,” or “market psychology.” Mentions of concrete factsor references to explicit theories were rare, even among the insti-tutional investors.

These intuitive feelings about the future course of the marketwere extremely important for the course of the stock market crash,for apparently it was these intuitive judgments that set the anchors

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that stopped the price decline. To understand speculative bubbles,positive or negative, we must appreciate that overconfidence inone’s own intuitive judgments plays a fundamental role.

The Fragility of Anchors: Difficulty ThinkingAhead to Contingent Future Decisions

The anchors discussed here account for the stability of the marketfrom day to day, but we must also account for the ability of theseanchors to let loose occasionally—sometimes suddenly. Marketsdo make dramatic shifts. Part of the reason for the surprises themarket hands us from time to time is that news events have an effecton people’s reasons that even they could not have expected.

Psychologists Shafir and Tversky have described a phenomenonthey call nonconsequentialist reasoning: reasoning that is character-ized by an inability to think through the elementary conclusionsone would draw in the future if hypothetical events were to occur.According to Shafir and Tversky, people cannot decide until theevents actually occur. When we learn to play games of logic, forexample chess, we must practice thinking ahead to the decisionswe will make in the future in response to the other player’s deci-sions. One learns to think, “If I move here, then she might moveeither here or there, and if she moves here I will be fine, but if shemoves there I will be faced with a difficult situation. . . .” That is,one learns to think through the ramifications of all relevantbranches of a decision tree. In everyday life we to some extent prac-tice the same modes of thinking that we learned in playing thesegames. But real-world decisions are clouded by emotions and a lackof clearly defined objectives, and people do not generally behaveas if they have thought things through well in advance.

Shafir and Tversky give an example of students’ decision mak-ing about whether to take a vacation in Hawaii after learningwhether they had passed or failed an important exam. Faced withsuch a choice, they look into their own minds for their feelings aboutthe choice. Some students who have passed the exam will think,“I should take the vacation as a celebration and a reward.” Somestudents who have failed the exam will think, “I should take the


vacation as a consolation, to improve my mood after havingfailed.” Some students will decide to take a vacation whether ornot they pass the exam. Those students who would take the vaca-tion in either case should be able, if they were fully logical, to bookthe vacation well in advance of the exam, knowing that the infor-mation about the outcome of the exam is not really relevant to theirdecision. But these people sometimes have great difficulty makingsuch a choice before they know the outcome of the exam. Beforethe exam, they cannot fully anticipate the emotional reason for tak-ing the vacation, and so they cannot feel good about committingthemselves to it.21

Although this example presents a situation in which the diffi-culty people face is in deciding how they themselves will feel inthe future, rather than in deciding on questions of simple fact asin the game of chess, in reality decisions about investments are likelyto have as much of an emotional component as decisions aboutwhether to go on a vacation.

For this reason, the effects of news stories on the stock marketsometimes have more to do with discovery of how we feel aboutthe news than with any logical reaction to the news. We can makedecisions then that would have been impossible before the newswas known. It is partly for this reason that the breaking off of a psy-chological anchor can be so unpredictable: people discover thingsabout themselves, about their own emotions and inclinations, onlyafter price changes occur.

Psychological anchors for the market hook themselves on thestrangest things along the muddy bottom of our consciousness. Theanchor can skip and drag, only to snag again on some object whosestrength would surprise us if we saw it at the surface. We have con-sidered in this chapter some of the psychological factors thatexplain the nature of such anchors. But the anchors can havesignificance for the market as a whole only if the same thoughtsenter the minds of many. In the next chapter, we turn to the socialbasis of thinking: the tendencies toward herd behavior and thecontagion of ideas.

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Herd Behavior and Epidemics

Afundamental observation abouthuman society is that people

who communicate regularly with one another think similarly.There is at any place and in any time a Zeitgeist, a spirit of the times.It is important to understand the origins of this similar thinking,so that we can judge the plausibility of theories of speculativefluctuations that ascribe price changes to faulty thinking. If the mil-lions of people who invest were all truly independent of eachother, any faulty thinking would tend to average out, and such think-ing would have no effect on prices. But if less-than-mechanistic orirrational thinking is in fact similar over large numbers of people,then such thinking can indeed be the source of stock marketbooms and busts.

Part of the reason people’s judgments are similar at similartimes is that they are reacting to the same information—the infor-mation that was publicly available at that time. But, as we shall seein this chapter, rational response to public information is not theonly reason that people think similarly, nor is the use of that pub-lic information always appropriate or well reasoned.


Social Influence and Information

Acclaimed social psychologist Solomon Asch reported an exper-iment in 1952 that he interpreted—and that was widely interpretedby others—as showing the immense power of social pressure onindividual judgment. His paper was published at a time of wide-spread public concern with the effects of Communist propaganda,alarm at the apparently successful brainwashing techniques ofChinese Communists, and continuing puzzlement over the abil-ity of the Nazis in Germany to obtain an obedient response whenordering mass exterminations of Jews and other “undesirables.”Asch’s findings were widely cited in the media as providing ascientific basis for claims that people do not have fully inde-pendent judgment. His results are still cited today; those whofound serious flaws in his interpretation of those results are notnearly as well remembered.

In his famous experiment, Asch placed the subject into a groupof seven to nine other people who were, unbeknownst to the sub-ject, confederates who had been coached by Asch. The entire groupwas asked to answer a sequence of twelve questions about thelengths of line segments shown to them on cards, and the subjectwould hear most of the others’ answers before giving his ownanswer before the group. The correct answers to the questions wereobvious, but the confederates deliberately gave wrong answersto seven of the twelve questions. Faced with a group of peoplewho were unanimously giving what seemed to be obviously wronganswers to the questions, a third of the time the subjects caved inand gave the same wrong answers as had been given by the con-federates. Furthermore the subjects often showed signs of anxietyor distress, suggesting that fear of being seen as different or fool-ish before the group had swayed their judgment.1

Asch explained his results as due to social pressure. There is prob-ably some validity to this interpretation, but it turns out that thesubjects’ wrong answers were not primarily due to such pressure.Three years after Asch published his findings, psychologistsMorton Deutsch and Harold Gerard reported a variant of Asch’s

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experiment in which the subjects were told that they had beenplaced anonymously into a group of people, people that they neversaw and never would see, and whose answers they could observeonly indirectly through an electronic signal. (In fact there was reallyno group at all.) Subjects could give their answers to the questionsmerely by pressing a button, unobserved by others, so that therewas no need to stand up to a group face to face. Otherwise, theexperiment proceeded as it had under Asch. And the subjects gavenearly as many wrong answers as they had before.2

Deutsch and Gerard concluded that the wrong answers in theAsch experiment had been given in large part because peoplesimply thought that all the other people could not be wrong. Theywere reacting to the information that a large group of people hadreached a judgment different from theirs, rather than merely the fearof expressing a contrary opinion in front of a group. This behav-ior is a matter of rational calculation: in everyday living we havelearned that when a large group of people is unanimous in its judg-ment on a question of simple fact, the members of that group arealmost certainly right. The anxiety and distress that Asch’s subjectsexpressed may have come partly from their conclusion that theirown senses were somehow not reliable.

Another widely cited series of experiments relevant to herdbehavior is Stanley Milgram’s investigations of the power of author-ity. In Milgram’s experiments, the subject was asked to adminis-ter electric shocks to another person sitting close by, who was, againunbeknownst to the subject, a confederate. There really were noelectric shocks, but the confederate pretended to be experiencingthem, feigning pain and suffering. The confederate asserted thathe was in great distress and asked that the experiment be stopped.But when the experimenter told the subjects to continue admin-istering the shocks, insisting that the shocks would cause no per-manent tissue damage, many did so.3

These results were widely interpreted as demonstrating theenormous power of authority over the human mind. Indeed theresults may be understood partly on those terms. But there isanother interpretation: that people have learned that when expertstell them something is all right, it probably is, even if it does not


seem so. (In fact, it is worth noting that in this case the experi-menter was indeed correct: it was all right to continue giving the“shocks”—even though most of the subjects did not suspect the rea-son.) Thus the results of Milgram’s experiment can also be inter-preted as springing from people’s past learning about the reliabilityof authorities.4

Asch’s and Milgram’s studies are as interesting as ever whenviewed from the standpoint of this information-based interpreta-tion. The experiments demonstrate that people are ready to believethe majority view or to believe authorities even when they plainlycontradict matter-of-fact judgment. And their behavior is in factlargely rational and intelligent. Most people have had many priorexperiences of making errors when they contradicted the judgmentsof a larger group or of an authority figure, and they have learnedfrom these experiences. Thus the Asch and Milgram experimentsgive us a different perspective on the overconfidence phenomenon:people are respectful of authorities in formulating the opinionsabout which they will later be so overconfident, transferring theirconfidence in authorities to their own judgments based uponthem.

Given the kind of behavior observed by Asch and Milgram, itis not at all surprising that many people are accepting of the per-ceived authority of others on such matters as stock market valua-tion. Most must certainly trust their own judgment in this area evenless than the experimental subjects trusted the evidence of their owneyes about the lengths of lines on cards or the pain and sufferingthat a person sitting next to them was experiencing.

Economic Theories of Herd Behaviorand Information Cascades

Even completely rational people can participate in herd behaviorwhen they take into account the judgments of others, and even ifthey know that everyone else is behaving in a herdlike manner. Thebehavior, although individually rational, produces group behaviorthat is, in a well-defined sense, irrational. This herdlike behavioris said to arise from an information cascade.5

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A simple story will illustrate how such an information cascadecould get started. Suppose two restaurants open next door to eachother. Each potential customer must choose between the two.Would-be customers may be able to make some judgments aboutthe quality of each of the restaurants when viewing it through thefront window, but such judgments will not be very accurate. The firstcustomer who arrives must choose based only on viewing the twoempty restaurants and makes a choice. However, the next potentialcustomer can rely not only on his or her own information, basedon the appearance of the restaurants, but also—by seeing the firstcustomer eating in one or the other of the restaurants—informa-tion about the choice made by the first customer. If the second cus-tomer chooses to go to the same restaurant as the first, the thirdcustomer will see two people eating in that restaurant. The endresult may be that all customers may wind up eating at the samerestaurant—and it could well be the poorer restaurant, since therewas no real consideration of the combined evidence inherent in alltheir observations about the two restaurants. If all of them had beenable to pool their first impressions and discuss these as a group,they might have been able to deduce which restaurant was likelyto be the better one. But in this scenario they cannot make use ofeach other’s information, since they do not reveal their own infor-mation to others when they merely follow them.

The restaurant story, and the economic theory that underlies it,is not in itself a theory of stock market bubbles. However, it hasclear relevance to stock market behavior, and it can provide afoundation for a theory about how rational investors may be ledastray.6 According to such a theory, the popular notion that the levelof market prices is the outcome of a sort of vote by all investorsabout the true value of the market is just plain wrong. Hardly any-one is really voting. Instead people are rationally choosing not to,as they see it, waste their time and effort in exercising their judgmentabout the market, and thus choosing not to exert any independentimpact on the market. Ultimately, all such information cascadetheories are theories of the failure of information about true fundamentalvalue to be disseminated and evaluated.

It is important to emphasize that this failure to disseminate infor-mation to others can be modeled in economic theory in terms of


purely rational behavior with no limitations of intelligence, onlylimitations of revealed information. But to achieve a better under-standing of the issues relevant to financial market mispricing, onemust also understand some parameters of human behavior, oflimitations of human information processing, that are relevant tothe transmission of information and the potential for speculativebubbles.

Human Information Processing and Word of Mouth

The human mind is the product of evolution almost entirely in theabsence of the printed word, e-mail, the Internet, or any other arti-ficial means of communication. Human society has been able toconquer almost all habitats of this planet primarily because of itsown innate information processing ability. A fundamental com-ponent of this information processing ability is effective commu-nication of important facts from one person to another.

This superior ability to communicate knowledge has beenmade possible over the past few million years by evolutionarychanges within the human brain that have optimized the chan-nels of communication and created an emotional drive to com-municate effectively. It is because of this emotional drive thatmost people’s favorite activity is conversation. Look around you.Everywhere you go, when two or more people are not workingor playing or sleeping (and, in some cases, even when they aredoing these things), they are talking. The incessant exchange ofinformation is a fundamental characteristic of our species. The infor-mation that tends to flow most rapidly is the kind that would havehelped society in centuries past in its everyday living: informationabout such things as food sources, dangers, or other members ofsociety.

For this reason, in modern society there is likely to be rapidlyspreading conversation about a buying opportunity for a hotstock, or about immediate threats to personal wealth, or about thestory of the people who run a company. These topics resemble thekinds of things our ancestors have talked about since time immemo-rial. But conversation seems to flow less well about abstract topics,such as the mathematics of finance, or statistics about asset returns,

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or optimal levels of saving for retirement. Transmission of suchknowledge is of course effortful, infrequent, and imperfect.

Face-to-Face Communicationsversus Media Communications

The conventional media—print media, television, and radio—havea profound capability for spreading ideas, but their ability togenerate active behaviors is still limited. Interpersonal and inter-active communications, particularly face-to-face or word-of-mouthcommunications, still have the most powerful impact on ourbehavior.

In a 1986 study of individual investors, John Pound and I soughtto determine how their attention was first drawn to a stock. Wemailed a questionnaire to a random sample of individual investorsand asked them to consider the company whose stock they had pur-chased most recently. We asked, “What first drew your attentionto the company?” Only 6% specified periodicals or newspapers.The majority of the answers named sources that would involvedirect interpersonal communication.7 Even if people read a lot, theirattention and actions appear to be more stimulated by interpersonalcommunications.

The power of interpersonal, word-of-mouth communicationabout investments has been amply illustrated by the work of themarket surveillance units at the exchanges and within the Secu-rities and Exchange Commission. Their brief is to detect insider trad-ing, and to that end they carefully follow the trail of communicationsamong individual investors. Court documents reveal, for example,that a sequence of word-of-mouth communications was touchedoff in May 1995, when a secretary at IBM was asked to photocopydocuments that included references to IBM’s top-secret takeover ofLotus Development Corporation, a deal scheduled to be announcedon June 5 of that year. She apparently told only her husband, abeeper salesman. On June 2, he told another person, a co-worker,who bought shares eighteen minutes later, and another friend, acomputer technician, who initiated a sequence of phone calls. Bythe time of the June 5 announcement, twenty-five people con-


nected to this core group had spent half a million dollars on theinvestment based on this tip. They included a pizza chef, an elec-trical engineer, a bank executive, a dairy wholesaler, a formerschoolteacher, a gynecologist, an attorney, and four stockbrokers.8

Clearly word-of-mouth communication can proceed with greatspeed and across disparate social groups.

Word-of-mouth transmission of ideas appears to be an importantcontributor to day-to-day or hour-to-hour stock market fluctuations,even though direct word-of-mouth transmission cannot proceedacross the nation quite as fast as markets move. In the questionnairesurvey of investors that I sent out during the week of the stock mar-ket crash of 1987 (described in detail in Chapter 4), I asked them aboutword-of-mouth communications. Of the individual investor respon-dents, 81.6% said that they had learned of the crash before 5 P.M. onthe same day. Thus they had learned of the crash from sources otherthan the next day’s morning newspaper or that day’s eveningnews. The average time of day that these investors heard of the crashwas 1:56 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time (EDT). For institutional investors,the average time that they heard of the crash was 10:32 A.M. EDT.Individual investors reported talking on average to 7.4 other peopleabout the market situation on the day of the crash; institutionalinvestors reported talking on average to 19.7 other people.

The channels of human communication that we know todayseem to favor the interpersonal face-to-face and word-of-mouthcommunication that developed over millions of years of evolution,during times when such communication was virtually the only formof interpersonal communication. The patterns of communicationhard-wired into our brains rely on there being another person’svoice, another person’s facial expressions, another person’s emo-tions, and an associated environment of trust, loyalty, and coop-eration. Because these elements are missing from the written orelectronic word, people find it somewhat more difficult to react tothese sources of information. They cannot give these other sourcesthe same emotional weight, nor can they remember or use informationfrom these other sources as well. This is an important reason whywe still have teachers—why we cannot tell our children to simplysit down and read books or rely on computer-aided instruction.

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It is also for this reason that television is such a powerful medium,in that it mimics much of the appearance of direct interpersonalconversation. Watching television simulates the very action—thevoices, faces, and emotions—that we experience in conversation.Indeed, television advertisers often recreate images of everydayconversation about their products. But television today is still notinteractive; the communication it offers is only one-way, and so itis still not as effective as direct person-to-person communication.

The telephone, invented well over a hundred years ago, maystill be the most important artificial medium for interpersonalcommunication today, because it so closely simulates face-to-facecommunications, lacking only the visual stimuli. Studies by soci-ologists and communications researchers have found that telephoneconversations come very close to face-to-face communications ininformation transmission and problem-solving functions, thoughthey still fall somewhat short in conflict-resolution and person-perception functions.9

The impact of the telephone appears to have been a factor behindthe volatile stock market of the 1920s. Although the telephonewas invented in 1876, it did not become economical, effective, andwidely used until a number of improvements had been made, suchas the invention in 1915 of vacuum tube amplification of longer-distance telephone calls. By the mid-1920s the average person wasmaking over two hundred telephone calls per year in the UnitedStates. The 1920s saw the spread of “boiler rooms” and “bucketshops” that actively sold stocks to the public using the telephone,employing questionable tactics that easily slipped past ineffective“blue-sky” legislation at the level of the states. The proliferationof telephones undoubtedly made it easier to sell stocks to the pub-lic, and the resulting impetus to fraud helped bring the country tothe point of enacting the Securities Act of 1933 and the SecuritiesExchange Act of 1934, which created the Securities and ExchangeCommission.10

Today we are witnessing another explosion of technologicalinnovations that facilitate interpersonal communication, consist-ing of e-mail, chat rooms, and interactive Web sites. These new and


effective media for interactive (if not face-to-face) communicationmay have the effect of expanding yet again the interpersonal con-tagion of ideas. They may have allowed enthusiasm for the marketto spread much more widely in the 1990s than it would otherwisehave. Certainly we are still learning how to regulate the use of thesenew media in the public interest.

Although e-mail and chat rooms are significant changes in thetechnology of communications, it is not clear that their advent is moresignificant than that of the telephone many decades ago. Becausethe telephone allows communication of emotions as expressedvocally, it may yet be a better simulator of effective communicationthan e-mail or chat rooms in their usual configuration.

Continued technological progress in those computer-basedcommunications media that allow better simulation of face-to-facecommunication will undoubtedly make the transmissibility of ideasmore effective in the future. For example, according to the marketresearch firm International Data Corporation, desktop and compactvideoconferencing systems, which allow users to see the faces ofothers during a conversation over a distance, are just now becom-ing economical enough for wide use; the installed base worldwideis expected to climb from 622,000 endpoints in 1998 to 4.2 millionby 2003.11

Epidemic Models Applied toWord-of-Mouth Communication

The mathematical theory of the spread of disease has been usedby epidemiologists to predict the course of infection and mortal-ity.12 These models can be used to better understand the trans-mission of attitudes and the nature of the feedback mechanismsupporting speculative bubbles.

In the simplest epidemic model, it is assumed that the diseasehas a given infection rate (the rate at which the disease spreads fromcontagious people to susceptible people) and a given removal rate(the rate at which infected people become no longer contagious,through recovery or death).

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If the removal rate is zero, the graphical plot of the number ofinfected people after the introduction of one contagious person fol-lows a mathematical curve called the logistic curve.13 With thelogistic curve, the percent of the population that is infected risesinitially at the infection rate. Although the rate of increase is nearlyconstant at first, the absolute number of people recorded ascontracting the disease rises faster and faster: as more and morepeople become contagious, more and more people become infectedand are seen in doctors’ offices complaining of the first symptomsof the disease. But the rate of increase starts to decline as the poolof yet-to-be-infected susceptibles begins to be depleted. Eventhough the intrinsic infection rate of the disease is unchanged, therate at which new infected people are being produced declinesbecause those who are infected meet fewer people who have yetto become infected. Eventually the entire population is infected andthe logistic curve becomes flat, at 100%; then of course there areno new cases.

If the removal rate is greater than zero, but less than the infec-tion rate, the model predicts instead that the course of the epidemicwill be bell shaped: the number of infectives will at first rise fromzero, peak, and then drop back to zero. The peak can occur before100% of the population is ever infected.

If the removal rate is greater than the infection rate, then the epi-demic will never get started and never even be observed.

Epidemiologists use these models constructively to understandthe pattern of disease outbreaks. Using such models they can infer,for example, that if the removal rate is just above the infection rate,then a nearly healthy population is in danger of an epidemic, forany small uptick in the infection rate or downtick in the removalrate can tip the balance toward a new epidemic. Thus epidemiol-ogists can infer that a change in weather patterns that will tend tokeep people indoors together (where they are more likely to infecteach other) may cause the infection rate to increase above theremoval rate. The epidemic will then begin, but the absolute num-ber of infectives will grow slowly at first. If, in this example, theweather changes fairly soon again in such a way that the infectionrate is brought back down, so that the number of infectives never


becomes very large, then the epidemic will fail to be noticed by thegeneral public. But if the bad weather lingers long enough relativeto the difference between the bad-weather-infection rate and theremoval rate, then the epidemic will become large and noticeablein the population at large. Epidemiologists can use this model topredict, according to this example, how long a spell of bad weatheris necessary to produce a serious epidemic.

The same kind of epidemic models have been applied to otherbiological phenomena that may have relevance to financial mar-kets. Economist Alan Kirman has used them to model the behav-ior of ants in exploiting food sources, and he notes that the modelsalso seem relevant to stock market price changes.14 It has been foundexperimentally that ants, when presented with two identical foodsources near their nest, tend to exploit both sources, but one moreintensively than another. Over time (and as the experimenter con-stantly replenishes the food sources so that they remain exactlyequal), the primary attention of the ants may switch from one sourceto the other. Why should they not exploit the two equally, and whatcauses them to switch their attention? Kirman notes that antsindividually recruit other ants to food sources; there is no centraldirection for the nest as a whole. Recruitment is done by contactand following (tandem recruitment) or by laying a chemical trail(pheromone recruitment). Both of these processes are the antequivalent of word-of-mouth communication. Kirman shows thatif there is randomness in the recruitment process, the experimen-tally observed phenomena can be explained in terms of a simpleepidemic model.

Although disease spread and ant behavior are of theoreticalinterest in our consideration of stock market bubbles, of greatestpractical relevance is the fact that epidemic models have beenapplied by sociologists to predict the course of word-of-mouth trans-mission of ideas.15 The dynamics of such transmission may mimicthat of disease. The formal mathematical theory of epidemicsappears, however, to be less accurate for modeling social processesthan for modeling disease spread or ant behavior, and it has yetto spawn an influential and successful literature by social scien-tists. This lack of success may be explained by the fact that the basic

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parameters of these models are not as constant in the social sciencesas in biological applications.

One reason for the lack of success in applying epidemic modelsto the spread of ideas may be that the mutation rate, the rate of trans-mission errors, is much higher for ideas than for disease or other bio-logical processes. Many of us recall the children’s game of telephone,in which the first person selects a simple story and whispers it intothe ear of the second person, who then whispers it into the ear ofthe third, and so on. When the story is finally told to the group bythe last person in the chain, the distortion of the original story isoften so dramatic as to provoke laughter. The person-to-persontransmission of stories of any complexity is just not very reliable.

For this reason, pure word-of-mouth transmission of ideas,even if abetted by the telephone, is not likely to extend widelyenough to infect an entire nation all by itself. The accuracy of trans-mission will falter long before that happens. In contrast, computer-to-computer transmission is unerring. Computer viruses canspread nationally and internationally with no alteration whatso-ever. But viruses do not have the ability to change people’s think-ing; they do not get beyond the machine. The ability of users ofe-mail to forward others’ messages or to provide Web links effec-tively permits word of mouth to spread unerringly. And newtechnology that makes it possible and natural to forward word-of-mouth messages from others as part of a telephone conversationor a video conference would again dramatically improve the accu-racy and persistence of interpersonal communications.

Although the imprecision and variability of interpersonal com-munications as they currently occur prevent formal mathematicsfrom predicting with any reliability how ideas spread, epidemicmodels are still helpful in understanding the kinds of things thatcan bring about changes in market prices. For example, it is use-ful to consider that any change in the infection rate or removal ratewill change the rate of spread of new ideas.

Thus, for example, a major national news story unrelated tofinancial markets may lower the infection rate of ideas related tospeculative markets by deflecting attention from them. This phe-


nomenon may help explain why, as noted in Chapter 4, stockprice movements are not notoriously volatile at times of nationalcrisis despite the potential importance of such crises for the nation’sbusinesses and why most large stock market movements occurwhen there is not much other news. On the other hand, nationalnews that ties in with or encourages discussion of the stock mar-ket may raise the infection rate. This may be part of the explana-tion for the Internet’s apparently exaggerated effect on the stockmarket: attention being paid to the Net promotes conversation abouttechnology stocks in general, thereby raising the infection rate fortheories about these stocks.

The word-of-mouth transmission of ideas does not have toinfect the entire nation to affect national stock prices. Moreover,word of mouth may function to amplify public reaction to newsevents or to media accounts of such events. It is still necessary toconsider the infection rate relative to the removal rate in order tounderstand the public impact of any new idea or concept, since mostpeople’s awareness of any of these is still socially mediated. Thusthe likelihood of any event affecting market prices is enhanced ifthere is a good, vivid, tellable story about the event.

The importance of a tellable story for keeping the infection rateof ideas high can be seen in many examples drawn from new-product marketing, such as the promotion of motion pictures. Mar-keters launch an ad campaign as the movie is first screened, toattract the attention of especially receptive people. Only a smallfraction of the population responds directly to the initial adver-tisem*nts. Yet the success of the movie ultimately depends on thereaction of these people to the film—and the opinions they pass onto others. It is well known that the advice of movie critics has lessimpact than the mass effect of such word of mouth. Producers havelearned over the years the importance of including set pieces inmovies. These are scenes that in and of themselves have story qual-ity, scenes that, either during a screening or even as part of atrailer, pack word-of-mouth potential analogous to that of popu-lar jokes or tall tales—or stories linked to high-flying companieson the nation’s exchanges.

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By analogy, news events that are more likely to be transmittedin informal conversations are in turn more likely to contribute tothe contagion of ideas. The dry, analytical outlook an expert mayoffer for the nation’s economy is very unlikely to be transmittedby word of mouth. In contrast, news that the market has made asudden move is vastly more likely to be communicated. To be sure,experts’ opinions sometimes tag along with news stories about pricemovements, but they are seldom vivid enough to become thefocus of word-of-mouth communications by themselves.

Word-of-mouth communications, either positive or negative, arean essential part of the propagation of speculative bubbles, and theword-of-mouth potential of any event must be weighed in judg-ing the likelihood of that event to lead to a speculative bubble. Thus,for example, the predictions of widespread computer problems dueto the so-called Y2K bug was a classic word-of-mouth story becauseof its association with both the nation’s fascination with computersand the new millennium. Thus—although fears ultimately providedgroundless—it was likely to have an exaggerated impact on the mar-ket when compared with other less vivid stories.

A Pool of Conflicting IdeasCoexisting in the Human Mind

One reason why the contagion of ideas can sometimes happenrapidly, and why public thinking can experience such abruptturnarounds, is that the ideas in question are already in our minds.Even conflicting ideas can coexist at the same time in our minds, anda shift in supporting facts or public attentions may suddenly bringto the fore an apparent belief that contradicts formerly stated beliefs.

For example, people widely believe that the stock market isunforecastable and that market timing is futile. But they alsobelieve (as we saw in Chapter 3) that if the stock market were tocrash, it would surely come back up. Such views are clearlyinconsistent.

One explanation for the fact that people are able to hold suchconflicting views simultaneously is that they think they have heardboth views endorsed by experts. The culture transmits a number


of supposed facts, often attributed only to “them,” as in “They saythat. . . .” When stories are casually accepted on some imaginedauthority, conflicts are likely.

Sometimes, stories achieve currency even though they can betraced to no competent authority whatsoever. One hears again andagain, for example, that “they say” that only 10% of the human brainis actually used by most people—a myth that extends back to thenineteenth century, when neurological science was clearly incapableof either establishing or disproving such a fact. “They say” also thatthe birth rate in New York City jumped nine months after a 1965power blackout left New Yorkers with nothing to do for a while:but there was no jump in the birth rate.16 And, more apropos, “theysay” that there were an unusually high number of suicides at thetime of the crash of 1929, but there were not.17 Stories that are use-ful in conversations, and in media presentations, have a currencyoften unrelated to the facts.

Given this tendency to attribute views to real or imagined experts,people do not worry much about apparent contradictions amongthe views they hold. There is a willingness to free ride here—to sup-pose that the experts have thought through the apparent contra-dictions and therefore to assume that the experts know why theyare not in fact contradictions at all. It is certainly true that sometimestheories that appear to be contradictory really are not. And from thereit is but a short step to the supposition that the experts couldexplain away most apparent contradictions—if one asked.

People’s thinking about the arcane field of investments is surelyclouded with many half-thought-through ideas that may be mutu-ally contradictory, or at least have not been put into any coherentanalytical framework. It is a real challenge to try to infer what theseideas will mean for concrete investment decisions.

The significance of the fact that contradictory views are heldsimultaneously is that people may have no clear attachment to manyof their views. Therefore we cannot attach too much credence toinvestors’ stated belief that the market will surely come back upafter a crash, for the circ*mstances of the actual crash could bringto the forefront other, contradictory views that would explainaway a lack of market resilience. Investors would then react in ways

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that could not have been foreseen based on their previously ex-pressed confidence.

Socially Based Variations in Attention

The human brain is structured to have essentially a single focusof conscious attention at a time, and to move rapidly from one focusto another. The sensory experience that comes to us from our envi-ronment is vastly complicated, and the brain manages to filter outalmost all of this complexity to produce a sense of the here andnow—an interpretation of what is most important at present—anda sequence of thoughts that weave in this interpretation. Thus, forexample, when one is sitting in an airport waiting to board one’splane, one’s attention constantly returns to the theme “waiting toboard” and organizes many thoughts and observations around it,as if it were the essence of current reality. One usually does not studythe weave of the carpet or the smudges of dirt on the windows, orponder the shape of the letters on the information screen, thoughin principle one could. These details are typically beyond ourconsciousness, even though we are receiving, and processing,sensory information about them.

The ability to focus attention on important things is one of thedefining characteristics of intelligence, and no one really under-stands how the brain does it. Failure to focus attention on the properthings is also one of the most characteristic of human judgmenterrors. The mechanism for focusing attention that has evolved inthe human brain, although remarkable, is still far from perfect.

If one looks back on some of the most significant errors one hasmade in life, one is likely to find that these often arose from a fail-ure to pay attention to details. One would have responded instantlyand changed one’s actions had someone repeatedly demandedattention and pointed out certain key facts. Thus, in understandingerrors that people have made in the past, it is important to considerwhat it was that they were not paying attention to.

One of the mechanisms that the brain has evolved to directattention properly is a socially based selectivity. We pay attentionto many of the same things that others around us are paying


attention to. This social basis for attention allows individuals whor*cognize the importance of some information to bring it to theattention of other members of the community, and it creates aview of the world and an information set that are common to thecommunity. Such a view and information set allow the commu-nity to act well in concert. At the same time, the social componentof attention does not work perfectly, and it may cause errors to bemade in common by the entire group because the common focusof attention pushes aside attention to details that individuals mightotherwise notice. As with individual attention, the phenomenonof social attention is one of the great creations of behavioral evo-lution and is critical for the functioning of human society, but it isalso an imperfect creation.

The social attention mechanism generates a sudden focus of theattention of the entire community on matters that appear to beemergencies. Thus, to return to the epidemic model, the infectionrate may suddenly and dramatically increase. A sudden major movein the stock market is one of those events that pushes aside all otherconversation.

This social basis for attention, operating by word of mouth andfacilitated by media transmission of ideas, can generate attentionfocuses that spread rapidly across much of the world. With asubstantial fraction of the human minds on the planet suddenlygrabbed by the market, it should not be at all surprising that mar-kets on opposite sides of the globe move together, even if the fun-damentals in different countries do not suggest any reason for suchco-movement.

People Cannot Explain Changes in Their Attention

Furthermore, people often find it very difficult to explain what madethem decide to take a certain course of action; the original atten-tional trigger may not be remembered. This is a principal reasonwhy changes in speculative asset prices, which very quickly reflectchanges in attention, often seem so inexplicable.

Price changes themselves may be an attention grabber, evenamong professional investors. In a study of institutional investors’

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choice of individual stocks, John Pound and I produced a list ofstocks whose prices had increased rapidly within the preceding yearand that also had high price-earnings ratios. We then obtained alist of institutional investors who had reported to the Securities andExchange Commission that they had bought one of the stocks(the experimental group) and compared these with a list of insti-tutional investors in a random sample of stocks (the control group).We asked respondents on both lists if they agreed with the fol-lowing statement regarding their stock (the rapid-price-increase stockfor the experimental group or the random stock for the controlgroup): “My initial interest was the result of my, or someone else’s,systematic search over a large number of stocks (using a comput-erized or similar search procedure) for a stock with certain char-acteristics.”18 Since these were investment professionals, it is perhapsnot surprising that 67% of the random sample, the control group,said they agreed with this statement. But, among the experimen-tal group, the investors in the rapid-price-increase stocks, only 25%agreed. Since attentional triggers are often poorly remembered, wecannot expect them to tell us that the price increase stimulated theirinterest, but our experimental design shows that the price increase,or associated events, did play a role in attracting their attention.The important point is that most of the investors in rapid-price-increase stocks themselves say that they were unsystematic in theirdecision making.

When variations in attention are important causes of changingbehavior, we cannot expect people to tell us the reasons for theirchanged behavior. People usually cannot easily explain what drewtheir attention to something, and so they cannot explain theirown behavior. A 1931 experiment by psychologist N. R. F. Maierwill illustrate. Maier presented his subjects with the problem of tyingtwo cords together: cords that were suspended from the ceiling farenough apart that one could not reach them both at the sametime unless they were somehow brought together. Subjects weregiven a number of tools with which to attempt this task and wereasked to see how many different ways they could invent to tie thetwo cords together. One way to complete the task was to tie a weightto the end of one of the cords, set it swinging like a pendulum, grab


the end of the other cord with one hand, and then catch the swing-ing cord with the other hand. When the experimenter himself setone of the cords swinging, many subjects quickly came up with thisidea. But when asked how they had hit upon the idea, only a thirdof them mentioned having seen the swinging cord. The swingingcord merely changed the focus of their attention, and most subjectscould not see the connection between their actions and the stim-ulus that had given them the idea.19

By analogy, a stock market boom can start for no better reasonthan that some factor, like the swinging cord, calls attention to themarket. In the context of the present stock market situation, suchevents as spotting an ad for a mutual fund or the receipt of electionforms for an employer’s 401(k) plan may be the swinging cord. Butwe will never learn about the importance of these stimuli from mostof our subjects by simply asking them. Even if people recall the stim-uli, they will not be able to tell us how they affected them.

The Story So Far

This chapter concludes the essence of my argument that irrationalexuberance is at work in producing the elevated stock market lev-els we have seen recently. We began in Part I with a list of twelveprecipitating factors, whose effect is sometimes amplified via feed-back loops and naturally occurring Ponzi schemes, aided by thelubricant of the news media as sometime promoter of marketexuberance. We saw evidence of strangely high investor confidenceand undiminished expectations for the market.

We then considered, in Part II, the cultural components of exu-berance, the varying degrees of social attention to new era theories,and the tendencies of these new era theories both to react to themarket and to stimulate it temporarily. In Part III we have steppedback and examined some of the basic psychological factors thatallowed the changes described in the earlier parts to exert theireffects. Chapter 7 showed how trivial and barely visible psycho-logical anchors may ultimately determine market levels, and howinvestor overconfidence can strengthen the pull of these anchors.The present chapter has attempted to resolve the essential puzzle

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of the current market situation: that we see newly high valuationsbut cannot detect a cause for those valuations that is associated withrational public thinking.

In the remainder of the book, I place the theory of irrationalexuberance into a broader context. In the next part, I consider someinfluential arguments against the notion that anything irrationalis going on. In the concluding chapter, I turn to the ultimate ques-tions that this exuberance poses for policy: individual, institu-tional, and governmental.

Part Four

Attempts toRationalize Exuberance

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Efficient Markets,Random Walks, and Bubbles

The theory that financial marketsare very efficient, and the exten-

sive research investigating this theory, form the leading intellectualbasis for arguments against the idea that markets are vulnerableto excessive exuberance or bubbles. The efficient markets theoryasserts that all financial prices accurately reflect all public infor-mation at all times. In other words, financial assets are always pricedcorrectly, given what is publicly known, at all times. Price may appearto be too high or too low at times, but, according to the efficientmarkets theory, this appearance must be an illusion.

Stock prices, by this theory, approximately describe “randomwalks” through time: the price changes are unpredictable since theyoccur only in response to genuinely new information, which by thevery fact that is new is unpredictable. The efficient markets theoryand the random walk hypothesis have been subjected to many testsusing data on stock markets, in studies published in scholarly jour-nals of finance and economics. Although the theory has been sta-tistically rejected many times in these publications, by someinterpretations it may nevertheless be described as approximatelytrue. The literature on the evidence for this theory is well developed


and includes work of the highest quality. Therefore, whether or notwe ultimately agree with it, we must at least take the efficient mar-kets theory seriously.

Basic Arguments That Markets Are Efficientand That Prices Are Random Walks

The idea of efficient markets is so natural that it has probably beenwith us for centuries. Although the term efficient markets apparentlyfirst became widely known through the work of University ofChicago professor Eugene Fama and his colleagues in the late1960s, the theory itself preceded this name by many years.1 Itwas clearly mentioned in 1889 in a book by George Gibson entitledThe Stock Markets of London, Paris and New York. Gibson wrote thatwhen “shares become publicly known in an open market, the valuewhich they acquire may be regarded as the judgment of the bestintelligence concerning them.”2 In this century, the efficient mar-kets theory has long been a fixture in university economics andfinance departments. The theory has commonly been offered to jus-tify what seem to be elevated market valuations, for example, the1929 stock market peak. Prof. Joseph Lawrence of Princeton con-cluded in 1929 that “the consensus of judgment of the millionswhose valuations function on that admirable market, the StockExchange, is that stocks are not at present over-valued. . . . Whereis that group of men with all-embracing wisdom which will entitlethem to veto the judgment of the intelligent multitude?”3

The most simple and direct argument for efficient marketstheory comes from the observation that it seems to be difficult tomake a lot of money by buying low and selling high in the stockmarket. Many seemingly capable people try but fail to do this withany consistent degree of success. Moreover, one observes that in order to make money one must compete against some of thesmartest investors, the so-called “smart money,” who trade in finan-cial markets looking for the same opportunities. If one thinks thatan asset is either under- or overpriced, one must then reflect on whyit remains so despite the efforts of the smart money to make a prof-itable trade.

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If the smart money were able to find ways to make profits bybuying low and selling high, then the effect of such smart moneywould be, according to the efficient markets theory, to drive assetprices to their true values. They would be buying underpricedstocks and thereby tending to bid their prices up. They would beselling overpriced stocks and thereby tending to bid their pricesdown. Moreover, if there were substantial mispricing of securities,then their profits doing this trading would tend to make the smartmoney into rich people, thereby increasing their influence on themarket and increasing their power to eliminate mispricing.

Unfortunately, this argument for the efficient markets hypoth-esis does not tell us that the stock market cannot go through peri-ods of significant mispricing lasting years or even decades. Thesmart money could not make money rapidly by exploiting sucha profit opportunity, and there would be considerable uncertaintyabout when the mispricing would end. If indeed one knew todaythat the market would do poorly over the next ten or twenty years,but did not know exactly when it would begin do poorly and couldnot prove one’s knowledge to a broad audience, then there wouldbe no way to profit significantly from this knowledge. There is thusno substantial reason to think that the smart money must neces-sarily eliminate such stock mispricing.

But this limitation of the efficient markets theory is often over-looked. The assumption is made that the same efficient marketstheory that says that it is difficult to predict day-to-day changesimplies that one cannot predict any changes.

Reflections on “Smart Money”

At its root, the efficient markets theory holds that differing abili-ties do not produce differing investment performance. The theoryclaims that the smartest people will not be able to do better thanthe least intelligent people in terms of investment performance. Theycan do no better because their superior understanding is alreadycompletely incorporated into share prices.

If we accept the premise of efficient markets, not only is beingsmart no advantage, but it also follows immediately that being not


so smart is not a disadvantage either. If not-so-smart people could losemoney systematically in their trades, then this would suggest a profitopportunity for the smart money: just do the opposite of what thenot-so-smart money does. Yet according to the efficient marketstheory, there can be no such profit opportunity for the smart money.

Thus according to this theory, effort and intelligence mean nothing in investing. In terms of expected investment returns,one might as well pick stocks at random—the common metaphorof throwing darts at the stock market listings to choose investments.It is ultimately for this reason that so many people think that theydo not need to pay attention to whether any given stock is or is notoverpriced, and why they feel they can ignore the unusual valu-ation of the market today.

But why should the smartest people set all prices? Many appar-ently less-intelligent or less well-informed people are buying andselling—why should they not have an impact on prices?

One notion, referred to previously, is that the smartest moneyhas already mostly taken over the market through its profitable trad-ing and has now set prices correctly; the less-intelligent investorsare holding so little as to be insignificant forces in the market. Thisis an easy argument to dismiss. First of all, if this is the reason whythe smart money dominates, then it must have been the case thatthere were profitable trades for them, otherwise they could not haveused their intelligence to take over the market. But if there were prof-itable trades, then there must still be profitable trades, since smartmoney investors retire from the business and must be replaced. Onecannot argue that smart money took over the market a hundredyears ago and that ever since they have dominated the market, sincethose smart traders of yore are all dead now.

Another piece of evidence that has been offered in support ofthe efficient markets theory is that professional investors, institu-tional money managers, or securities analysts do not seem to haveany reliable ability to outperform the market as a whole, andindeed they often seem to underperform the market once accountis taken of transactions costs and management fees. This result mayseem puzzling, since one would think that professional investorsare more educated about investing, more systematic than individual

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investors. But perhaps the result is not as puzzling as it at first seems.Individual investors get advice from professional investors, andthey can also observe (albeit with some time lag) what professionalinvestors are doing. So there may be no significant differencebetween the success of professional investors and the market asa whole, even if their analysis is very valuable to others. Individ-ual investors with substantial resources tend to be educated andintelligent people, too. Moreover, some recent studies have doc-umented that professional analysts’ advice is indeed worth some-thing, if it is acted upon swiftly enough.4

Ultimately the reason that studies have not found stronger evi-dence that people who are smarter tend to make more money isthat there is no good way to measure how smart investors are. Wedo not have databases giving the IQ scores of investment managers,to enable us to compare their performances with their scores, andeven if we did, it is not clear that the available intelligence tests wouldmeasure the right abilities.

One study, by Judith Chevalier and Glenn Ellison, did come closeto acquiring data about investment managers’ intelligence, bytabulating the average Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) scores of thecolleges the investment managers attended. They did indeed findsome evidence that firms whose managers attended higher-SATcolleges performed somewhat better, even after controlling for otherfactors.5 Certainly their one study does not settle the issue of intel-ligence and investing success. Yet, from the available evidence, Isee no reason to doubt the thesis that smarter people will, in thelong run, tend to do better at investing.

Examples of “Obvious” Mispricing

Despite the general authority of the efficient markets theory inpopular thinking, one often hears examples that seem to offerflagrant evidence against it. There are in fact many examples offinancial prices that, it seems, cannot possibly be right. They areregularly reported in the media. Recently, many of these exampleshave been Internet stocks: judging from their prices, the publicappears to have an exaggerated view of their potential.


Consider, for example, eToys, a firm established in 1997 to selltoys over the Internet. Shortly after its initial public offering in 1999,eToys’ stock value was $8 billion, exceeding the $6 billion valueof the long-established “brick and mortar” retailer Toys “R” Us. Andyet in fiscal 1998 eToys sales were $30 million, while Toys “R” Ussales were $11.2 billion, almost 400 times larger. And eToys profitswere a negative $28.6 million, while Toys “R” Us profits were a pos-itive $376 million.6 In fact, Toys “R” Us, like other established toyretailers, has now created its own Web site. Despite some initial dif-ficulties getting its site launched, it has a longer-run advantage overeToys in that dissatisfied purchasers of toys on the Internet can goto one of its numerous retail outlets for returns or advice. In addi-tion, customers who are already shopping at one of those outletsmay naturally gravitate to the Toys “R” Us Web site when they makeWeb purchases.

The valuation the market places on stocks such as eToys appearsabsurd to many observers, and yet the influence of these observerson market prices does not seem to correct the mispricing. Whatcould they do that would have the effect of correcting it? Those whodoubt the value of these stocks could try to sell them short, andsome will, but their willingness to do so is limited since there isalways a possibility that the stock will be bid up even further byenthusiastic investors. Absurd prices sometimes last a long time.

It seems obvious that investors in these stocks are not thinkingvery clearly about long-run investment potential, and also that thereare no forces in the market to prevent these investors from caus-ing substantial overpricing. Doesn’t such evidence clearly speakagainst market efficiency, at least for some stocks? And if somestocks can be overpriced, then does it not follow that the marketas a whole can be overpriced, given that those stocks are part ofthe market?

Questioning the Examples of Obvious Mispricing

Still, despite the apparent obviousness of some examples of mis-pricing, there are those who question the examples. Jeremy Siegel,in his book Stocks for the Long Run, points out that some of the most

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widely cited examples of mispricings in years gone by reallymade sense in the long run. Siegel cites a list of fifty stocks that wereapparently called the “Nifty Fifty” as early as 1970 or 1972: glam-orous stocks for which people had high expectations and thattraded at very high price-earnings ratios. The list includes somehigh-tech firms, such as IBM and Xerox, as well as some high-profile consumer products firms, such as Coca-Cola and McDonald’s.These stocks were cited in a 1977 Forbes magazine article asexamples of investors’ folly after the values of the Nifty Fiftyplummeted following the 1973–74 stock market debacle.7

Siegel showed that, as a group, the Nifty Fifty stocks really werenot overpriced in 1970 for the long run. If you had bought and heldan equally weighted portfolio of these stocks from 1970 until 1996,you would have done as well as the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index.8

This example appears to provide evidence that clearly refutes theclaim that there are times when stock prices are just plain wrong.If the Nifty Fifty are examples of absurdly overpriced stocks, thenit seems that we have failed to make our case that such examplesare proof of market irrationality.

Peter Garber, in his book Famous First Bubbles, argues that themost famous bubble of all, the seventeenth-century tulip mania inHolland, was not a clear example of irrational mispricing either.The story of the tulip mania, popularized in a book by CharlesMackay in 1841, is so well known today as to be part of our pop-ular culture, and it is widely cited as an example of a speculativebubble. The term refers to a time when prices of tulip bulbs reachedwhat seemed like absurd levels and then crashed. In 1636, forexample, a single tulip bulb was sold in exchange for twelve acresof building land. In his book Mackay claimed that people were“insensibly attached” to the tulip trade and that “the rage amongthe Dutch to possess them [tulips] was so great that the ordinaryindustry of the country was neglected.”9

But Mackay offered no concrete evidence that people were be-having insensibly and moreover could not show that the rage hadanything to do with any speculative mispricing. Garber points outthat the really high prices were for rare varieties of tulips that hadunusual patterns of coloration due, we now know, to infection by


a mosaic virus. These tulips could not be readily propagated andwere genuinely rare. People in Holland at the time highly valuedthese unusual tulips, which had great significance in their culture.10

Thus there is nothing more foolish about their high tulip prices thanabout the high prices that rare art objects or other collectibles oftenfetch today. Moreover, the price behavior of the tulip bulbs looksrather like that of the prices of many other speculative assets; they did not boom once, crash once, and then stay down as somesimple stories suggest. Prices of tulips went up and down numer-ous times, just as stock prices do all the time. These price changescould well have had some rational basis in new information aboutpublic demand for rare flowers becoming known to investorsover time.

These analyses by Siegel and Garber impugn some of thefavorite examples of irrational prices in speculative markets. Butthere is actually little evidence in favor of efficient markets theoryto be found in their analyses.

Although it is true that investors who held for the really longrun did all right in the Nifty Fifty, almost all of the investors whoheld them in 1970 probably sold long before 1996, at a loss. We can-not really believe that all those investors in 1970 knew that the priceswould come back up by the 1990s and would wait until then toredeem them.

Moreover, these fifty stocks are not fifty independent pieces ofevidence that add up to strong evidence; they are firms in similarindustries at similar times. And, as Siegel himself notes, if one con-siders the top twenty-five firms in the Nifty Fifty when ranked byprice-earnings ratio, these firms are still far underperforming themarket.

Consider the firm with the highest price-earnings ratio of theNifty Fifty in 1972: Polaroid Corporation, the ultimate “story” stock,which was then priced at 94.8 times earnings. Its founder, EdwinLand, had dropped out of Harvard as a freshman, much as BillGates did decades later, to develop an idea for polarized light fil-ters. He founded Polaroid to produce the filters and market themin a number of applications, including not only scientific devicesbut also sunglasses and 3-D movies. Over the course of his career

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Land produced hundreds of inventions, including the celebratedPolaroid camera that developed photographs instantly. Some of hisinventions and applications were intriguing novelties that werereadily visible to the general public. His youthful move to estab-lish what was then a novel high-tech firm provided a sensationalstory that makes its subsequent overpricing by the general pub-lic unsurprising. Polaroid Corporation was the 1970s version of aglamorous Internet stock, and it has indeed turned out badlysince then: between 1972 and 1997 it underperformed the marketby 11.2% a year.11

Thus, even after Siegel’s evidence we still have many firmsthat look like examples of wild mispricing when 1970 prices areexamined even decades later. Moreover, Siegel himself does notclaim that his evidence suggests that all prices are right, and he arguesthat today many Internet stocks have indeed been overpriced.12

Likewise, Peter Garber, in his analysis of the tulip mania, also stopsshort of a complete rejection of the evidence for mispricing. Not-ing that in January 1636 even common tulip bulbs, not only thoseinfected with the mosaic virus, increased twentyfold in price andthen underwent a precipitous decline, he confesses that he is “hardpressed to find a market fundamental explanation” for this event.13

Statistical Evidence of Mispricings

It is difficult to make any solid judgments about market efficiencybased on a few anecdotes about alleged extreme mispricing ofassets. But in fact there is no shortage of systematic evidence thatfirms that are “overpriced” by conventional measures have indeedtended to do poorly afterward. Many articles in academic financejournals show this, not by colorful examples but by systematicevaluation of large amounts of data on many firms. For example,Sanjoy Basu found in 1977 that firms with high price-earnings ratiostend to do poorly subsequently, and Eugene Fama and KennethFrench in 1992 found the same for stocks with high price-to-bookvalue.14 Werner De Bondt and Richard Thaler reported in 1985 thatfirms whose price has risen a great deal over five years tend to godown in price in the next five years, and that firms whose price has


declined a great deal over five years tend to go up in price in thesucceeding five years.15 (In Chapter 6 we saw that a similar tendencyhas held for national stock markets around the world.) Jay Ritterfound in 1991 that initial public offerings tend to occur at the peakof industry-specific investor fads and then to show gradual but sub-stantial price declines relative to the market over the subsequent threeyears.16 Thus there is a sort of regression to the mean (or to longer-run past values) for stock prices: what goes up a lot tends to comeback down, and what goes down a lot tends to come back up.

These findings, and similar findings by many other researchers,have encouraged an approach to the market called value investing,that of picking portfolios of stocks that are underpriced by con-ventional measures, on the theory that they have been overlookedonly temporarily by investors and will appreciate eventually. Theother side of this strategy is to sell overpriced stocks short. Onemight think that the effect on the market of so many value investorswould be to reduce, and even possibly eliminate for a time, the rela-tion across stocks between value and subsequent returns. Valueinvestors are after all buying the underpriced assets and biddingup their prices, and also diverting demand away from overpricedassets.

Many value investing strategies will probably cease to work asinvestors flock to exploit them, yet it certainly does not follow thatvalue investing as a whole will ever be out for good. There are manydifferent ways to define value, and the market as a whole is notgoing to find it easy to eliminate all such profit opportunities.

Moreover, even if the effect of value on return across stocks dis-appears, it does not follow that the effect of value on return overtime for the market as a whole must also disappear. The characteris-tic strategy of value investors is to pull out of overvalued individualstocks, but not to pull out of the market as a whole when it appearsto be overvalued.

Earnings Changes and Price Changes

Another argument that markets are basically efficient, in the mostglobal sense, is merely that stock prices roughly track earnings over

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time—that despite great fluctuations in earnings, price-earningsratios have stayed within a comparatively narrow range.

Peter Lynch, an investment analyst appearing frequently in themedia these days, in an advertisem*nt for Fidelity Investments thatfeatures a full-page photograph of him, is quoted in banner red let-ters: “Despite 9 recessions since WWII, the stock market’s up 63-fold because earnings are up 54-fold. Earnings drive the market.”The ad appears to be designed to convince readers that pricegrowth is approximately justified by earnings growth. But in factthe numbers are deceptive. When such a long time interval is cho-sen for comparison, when no inflation correction is made, and sinceearnings were very low right after World War II, it is not surpris-ing that Lynch can find such a correspondence. But if otherexamples are chosen, price changes may seem far less justified byearnings growth.17 Lynch’s statement is indicative of a commonview that stock price changes are generally justified by earningschanges, and that this proves that stock market price movementsare not due to any irrational behavior on the part of investors.

As we have noted, there have been only three great bull mar-kets, periods of sustained and dramatic stock price increase, in U.S.history: the bull market of the 1920s, culminating in 1929; the bullmarket of the 1950s and 1960s, followed by the 1973–74 marketdebacle; and the bull market running from 1982 to the present. (Onemight also add the bull market leading to the peak in 1901, but itwas not so dramatic.)

The first great bull market, from 1920 to 1929, was a period ofrapid earnings growth. Real S&P Composite earnings tripled overthis period, and real stock prices increased almost sevenfold. Themarket change might be viewed as a reaction to the earnings change,albeit an overreaction.

But in the second great bull market, the correspondence betweenprice growth and earnings growth is not so clear. Most of theprice growth then occurred in the 1950s, and from January 1950to December 1959 the real S&P Composite Index almost tripled.But real S&P earnings grew only 16% in total over this entiredecade, an earnings performance that was below average by his-torical standards. In terms of overall economic growth, the 1950s


are a little above average, though not as strong as either the 1940sor the 1960s: average real gross domestic product growth was3.3% a year from 1950 to 1960.

In the third great bull market, real stock prices have risen moreor less continually from 1982 to 1999, but earnings have not grownat all uniformly. Real S&P Composite earnings were actually lowerat the bottom of the recession of 1991 than they were at the bot-tom of the recession of 1982, but the real S&P Composite Indexwas almost two and a half times as high. So, in this bull market,price increases cannot be viewed as a simple reaction to earningsincreases.

These examples show that earnings growth and price growthdo not correspond well at all. One cannot criticize bubble theoriesby claiming that they do.

Dividend Changes and Price Changes

If stock prices show no clear relation to earnings, there is still thequestion of dividends. It has been claimed by some economists thatthere is a good relation between real stock price movements andreal dividend movements. Economists Robert Barsky and Brad DeLong have argued that stock price movements cannot be consid-ered to have been caused largely by the speculative behavior ofinvestors if they correspond to dividend movements.18 They sug-gest that perhaps people were rational to suppose that the recentgrowth of dividends would continue indefinitely into the future—even though in fact this growth rate has never continued for verylong in actual historical data.

Kenneth Froot and Maurice Obstfeld, reacting to the sameappearance of co-movement between prices and dividends, pos-tulated an “intrinsic bubble” model in which prices respond in anapparently exaggerated fashion, but in fact rationally, to dividendmovements. In their theory, stock prices overreact, in a certain sense,to dividends, but yet there are no profit opportunities to tradingto take advantage of this overreaction.19

I think that these authors overstate their case for co-movementsbetween dividends and prices. The wiggles in stock prices do not

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in fact correspond very closely to wiggles in dividends. Recall thatbetween the stock market peak in September 1929 and the bottomin June 1932, when the stock market fell 81% as measured by thereal S&P Index, real dividends fell only 11%. Between the stock mar-ket peak in January 1973 and the bottom in December 1974, whenthe stock market fell 54% as measured by the real S&P Index, realdividends fell only 6%. And there are many other such examples.

It is also likely that part of the reason for the observed co-movement between real prices and real dividends is the responseof dividends to the same factors—possibly including speculativebubbles—that irrationally influence price. Managers set dividends,and in so doing may vary over time the dividend-earnings ratio,that is, the payout rate. The managers are part of the same cultureas the investing public, and are therefore probably influencedoften enough by the same varying sense of optimism and pessimismthat infects the public; they may allow this feeling to influence theirdecisions on how much of a dividend to pay out. Thus the merefact that prices and dividends show some substantial similarity isnot inconsistent with the possibility that they are both influencedby fashions and fads.

In sum, stock prices clearly have a life of their own; they are notsimply responding to earnings or dividends. Nor does it appearthat they are determined only by information about future earn-ings or dividends. In seeking explanations of stock price move-ments, we must look elsewhere.

Excess Volatility and the Big Picture

There is indeed a good deal of evidence about market efficiencyin academic finance journals, but it is hard to say that it is evidencefor efficiency rather than against it. A great many anomalies havebeen discovered over the years within the efficient markets theory.There are the January effect (stock prices tend to go up betweenDecember and January), the small-firm effect (small firms’ stockstend to have higher returns), the day-of-the-week effect (the stockmarket tends to do poorly on Mondays), and others.20 How thencan we summarize this literature as supporting market efficiency?


One way of arguing that the literature nevertheless supportsmarket efficiency is to claim that many of these have been smalleffects, not the stuff of bull or bear markets. Another way is to notethat many of these effects disappeared after they were discovered,as indeed the January effect and the small-firm effect seem to havedisappeared. This makes it tricky to summarize the literature. Onthe one hand, the fact that these anomalies persisted for a long timeshows that markets are inefficient. On the other hand, the fact thatmany of them have disappeared suggests that there is a basic truthto the theory.21

Merton Miller, a leading advocate of efficient markets theory, rec-ognizes that there are indeed many little anomalies, but he arguesthat they are inconsequential: “That we abstract from all these storiesin building our models is not because the stories are uninterest-ing but because they may be too interesting and thereby distractus from the pervasive market forces that should be our principalconcern.”22 But he does not explain his presumption that the per-vasive market forces are rational ones.

Abstracting (as Miller urges us to do) from the little details aboutday-of-the-week effects and the like, what is the basic evidence thatstock markets are efficient in the big-picture sense? Do largechanges in stock prices over the years really reflect informationabout important changes in the underlying companies?

The evidence that there is not much short-run momentum orinertia—that there is not much predictability of day-to-day ormonth-to-month changes in stock price indexes—does not tell usanything about efficiency in the big-picture sense. We alreadyknow from simple economic reasoning that day-to-day changes instock prices cannot be very forecastable, since such forecastabilitywould be too good a profit opportunity to be true.

One method for judging whether there is evidence in supportof the basic validity of the efficient markets theory, which I pub-lished in an article in the American Economic Review in 1981 (at thesame time as a similar paper by Stephen LeRoy and RichardPorter appeared), is to see whether the very volatility of specula-tive prices, such as stock prices, can be justified by the variabilityof dividends over long intervals of time. If the stock price move-

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ments are to be justified in terms of the future dividends that firmspay out, as the basic version of the efficient markets theory wouldimply, then under efficient markets we cannot have volatile priceswithout subsequently volatile dividends.23

In fact, my article concluded, no movement of U.S. aggregatestock prices beyond the trend growth of prices has ever been sub-sequently justified by dividend movements, as the dividend pres-ent value has shown an extraordinarily smooth growth path. Thisconclusion, coming at a time when the finance profession was muchmore attached to the efficient markets theory than it is now, pro-duced a strong reaction. I received more attacks on this work thanI could hope to answer. No one questioned the observation thatstock prices have been more volatile than the dividend presentvalue—only whether the difference between the two was statis-tically significant or whether my interpretation of this differencewas on target.

Included in my article was a figure showing the real (inflation-corrected) S&P Composite Stock Price Index for 1871–1979 and, onthe same figure, the dividend present value, the present value for eachyear of real dividends paid subsequent to that year on the sharesmaking up the index, computed by making an assumption aboutdividends after the last year. An updated version of that figure,showing both the stock price and the dividend present valuethrough 2000, is shown as Figure 9.1. The curves shown to the leftof 1980 are essentially the same as those shown in my 1981 article.24

The dividend present value is not known with certainty in theyear to which it corresponds, since it is determined entirely by div-idends after the year, which have yet to be paid. According to theefficient markets model, the dividend present value subsequent toany given year is the (as yet unknown) true fundamental value ofthe stock market in that year. The actual level of the real stock mar-ket in that same year, the stock price shown in Figure 9.1, is sup-posed to be the optimal prediction, using information available inthat year, of the dividend present value shown for the same year.

Looking at this figure, we can get a sense of the extent of big-picture, important evidence for the efficiency of the aggregate stockmarket in the United States. If the dividend present value moved


up and down massively over time, and if the actual stock priceappeared to move with these movements as if it were successfullyforecasting the changes in the dividend present value, then wecould say that there was evidence that stock prices were behavingin accordance with the tenets of the efficient markets theory. But wesee no such tendency of the stock price to forecast the dividend pres-ent value: the dividend present value is not doing anything espe-cially dramatic, whereas the price is jumping around a great deal.25

The dividend present value is extremely steady and trendlike,partly because it extends so far into the future and partly becausedividends have not moved very dramatically. Now that one sees itplotted, it seems obvious from what some of us (who have thoughtabout it and have good intuitive grasp of quantities) have always

Figure 9.1Stock Price and Dividend Present Value, 1871–2000

Real S&P Composite Stock Price Index (irregular curve) and present valueof subsequent real dividends (smoother curve). Source: Author’s calculationsusing data from sources given in Figure 1.1 and described in Chapter 1, note2. See text and note 24 of this chapter for a description of the calculations.

Real S&P Index values

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known at gut level: these big stock market movements were not infact justified by what actually happened to dividends later. One mighttry to argue that a little over a century is not a long enough timeperiod to be confident that one would expect to see such justification,but the fact still remains that there has been no such justification.

Let us concentrate first on the portion of Figure 9.1 to the left of1980, which was available when I published my findings in 1981.The dividend present value calculation has smoothed out the year-to-year fluctuations in dividends. Dividend fluctuations have hadlittle impact on the dividend present value because these fluctuationshave always been temporary.

Look, for example, at the change in the dividend present valueover the bull market years of the 1920s, culminating in 1929. Thereal S&P Composite Index increased 415.4% from its low in Decem-ber 1920 to its high in September 1929. At the same time, the div-idend present value increased by only 16.4%.

Why is there such a discrepancy between the growth of the stockprice and the growth of the dividend present value? Real dividendspaid on the S&P Composite Index rose 106.7% over this interval,far short of the 415% increase in real stock prices but still muchhigher than the increase in the dividend present value. If the over-all dividends were growing so much during the 1920s, then whywas their present value growing so little? The answer is that thedividend increase of the 1920s did not last long; it was confinedlargely to the 1920s and so did not contribute enormously to thepresent value of all real future dividends out to infinity. The grow-ing dividends of the 1920s were just a small part of the long-runpicture that the market is supposed, according to the efficientmarkets theory, to price, and that price should not be overly influ-enced by a few years’ fluctuation in dividends.

Look, too, at the movement of the value of real dividends overthe years subsequent to 1929, including the Great Depressionof the 1930s. While the real S&P Composite Index dropped disas-trously, down 80.6% from the peak in September 1929 to the bottomin June 1932, the dividend present value dropped only 3.1%. The rea-son that the decline in the dividend present value is so small between1929 and 1932 is that dividends just did not fall dramatically or for


very long. Real dividends actually fell little between September 1929and June 1932, since firms were reluctant to cut their nominaldividends by as much as the deflation in the economywide pricelevel would suggest.

Thus, ex post, we know that the run-up in the stock market from1920 to 1929 was a colossal mistake and that the drop from 1929 to1932 was another colossal mistake. Virtually nothing actually hap-pened over either of these intervals to the dividend present value.Of course, people might have thought that there really was newsthat was going to change the longer-run course of dividends, andthey might have thought there was a reason for a sudden drop inprices. They might even have had plausible-sounding reasons tothink so. But in fact no such change occurred.

The point I made in 1981 was that stock prices appear to be toovolatile to be considered in accord with efficient markets. If stockprices are supposed to be an optimal predictor of the dividend pres-ent value, then they should not jump around erratically when thetrue fundamental value is growing along a smooth trend.

We learn by considering Figure 9.1 that the common interpre-tation given in the media for stock market fluctuations in termsof the outlook for the short-run business cycle is generally mis-guided. The prospect that a temporary recession is on the horizonshould have virtually no impact on stock prices, if the efficient mar-kets theory is correct. Fluctuations in stock prices, if they are to beinterpretable in terms of the efficient markets theory, must insteadbe due to new information about the long-run outlook for real div-idends. Yet in the entire history of the U.S. stock market we havenever seen such fluctuations, since dividends have fairly closelyfollowed a steady growth path. As I argued in my 1981 paper, theonly way to reconcile the volatility of stock prices with the efficientmarkets model is to suppose that, one way or the other, the his-torical fluctuations of dividends around their growth path arenot representative of the potential fluctuations. That is, one wouldhave to say that the fluctuations observed in market prices werethe result of people’s legitimate concerns with possible major andlasting dividend movements that just did not chance to happen inthe century of data we observe. For example, people might have

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been concerned about a big, rare event, such as a complete nation-alization and confiscation of the stock market by the government,or an enormous technological breakthrough that would makeexisting companies able to pay many times more dividends.

As noted earlier, my work invited the attention of an army ofcritics. Most notable among them was Robert Merton, a brilliantfinancial theorist who was later to win the Nobel Prize in economics(and also to suffer a major financial loss as a principal in the LongTerm Capital Management hedge fund). Merton, with Terry Marsh,wrote an article in the American Economic Review in 1986 that arguedagainst my results and concluded, ironically, that speculative mar-kets were not too volatile.26

John Campbell and I wrote a number of papers attempting toput these claims of excess volatility on a more secure footing, andwe developed statistical models to study the issue and deal withsome of the problems emphasized by the critics.27 We felt that wehad established in a fairly convincing way that stock markets doviolate the efficient markets model.

Our research has not completely settled the matter, however.There are just too many possible statistical issues that can be raised,and the sample provided by only a little over a century of datacannot prove anything conclusively.

It should also be noted that some substantial fraction of thevolatility in financial markets is probably justified by news aboutfuture dividends or earnings. The very trendlike behavior of U.S.corporate dividends over the past century was probably partly dueto luck, not a law saying that dividends must hug a trend. Takingaccount of uncertainty about the trend, Campbell and I, in inter-preting the results of one of our statistical studies, estimated that27% of the annual return volatility of the U.S. stock market mightbe justified in terms of genuine information about future divi-dends.28 Campbell and John Ammer, using similar methodologyand a more recent (postwar) data set, found that 15% of the vari-ability in monthly returns in the U.S. stock market could be attrib-uted to genuine information about future dividends.29

I have found less evidence of excess volatility in long-term in-terest rates and little evidence of excess volatility in the spread


between stock price indexes.30 Excess volatility due to speculativebubbles is probably just one of the factors that drive speculativemarkets, and the prominence of this factor varies across marketsand over time. We are not always in an excess volatility situation.

The Graph Updated

But we do seem to be in such a situation in the stock market now.The data set that I used for my paper on excess volatility of stockprices ended in 1979, over twenty years ago. One can see what hashappened to stock prices since then by looking at the curves in Fig-ure 9.1 to the right of 1979. What a transformation twenty yearsof data has brought! The price series, terminating in 2000, has shotup, relative to dividends, beyond anything seen before.31

One interpretation of Figure 9.1 is that the sudden spike repre-sents the “big, rare event” that might finally reconcile the efficientmarkets theory with these data. But it would have to be a sudden,sharp spike in the dividend series, not the price series, to suggestsuch a reconciliation with the efficient markets theory. The spikein price alone only deepens the excess volatility puzzle and requiresthat dividends will have to move much farther indeed if their move-ments are to save the simple efficient markets model.

The invocation of efficient markets theory to imply that the recentupspike in the stock market is a routine and accurate response togenuine news is just not correct. To justify the notion that thestock market is at the appropriate level now, we would have toargue that it was not before. Such an argument would stand in sharpcontradiction to efficient markets theory—and yet we cannot dis-miss that argument out of hand, given the large number of peopleadvancing it. So we turn to that argument in the next chapter.

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Investor Learning—and Unlearning

Besides the efficient markets–random walk argument, another

rationalization for the exuberance in the market is that the publicat large has learned that the long-term value of the market is reallygreater than they had thought it was, and greater than conventionalindicators would have suggested it should be. According to thistheory, the market is higher today because the public has nowlearned some simple facts about historical average returns anddiversification. This argument differs from the efficient marketsargument in supposing that the market was previously priced toolow because of public ignorance. The argument is essentially that“The market was not efficient a few years ago; it was too low; but(maybe) it is efficient now.”

It is potentially plausible, at least at first look, that society mayhave learned that the market is much more valuable than it wasonce thought to be. Society as a whole does learn, and the cumu-lative effect of such learning is the reason that modern society hasmade such progress when compared with former centuries. Butthe question remains whether society has really learned something


important about the stock market. Is this really true? If so, whathave we learned?

“Learning” about Risk

It is commonly said that people have recently learned that the stockmarket is much less risky than they once thought it was, and thatthe stock market has always outperformed other investments.Their “learning” is allegedly the result of widespread media cov-erage in the past few years of the historical superiority of stocks asinvestments, and of the publication in 1994 of the first edition ofJeremy Siegel’s book Stocks for the Long Run. According to this view,people have realized that, in light of historical statistics, they havebeen too fearful of stocks. Armed with this new knowledge,investors have now bid stock prices up to a higher level, to theirrational or true level, where the stocks would have been all alonghad there not been excessive fear of them. Stocks, selling now ata higher price, will pay a correspondingly lower yield—but thatis all right with investors, since they now know that stocks are notall that risky. In other words, the equity premium, the extra return thatpeople require to be compensated for the risk of investing in thestock market, has gone down because investors have suddenly cometo appreciate the historical record of stock market risk.1

It is true that the public does appear to perceive less risk in thestock market than they did ten years ago. In Chapter 3 we saw sur-vey results that showed that people now tend to believe that a largeone-day stock market decline will be reversed the next day. We sawthat there is now strong popular support for the notion that if thereis another stock market crash, the market will surely be back upwithin a couple of years or so. So it is clear that the possibility ofmajor stock market declines does not worry most people very muchanymore. But is this because people have acquired some genuinelynew knowledge? Or are the new public opinions caused by some-thing altogether different—and ephemeral?

A problem with this “new learning” theory is that the histori-cal fact that investors have supposedly learned—that the stock mar-ket has largely outperformed other investments—is not a new

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revelation. In fact, a best-selling book in 1924 by Edgar LawrenceSmith made a number of historical comparisons of investments instocks versus bonds and found that stocks always came out aheadover long holding periods, in both periods of rising general prices(inflation) and periods of declining general prices (deflation).2

Smith emphasized—as did another author at the time, Kenneth VanStrum—that investing in bonds was risky, too, because, eventhough the nominal values of bond payments are fixed, their realvalue fluctuates with the general price level.3

According to Prof. Irving Fisher, writing in 1929, “These writ-ings threw a bombshell into the investing world.” Fisher thoughtthat the bull market of the 1920s occurred because the public hadlearned from these books: “It was only as the public came to real-ize, largely through the writing of Edgar Lawrence Smith, that stockswere to be preferred to bonds during a period of dollar depreci-ation, that the bull market began in good earnest to cause a propervaluation of common shares.”4

Others shared Fisher’s belief about public learning. CharlesAmos Dice wrote in 1929 that “the old prejudice against securitymarkets and the fear of them have been largely dispelled by pub-lic education regarding stocks and bonds.”5 A writer for the NewYork Herald Tribune asserted in 1929: “It is gratifying to observethe growth of business. . . . But there is a much larger significancein the growth of understanding among the people who make thegrowth of business possible. . . . There is nothing to retard the prog-ress of any sound industry when an increasing number of peoplebelieve in it, become part owners in the business, and are regularlyand reliably informed.”6

If people did learn in 1929 that stocks dominated bonds at1920s prices, they seem to have forgotten the information later,or at least changed their feelings about it. The question before usnow is: Observing the recent stock market, have they really “learned”this time that stocks always outperform bonds, and will they con-tinue to “know” this in the future?

The “fact” that is widely cited is that in the United States therehas been no thirty-year period over which bonds have outperformedstocks. The supposed fact is not really true, since, as Jeremy Siegel


himself points out in his book Stocks for the Long Run, stocksunderperformed bonds in the period 1831–61.7 That may seem likea long time ago until one realizes that there are not that manynonoverlapping thirty-year periods in U.S. stock market history:only four complete periods since 1861. There are many overlappingthirty-year periods, but of course these are not independent piecesof evidence. Given the relatively short history of thirty-year peri-ods of stock market returns, we must recognize that there is littleevidence that stocks cannot underperform in the future.

If we take ten-year periods as our standard, then we do get somemore recent periods when stocks have underperformed short-terminterest rates. I have identified in this book three major peaks ofthe price-earnings ratio before the recent period: peaks in June 1901,September 1929, and January 1966. In the ten-year period follow-ing two of these three peaks (the 1929 and 1966 peaks), the periodstock market return underperformed short-term interest rates.8 Ifwe take twenty-year periods as our standard, then it is true that,of these three time periods, only in the 1901–21 period did stocksreally underperform short-term interest rates.9 But in each of the twenty-year periods following these peaks, the stock markethas done badly in real (inflation-corrected) terms. The (geometric)average real return on the S&P Composite Index was –0.2% ayear from June 1901 to June 1921, 0.4% a year from September 1929to September 1949, and 1.9% a year from January 1966 to January1986. Despite these puny returns, the stock market still outper-formed short-term interest rates during 1929–49 and 1966–86because inflation brought real average short-term interest rates tovery low levels, in fact to negative territory in 1929–49. The infla-tionary periods associated with World War I, World War II, and theVietnam War all had the effect of wiping out the purchasing powerof money earning interest. It is hard to see the relevance to today’ssituation of the fact that inflation wiped out the real value of short-term interest in those historical periods. Today we have long-terminflation-indexed bonds yielding over 4%, guaranteed against theeffects of inflation.

Moreover, the United States may itself be the exception ratherthan the rule in terms of real returns on the stock market. Philippe

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Jorion and William Goetzmann have studied the real stockmarket appreciation rates (excluding dividends) for thirty-ninecountries for the period 1926–96 and found that the median realappreciation rate was only 0.8% per year for these countries(compared to 4.3% per year for the United States).10 Thus, if wetake the experience of other countries as relevant to our own, wemight expect a much poorer performance of the stock market inthe future.

The evidence that stocks will always outperform bonds over longtime intervals simply does not exist. Moreover, even if historysupported this view, we should recognize (and at some level mostpeople must recognize) that the future will not necessarily be likethe past. For example, it could be that, with investors buoyed bypast successes in the stock market, there is now widespread over-investment. Companies may have hatched too many ambitiousplans and spent too much on product development and promotion;therefore they may not do as well as they have in the past. It couldalso be that some of the very technological changes that are widelytouted as reasons for optimism for existing businesses are in factreasons why their prospects are more uncertain. New technologymay diminish the advantage enjoyed by existing companies andcause them to be replaced by upstart newer companies. Thus thesechanges could raise, not lower, the probability that stocks will under-perform in the next thirty years. Most important, the future is def-initely not like the past in that, given the high price-earningsratios documented previously, the market is more highly pricedthan ever before.

So the “fact” of the superiority of stocks over bonds is not a factat all. The public has not learned a fundamental truth. Instead, theirattention has shifted away from some fundamental truths. They seemnot to be so attentive to at least one genuine fundamental truthabout stocks: that they are residual claims on corporate cash flow,available to stockholders only after everyone else has been paid.Stocks are, therefore, by their very definition, risky. Investors havealso lost sight of another truth: that no one is guaranteeing that stockswill do well. There is no welfare plan for people who lose in thestock market.


The “Stocks Have Always Outperformed Bonds”Theme in Investing Culture

Nine years ago I was already so struck by the ubiquity of theobservation that stocks have historically outperformed bonds thatI decided to try to learn how common the observation really was.I asked the following in a questionnaire survey of U.S. institutionalinvestors in 1991:

Consider the following argument:“Over the past 65 years, stocks have earned much higher returnsthan bonds and there has been no 20-year period since 1926 thatbonds have outperformed stocks. Therefore, anyone with a time hori-zon of 20 years or more should be investing primarily in stocks.”

[Circle one number]1. I agree with this statement.2. I disagree with this statement.

Of the 172 respondents, 84% chose 1 and only 16% chose 2—verysolid agreement on a strongly worded statement.

The question as worded did not make it clear how often therespondents had heard that stocks have always outperformedbonds. To clarify this, in the fall of 1993 I asked institutionalinvestors a similar but differently worded question:

Consider the following claim:“There is no 30-year period since 1860 in which U.S. governmentbonds have outperformed stocks.” Have you heard roughly thisclaim (even if the details, such as the use of 30 years, are different)?

1. Yes, often2. Yes, once or twice3. No

Of the 125 respondents, 52% chose “Yes, often,” 22% chose “Yes,once or twice,” and 26% chose “No.” Thus 74% say they rememberhearing this statement. Clearly statements like this were alreadypart of our investing culture then.

Knowledge about the long-run historical record, knowledge thatdates back at least to 1924 and that clearly was widely rememberedin 1991 or 1993, cannot be held directly responsible for the suddenupsurge in stock prices to record levels in the late 1990s. The knowl-

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edge was apparently in investors’ faces all along. The public con-fidence that any downturn in the market will be reversed has indeedgained remarkable strength in recent years, but this confidence doesnot derive from a sudden news flash about the historical record.As I have argued, it derives from such things as a feedback mech-anism from past price increases (discussed in Chapter 3), drivenultimately by various precipitating factors (discussed in Chap-ter 2)—not a sudden discovery of the lessons from long-run his-torical data.

Learning about Mutual Funds, Diversification,and Holding for the Long Run

James Glassman and Kevin Hassett, in a pair of influential WallStreet Journal articles in 1998 and 1999, argued that “investorshave become better educated about stocks, thanks in large part tomutual funds and the media. They have learned to hold for the longterm and to see price declines as transitory—and as buying oppor-tunities.” Thus, they conclude that investors have learned thatdiversified portfolios of stocks are not risky, that stocks are much morevaluable as investments than they had formerly thought. There-fore they are now willing to pay much more for stocks. Becauseof this increased investor demand for stocks, the stock market willperpetually remain at a higher level in the future.11

Glassman and Hassett followed up these articles with a book,Dow 36,000: The New Strategy for Profiting from the Coming Rise in theStock Market. In it they stress that investors have not finished learn-ing that diversified holdings of stocks are not risky and that they willcontinue to bid up stock prices in coming years as the lesson reallysinks in. They claim that “A sensible target date for Dow 36,000 isearly 2005, but it could be reached much earlier.”12 If this is true, onehas the opportunity to make a lot of money between 2000 and 2005,or even sooner, by investing in stocks while investors at large arestill learning about the value of stocks. Despite the ostensible themeof the book—that stocks are so riskless that they should be thoughtof as interchangeable with government bonds—the sales pitch forthe book (as can be seen in its title) is actually that one can get rich


quick on the transition by investing in stocks now, while other peoplelearn later that stocks are riskless.

Glassman and Hassett are right when they say that people areconsidering the advantages of mutual funds, investing for thelong run, and the concept that stock price declines are transitory.But one should not infer from this that people have learned or arein the process of learning some essential truths. We have alreadyseen that stock price declines are not that transitory, that they canpersist for decades, and thus that even long-run investors shouldsee risk in stock market investments. There is also reason to believethat much of the enthusiasm for mutual funds is a sort of investorfad that was not caused by any real learning.

Investors show great interest in choosing the right mutual fund,and their interest in mutual funds often takes the form of switch-ing from one to the next. In response to this heightened investor inter-est, the mutual fund industry has spawned thousands of newfunds, with a corresponding proliferation of ads and mailings. Yetstudies of mutual fund performance have found that althoughthere is some tendency for mutual funds that have done well to con-tinue to do so, the tendency is weak and short-lived. People appearto believe that it is smart to pore over rankings of mutual fund per-formance and constantly shift their investments to the current topperformers, but in fact they gain relatively little by doing so.13

To assess investors’ feelings that they can make money in the stockmarket, and the role that mutual funds play in this process, Iincluded in a 1996 questionnaire survey of individual investors asequence of questions about their confidence levels for both invest-ing in general and investing in mutual funds. The questions, andthe percentage responses for each answer, were as follows:

Trying to time the stock market, to get out before it goes down andto get in before it goes up, is:

1. A smart thing to try to do; I can reasonablyexpect to be a success at it. 11%

2. Not a smart thing to try to do; I can’treasonably expect to be a success at it. 83%

3. No opinion. 5%[Number of respondents: 131]

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Trying to pick individual stocks, trying to predict, for example, ifand when Ford Motor stock will go up or IBM stock will go up, is:

1. A smart thing to try to do; I can reasonablyexpect to be a success at it. 40%

2. Not a smart thing to try to do; I can’treasonably expect to be a success at it. 51%

3. No opinion. 8%[Number of respondents: 131]

Trying to pick mutual funds, trying to figure out which funds haveexperts who can themselves pick stocks that will go up, is:

1. A smart thing to try to do; I can reasonablyexpect to be a success at it. 50%

2. Not a smart thing to try to do; I can’t reasonably expect to be a success at it. 27%

3. No opinion. 23%[Number of respondents: 132]

From these results, we see that people effectively believe in theefficiency of the aggregate market and so have given up on timingit; but they often think that they can still pick individual stocks and(particularly) mutual funds. Only 27% will say that trying to pickmutual funds that will do well is not a smart thing to do to, com-pared with 51% who say that trying to pick individual stocks and83% who say that trying to time the market are not smart thingsto do.

If one truly believed in efficient markets, then one would reply“not a smart thing to try to do” to all these questions. If stock pricesare a random walk, then one cannot pick times to enter the mar-ket, one cannot pick individual stocks, and one cannot pick otherswho will pick them.

Since there is only modest evidence that one can in fact be asuccess at picking mutual funds, what investors have “learned”has little support in fact. And in any case, should it really be eas-ier to pick managers of mutual funds than managers of individ-ual companies?

It is often said that people have learned about the importanceof portfolio diversification and are using mutual funds to achievethis.14 Given well-managed funds with low management fees, this


argument makes some sense. But many funds charge such high feesthat investors might be better off trying to achieve diversificationthemselves, if diversification were the primary investment motive.Moreover, when they are investing outside a tax-free environ-ment, by holding stocks directly investors can avoid capital gainstaxes on the gains the mutual fund managers realize when they sellstocks in the funds’ portfolios, an important issue with higher-turnover funds. Investors can instead realize, for tax purposes, thelosses on the stocks that go down. Mutual funds clearly havetheir limitations.

Learning and Unlearning

The public is said to have learned that stocks always go rightback up after they go down. We have seen evidence that they dolargely think this, but that they have gotten their facts wrong. Stockscan go down, and stay down for many years. They can becomeoverpriced and underperform for many years.

The public is said to have learned that stocks must always out-perform other investments, such as bonds, over the long run, andso long-run investors will always do better in stocks. We have seenevidence that they do largely think this. But again they have got-ten their facts wrong. Stocks have not always outperformed otherinvestments over decades-long intervals, and there is certainly noreason to think they must in the future.

And the public is said to have learned about the wisdom ofinvesting in stocks via mutual funds whose management teamshave proven track records. We find that they do largely think this,and once more they are wrong. Picking mutual funds that havedone well has much smaller benefits than investors imagine.

When the facts are wrong, it can’t be called learning. Someday,investors will “unlearn” these “facts.” But before this happens, wemust consider what we as individuals and as a society should bedoing—a critical issue to which we turn in the final chapter.

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Part Five

A Call to Action



Speculative Volatility in a Free Society

The high recent valuations in thestock market have come about

for no good reasons. The market level does not, as so many imag-ine, represent the consensus judgment of experts who have care-fully weighed the long-term evidence. The market is high becauseof the combined effect of indifferent thinking by millions of people,very few of whom feel the need to perform careful research on thelong-term investment value of the aggregate stock market, and whoare motivated substantially by their own emotions, random atten-tions, and perceptions of conventional wisdom. Their all-too-human behavior is heavily influenced by news media that areinterested in attracting viewers or readers, with limited incentiveto discipline their readers with the type of quantitative analysis thatmight give them a correct impression of the aggregate stock mar-ket level.

It is a serious mistake for public figures to acquiesce in thestock market valuations we have seen recently, to remain silentabout the implications of such high valuations, and to leave all com-mentary to the market analysts who specialize in the nearly impos-sible task of forecasting the market over the short term and who

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share interests with investment banks or brokerage firms. Thevaluation of the stock market is an important national—indeedinternational—issue. All of our plans for the future, as individu-als and as a society, hinge on our perceived wealth, and plans canbe thrown into disarray if much of that wealth evaporates tomor-row. The tendency for speculative bubbles to grow and then con-tract can make for very uneven distribution of wealth. It may evencause many of us, at times, to question the very viability of our cap-italist and free market institutions. It is for such reasons that wemust be clear on the prospect for such contractions and on whatshould be our individual and national policy regarding this prospect.

Of course, in the current political and economic climate one incursa substantial risk of embarrassment if one goes on record sayingthat stock market returns will be low or negative in coming years.We have seen in this book that, although the market appears to havesubstantial long-term forecastability when it is very overpriced (asit appears to be, based on recent data) or, alternatively, when it isvery underpriced, there is always considerable uncertainty aboutit* outlook. But an observer who remains silent about the unjus-tifiably high values because he or she could be wrong about theoutlook is no better than a doctor who, having diagnosed high bloodpressure in a patient, says nothing because the patient might belucky and show no ill effects. (Conversely, whether the stock mar-ket falls or continues its upward climb in the opening years of thetwenty-first century will neither prove nor disprove this book’sessential thesis about irrational exuberance.)

The Outlook at the Beginning of the New Millennium

Let us consider the twelve precipitating factors listed in Chapter 2as the ultimate causes of the bull market in the closing years of thetwentieth century, factors such as the Internet, the decline of foreigneconomic rivals, and the Baby Boom. Which of these factors are likelynot only to persist but to become even stronger—even more sup-portive of a high market than they have been recently?

If the precipitating factors continue to support the market at itsrecent record level, and do not increase the market’s value further,


then returns in the stock market will be confined to dividends. Sincethe dividend-price ratio in the U.S. stock market has been only alittle above 1% recently, given stable market levels, stock marketreturns would be limited to about 1% per year—a very poor returnindeed. We need further growth in these supportive factors to obtaineven historically average returns on the market.1

A couple of the twelve factors that I listed in Chapter 2 appearlikely to grow in importance in the opening years of the twenty-first century. These factors might work in the direction of causingstock prices to increase substantially. In this case, of course—andif, as in the recent past, dividends do not increase apace—then thedividend yield on stocks will sink even lower, making the longer-run sustainability of the market level even more questionable.

Recall that it was argued that the Internet is one of the mostvisible of humankind’s inventions, in that individuals themselvesdirectly participate in it and find it opening new horizons for them.Participation in the Internet gives people a personal sense of tech-nological progress, and this personal participation may give theman exaggerated sense of the promise of the technology—exagger-ated at least in terms of the outlook for the existing companiesthat compose the bulk of the value of the stock market. The Inter-net is expected to grow quite a bit. According to International DataCorporation, a market research firm, U.S. adult Internet userspassed 100 million in late 1999, and the number is predicted torise to 177 million individuals by 2003. Worldwide, the number ofusers is expected to grow from 142 million in 1998 to 502 millionby 2003.2 Eventually probably almost everyone will be using theInternet, and thus one might think that the psychological supportfor high market levels would be strongly enhanced.

However, the effect of further growth in the Internet might beless dramatic than the predictions of millions of new users wouldat first suggest. Potential new users have already heard about theInternet. It has been advertised everywhere, and so it will not benews to them. As we pass the year 2001 and move into the thirdmillennium, the festive parade of displays and forecasts of futur-istic technology will move on, and the Internet will inevitablyreceive less publicity. In any case, the wealthier people who are more

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likely to invest in the stock market are already likely to have Inter-net connections. And the symbolic value of the Net will probablyitself fade just because we become accustomed to it. As time goeson, the Internet may seem less and less a symbol of the promiseof new technology, and more and more like the phone book. Nev-ertheless, the future growth of the Internet is still likely to offer someboost to the market.

The enormous growth of opportunities to trade stocks easily andcheaply is also likely to continue, with the expansion of online trad-ing of stocks, the creation of new electronic stock and derivativeexchanges, and the implementation of twenty-four-hour trading.According to one forecast, the number of U.S. households with onlineinvesting accounts is predicted to increase from 3.1 million in 1999to 9.7 million in 2003.3 Such changes, by encouraging increased activ-ity in the market, will no doubt stimulate more and more peopleto take an interest in the market. As discussed in Chapter 2, thisincrease in interest may encourage higher market valuations—although the certainty of such an impetus is far from definite.

Other factors I described in Chapter 2 are likely to remain stable,not grow further, in their support of high market value. Such newmedia institutions as the business channels on cable television andthe “Money” sections in newspapers will undoubtedly persist, butit is hard to imagine a doubling in the number of such channels orpages relative to others. The critical question is whether the currentlevel of public attention to them can be sustained over time. It waspublic response that accounted in part for the expanded media cov-erage we have already seen. Based on the historical precedents weconsidered in Chapter 3, the focal point of the news may shift some-what over time, away from investments. This shift of focus mayin turn alter the nature of these media in unpredictable ways. Thereis a good chance that they may become less supportive of a cul-ture of investing.

There is fundamental uncertainty whether the really low ratesof inflation we have seen of late can be expected to continue. Bysome accounts, the burst of inflation due to the high-pressure eco-nomic measures initiated in the 1960s in the United States (as wellas other countries) was itself an anomaly, the only sharp peacetime


inflation in U.S. history, and is unlikely to be repeated now that wehave seen its consequences. However, there has been no funda-mental change in our institutions since then, and it is hard to ruleout a resurgence of inflation. An oil shortage or a war, to pick justtwo examples, might have that effect, as they have in the past.

For now, continuation of lower inflation appears a likely prospect,and continuing low inflation will continue to promote low nominalyields on fixed-income investments and thus encourage high val-uations on stocks. One thing that is fairly certain is that inflationwill not get significantly lower: no monetary authority is likely topermit substantially negative inflation rates. Thus low inflation isat best a stable factor, not a factor whose scope is likely to increase,encouraging further growth of the stock market.

The rise of public institutions promoting gambling appearsunlikely to be reversed, unless some dramatic scandal or catastropheturns public opinion against them. I have argued that the promi-nence of gambling institutions in our culture may encourage a spec-ulative stance in financial markets. But what this means for theoutlook for the market is highly uncertain, for the theoretical con-nection is admittedly weak.

Others among the factors I mentioned as supporting a highmarket valuation are quite likely to falter in the future. The effectsof the post–World War II Baby Boom on the stock market are cer-tain to become less pronounced over time. Barring an unforeseenevent, such as the outbreak of a previously unknown disease thatselectively kills the elderly, we know that there will be many moreretired persons in 2030 than there are today. Thanks to improvedmedical technology, retirees will be living on in a state of increaseddependency, and they will need to cash in their stock marketinvestments to support themselves. Of course, as argued earlier,the ultimate meaning of this effect is clouded by uncertainty aboutfundamental economic growth and foreign demand for U.S. stocks.Still, the strong public perception that the Baby Boom supports thestock market will eventually fade.

It is sometimes thought that government reaction to the BabyBust might be a reason to expect a boost in the stock market,instead of a fall. For example, President Clinton, in his 1999 State

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of the Union Address, proposed that over the next fifteen years$2.7 trillion of the projected federal surplus should be reserved forthe Social Security Trust Fund and that about a quarter of that$2.7 trillion should be invested in the stock market. If a plan sim-ilar to this one is eventually adopted, it could represent a modestboost to the demand for stocks (compared to the $16 trillion valueof the stock market) over the intermediate term. Of course, it is hardto say how much of this future demand for stocks has already beenincorporated into market expectations and thus already reflectedin share prices, and also to what extent government purchasesof stocks for Social Security will be offset by declining individualpurchases. It is also hard to know when such a boost would affectthe market, and the government’s policy would not prevent theultimate decline in demand for stocks when the Boomers finallyretire.

The sense of “victory” of capitalist economies that developed aftersome of our close competitors abroad began to falter after 1990 isnot likely to persist indefinitely. No sports team comes out on topseason after season. New symbolic losses here or gains there are tobe expected as foreign economies make necessary course corrections.

What then is the rough scorecard for the likely future of thetwelve precipitating factors in the opening years of the twenty-firstcentury? Two (the Internet boom and the expansion of stock trad-ing opportunities) will probably increase in strength, two (the BabyBoom and perceived victory over foreign economic rivals) will de-crease, and the others will likely stay about the same. The conclusionis that no overall change in these twelve factors can be confidentlypredicted, and that, if constancy of the precipitating factors impliesconstancy of the market level, then returns will remain confinedto the low dividend yield we now see for stocks.

Yet the absence of predictable change in the overall impact ofthese factors does not suggest that there will be no predictablechange in the market. The market level got where it is substantiallybecause of the increased influence of these precipitating factors inthe past, with the support of the feedback mechanisms discussedin Chapter 3. Media publicity for the stock market (whose impor-tance for market levels was argued in Chapter 4) was encouraged


by the price increases due to these factors and by the newness ofthe factors themselves.

Without further growth in the precipitating factors in the open-ing decade or so of the twenty-first century, the market will havemore and more trouble sustaining its present level. As time goeson, excitement for the market will likely fade. As time goes on, theculture of investing will likely fade. As time goes on, the sense thatone is “playing with the house money” will likely fade. As timegoes on, people will likely turn to other interests besides investing,and the attention to the “new era” theories discussed in Part II willlikely fade. As time goes on, people’s attention will likely switchto new psychological anchors for the market, and new conventionalwisdom and new public attentions will develop (as discussed inPart III). All of these changes suggest a poor long-run outlook forthe stock market.

Possible New Factors

We should not dwell exclusively on the precipitating factors of thepast. New precipitating factors, both supportive and destructiveof market value, will no doubt develop, although it is difficult toanticipate what these will be. There is little public discussion of suchpossible new factors precisely because there is so little concrete tosay about them now. In the public’s imagination, future develop-ments, at least as expressed in the media, seem largely confinedto the realm of new technology, and then the coverage is generallyupbeat.

Yet at a point in history where the U.S. economy has been rel-atively strong, it is useful to recall the kinds of things that couldgo wrong with economic growth and the growth of corporateearnings—things that have interrupted past spells of strong earn-ings growth and that could do so in the future.The kind of earningsgrowth the United States has seen since the recession of 1991 requiresthat all systems remain go, that there be no significant obstacles, andin this respect we have indeed been quite fortunate of late.

The list of factors that could potentially interrupt earningsgrowth is of course very long. We may list some of them, with no

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presumption that any of these is more or less likely at the presenttime: a decline in consumer demand, a dearth of new developmentopportunities, failures of major technological initiatives, heightenedforeign competition, a resurgent labor movement, an oil crisis, acorporate tax increase, newly discovered problems with the longer-run consequences of downsizing and incentive-based compensa-tion for employees, a decline in employee morale and productivity,a war (even one among foreign countries, which disrupts ourown trade or destroys a stable environment for economic opera-tions), a terrorist attack or even a new terrorist threat that hampersbusiness activities, an industrial accident that suggests that certaintechnical processes are more dangerous than previously thought,heightened regulatory or antitrust activity, increased foreign tar-iffs or import quotas, a depression abroad, stricter environmentalstandards, class-action lawsuits against corporations, a suddenlyerratic monetary policy, systemic problems due to a failure of majorbanks or financial institutions, a widespread computer systemproblem in the same vein as the once-predicted Y2K-related mal-functions or an unstoppable computer virus or communicationssatellite problems, large-scale weather problems, natural disasters,epidemics. . . . The list can never be complete. Indeed, some ofthe items on this list were virtually unknown a decade ago.

With so many possible causes, we are left now, as always, withthe daunting problem of assessing not only their various proba-bilities—each of them by itself small and hard to quantify—but alsothe probabilities of several of them happening together, whichwould make the combined effect all the more serious. There areimportant reasons to think that various of these problems wouldtend to occur together, as one tends to precipitate others throughits effects on society and the economy. Indeed, the recent Asianfinancial crisis was described in these terms, as due to the confluenceof a number of independent factors: a drop in confidence amongforeign investors in the Asian economies, an exchange rate crisis,a banking crisis, a stock market decline, and crises of revealed gov-ernment corruption. These separate crises fed on each other; theywere not independent factors in causing the ultimate financialmeltdown.


Issues of Fairness and Resentment

Many of the potential causes of earnings reversals listed earlier haveultimately to do with changes in morale, loyalty, and sense offairness among the investing public. Currently, overt resentmentby American citizens of their own corporations appears to be at ahistoric low. Businessmen are lionized, and labor unions are veryweak by historical standards. But the growing unevenness of incomedistribution, and the increasingly frequent stories of fabulouswealth earned by the dealmakers, may turn U.S. public opinionaway from its pro-business stance.

According to calculations by economist Ray Fair, if marketexpectations for earnings growth are realized, and if U.S. grossdomestic product growth is 4% a year, then after-tax corporate prof-its as a fraction of gross domestic product will be over 12% in 2010,a value almost twice as high as it has been at any time since 1948.4

It is hard to imagine that so high a fraction of gross domesticproduct going to corporate profits will be tolerated by the publicwithout at least some resentment. It was such resentment of busi-ness that ended the “community of interest” boom after 1901 (seeChapter 5), by spurring vigorous antitrust legislation and regulationof corporations, and it was such resentment after 1929, in encour-aging the growth of Socialist and Communist movements, thatcreated an unusually uncertain and unstable atmosphere for theeconomy in the 1930s (see Chapter 5).

Resentment by foreigners toward the United States is anotherpotential limiting factor for U.S. earnings growth. American dom-inance in high-technology is highly visible around the world. Inrecent years, numerous stories of American enterprise successes havebeen flaunted in the faces of people outside the United States. Forexample, the Internet is a symbol for much that is new and excit-ing today in technology, and it is U.S. software companies that seemto dominate it, from Web browsers to search engines to onlineproviders. All over the world the name of an American company,Microsoft, appears on computer screens whenever people startup Windows to access the Internet. Does this not leave people inother countries with a sense of exclusion from this technology?

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Something may seem fundamentally unfair about the UnitedStates’ high-tech hegemony. How did Microsoft attain such over-whelming dominance? Whether true or not, the company is oftendescribed as cutthroat and grasping. Why is the Internet dominatedby the United States? The World Wide Web was after all a Europeaninvention, developed in its initial form by a British and a Belgianscientist, working in a Swiss laboratory. We do not see their nameswhen we start up our computers.

Resentment against the United States and its strong free enter-prise system has moral overtones too; people in many other countriesthat are not quite as strong economically wonder if their relativelack of economic success might not be due to their greater concernas societies and as individuals with equity, fairness, and humanvalues. If such a moral basis for resentment gains solid ground inpublic thinking, it could lead to heightened efforts to compete withor exclude American corporations.

Demonstrating another aspect of its high-tech dominance, theUnited States deployed its superior military technology in Kosovoin 1999, as it had in the Persian Gulf in 1991. It showed an abilityand willingness to use its technology to kill large numbers of peoplewith impunity, since it faced virtually no losses of its own. China’soutrage against the United States after the accidental bombing ofits embassy in Belgrade is illustrative of foreign reaction.

In the Asian financial crisis, it was the United States that wasdescribed as presenting a model for the faltering Asian economiesto follow. The economists who were sent to offer advice wereoften U.S. trained. Although the basic intent was constructive,these actions too had some negative symbolic value.

Increased resentment against U.S. corporations both domesti-cally and abroad could result in increases in the probability of occur-rence of certain of the events listed earlier as threats to earningsgrowth. Resentment is not a word in most financial economists’vocabulary, but it has been a powerful force in history.

Sharing the Limits to Growth

As the world develops, the level of atmosphere-polluting emissionswill also grow. The level of concern with the adverse effects of these


emissions has been such that the 1997 Kyoto Protocol proposed thatthirty-eight industrially advanced countries of the world cut emis-sions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases by an averageof 5.2% of 1990 levels during the period from 2008 to 2012.

Economists have estimated that full implementation of theKyoto Protocol without modification could result in an economiccost with a present value of $1.5 trillion, borne mainly by wealthycountries.5 But the pain that would be caused by international effortsto control emissions could be greater still. By some accounts, thereductions proposed by the Kyoto Protocol are not nearly enoughto deal with the problems of greenhouse gas emissions. In 1995 theUnited Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Changecalled for greenhouse emissions to be cut immediately by 50–70%.But instead the level of emissions has continued to grow rapidly,with most of the increase coming from the developing countries.

It is impossible to predict the ultimate cost to individuals andcorporations of efforts to reduce emissions or to deal with otherglobal limits to growth. However, considering the inevitableconflicts as less-developed countries try to follow the path of de-veloped countries, thus multiplying environmental problems, thekind of enormous earnings growth in the future that would justifyrecent stock market levels seems less likely.

These considerations of international resentment of the suc-cess of wealthy economies and of the limits to growth only rein-force our supposition that the current outlook for the stock marketis not favorable.

What Should Investors Do Now?

If over some interval in the first decade or so of the twenty-firstcentury the U.S. stock market is going to follow an uneven coursedown, as well it might—back, let us say, to its levels in the mid-1990s or even lower—then individuals, foundations, collegeendowments, and other beneficiaries of the market are going to findthemselves poorer, in the aggregate by trillions of dollars. The reallosses could be comparable to the total destruction of all theschools in the country, or all the farms in the country, or possiblyeven all the homes in the country.6

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One could say that such a fall would really be harmless, sincenothing is physically destroyed by a fall in stock market values;it is only a change on paper and in our minds. One could say thatif the market were to fall by half it would only bring us back towhere we were a few years ago in terms of market value. But thereis the problem that the loss will not be borne equally. Some whorode the market up to new prosperity will have lightened up ontheir stock holdings and will keep their gains; others will haverecently entered the market and will take only the losses. Thus asubstantial fall in the market would leave some people reallypoor while leaving others very rich.

We can imagine the effects on the lives of those people who hadbecome too dependent on stocks as investments, and too optimisticregarding the performance of those investments in the future.People who have put away only a modest amount in the stockmarket for their children’s college education may find that theirsavings are inadequate, that the real value of the portfolio has fallenfar short of the increased cost of a college education. The childrenmay have to take out substantial student loans and get unrewardingpart-time jobs to pay for their college education. Or they may de-cide to choose a shorter career route, forgoing the dream of acareer in medicine, law, or other professions. They may decide notto go to college at all.

Others, a little older, may find that their careers or ambitions arethwarted. With fewer economic resources at their disposal, the needto maintain an income level and fulfill everyday obligations willconsume time and energy they had hoped to devote to individualfulfillment.

People who have saved virtually nothing for their retirementbecause of their faith in the stock market investments in theirpension plans may find that the plans, along with Social Security,simply do not provide them with a very comfortable standard ofliving in their retirement. The “amazing power” of compoundreturns that has become such an article of faith among so manypeople does not apply if the returns are not there in the first place.Thus those with little savings will have to fend for themselves ina world with many more dependent elderly relative to the young.


They may have to live very simply—and that may mean sittingat home.

Colleges and foundations with endowments heavily investedin stocks may find that their ability to pursue their missions hassuddenly been curtailed. Consider, as an example, the Ford Foun-dation, which published an influential report in 1969, near the peakof the stock market, that strongly suggested that educationalendowments should be invested more in stocks to take advantageof their high returns. The foundation took its own advice oninvesting. After the 1974 stock market crash, it lost so much in thestock market that its endowment fell from $4.1 billion to $1.7 bil-lion. The foundation cut its annual grants from $177 million in 1973to $76 million in 1979. Although it continued to support antipovertyprograms, the foundation sharply curtailed grants to universitiesfor research, to scholarly exchange programs, and to the arts. TheUniversity of Rochester, which had been praised in the 1969 reportfor its aggressive stance to the stock market, took a similar hit; itlost over half its endowment between 1973 and 1974.7 The sameor worse could happen today to foundations and universities thathave invested too large a share of their portfolios in the stockmarket.

So what should investors do now? The natural first step may be,depending on current holdings and specific circ*mstances, toreduce holdings of U.S. stocks. Certainly, the commonsense notionthat one should not be overly dependent on any one investment isas true as ever now. One should at the very least diversify thoroughly.

But there is fundamental difficulty with advising individualsand institutions to get out of the stock market. If such advicewere suddenly taken by large numbers, it would cause an imme-diate drop in the level of the market. In fact, we cannot all get outof the market. We can only sell our shares to someone else. Some-body must be left holding the outstanding shares. As a group, thoseunfortunate people who bought in at a market high have alreadymade their mistake, and we cannot correct it for them as a groupafter the fact.

So an important action that all investors can take now is todecrease their reliance on the stock market in their ongoing economic

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decisions. Individuals should consider increasing their savings rates.Foundations and colleges should consider reducing the payout ratefrom their endowments.

The optimism represented by the high stock market has coin-cided with a much lower personal savings rate in the UnitedStates—in fact a personal savings rate of around zero. Most sav-ing in the United States today is corporate (in the form of retainedearnings) and governmental (in the form of the federal surplus),forms of saving whose beneficiaries are not distributed equally overthe population.

It is reasonable to suppose that the stock market at some pointin the first decade of the twenty-first century will decline in valueby an amount on the order of one year’s national income. Theamount of additional personal saving that must be done to offsetthis decline is quite large. For example, if we are to offset by addi-tional saving such a decline in ten years’ time, without the advan-tages of supposedly high rates of return and high compounding,then we will have to be saving on the order of an additional 10%of our pretax incomes each year.

For the same reason, colleges and foundations with endowmentfunds invested in the market should consider, when possible,substantially lowering their payout rates. This conclusion standsin sharp contrast to some recent recommendations about endow-ment payout rates. For example, the National Network of Grant-makers, an organization of progressive foundations, issued a reportin 1999 urging all foundations to increase their payout from the 5%of assets mandated by U.S. law to 6%.8 Universities, whose endow-ments are growing rapidly thanks to the strong stock market andassociated alumni giving, are being urged to increase their spend-ing. For endowments heavily exposed to stock market risks, theserecommendations are pointing in the wrong direction.

Retirement Plans

The growth since the bottom of the market in 1982 of employer-sponsored defined contribution pension plans (in which the com-


pany makes contributions to an investment fund that is owned bythe employee), in contrast to older defined benefit plans (in whichthe company guarantees specified pension benefits to the employeeupon retirement), has marked a shift away from a notion of sharedresponsibility for the elderly toward a feeling that each person isresponsible for his or her own welfare. These 401(k) and similarplans are designed to give ordinary people economic security inretirement by encouraging them to mimic the portfolio strategieslong pursued by the wealthy. But little attention is usually paid tothe fact that the wealthy, because of the overall level of their assets,have less reason to worry about losing substantial amounts in amarket decline.

The shift toward defined contribution pension plans has in manyrespects been a good thing, since the older defined benefit planswere usually not indexed to inflation (an odd and hard-to-explainlapse in public judgment, and one that does not inspire confidencethat people are better off letting institutional experts manage theirinvestments for them).9 People who retired and lived a long timeunder defined benefit plans often saw a substantial part of the realvalue of their pensions eroded away by inflation.

But even though the switch to defined contribution plans elim-inated this problem, something was lost in the transition, namelya sense of group responsibility for the standard of living of pen-sioners. Properly designed defined benefit plans are risk-managinginstitutions for pensioners, and as such would offer risk-reducingadvantages, which are particularly important for lower-income pen-sioners. Now participants in pension plans are told, in effect,choose your investments (for the pension contributions) and takeyour chances. As we have seen, they are typically given a large num-ber of choices, including many varieties of stock market investments,and thus (as discussed in Chapter 2) there is a not-so-subtle nudgein the direction of investing heavily in the stock market.

Plans that offer the choice of investment in the government’sinflation-indexed bonds are a rarity, despite the fact that these bondshave recently been yielding about 4% a year and are riskless.These bonds would be an obvious choice for people planning for

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retirement, a far better option today than the stock market. Theiradvantages would be particularly significant for low-income people.And yet there is little leadership on the part of employers or gov-ernment to encourage them to shift their retirement funds into thebonds or to make it possible to include them in their 401(k) plans.The current institutional structure does not encourage employers toexert leadership through their plans, only to provide the standardoptions that other plans offer, always involving the stock market.

Furthermore the plan investments that participants choose arenot well diversified. In the early 1990s, most 401(k) balances wereinvested in guaranteed investment contracts (GICs), fixed-incomeinvestments offered by insurance companies, not indexed to infla-tion. The reputation of GICs was tarnished by a couple of defaultsin the early 1990s, which revealed that they were not really guar-anteed. These coincided with a barrage of publicity suggesting thatexperts agreed that people did not put enough into the stock mar-ket. Since then, the trend in participant allocations has been sharplyaway from GICs, in favor of the stock market. According to the lat-est Investment Company Institute/Employee Benefits ResearchInstitute study, more than two-thirds of 401(k) pension plan bal-ances were in the stock market in 1996.10 Even among participantsnearing retirement, participants in their sixties, most of the planbalances were in the stock market. If the trend toward favoring thestock market for 401(k) investments has continued since 1996, thefraction of plan balances in the market today will be even higher.Many participants no doubt put virtually all of their pensionfunds into the stock market.11

Because so large a proportion of 401(k) investments is in the stockmarket, a sharp market decline would have important conse-quences for many retirees. A decline of the stock market to less thanhalf its recent value is not improbable. Given the meagerness ofmost Social Security benefits, and given that most retirees have littlemore than their pension plan, their house, and their Social Secu-rity benefits, these declines would indeed be noticed.12

And yet there is a curious lack of public concern about this risk.Few are raising alarms about it. If anything, concerns are expressedthat some plan participants are not putting enough into the stock


market, and are thereby missing out on obviously good investmentsbecause of an excess of conservatism.

Managers of 401(k) plans generally do not offer advice to employ-ees about how they should make their allocations. Until a LaborDepartment ruling in 1996, it was in fact legally difficult for the plansto offer any advice because of potential liability concerns.13 Now planswill sometimes warn participants of the importance of diversifica-tion, but as we have seen these warnings are weak and have littleeffect. The general stance of public policy has been to respect com-pletely participants’ own choices, as if people have their own goodreasons for putting so much into the stock market, or as if their judg-ments are related to purely personal matters rather than popular-culture myths about surefire profit opportunities in stocks.

The current policy of providing a menu of choices for partic-ipants without any strongly worded advice to diversify invites seri-ous errors. But the current attitude toward the market puts pensionplans under pressure to provide people with what they want and not to act paternally. Ultimately it is government policy thathas fostered this situation, by encouraging defined contributionpension plans rather than encouraging the improvement, throughindexation, of defined benefit pension plans.

Authorities who are responsible for pension plans (in the busi-nesses that sponsor them or in the plans themselves) should comeout much more strongly against putting all or almost all of one’splan balance into the stock market. They should instead recommendgreater diversification and suggest that a substantial fraction of bal-ances be put into safe investments, such as inflation-indexed gov-ernment bonds. They should make available inflation-indexedretirement annuities and urge retirees to take their retirementincome in this form. It may even be a good move, particularly forlower-income workers, for corporate pension plans to move backtoward defined benefit plans, if these plans are appropriatelyindexed and vested. The indexation could be in terms of the Con-sumer Price Index, per capita national income, or a mixture of thetwo.14 In the future, as a greater variety of risk management con-tracts become available, advice should be given to employees totake advantage of them.

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Social Security

As of this writing, a number of proposals have been advanced toinvest at least a portion of the Social Security Trust Fund in thestock market. Having marveled at the high returns in the market,Americans are wondering why they have earned so much lowera return on their contributions to Social Security than they couldhave earned in a defined contribution pension plan, and why theyhave not been allowed to invest their contributions in the stockmarket. If the government were to implement fully such propos-als, it would compromise another important national risk-sharinginstitution.

We may regard the Social Security system as the government’spartial assumption of the intrafamily risk sharing of long ago. Youngpeople have long felt a sense of obligation to care for their agingparents, in return for the care they received as children. Thusmiddle-aged people often found themselves caring simultane-ously for their elderly parents as well as their children. Since theprecise obligations were dictated by morals and feelings of loverather than legal bonds, this old family system encouraged someeffective intergenerational risk sharing. One divided up one’sattentions between one’s dependent children and elderly parentsas one perceived their relative needs and one’s own needs, not bysome contract formula. If the elderly were more in need of care,sicker, or more dependent, or lived longer, they received propor-tionally greater share of family resources, and the converse alsoapplied. In this way, risks were shared across generations.

The problem with the family as an economic risk-sharing insti-tution is that it is unreliable. Members may die young or becomeincapacitated or irresponsible at the age when they should be doingthe work for others. Social Security was created to alleviate suchproblems by replacing individual “contracts” among family mem-bers with contractual obligations between generations at large.

In the United States (as in the systems of many other countries),Social Security is primarily a pay-as-you-go system: the contri-butions made by working people are not invested in any real assetsbut are given immediately to those retirees who need the money


now. In this way, Social Security mimics the traditional family sys-tem, which also did not rely on any investments. Indeed, the tra-ditional family system did not rely on investments to prepare forold age because in most times and places there were few reliableinvestments to use to save over decade-long intervals. Now, withthe exaggerated public confidence in the market, we seem to thinkthat there are such investments—in stocks. In fact, we are closerto the old situation than is widely realized. Stocks are not safe.Although individuals in the United States and some other countriescan invest in inflation-indexed bonds, which are completely safeinvestments, these indexed bonds are not investments for societyas a whole, since their net value is zero. The indexed governmentbonds are made safe only by the fact that taxpayers guarantee theirpayments. There is no safe investment for the country as a wholebecause there are so many things that can go wrong with an econ-omy. If the economy takes a bad turn and national income declines,then the working population will see their tax rates go up to payfor the fixed Social Security benefits guaranteed to retirees, and thusthey will experience an amplified effect of the economic decline.It does not make sense to protect one segment of the populationfrom any economic setback by concentrating the effects of thesetback on another segment.

The creation of Social Security in the United States in the 1930sis often described as having provided a windfall to the first gen-eration of benefit recipients, who received much more in benefitsthan could be justified by the contributions they themselves hadmade. But there has been no clear windfall to them, since one mustalso take account of the decline in obligations that was felt withinfamilies to care for them, when families saw that they were beingtaken care of by the government. The first generation’s “windfallgain” was probably offset by reduced levels of care from their chil-dren. Their children were paying into Social Security instead ofputting time and effort into caring for their parents. In this way,the Social Security system merely took charge of part of the careyoung people had been giving to their parents, without changingits substance, and with the advantage of greater uniformity andreliability.

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Offsetting this advantage of Social Security, however, is the lossof the sense of balance between the needs of the generations. Theseare now dealt with in a formulaic manner, argued about inabstract terms in Congress without the immediate evidence of rel-ative needs that is so visible within the family. There is limitedability for national debate to come to grips with the relativeneeds and abilities of the generations, and so the family contin-ues to function as the premier intergenerational risk-managementinstitution.

It would be a serious mistake to adopt the policy, proposed bysome, of replacing the current Social Security system with adefined contribution plan for retirement, investing plan balancesin the stock market, or even a plan that would give individuals achoice of investment categories. Such a plan would replace thecurrent societal commitments to the elderly with a hope that finan-cial markets will do as well as in the past. Adopting such a planat a time when the market is at a record high relative to funda-mentals would be an error of historic proportions. Fortunately mostserious proposals have called for only modest investments of theSocial Security Trust Fund in the stock market.15

Reform of Social Security should take the form not of investingthe trust fund in the stock market but of making the system moreresponsive to economic risks, so that the system promotes betterrisk sharing among economic groups within our population. Con-tribution rates and benefit rates should vary over time dependingon the relative needs of workers and retirees. Both contributions andbenefits should be indexed, but not primarily to the Consumer PriceIndex, rather to per capita national income. We must reform theSocial Security system in the direction of making it more like a sys-tem that would seem just and humane were it to be implementedwithin a family—a system that shares risk and that does not leaveanyone bearing an inordinate share of the economic burden.16

Monetary Policy and Speculative Bubbles

There have been occasions on which tightened monetary policy wasassociated with the bursting of stock market bubbles. For example,


on February 14, 1929, the Federal Reserve raised the rediscount ratefrom 5% to 6% for the ostensible purpose of checking speculation.In the early 1930s, the Fed continued the tight monetary policy andsaw the initial stock market downturn evolve into the deepest stockmarket decline ever, and a recession into the most serious U.S.depression ever.

In Japan, at the peak of the Japanese stock market betweenMay 1989 and August 1990, the Bank of Japan raised the discountrate from 2.5% to 6%, ostensibly to stabilize financial markets(which were thought to have become overpriced because of easymonetary policy) and also to stabilize the yen. It is hard to dismissthe possibility that this action by the bank played some role in thestock market crash and severe recession that followed.17

Although the precise causal links are hard to disentangle evenin these dramatic episodes, one thing we do know about interestrate policy is that it affects the entire economy in fundamental ways,and that it is not focused exclusively on the speculative bubble itmight be used to correct. It is whole-body irradiation, not a sur-gical laser. Moreover, the genesis of a speculative bubble, such asthe one we are in now, is a long, slow process, involving gradualchanges in people’s thinking. Small changes in interest rates willnot have any predictable effect on such thinking; big changesmight, but only because they have the potential to exert a devas-tating impact on the economy as a whole.

The Great Depression of the 1930s was in fact substantially dueto monetary authorities’ trying to stabilize speculative marketsthrough interest rate policies, although the markets they werefocusing most on were not the stock markets but the markets fortheir own currencies. Countries attempted to preserve the fixedexchange rate system, represented by the gold standard, againstattacks. The countries that gave up earliest and abandoned theirefforts to defend their currencies were the ones to emerge from thedepression the soonest.18

A small, but symbolic, increase in interest rates by monetaryauthorities at a time when markets are perceived by them to beoverpriced may be a useful step, if the increase is accompaniedby a public statement that it is intended to restrain speculation. But

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authorities should not generally try to burst a bubble throughaggressive tightening of monetary policy.

The Stabilizing Authority of Opinion Leaders

A time-honored way of restraining speculation in financial mar-kets is for intellectual and moral leaders to try to call the attentionof the public to over- and underpricing errors when they occur. Thisapproach has been used repeatedly in the history of our financialmarkets, albeit with a degree of success that is hard to judge.

During the 1907 stock market crash, which coincided with a bank-ing panic in October, national financial leaders made public state-ments expressing their confidence in the markets and stating thatthey would risk their own wealth in them. John D. Rockefellersaid, “Personally, I have absolute faith in the future of the valueof our securities and the soundness of underlying conditions.” Heand J. P. Morgan set up a bankers’ pool to lend money to supportthe banks. On Black Thursday, October 24, 1929, five of thecountry’s most influential bankers met with Morgan and issueda statement that they believed “the foundations of the market tobe sound.”19 Although they did not announce specific plans tobuy stocks, their statement was interpreted as suggesting theywould. This attempt at stabilizing the market was not successful.The stock market crash of October 28–29, 1929, occurred just a fewdays later.

In each of the three major market peaks identified here that fol-low the founding of the Federal Reserve—that is, the peaks of thelate 1920s, the mid-1960s, and the 1990s—the head of the FederalReserve System issued warnings that the stock market was over-priced. The 1929 interest rate increase, discussed earlier, wasannounced as being directed against speculation. The 1966 peakof the U.S. stock market coincided roughly with a statement by Fed-eral Reserve Chairman William McChesney Martin in 1965 thathe found “disquieting similarities” between the economy then andthe economy during the 1920s prelude to the Great Depression. Helisted, as one of the similarities, the spreading conviction amongthe public that “a new economic era” had begun.20 A statement


warning against stock market excesses by a Federal Reserve chair-man was not made again until Alan Greenspan’s “irrational exu-berance” speech in December 1996, that is, until the beginning ofthe next period of very high market levels. It appears that Fed chair-men reserve public statements about market pricing for periodsof extreme mispricing. There is no way to judge the success of suchrare statements in calming the markets, and we do not know howvolatile they would have been otherwise.

The trouble with such exercises of moral authority is that,although views that the market is either very overpriced or veryunderpriced may become commonplace among the experts, theyare never universally held. The leaders who make such statementsfind themselves doing so based on personal opinion: an intuitivejudgment about the state of market fundamentals and psychology,a judgment that is so hard to prove that they probably feel that ittakes an act of courage to make such a statement in the first place.

There probably is a role for such actions by opinion leaders, butit is only a minor one. If they are genuinely disinterested in theirpronouncements and are perceived as true moral leaders, their pro-nouncements may have a small stabilizing effect on the market.

Dealing with Bubbles byInterrupting or Discouraging Trade

Another method for reducing market volatility has been to shutdown markets in times of rapid price change. The “circuit break-ers” adopted by the stock exchanges are examples of this approach.Under the New York Stock Exchange’s Rule 80B, whenever the DowJones Industrial Average drops by 10% (recently this would havecorresponded to an absolute drop of 1,100 points) from the previousdaily close before 2 P.M., the market is to be shut down for one hour;by 20% (2,250 points) before 1 P.M., for two hours; and by 30%(3,350 points) at any time of day, for the rest of the day. Such mar-ket closings might have the effect of giving investors a cooling-offperiod, to allow them to find time for reflection, and thereby stem-ming panic. But it is not clear that these relatively short closingsdo very much to restrain one-day price changes. After all, the two

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biggest stock market crashes in history, the crashes of October 1929and October 1987, occurred on Mondays, after the price declinesof the previous trading day had been interrupted by an entireweekend.

Another example of a deliberate restraint of trade to preventbubbles is the uptick rule for short sales. The Securities andExchange Commission has long required of exchanges that shortsales be allowed only on an uptick, that is, only if the precedingtrade was on an increasing price.

Yet these various policies of closing the market, for a matter ofseconds, minutes, hours, or days, do not directly address thelonger-term price movements—movements that take place overyears—that represent the really big stock price shifts. It is plau-sible that by concealing a large short-term price change from thepublic eye we can head off public overreaction to that price change,and so prevent a longer-term price trend from developing inresponse to the vivid memory of a really large one-day change.Dramatic one-day changes are attention grabbers, are given tremen-dous hype by the media, and are remembered long afterward, espe-cially if they set some kind of record. On the other hand, we reallyhave very little information about the effects of a policy of closingmarkets for short periods of time on longer-term price changes.What if a really large price change is corrected soon after by themarket itself, as was the October 1987 price change? Perhaps thepublic’s experience of seeing a crash followed by a correction wouldhave a more stabilizing effect than the experience of having apotential crash concealed from it by a market closing.

Longer cooling-off periods have been attempted; in fact theNew York Stock Exchange was closed for three months in 1914.21

However, because this long market closing is thus far unique in U.S.history, no significant lessons can be drawn from the experience.

Other proposals have been advanced to slow the pace of tradeby discouraging frequent trading, that is, to “throw sand in thewheels” of speculative markets. James Tobin, a colleague of mineat Yale University, has proposed that the speculative price move-ments in the market for foreign currencies be restrained by levyinga transaction tax on them.22 This proposal was extended to stocks


and to corporate and government bonds by Lawrence and VictoriaSummers, although Lawrence Summers has not advocated this ideasince assuming his current post as U.S. treasury secretary.23 Secu-rities transaction taxes are not a new concept, and they have beenused in this country as well as many others, although they have notusually resulted from any clearly articulated theory of restrainingspeculation.

The idea of such transaction taxes, as expressed by Tobin, is thatthey will discourage short-run speculators in favor of investors con-cerned with long-run fundamentals. Although he recognizes thata transaction tax penalizes trades based on fundamentals as wellas those for speculative reasons, Tobin believes that the tax wouldmore often discourage the latter, since many speculators seem tobe interested in very-short-run transactions.

Tobin might be right that speculators will be rather more inhib-ited by such a tax than long-term investors, since speculators appear,based on survey data on their expectations, to extrapolate past pricechanges primarily for short intervals. Jeffrey Frankel has found suchevidence from survey data on speculators in foreign exchangemarkets.24 I have found from my survey data that institutionalinvestors in the stock market tend slightly more often to havebubble expectations, in essence expecting an increase and then adecrease in stock prices, when short-run (six-month) price increaseshave recently been high.25 But such a tendency for short-run expec-tations to reinforce recent short-run price changes is actually fairlyweak, and we cannot be sure that it will continue in the future, sincespeculators’ theories about markets are likely to change with time.

It is not clear whether the transaction tax would indeed encour-age long-term investors over short-term speculators. We should rec-ognize that some speculative trading is done infrequently, whilesome trading based on information about fundamentals is donefrequently. Real estate markets, which are subject to much highertransaction costs than stock markets, nevertheless seem to be vul-nerable to speculative bubbles and crashes. Moreover, it has beenfound that countries that impose higher transaction costs do nothave lower stock market volatility.26 On balance, although I feelthat there might be some merit in Tobin-style transaction taxes for

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reducing speculative volatility, I have not found the case strongenough to recommend any such action.

Dealing with Bubbles by Expanding or Encouraging Trade

In the interest of longer-run economic stability, it may be that thebest stabilizing influence on markets is to broaden them to allowas many people to trade as often as possible, and to broaden thescope of things traded on markets. This of course is just the oppo-site of the proposals discussed in the previous section.

Given that speculative bubbles are heavily influenced by word-of-mouth effects, by locally perceived values and information,and by patriotic feeling, foreign investors are less likely to go alongwith a bubble than are local investors, and they may even tradein a way that would tend to offset it. For example, in 1989, whenthe Japanese Nikkei index was at its peak, our questionnaire sur-veys found that the average Japanese institutional investor expecteda 9.5% increase in the Nikkei in the following year, while U.S. insti-tutional investors expected a 7.7% decrease in the Nikkei. Some-thing about living in Japan encouraged very different feelingsabout the market. Had U.S. investors, or other foreign investors,been more prominent in Japanese markets all along, the Japa-nese stock market overpricing might never have happened.27 Thus,more generally, broadening of markets by encouraging globalparticipation in them should often have the effect of averaging overthese disparate expectations and producing more stable marketprices.

We should not assume that any policy that stabilizes marketsfrom day to day is a good policy. Sudden price changes are prob-ably not as bad, in terms of their impact on economic welfare, aslong-term continuation of mispricing or, even worse, as the devel-opment of a speculative bubble that results in a worse crash in thefuture.

Given that speculative bubbles tend to occur, their eventualbursting may indeed be on balance a good thing. The Asian finan-cial crisis of 1997–98, sparked by the withdrawal of world investors


from Asian markets, may be viewed not as a crisis in the long-termsense but as a sanity check that prevented what might have turnedout to be a more disastrous speculative bubble from ever devel-oping. To the extent that this crisis encouraged Asian peoples torethink their businesses and their economies in light of the criti-cism they received from abroad, the crisis may have been helpfulfor the countries.

The expansion of markets can, if done correctly, add salience toinformation about fundamentals, that is, encourage public attentionto long-run fundamentals and deflect attention away from short-run speculation. Michael Brennan has proposed that new marketsshould be set up for “S&P 500 Strips,” that is, a market for the futureannual total dividends of the aggregate S&P 500 firms for each yearin the future up to some distant horizon. There would thus be, forexample, in the year 2005 a market for the 2006 aggregate S&P div-idends, another market for the 2007 aggregate S&P dividends, yetanother market for the 2008 aggregate S&P dividends, and in factmarkets for all subsequent aggregate dividends up to the horizon,say twenty years, and then a market for the terminal index value(say, in 2025). Brennan argues that such markets would “providean incentive for analysts to concentrate on forecasting those fun-damentals [future dividends] . . . rather than to concentrate onsimply forecasting the level of the market itself. In addition, sincethe level of the market index must be consistent with the prices ofthe future dividend flows, the relation between these will serve toreveal the implicit assumptions the market is making in arrivingat its valuation. These assumptions will then be the focus of atten-tion and debate.”28 Note that Brennan’s proposal is fundamentallydifferent from that of Tobin; Brennan is proposing shifting publicattention to fundamentals rather than to longer-run holdings.

New institutions or markets should also be created that wouldmake it easier for individuals to get out of their exposure to the stockmarket. The institutions we have—such as short sales, stock indexfutures, and put options—are not particularly user-friendly, andmost investors do not avail themselves of these. Many investorstoday feel themselves locked into their stock holdings because of

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the capital-gains-tax consequences of selling and their inability tofind other ways of reducing their exposure.

In my previous book, Macro Markets: Creating Institutions forManaging Society’s Largest Economic Risks, I have argued that weshould greatly expand the number and variety of markets, to allowtrading of major risks that are untradable today. The proposedmajor international markets I call macro markets would include mar-kets for long-term claims on national incomes for each of the majorcountries of the world; markets for long-term claims on the incomesof specific occupational groups; and markets for currently illiquidassets, such as single-family homes.29 There are a number of waysto create macro markets, including using perpetual futures or themacro securities that Allan Weiss and I developed.30 If such mar-kets are created, people can take short positions in them corre-sponding to their own incomes, to protect themselves againstfluctuations in the value of their own personal sources of income,and can invest in a truly diversified portfolio around the world. Thesemarkets could indeed be vastly larger than any existing market andfar more numerous in the risks they allow to be offset. Moreover,retail institutions such as home equity insurance or pension planoptions that correlate negatively with labor income or home valueswill help people make use of such risk management tools.31

I believe that creating such new markets may have, besides theirobvious benefits of creating new risk management opportunities,a salutary effect on speculative excesses by broadening the scopeof market participation. The creation of such markets would helpus discover the prices of many assets that are totally unknown today.For example, no one today knows what the U.S. economy, theJapanese economy, or any other economy is worth, nor does any-one know what a medical career or a law career is worth, sincethere are no markets for them. There appear to be unseen spec-ulative bubbles in the unobserved prices, as people in countriesgo through waves of optimism or pessimism for their owneconomies, and as people individually make career choices basedon current fashions. These changes encourage excessive invest-ment of real and human capital in some times and places and in-adequate investment in others. Creating markets for claims on


income flows will open up the markets to the generally soberinginfluence of the rest of the world.

Creating the macro markets would result in a fundamentalshift of attention away from the relatively minor risks to the prof-its of the public firms that are traded in the stock markets of todayto the risks to our livelihoods. Although one would expect that therewill still be occasional speculative bubbles in the macro markets,the diversity of investment opportunities and the attention focusedon fundamental risks by these markets around the world ought tobe generally stabilizing to our economies and our lives.

Altering Conventional Wisdomabout Diversification and Hedging

In order to encourage proper risk management, especially onceimportant new markets are in place, the advice given by publicauthorities should stress more genuine diversification. I argued inthis book that people are ultimately highly influenced by the per-ceived wisdom of experts—the “they say that . . .” authorities—and they will not carry out investment diversification well unlessexperts encourage them to do so.

While financial experts today are typically extolling diversifica-tion, they do not stress what genuine diversification really means.Many people still think that they are diversified if they hold stockin a good number of companies in the U.S. stock market or any U.S.equity mutual fund. They must invest more broadly than that, andin fact to achieve true diversification they must also pay attentionto other existing risks.

People have to be encouraged by experts to understand that truediversification largely means offsetting the risks that they arealready locked into.32 This means investing in assets that help insuretheir labor incomes, in assets that tend to rise in value when theirlabor income declines, or at least that do not tend to move in thesame direction. This objective can be achieved efficiently aftermacro markets have been created by taking short positions in claimson income aggregates, or it can be achieved less effectively todayby taking positions in existing assets that are found to correlate

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negatively (or at least less positively) with specific labor incomes.33

It also means investing in assets that help insure the equity in theirsingle-family homes, in assets that tend to rise in value when theirhome value declines. This can be achieved most directly by takingout home equity insurance policies or short positions in a single-family-home futures market, or it can be achieved less effectivelytoday by making investments that tend to move opposite to one’slocal city property values.34 Since labor income and home equityaccount for the great bulk of most people’s wealth, offsetting therisks to these is the critical function of risk management.

Making such risk-offsetting investments is called hedging, atime-honored practice in business risk management. But hedgingis foreign to most people’s thinking. Few nonprofessionals couldeven define the term today. Discussion of how investment returnscorrelate with incomes or with home prices is almost totally absentfrom public discourse on investments.

It is difficult to change this mindset, since the public has so muchinvested in the conventional wisdom today, and in the notion thatone can amass great wealth through stock market investments. Thepersonal investment media typically feature the opinions ofcelebrity sources who are apparently already rich and who sub-tly suggest that their advice might make one rich too. It would beinconsistent with this fantasy to start talking about the mundanetask of defending the value of the assets one already has. Those inthe media and the investment community often do not want to riskdisturbing the get-rich fantasy, which they have learned to exploitto their own advantage. But attitudes can be changed if public opin-ion leaders take it upon themselves to stress the changes in think-ing that must be made. Once it becomes a “they say that . . .” item,people will routinely take proper steps to hedge their existingwealth, much as they routinely buy homeowners insurance today.

Policy toward Speculative Volatility

The problems posed for policy makers by the tendency for spec-ulative markets to show occasional bubbles are deep ones. Theywill have to take full account of our evolving understanding of the


nature of these bubbles when formulating measures to deal withthe problems they cause. Unfortunately, the nature of the bubblesis sufficiently complex and changing that we can never expect todocument the particular role of any given policy in bringing aboutour objective of long-term economic welfare.

Policies that interfere with markets by shutting them down orlimiting them, although under some very specific circ*mstancesapparently useful, probably should not be high on our list of solu-tions to the problems caused by speculative bubbles. Speculativemarkets perform critical resource-allocation functions (a point I havetaken for granted and have not focused on in this book), and anyinterference with markets to tame bubbles interferes with these func-tions as well.

Ultimately, in a free society, we cannot protect people from allthe consequences of their own errors. We cannot protect peoplecompletely without denying them the possibility of achieving theirown fulfillment. We cannot completely protect society from the ef-fects of waves of irrational exuberance or irrational pessimism—emotional reactions that are themselves part of the human condition.

Policies to deal with speculative volatility are a little like policiesto deal with political instability. We worry that a political partyappealing to baser instincts or rash judgments will gain control.But we do not deal with this risk by shutting down certain politi-cal parties in times of unrest or by taxing their activities. Instead,we rely on the complete freedom of all political parties to expressthemselves, and we expect that common sense will ultimately pre-vail among voters. This good outcome is achieved by designing,and continually improving, rules for campaigns and elections.

By analogy, most of the thrust of our national policies to deal withspeculative bubbles should take the form of facilitating more freetrade, as well as greater opportunities for people to take positionsin more and freer markets. A good outcome can be achieved bydesigning better forms of social insurance and creating betterfinancial institutions to allow the real risks to be managed more effec-tively. The most important thing to keep in mind as we are expe-riencing a speculative bubble in the stock market today is that weshould not let it distract us from such important tasks.

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Chapter One The Stock Market Level in Historical Perspective

1. Home price data are courtesy Case Shiller Weiss, Inc.2. The price, dividend, and earnings series are from the same sources as

described in Chapter 26 of my earlier book (Market Volatility [Cambridge, Mass.:MIT Press, 1989]), although now I use monthly data, rather than annual data.Monthly dividend and earnings data are computed from the S&P four-quartertotals for the quarter since 1926, with linear interpolation to monthly figures. Div-idend and earnings data before 1926 are from Cowles and associates (CommonStock Indexes, 2nd ed. [Bloomington, Ind.: Principia Press, 1939]), interpolated fromannual data. Stock price data are monthly averages of daily closing pricesthrough January 2000, the last month available as this book goes to press. TheCPI-U (Consumer Price Index—All Urban Consumers) published by the U.S.Bureau of Labor Statistics begins in 1913; for years before 1913 I spliced to theCPI Warren and Pearson’s price index, by multiplying it by the ratio of theindexes in January 1913. December 1999 and January 2000 values for the CPI-Uare extrapolated. See George F. Warren and Frank A. Pearson, Gold and Prices (NewYork: John Wiley and Sons, 1935). Data are from their Table 1, pp. 11–14. For theplots, I have multiplied the inflation-corrected series by a constant so that theirvalue in January 2000 equals their nominal value, i.e., so that all prices are effec-tively in January 2000 dollars.

In my older work on stock prices (much of it done jointly with John Camp-bell), I had used the Producer Price Index (PPI), All Commodities, rather than the


CPI, to deflate. In the past, there was not much difference between the PPI andthe CPI, except for short-run oscillations, but since the mid-1980s the levels of theseries have diverged substantially. Unless otherwise noted, any statistics reportedin this book for the U.S. stock market are from the data set described in this end-note. The data used here (as well as Chapter 26 from Market Volatility) are cur-rently available on my Web site:

3. Some have urged that I use a log or ratio scale for the plot, so that the appar-ent price growth at the end is not “misleading.” I do not believe that plotting lev-els is in any way misleading. There is no sense of any unusual behavior at theend of the earnings series that is plotted in the same way.

4. It should be abundantly clear that some smoothing is necessary: consider thepossibility of zero earnings in a given year. Earnings per share adjusted to the S&PComposite Index have always been strictly greater than zero in every year sincethe inception of the index in 1871, but they have come close to zero, and they couldof course pass below zero in the future. Total after-tax corporate profits were actu-ally negative in the national income accounts for 1931 and 1932. When earningsare zero, the price-earnings ratio would be infinite in that year, suggesting that thereis no upper bound on the price of the aggregate stock market.

5. Scholars have pointed out that since there was no year zero, each newcentury begins on January 1 of a year ending in 1. In 1900, people were morerespectful of such scholarship, and waited a year to celebrate. A celebration ofthe third millennium, in contrast, happened at the start of 2000.

6. There had been a very slow and gradual growth of price relative to earn-ings for thirty years (real earnings grew at the rate of 2.3% a year from July 1871to July 1900, while prices grew at a slightly faster rate of 3.4% a year).

7. These are geometric average real returns using the S&P Composite Indexand the Producer Price Index (since the Consumer Price Index begins in 1913)to convert to real values.

8. See also Ibbotson Associates, Stocks, Bonds, Bills and Inflation: 1999 Yearbook,Market Results for 1926–1998 (Chicago: Ibbotson Associates, 1999), Tables 2-8through 2-11, pp. 45–51. When comparing the returns shown here with returnsgiven for similar intervals since 1926 in their book, it must be borne in mind thattheirs are for calendar years only, and therefore do not generally catch the peaksor troughs of the market.

9. See John Y. Campbell and Robert J. Shiller, “Valuation Ratios and the Long-Run Stock Market Outlook,” Journal of Portfolio Management, 24 (1998): 11–26.

10. See Campbell and Shiller, “Valuation Ratios,” and my earlier compilation,in Market Volatility, of some of our studies.

11. In addition to this long-run tendency toward reversal of trends, there is ashorter-run weak tendency toward momentum, for stock prices to continue

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moving in the same direction. See John Y. Campbell, Andrew Lo, and Craig Mackin-lay, The Econometrics of Financial Markets (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press,1997); Narasimhan Jegadeesh and Sheridan Titman, “Returns to Buying Winnersand Selling Losers: Implications for Stock Market Efficiency,” Journal of Finance,48 (1993): 65–91; and Bruce N. Lehmann, “Fads, Martingales, and Market Effi-ciency,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, 60 (1990): 1–28.

12. It was shown long ago that dividends tend to behave over time like a longmoving average of earnings. See John Lintner, “The Distribution of Incomes ofCorporations among Dividends, Retained Earnings and Taxes,” American EconomicReview, 46 (1956): 97–113.

Chapter Two Precipitating Factors: The Internet, the Baby Boom, and Other Events

1. A number of studies of international data have provided evidence thatcountries with more highly developed financial markets show higher economicgrowth or allocate resources more efficiently. See Robert G. King and Ross Levine,“Finance and Growth: Schumpeter May Be Right,” Quarterly Journal of Econom-ics, 108 (1993): 717–37; Rafael LaPorta, Florencio Lopez-de-Silanes, and AndreiShleifer, “Corporate Ownership around the World,” Journal of Finance, 54 (1999):471–518; and Jeffrey Wurgler, “Financial Markets and the Allocation of Capital,”unpublished paper, Yale University, 1999.

2. One study finds that individual investors tend to be less heavily investedin stocks during business cycle troughs, when expected returns tend to be high,while institutional investors tend to do the opposite, and hence to work in thedirection of stabilizing the market. See Randolph Cohen, “Asset Allocation Deci-sions of Individuals and Institutions,” unpublished paper, Harvard Business School,1999. A Merrill Lynch survey shows that professional fund managers outside theUnited States have been generally selling U.S. stocks during bull markets since1994, but there is no such clear pattern for U.S. fund managers; see Trevor Greetham,Owain Evans, and Charles I. Clough, Jr., “Fund Manager Survey: November 1999”(London: Merrill Lynch & Co., Global Securities Research and Economics Group,1999).

3. Some simple economic growth models suggest that a sudden technologi-cal advance will have no effect on stock prices; for such models see Robert Barroand Xavier Sala-i-Martin, Economic Growth (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1995);Olivier Blanchard and Stanley Fischer, Lectures on Macroeconomics (Cambridge,Mass.: MIT Press, 1989); or David Romer, Advanced Macroeconomics (New York:McGraw-Hill, 1996). For example, the theoretical effect of a sudden technologicaladvance might be to spur investment in new capital, which will compete away anyextra profits that the technological advance might generate for existing capital.

238 NOTES TO PAGES 21–26

4. On November 1, 1999, Microsoft and Intel were added to the Dow JonesIndustrial Average.

5. Survey by Roper-Starch Worldwide, cited in Karlyn Bowman, “A Reaffir-mation of Self-Reliance? A New Ethic of Self-Sufficiency?” The Public Perspective,February-March 1996, pp. 5–8. The plausibility of changes in materialistic valuesover time is enhanced by evidence of differences in such values across cultures.See Güliz Ger and Russell W. Belk, “Cross-Cultural Differences in Materialism,”Journal of Economic Psychology, 17 (1996): 55–77.

6. Data from U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Current Population Survey.7. See J. Nellie Liang and Steven A. Sharpe, “Share Repurchases and Employee

Stock Options and Their Implications for S&P 500 Share Retirements and ExpectedReturns,” unpublished paper, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System,Washington, D.C., 1999.

8. Ibid. Historical data confirm that dividend payouts tend to be reduced afterexecutive incentive option plans are adopted; see Richard A. Lambert, W. Lanen,and D. Larker, “Executive Stock Option Plans and Corporate Dividend Policy,”Journal of Finance and Quantitative Analysis, 24 (1985): 409–25.

9. Share repurchases may also have become more popular in recent yearsbecause firms with higher earnings do not wish to commit themselves to higherdividends (which investors would then expect to see continued) and becauseinvestors are increasingly aware of the tax advantages of share repurchases overdividends. Managers also seem to vary their share repurchases from year to yearso as to repurchase when high aggregate stock market returns are coming; there-fore the high level of repurchases in recent years might conceivably be explainedin terms of managers’ anticipating the bull market. For evidence on share repur-chases and subsequent returns, see William R. Nelson, “Three Essays on the Abil-ity of the Change in Shares Outstanding to Predict Stock Returns,” unpublishedPh.D. dissertation, Yale University, 1999; and Malcolm Baker and Jeffrey Wurgler,“The Equity Share in New Issues and Aggregate Stock Market Return,” unpub-lished paper, Harvard University, 1999.

10. See Joel E. Cohen, “A Global Garden for the Twenty-First Century,” TheKey Reporter, Spring 1998, p. 1.

11. See World Bank, Averting the Old Age Crisis (New York: Oxford UniversityPress, 1994).

12. Gurdip S. Bakshi and Zhiwu Chen (“Baby Boom, Population Aging andCapital Markets,” Journal of Business, 67 [1994]: 165–202) found a substantialcorrelation between the average age of the U.S. population over age 20 and thereal S&P Index, 1950–92. However, Robin Brooks (“Asset Market and SavingsEffects of Demographic Transitions,” unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Yale University,1998) showed that their result was sensitive to the cutoff age (20), and when he

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extended their analysis to seven other countries, he found that the fit was poorer.Bakshi and Chen are probably on the right track, but the evidence for a relationbetween the Baby Boom and the level of the stock market is weak.

13. Economists have argued that given the increase in the stock marketrecently, savings rates are in fact surprisingly high; see William G. Gale and JohnSabelhaus, “Perspectives on the Household Saving Rate,” Brookings Papers on Eco-nomic Activity, 1 (1999): 181–224.

14. See Ronald Inglehart, “Aggregate Stability and Individual-Level Flux inMass Belief Systems,” American Political Science Review, 79(1) (1985): 97–116.

15. Richard Parker, “The Media Knowledge and Reporting of Financial Issues,”presentation at the Brookings-Wharton Conference on Financial Services, Brook-ings Institution, Washington, D.C., October 22, 1998.

16. Data courtesy Mitchell Zacks of Zacks Investment Research. Accordingto a Business Week article, the change is even more dramatic: in mid-1983, fully26.8% were sells, 24.5% were buys, and 48.7% were holds. See Jeffrey Laderman,“Wall Street’s Spin Game,” Business Week, October 5, 1998, p. 148.

17. See Hsiou-Wei Lin and Maureen F. McNichols, “Underwriting Relation-ships, Analysts’ Earnings Forecasts and Investment Recommendations,” Journalof Accounting and Economics, 25(1) (1998): 101–27.

18. See James Grant, “Talking Up the Market,” Financial Times, July 19, 1999,p. 12. Nevertheless, the analysts’ recommendations are still useful if we take accountof this bias. Kent Womack (“Do Brokerage Analysts’ Recommendations HaveInvestment Value?” Journal of Finance, 51[1] [1996]: 137–67) shows that when ana-lysts’ recommendations are switched from hold to buy, the stock does tend to dowell afterward, indicating that analysts do have some ability to predict thestocks’ returns. When recommendations are switched from hold to sell, the eventis even more accurately predictive (of poorer return). Womack interprets this asym-metric effect as indicating that because analysts are reluctant to issue sell rec-ommendations, they do so only when there is a very good reason.

19. See Steven Sharpe, “Stock Prices, Expected Returns and Inflation,” unpub-lished paper, Federal Reserve Board, Washington, D.C., 1999, Figure 1.2. Earningsforecasts are from I/B/E/S and are aggregated from forecasts for individual firmsto forecasts of the S&P 500. Sharpe’s results do not give any clear evidence thatthe bias in earnings forecasts has increased since 1979.

20. Public perception of such a downward bias has encouraged the prolifer-ation of “whisper numbers” on the Internet: earnings forecasts with no attributedsources.

21. The tax shelter was written into the Internal Revenue Act of 1978 underSection 401(k), but its applicability to company pension plans was not then clear.R. Theodore Benna, executive vice-president of the Johnson Companies, an

240 NOTES TO PAGES 33–39

employee benefits consulting firm, tested the IRS by creating the first 401(k) planin 1981. The IRS announced in February 1982 that the tax benefits of such planswould be allowed.

22. See New York Stock Exchange, The Public Speaks to the Exchange Commu-nity (New York, 1955).

23. Shlomo Benartzi and Richard H. Thaler, “Naive Diversification Strategiesin Defined Contribution Plans,” unpublished paper, University of Chicago, 1998.

24. Investment Company Institute, Mutual Fund Fact Book (Washington, D.C.,1999),

25. See Hugh Bullock, The Story of Investment Companies (New York: Colum-bia University Press, 1959).

26. See Rudolph Weissman, The Investment Company and the Investor (New York:Harper and Brothers, 1951), p. 144.

27. Indeed, the flow of investment dollars into mutual funds seems to bear animportant relation to market performance, as mutual fund inflows show animmediate and substantial reaction when the stock market goes up. See VincentA. Warther, “Aggregate Mutual Fund Flows and Security Returns,” Journal of Finan-cial Economics, 39 (1995): 209–35; and William Goetzmann and Massimo Massa,“Index Fund Investors,” unpublished paper, Yale University, 1999.

28. See my article “Why Do People Dislike Inflation?” in Christina D. Romerand David H. Romer (eds.), Reducing Inflation: Motivation and Strategy (Chicago:University of Chicago Press and National Bureau of Economic Research, 1997),pp. 13–65.

29. See Franco Modigliani and Richard A. Cohn, “Inflation, Rational Valuation,and the Market,” Financial Analysts’ Journal, 35 (1979): 22–44; see also Robert J.Shiller and Andrea Beltratti, “Stock Prices and Bond Yields: Can Their Comove-ments Be Explained in Terms of Present Value Models?” Journal of MonetaryEconomics, 30 (1992): 25–46.

30. Jay R. Ritter and Richard S. Warr (“The Decline of Inflation and the BullMarket of 1982–1997,” unpublished paper, University of Florida, Gainesville,1999) have shown that market misvaluation of individual firms is related bothto the level of inflation and to the degree of firm leverage, thus offering evidencein support of the Modigliani-Cohn theory.

31. Public misunderstandings of inflation are described in Eldar Shafir, PeterDiamond, and Amos Tversky, “Money Illusion,” Quarterly Journal of Economics,112(2) (1997): 341–74; and Robert J. Shiller, “Public Resistance to Indexation: APuzzle,” Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 1 (1997): 159–211.

32. New York Stock Exchange Fact Book (New York, 1998), on shares traded show an even more dramatic increase, but this increaseis substantially due to inflation and the increase in the market value, which

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together encourage splits and therefore an increase in the total number of sharesoutstanding.

33. See Gretchen Morgenson, “Investing’s Longtime Best Bet Is Being Trampledby the Bulls,” New York Times, January 15, 2000, p. 1.

34. U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, “Special Study: On-Line Bro-kerage: Keeping Apace of Cyberspace,” 1999,

35. See Kenneth R. French and Richard Roll, “Stock Return Variances: TheArrival of Information and the Reaction of Traders,” Journal of Financial Economics,17 (1986): 5–26; see also Richard Roll, “Orange Juice and Weather,” American Eco-nomic Review, 74 (1984): 861–80.

36. See Shlomo Benartzi and Richard H. Thaler, “Myopic Loss Aversion andthe Equity Premium Puzzle,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, 110(1) (1995): 73–92.

37. Data are from the National Gambling Impact Study Commission, FinalReport, Washington D.C., 1999,

38. See also William N. Thompson, Legalized Gambling: A Reference Handbook(Santa Barbara, Calif.: ABC-CLIO, 1994), pp. 52–53.

39. Quantitative evidence on gambling behavior is hard to come by for the 1920s.I counted the number of articles about gambling in the Reader’s Guide to Period-ical Literature and reported the percentage of all articles on the subject, as follows(where I and II denote the first and second halves of the year 1938, respectively):

1919–21 0%1922–24 0.004%1925–28 0.021%1929–32 0.035%1933–35 0.006%1936–38-I 0.003%1938-II–42 0.008%

These numbers do strongly suggest a sudden and temporary surge in pub-lic interest in gambling between 1925 and 1932, but of course they do not con-vey anything qualitatively about the nature of changed public attitudes towardgambling. For a history of gambling and its relation to speculation, see James Grant,The Trouble with Prosperity: A Contrarian Tale of Boom, Bust, and Speculation (NewYork: John Wiley and Sons, 1996).

40. The Internet boom, the decline of foreign economic rivals, cultural changestending to lionize business success, expanded media reporting of financial news,analysts’ increasingly optimistic forecasts, the decline of inflation, and the expan-sion of the volume of stock market trades are all factors in Europe, though oftennot as strongly felt as in the United States. Although Europe had less of a


post–World War II Baby Boom than the United States, it did have a pronouncedBaby Bust after the mid-1960s. Europe does not appear to show the same increasein gambling opportunities evident in the United States. Nevertheless, even thoughnot all of the precipitating factors are operative in Europe, the strong cultural con-nections between the United States and Europe, and the effects of U.S. investors’demand for European stocks, should cause a substantial contagion effect.

Chapter Three Amplification Mechanisms: Naturally Occurring Ponzi Processes

1. I have been conducting various surveys of investors since the mid-1980s,most notably regular surveys starting in 1989 of institutional investors in boththe United States and (with the collaboration of Fumiko Kon-Ya and Yoshiro Tsut-sui) Japan. I have surveyed individual investors only intermittently, and I hadnot thought to ask these questions until 1996. See Robert J. Shiller, “MeasuringBubble Expectations and Investor Confidence,” Journal of Psychology and Markets,1(1) (2000): 49–60. Wealthy individuals were surveyed, rather than a random sampleof the entire population, because wealthy people have more investments and aremore influential in the markets.

2. The sample size is large enough that the standard error on the 96% is only±2%; standard errors of percentages reported in this section are all less than ±5%.Of course, it is conceivable that the results are unreliable for reasons other thansample size; for example, those who chose to answer the questionnaire might bemore likely than others to feel confident about the stock market. On the other hand,those who answer the questionnaire are more likely to be the kind of activeinvestors who influence markets, and so the respondents may be more repre-sentative of the investors who are behind the stock market boom than would bea truly random group of wealthy respondents.

3. I have seen evidence of investor overconfidence in real estate markets as well.In a 1988 questionnaire survey of new home buyers in California that I under-took with Karl Case during a housing price boom there, we asked home buyersin Anaheim (a city near Los Angeles) whether they thought that the housing pricesin their city would go up or down in the next several years; 98% thought that priceswould go up. When asked whether buying a house today entails risk, 63%answered that there was “little or no risk.” See Karl E. Case, Jr., and Robert J. Shiller,“The Behavior of Home Buyers in Boom and Post-Boom Markets,” New EnglandEconomic Review, November-December 1988, pp. 29–46. As a matter of fact, hous-ing prices in the Los Angeles area experienced a major bust starting two yearsafter the survey, and now, even after some recovery, prices are still 20% lower inreal (inflation-corrected) terms than they were at the time of the survey in 1988(data from Case Shiller Weiss, Inc.). A 20% decline in real value is approximately

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equal to the entire down payment of a typical home buyer. Buying a house thenwas hardly the riskless investment that most interviewees thought it was.

4. I did not ask on the questionnaire whether they thought the market wouldsurely go down, but available data on expectations show that most do not thinkso today.

5. I have asked the same question of institutional investors every six monthssince 1989. There is an upward trend in the percentage of those who predict anincrease, but the uptrend has been less dramatic than for individual investors.See Shiller, “Measuring Bubble Expectations and Investor Confidence.” In thatpaper I also discuss other measures of investor confidence and construct anindex of investor confidence. The index shows no clear trend among institutionalinvestors since 1989.

6. Frederick Lewis Allen, Only Yesterday (New York: Harper and Brothers, 1931),p. 309.

7. David Elias, Dow 40,000: Strategies for Profiting from the Greatest Bull Marketin History (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1999), p. 8.

8. Dwight R. Lee and Richard B. MacKenzie, “How to (Really) Get Rich in Amer-ica,” USA Weekend, August 13–15, 1999, p. 6.

9. Samuel Crowther, “Everybody Ought to Be Rich: An Interview with JohnJ. Raskob,” Ladies Home Journal, August 1929, pp. 9, 36.

10. Bodo Schäfer, Der Weg zur finanziellen Freiheit: In sieben Jahren die erste Mil-lion (Frankfurt: Campus Verlag, 1999); Bernd Niquet, Keine Angst vorm nächsten Crash:Warum Aktien als Langfristanlage unschlagbar sind (Frankfurt: Campus Verlag, 1999).

11. Robert McGough, “Was Investor Survey a Rush to Judgment?” Wall StreetJournal, October 27, 1997, p. C23.

12. See David E. Bell, “Regret in Decision Making Under Uncertainty,” Oper-ations Research, 30(5) (1982): 961–81; and Graham Loomes and Robert Sugden,“Regret Theory: An Alternative Theory of Rational Choice under Uncertainty,”The Economic Journal, 92 (1982): 805–24.

13. See Richard H. Thaler and Eric J. Johnson, “Gambling with the House Moneyand Trying to Break Even: The Effect of Prior Outcomes on Risky Choice,” Man-agement Science, 36 (1990): 643–60.

14. John Kenneth Galbraith, The Great Crash: 1929, 2nd ed. (Boston: HoughtonMifflin, 1961), p. 79.

15. Data from the National Association of Investors Corporation Web site,

16. See Meir Statman and Steven Thorley, “Overconfidence, Disposition, andTrading Volume,” unpublished paper, Santa Clara University, 1999.

17. Brad M. Barber and Terrance Odean, “Online Investors: Do the Slow DieFirst?” unpublished paper, University of California at Davis, 1999.

244 NOTES TO PAGES 60–65

18. A psychological theory rationale for such feedback is offered by NicholasBarberis, Andrei Shleifer, and Robert Vishny, “A Model of Investor Sentiment,”Journal of Financial Economics, 49 (1998): 307–43.

19. See John Y. Campbell and John H. Cochrane, “By Force of Habit: AConsumption-Based Explanation of Aggregate Stock Market Behavior,” Journalof Political Economy, 107(2) (1999): 205–51.

20. See Robert J. Shiller, “Market Volatility and Investor Behavior,” AmericanEconomic Review, 80 (1990): 58–62; and Shiller, Market Volatility, pp. 376–77.

21. Some economic theorists claim that negative bubbles cannot occur, since priceshave a floor at zero; therefore investors know that price cannot fall forever, and theyshould figure out that a negative bubble cannot even get started. But what they meanto say is that bubbles cannot occur when everyone is rational and calculating—andwhen everyone assumes that everyone else is rational and calculating.

22. The literature on applications of chaos theory to economics usually doesnot stress the kind of price feedback model discussed here, but it may nonethe-less offer some insights into the sources of complexity in financial markets. SeeMichael Boldrin and Michael Woodford, “Equilibrium Models Displaying Endoge-nous Fluctuations and Chaos: A Survey,” Journal of Monetary Economics, 25(2) (1990):189–222, for a survey of this literature. See also Benoit Mandelbrot, Fractals andScaling in Finance: Discontinuity, Concentration, Risk (New York: Springer-Verlag,1997); and Brian Arthur, John H. Holland, Blake LeBaron, Richard Palmer, andPaul Tayler, “Asset Pricing under Endogenous Expectations in an Artificial StockMarket,” in W. B. Arthur, S. Durlauf, and D. Lane (eds.), The Economy as an Evolv-ing Complex System II (Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1997). Another relatedliterature sets up experimental markets in which people trade in an environmentthat is designed so that there is no news or other confounding factors. In thesecontrolled circ*mstances there tend to be extraneous “bubble” price movements;see Vernon L. Smith, Gary L. Suchanek, and Arlington W. Williams, “Bubbles,Crashes and Endogenous Expectations in Experimental Spot Asset Markets,” Econo-metrica, 56 (1988): 1119–51.

23. Lauren R. Rublin, “Party On! America’s Portfolio Managers Grow MoreBullish on Stocks and Interest Rates,” Barrons, May 3, 1999, pp. 31–38.

24. See Joseph Bulgatz, Ponzi Schemes, Invaders from Mars, and Other Extra-ordinary Popular Delusions, and the Madness of Crowds (New York: Harmony,1992), p. 13.

25. Mike Hinman, “World Plus Pleas: Guilty, Guilty,” Anchorage Daily News,July 1, 1998, p. 1F; and Bill Richards, “Highflying Ponzi Scheme Angers and AwesAlaskans,” Wall Street Journal, August 13, 1998, p. B1.

26. John Templeman, “Pyramids Rock Albania,” Business Week, February 10,1997, p. 59.

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27. Kerin Hope, “Pyramid Finance Schemes,” Financial Times, February 19, 1997,p. 3; and Jane Perlez, “Albania Calls an Emergency as Chaos Rises,” New York Times,March 3, 1997, p. A1.

28. Jane Perlez, “Albanians, Cash-Poor, Scheming to Get Rich,” New York Times,October 27, 1996, p. A9.

29. This willingness to believe may be related to the human tendency for over-confidence discussed in Chapter 7; see also Steven Pressman, “On FinancialFrauds and Their Causes: Investor Overconfidence,” American Journal of Eco-nomics and Sociology, 57 (1998): 405–21.

30. The term no-Ponzi condition has entered the vocabulary of theoreticalfinance; however, it refers not to feedback loops but instead to an assumption intheir models that investors cannot go deeper and deeper into debt forever.

Chapter Four The News Media

1. No doubt there were speculative price movements before there were news-papers, but I have found no pre-newspaper accounts of widespread publicattention to speculative price movements that are described by contemporariesas wild and inexplicable or as due solely to investors’ exuberance.

The first regularly published newspapers appeared in the early 1600s. Oncepublishers discovered how to generate public interest, increase circulation, andmake a profit, papers sprung up rapidly in many European cities.

We might date the beginning of the mass media somewhat earlier, to the inven-tion of printing itself, when publication became no longer dependent on patrons.Innumerable pamphlets, broadsides, and religious and political tracts wereprinted during the 1500s. Historian of printing David Zaret (Origins of DemocraticCulture: Printing, Petitions, and the Public Sphere in Early-Modern England [Prince-ton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1999], p. 136) notes that “printing putcommerce squarely at the center of textual production. Unlike that of scribal pro-duction, the economics of text production increasingly involved calculation,risk taking, and other market behaviors in which printers oriented productionto vague estimations of popular demand for printed texts.” The advent of print-ing brought with it an increased incentive for literacy; by the 1600s many if notmost urban people in Europe could read.

Histories of speculative manias, such as Charles P. Kindlberger, Manias,Panics and Crashes: A History of Financial Crises, 2nd ed. (London: Macmillan, 1989)give no examples of speculative bubbles before the 1600s, and my polling of localhistorians provided none either. However, I cannot claim to have researched theirhistory exhaustively.

Indeed there are probably some stories that could be regarded as an exceptionto my generalization about the coincidence of the first manias and the first

246 NOTES TO PAGES 71–81

newspapers, although other interpretations are also possible. Yale historian PaulFreedman offered me the example of pepper as a possible exception: its price inthe spice trade seems at times to have been surprisingly high, and in the 1500sit was very volatile. There are ancient and medieval examples of grain prices soar-ing at times of famine. Land price movements were also remarked in history. Forexample, in a letter to Nepos around A.D. 95, Pliny the Younger writes, “Have youheard that the price of land has gone up, particularly in the neighborhood of Rome?The reason for the sudden increase in price has given rise to a good deal of dis-cussion.” (Pliny the Younger, Letters and Panegyrics, trans. Betty Radice [Cambridge,Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969], Book 6, No. 19, pp. 437–38.) By sayingthat there was much discussion, he is suggesting word-of-mouth effects, but hereally does not tell a mania story.

2. The tulip mania, a speculative bubble in the price of tulips in Holland inthe 1630s, will be discussed in Chapter 9.

There were Dutch newspapers by 1618, and Holland, in contrast to othercountries at the time, allowed the printing of domestic news, not just foreign news.On these pioneering Dutch newspapers, see Robert W. Desmond, The Informa-tion Process: World News Reporting to the Twentieth Century (Iowa City: Universityof Iowa Press, 1978).

The primary surviving source of information about the tulip mania is a pam-phlet published in Holland during its peak. The anonymous 1637 document, inthe form of a dialogue between two men, gives detailed news of the speculationas it was then unfolding. Numerous other pamphlets about the mania, publishedjust after its end, also survive; see Peter Garber, Famous First Bubbles: The Fun-damentals of Early Manias (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2000). These survivingpamphlets confirm the existence of well-developed print media capable of dis-seminating information about the tulip mania as it happened.

3. Transcript 3143, MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour, WNET/Thirteen, New York,October 14, 1987, p. 10.

4. Victor Niederhoffer, “The Analysis of World News Events and Stock Prices,”Journal of Business, 44(2) (1971): 205; see also David Cutler, James Poterba, andLawrence Summers, “What Moves Stock Prices?” Journal of Portfolio Management,15(3) (1989): 4–12.

5. Robert J. Shiller and William J. Feltus, “Fear of a Crash Caused the Crash,”New York Times, October 29, 1989, Section 3, p. 3, col. 1.

6. Cutler, Poterba, and Summers, “What Moves Stock Prices?” p. 10.7. That is, there is none unless one counts as substantial President Dwight Eisen-

hower’s heart attack on September 26, 1955.8. “The Tokyo Earthquake: Not ‘If’ but ‘When,’” Tokyo Business Today, April

1995, p. 8.

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9. David Santry, “The Long-Shot Choice of a Gambling Guru,” Business Week,May 12, 1980, p. 112; “The Prophet of Profits,” Time, September 15, 1980, p. 69.

10. Professors Gur Huberman and Tomer Regev of Columbia Universitywrote a case study of the soaring price of an individual company’s stock inresponse to a newspaper story that, while compellingly written, actually revealedno news. The share price of EntreMed rose from 12 to 85 from the close of themarket the day before to its opening on the day of a front-page New York Timesstory that described the potential of the company’s drugs to cure cancer. Theydocument that every fact in the story had already been published five monthsearlier. (See Gur Huberman and Tomer Regev, “Speculating on a Cure forCancer: A Non-Event that Made Stock Prices Soar,” unpublished manuscript,Columbia University Graduate School of Business, 1999.) It is plausible—although the authors do not document this—that many of the buyers of EntreMedshares on that day knew there was no news in the story, but merely bought think-ing that a story that was so well written and featured so prominently would boostthe share price.

11. (New Orleans) Times-Picayune, October 29, 1929, p. 1, col. 8; New YorkTimes, October 29, 1929, p. 1; Wall Street Journal, October 29, 1929, p. 1, col. 2.

12. Jude Wanniski, The Way the World Works, 2nd ed. (New York: Simon andSchuster, 1983), Chapter 7.

13. Allan H. Meltzer, “Monetary and Other Explanations of the Start of the GreatDepression,” Journal of Monetary Economics, 2 (1976): 460.

14. Rudiger Dornbusch and Stanley Fischer, “The Open Economy: Implicationsfor Monetary and Fiscal Policy,” in Robert J. Gordon (ed.), The American BusinessCycle: Continuity and Change (Chicago: National Bureau of Economic Research andUniversity of Chicago Press, 1986), pp. 459–501.

15. New York Times, October 28, 1929, p. 1.16. Wall Street Journal, October 28, 1929, p. 1.17. O. A. Mather, Chicago Tribune, October 27, 1929, p. A1; New York Times, Octo-

ber 25, 1929, p. 1, col. 8; Guaranty survey quoted in New York Times, October 28,1929, p. 37, col. 3.

18. The mailing list for individual investors was a list of high-income activeinvestors (active as indicated by such characteristics as subscriptions to invest-ment publications and maintaining accounts with stock brokers) purchasedfrom W. S. Ponton, Inc. The list for institutional investors was compiled from arandom sample from the investment managers section of The Money MarketDirectory of Pension Funds and Their Investment Managers. A total of 3,000 ques-tionnaires were sent out during the week of October 19: 2,000 to the individualinvestors and 1,000 to the institutional investors. There were no follow-up mail-ings or reminders. I received 605 completed responses from individual investors

248 NOTES TO PAGES 90–99

and 284 completed responses from institutional investors. See Shiller, Market Volatil-ity, pp. 379–402, for the analysis of the results that I wrote in November 1987.

19. Of course, since the questionnaire was filled out after the crash, part of thisreported concern with overpricing may have been due to hindsight bias. Indeedwe cannot completely trust even the self-categorization, into buyers versussellers on October 19, that respondents made on the questionnaire. The anonymityof the questionnaires, the plea for truthfulness, and the stated purpose of the ques-tionnaire as a tool for scientific research on the crash should all have helped toprovide us with more nearly objective answers, but of course no survey resultscan be trusted completely.

20. Presidential Task Force on Market Mechanisms, Report of the PresidentialTask Force on Market Mechanisms (Brady Commission Report) (Washington, D.C.: U.S.Government Printing Office, 1988), p. v.

21. Mark L. Mitchell and Jeffrey M. Netter (“Triggering the 1987 Stock MarketCrash: Antitakeover Provisions in the Proposed House Ways and Means Tax Bill,”Journal of Financial Economics, 24 [1989]: 37–68) argue that the news did have animmediate impact on some stocks. It is possible that this news served as a triggerfor the crash, as the Brady Commission concludes, by generating initial pricedecreases, even if the news had been largely forgotten by the day of the crash.

22. Hayne Leland, “Who Should Buy Portfolio Insurance,” Journal of Finance,35 (1980): 582.

23. See Robert J. Shiller, “Portfolio Insurance and Other Investor Fashions asFactors in the 1987 Stock Market Crash,” in NBER Macroeconomics Annual (Cam-bridge, Mass.: National Bureau of Economic Research, 1988), pp. 287–95.

24. “Repeating the 1920s? Some Parallels but Some Contrasts,” Wall StreetJournal, October 19, 1987, p. 15. This plot was in a box measuring some five inchesby ten inches, associated with a story on the same page by Cynthia Crossen,“Market Slide Has Analysts Eating Crow; Justification of Summer RallyQuestioned.”

Chapter Five New Era Economic Thinking

1. Dean Foust, “Alan Greenspan’s Brave New World,” Business Week, July 14,1997, pp. 44–50.

2. Aaron Zitner, “Shhhh, Listen: Could That Be the Ghosts of ’29?,” and PeterGosselin, “Dow at 10,000: Don’t Laugh Yet,” Boston Globe, June 22, 1997, p. E1;Paul Krugman, “How Fast Can the U.S. Economy Grow?” Harvard BusinessReview, 75 (1997): 123–29.

3. A Nexis search on new era economics produced forty-eight stories, all of whichincluded the words stock market.

4. See George Katona, Psychological Economics (New York: Elsevier, 1975).

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5. Alexander Dana Noyes, Forty Years of American Finance (New York: G. P.Putnam’s Sons, 1909), pp. 300–301.

6. Boston Post, January 1, 1901, p. 3.7. Thomas Fleming, Around the Pan with Uncle Hank: His Trip through the Pan-

American Exposition (New York: Nutshell, 1901), p. 50.8. “A Booming Stock Market: Strength of the Underlying Conditions,” New

York Daily Tribune, April 6, 1901, p. 3.9. A. A. Housman, “Reasons for Confidence,” New York Times, May 26, 1901,

p. v.10. Allen, Only Yesterday, p. 315.11. Tracy J. Sutliff, “Revival in All Industries Exceeds Most Sanguine Hopes,”

New York Herald Tribune, January 2, 1925, p. 1.12. John Moody, “The New Era in Wall Street,” Atlantic Monthly, August 1928,

p. 260.13. Charles Amos Dice, New Levels in the Stock Market (New York: McGraw-

Hill, 1929), pp. 75–183.14. Irving Fisher, The Stock Market Crash—And After (New York: Macmillan,

1930), pp. 101–74.15. Craig B. Hazelwood, “Buying Power Termed Basis for Prosperity,” New

York Herald Tribune, January 2, 1929, p. 31.16. Quoted in Commercial and Financial Chronicle, March 9, 1929, p. 1444.17. “Is ‘New Era’ Really Here?” U.S. News and World Report, May 20, 1955, p. 21.18. “The Stock Market: Onward and Upward?” Newsweek, December 12, 1955,

p. 59.19. “The U.S. Prosperity Today,” Time, November 28, 1955, p. 15.20. “The Stock Market: Onward and Upward?” p. 59.21. “Why Businessmen Are Optimistic,” U.S. News and World Report, Decem-

ber 23, 1955, p. 18.22. “Is ‘New Era’ Really Here?” p. 21.23. “The New America,” Newsweek, December 12, 1955, p. 58.24. “Investors Bet on a Kennedy-Sparked Upturn,” Business Week, February

4, 1961, p. 84; Dean S. Ammer, “Entering the New Economy,” Harvard BusinessReview (1967), pp. 3–4.

25. “Investors Bet on a Kennedy-Sparked Upturn,” p. 84; “The Bull Market,”Business Week, March 18, 1961, p. 142.

26. “Battling Toward 900,” Business Week, January 23, 1965, p. 26; “Year of theWhite Chips?” Newsweek, February 1, 1965, p. 57; “On Toward 1000,” Time, Jan-uary 14, 1966, p. 78.

27. E. S. Browning and Danielle Sessa, “Stocks Pass 10,000 before Slipping Back,”Wall Street Journal, March 17, 1999, p. C1.

250 NOTES TO PAGES 111–119

28. This is a geometric average real return on the S&P Composite Index.29. Michael Mandel, “The Triumph of the New Economy,” Business Week,

December 30, 1996, pp. 68–70.30. See Michael Bruno and William Easterly, “Inflation Crises and Long-Run

Growth,” Journal of Monetary Economics, 41(1) (1998): 2–26. There are of coursecomplicated issues of timing to consider: a stock market might move down onnews that inflation is likely to be higher in the future and then move up againgradually as consumer prices increase. Careful thought about such timing issuesis too technical for most public discourse, and therefore the issue will mostlikely never be resolved in the popular mind (or, for that matter, definitively byeconomists).

31. Roger Bootle, The Death of Inflation: Surviving and Thriving in the Zero Era(London: Nicholas Brealey, 1998), pp. 27, 31.

32. Steven Weber, “The End of the Business Cycle?” Foreign Affairs, 76(4)(1997): 65–82.

33. “When the Shoeshine Boys Talk Stocks,” Fortune, April 15, 1996, p. 99; U.S.News and World Report, July 14, 1997, p. 57; Forbes, May 18, 1998, p. 325; Fortune,June 22, 1998, p. 197.

34. Albert W. Atwood, “Vanished Millions: The Aftermath of a Great Bull Mar-ket,” Saturday Evening Post, September 1921, p. 51.

35. Christina Romer, “The Great Crash and the Onset of the Great Depression,”Quarterly Journal of Economics, 105 (1990): 597–624.

36. Oscar Lange, “Is the American Economy Contracting?” American EconomicReview, 29(3) (1939): 503.

37. See Harvey Klehr, The Heyday of American Communism: The DepressionDecade (New York: Basic Books, 1984).

38. Okun quoted in Time, January 14, 1974, p. 61; Burns quoted in U.S. Newsand World Report, June 10, 1974, p. 20.

39. See Bruno and Easterly, “Inflation Crises.”

Chapter Six New Eras and Bubbles around the World

1. The data for thirty of the countries are from the International Monetary Fund,International Financial Statistics. The countries for which data start in January1957 are Austria, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Finland, India, Italy, Japan,the Netherlands, Norway, the Philippines, South Africa, the United States,and Venezuela. The remaining countries from this data source and their startingdates are as follows: Brazil, August 1991; Chile, November 1978; Colombia,October 1963; Denmark, February 1969; Israel, November 1982; Jamaica, July 1969;Korea, January 1978; Luxembourg, January 1980; Mexico, July 1985; Pakistan, July1960; Peru, September 1989; Portugal, January 1988; Spain, January 1961; Swe-den, January 1976; and the United Kingdom, December 1957. The data for the

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other six countries are taken from Datastream, and their starting dates are as fol-lows: Australia, March 1973; Hong Kong, July 1974; Indonesia, January 1996;Singapore, February 1986; Taiwan, January 1986; and Thailand, January 1984.

For each country, the monthly stock price index was divided by the consumerprice index for the same month to produce a real stock price index. Changes in thereal stock price index reported are largest month-to-month changes in the real indexesover the intervals shown, excluding intervals that occurred within three years ofeach other. Periods of consumer price index inflation greater than 4% a month wereexcluded, since in times of high inflation inaccuracies of timing or calculation ofthe consumer price index could cause spurious jumps in stock price indexes.

The tables also show, at the far right, the percentage change in the real stockprice index for the period of the same length (twelve months or five years) start-ing in the month at which the period shown in the table ends. Thus, for example,reading from Table 6.1, we see that the Philippine stock market rose 683.4% inreal, inflation-corrected terms from December 1985 to December 1986, and roseanother 28.4% from December 1986 to December 1987. For another example, read-ing from Table 6.4, we see that the Spanish stock market fell 86.6% in real, inflation-corrected terms from December 1974 to December 1979 and then rose 0.1% fromDecember 1979 to December 1984.

2. Note from the rightmost column of Table 6.2 that Korea has had a stockprice increase in 1999 that would have placed it again in Table 6.1 had 1999 fallenwithin our sample for Table 6.1.

3. “Casino Times: After 280% Increase This Year, Taiwan’s Stock Market MayBe Poised for a Plunge,” Asian Wall Street Journal Weekly, October 12, 1987.

4. “Obsessed with Numbers, the Taiwanese Are Forsaking Work, Health andSanity,” Asian Wall Street Journal Weekly, September 14, 1987.

5. James Brooke, “Venezuela Isn’t Exactly Wild for Another Boom,” New YorkTimes, September 2, 1990, p. IV.3.

6. Eugene Robinson, “As Venezuela Restructures, Even Gas Prices Must Rise,”Toronto Star, May 21, 1990, p. C6.

7. “Bonanza for Bombay?” Far Eastern Economic Review, May 28, 1992, p. 48.8. La Repubblica, quoted by Ruth Graber, “Milan Stock Market Has Gone to the

Bulls,” Toronto Star, May 25, 1986, p. F1.9. Alan Friedman, “Milan’s Bulls Run Wild: Italy’s Stock Market Boom,”

Financial Times, March 25, 1986, p. I.25.10. David Marsh, “The New Appetite for Enterprise: The French Bourse,” Finan-

cial Times, July 4, 1984, p. I.14.11. Even though the French bull market has been extraordinary, enthusiasm for

the stock market does not seem to have invaded French culture as it has the Ameri-can way of life. See J. Mo, “Despite Exceptional Performance, the Stock MarketDoes Not Attract the French,” Le Monde, November 25, 1999, electronic edition.

252 NOTES TO PAGES 129–132

12. Werner De Bondt and Richard H. Thaler, “Does the Stock Market Over-react?” Journal of Finance, 40(3) (1985): 793–805. See Campbell et al., The Econo-metrics of Financial Markets, pp. 27–82, 253–89, for a survey of literature on serialcorrelation of returns.

13. To judge whether a large price increase (or decrease) portends futureincreases or decreases, it is tempting to try to use the results shown in the tablesalone. One notes, for example, from Table 6.3 that of the twenty episodes whoselarge price increases occurred long enough ago that we can observe the subse-quent five-year price change, thirteen (65%) of the subsequent price changes weredown, and the average real price change, averaging over all episodes shown inTable 6.3, was –10%. One notes, too, from Table 6.4, that of the twenty-oneepisodes whose large price decreases occurred long enough ago that we canobserve the subsequent five-year real price change, sixteen (76%) were positive,and the average price increase, averaging over all the episodes shown in Table 6.4,was 130%.

However, there is a problem in interpreting these results as evidence that themarkets can be predicted, since we used data subsequent to the five-year inter-vals shown in the tables to identify the five-year intervals as the largest. To findevidence that markets can be predicted, we must use some method of identify-ing periods of large price increase that allows these periods to be identified justas they happen. The results shown in the text here use the data that underlie thetables but instead are based on identifying all intervals of the length shown thatwould make the table. (Let us refer to all such real price changes as large changes.)Then, for each large-change interval, we identify a subsequent interval of the samelength, which starts in the month that the large-change interval ended. For eachcountry, we computed the average subsequent real price change by averaging overthe subsequent price intervals for the country—either intervals subsequent to large-price-increase intervals or intervals subsequent to large-price-decrease intervals.We then report (separately for intervals subsequent to increases and subsequentto decreases) the fraction of countries for which this average is positive, and wereport the average over the countries of the country-average real price change.

For example, in Table 6.3, the smallest five-year price increase that makes thetable is 230.9% (for Hong Kong, row 25 of the table). For each country for whichdata made it possible to do so, we identified all sixty-month large-price-increaseintervals (sixty-month intervals whose real price increase was 230.9% or more,many of these intervals overlapping with each other), and for each of these inter-vals we computed the percentage real price change for the subsequent sixty-month interval. We then averaged these percentage real price changes for all ofthe subsequent intervals for the country, to produce for that country the averagesubsequent real price change.

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The average value reported in the text, the average of these averages over allcountries, is the average return one would have received if one had invested equalamounts in all countries after the periods of price change. It should be noted thatthe differences observed in these averages between intervals subsequent to largeprice increases and intervals subsequent to large price decreases still do not bythemselves positively prove that there is a profit opportunity in investing incountries whose market prices have gone down or in shorting stocks in countrieswhose market prices have gone up. There are still other issues, concerning pos-sible differences across countries and over time in riskiness, in market returns,or in dividend yields. Furthermore, even though the difference between thefive-year subsequent real price changes is highly statistically significant, there isalso the issue of a possible bias in my decision to select five-year price intervalsto study. These issues are not addressed by the analysis here, and most could notbe completely settled with any degree of further analysis of such data. Rigorousand incontrovertible proof that profit opportunities exist has always been elu-sive in financial research, and it is not so much any one study, but rather the weightof the evidence from years of careful research on market inefficiencies within thefinance profession, that inspires confidence that markets are not fully efficient.See Chapter 9 for a further discussion of these issues.

Chapter Seven Psychological Anchors for the Market

1. For a more comprehensive recent survey of the role of psychology infinance, see Hersh Shefrin, Beyond Greed and Fear: Understanding Behavioral Financeand the Psychology of Investing (Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 2000); orAndrei Shleifer, Inefficient Markets: An Introduction to Behavioral Finance (Oxford:Oxford University Press, 2000).

2. See Amos Tversky and Daniel Kahneman, “Judgment under Uncertainty:Heuristics and Biases,” Science, 185 (1974): 1124–31.

3. See Robert J. Shiller, “Comovements in Stock Prices and Comovements inDividends,” Journal of Finance, 44 (1989): 719–29.

4. See Steven L. Heston and K. Geert Rouwenhorst, “Does Industrial Struc-ture Explain the Benefits of International Diversification?” Journal of Financial Eco-nomics, 36 (1994): 3–27; John M. Griffin and G. Andrew Karolyi, “Another Lookat the Role of Industrial Structure of Markets for International Diversification Strate-gies,” Journal of Financial Economics, 50 (1998): 351–73; and Kenneth Froot and EmilDabora, “How Are Stock Prices Affected by the Location of Trade?” Working PaperW6572 (Cambridge, Mass.: National Bureau of Economic Research, May 1998).Investor attention also appears to be attracted to countries with a common lan-guage, as anchoring theory would suggest; see Mark Grinblatt and Matti Kelo-harju, “Distance Bias, Language Bias, and Investor Sophistication: Results from

254 NOTES TO PAGES 138–142

Finland,” unpublished working paper, University of California at Los Angeles,1999.

5. See James D. Petersen and Cheng-Ho Hsieh, “Do Common Risk Factors inthe Returns on Stocks and Bonds Explain Returns on REITs?” Real Estate Economics,25 (1997): 321–45.

6. Nancy Pennington and Reid Hastie, “Reasoning in Explanation-BasedDecision Making,” Cognition, 49 (1993): 123–63.

7. See D. W. Bolen and W. H. Boyd, “Gambling and the Gambler: A Reviewof Preliminary Findings,” Archives of General Psychiatry, 18(5) (1968): 617–29. Gam-bling provides stimulation and excitement, and people who are attracted togames of risk tend to be people who have a stronger inclination toward sensa-tion seeking; see Marvin Zuckerman, Elizabeth Kolin, Leah Price, and Ina Zoob,“Development of a Sensation-Seeking Scale,” Journal of Consulting Psychology, 28(6)(1964): 477–82; William F. Straub, “Sensation Seeking among High- and Low-RiskMale Athletes,” Journal of Sports Psychology, 4(3) (1982): 243–53; and Helen Gil-christ, Robert Povey, Adrian Dickenson, and Rachel Povey, “The Sensation-Seeking Scale: Its Use in a Study of People Choosing Adventure Holidays,”Personality and Individual Differences, 19(4) (1995): 513–16.

8. See Gideon Keren, “The Rationality of Gambling: Gamblers’ Conceptionsof Probability, Chance and Luck,” in George Wright and Peter Ayton (eds.),Subjective Probability (Chichester, England: John Wiley and Sons, 1994), pp. 485–99.

9. See Shlomo Benartzi, “Why Do Employees Invest Their Retirement Savingsin Company Stock?” unpublished paper, Anderson School, University of Cali-fornia at Los Angeles, 1999. Benartzi finds that employee investment in companystock is strongly influenced by the return on the company stock over the past tenyears. He shows that it is extremely rare for companies to offer discount incen-tives for employees to buy company stocks, that employees freely make choicesto invest in company stock, and that employee decisions to invest in companystock do not reflect superior employee information about the company, since thelevel of purchases does not predict returns on the stock in the future.

10. Eldar Shafir, Itamar Simonson, and Amos Tversky, “Reason-Based Choice,”Cognition, 49 (1993): 11–36.

11. Thomas J. Stanley and William D. Danko, The Millionaire Next Door: TheSurprising Secrets of America’s Wealthy (New York: Pocket Books, 1996).

12. Baruch Fischhof, Paul Slovic, and Sarah Lichtenstein, “Knowing withUncertainty: The Appropriateness of Extreme Confidence,” Journal of Experi-mental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 3 (1977): 522–64.

13. See G. Gigerenzer, “How to Make Cognitive Illusion Disappear: Beyond‘Heuristic and Biases,’” European Review of Social Psychology, 2 (1991): 83–115.

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14. See Gordon W. Pitz, “Subjective Probability Distributions for ImperfectlyKnown Quantities,” in Lee W. Gregg (ed.), Knowledge and Cognition (Potomac, Md.:Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1975), pp. 29–41.

15. See Allan Collins, Eleanor Warnock, Nelleke Acello, and Mark L. Miller,“Reasoning from Incomplete Knowledge,” in Daniel G. Bobrow and AllanCollins (eds.), Representation and Understanding: Studies in Cognitive Science (NewYork: Academic Press, 1975), pp. 383–415.

16. See Dagmar Strahlberg and Anne Maass, “Hindsight Bias: ImpairedMemory or Biased Reconstruction,” European Review of Social Psychology, 8 (1998):105–32.

17. See E. J. Langer, “The Illusion of Control,” Journal of Personality and SocialPsychology, 32 (1975): 311–28; see also G. A. Quattrone and Amos Tversky, “Causalversus Diagnostic Contingencies: On Self-Deception and the Voter’s Delusion,”Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 46(2) (1984): 237–48.

18. Tversky and Kahneman, “Judgment under Uncertainty.”19. See Nicholas Barberis, Andrei Shleifer, and Robert Vishny, “A Model of

Investor Sentiment,” Journal of Financial Economics, 49 (1998): 307–43. For furthertheoretical discussions about overconfidence and the stock market, see alsoNicholas Barberis, Ming Huang, and Tano Santos, “Prospect Theory and AssetPrices,” unpublished paper, University of Chicago, 1999; Kent Daniel, David Hirsh-leifer, and Avanidhar Subrahmanyam, “Investor Psychology and Security Mar-ket Over- and Underreaction,” Journal of Finance, 53(6) (1998): 1839–86; andHarrison Hong and Jeremy Stein, “A Unified Theory of Underreaction, Momen-tum Trading, and Overreaction in Asset Markets,” working paper, MassachusettsInstitute of Technology, Sloan School of Management, 1998.

20. Such ideas are formalized by Paul Milgrom and Nancy Stokey, “Information,Trade, and Common Knowledge,” Econometrica, 49 (1982): 219–22; and JohnGeanakoplos, “Common Knowledge,” Journal of Economic Perspectives, 6(4) (1992):53–82.

21. Eldar Shafir and Amos Tversky, “Thinking through Uncertainty: Non-consequential Reasoning and Choice,” Cognitive Psychology, 24 (1992): 449–74.

Chapter Eight Herd Behavior and Epidemics

1. Solomon Asch, Social Psychology (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall,1952), pp. 450–501.

2. Morton Deutsch and Harold B. Gerard, “A Study of Normative and Infor-mational Social Influences upon Individual Judgment,” Journal of Abnormal andSocial Psychology, 51 (1955): 629–36.

3. Stanley Milgram, Obedience to Authority (New York: Harper and Row, 1974),pp. 13–54.

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4. Milgram noted that subjects believed that the experimenter was an expertwho knew more than they did. When he tried a variation of the experiment inwhich the experimenter was clearly not an expert, he found a much-diminishedtendency for subjects to administer the shocks (ibid., pp. 89–112). NeverthelessMilgram, like Asch, did not seem to be aware of an information-based interpre-tation for his results. He thought that they revealed an “instinct for obedience”that had developed from a general evolutionary principle of the “survival of valuehierarchy” (ibid., pp. 123–25).

5. See S. D. Bikhchandani, David Hirshleifer, and Ivo Welch, “A Theory of Fash-ion, Social Custom and Cultural Change,” Journal of Political Economy, 81 (1992):637–54; and Abhijit V. Banerjee, “A Simple Model of Herd Behavior,” QuarterlyJournal of Economics, 107(3) (1992): 797–817.

6. See Christopher Avery and Peter Zemsky, “Multidimensional Uncertaintyand Herd Behavior in Financial Markets,” American Economic Review, 88(4) (1998):724–48; and In Ho Lee, “Market Crashes and Informational Avalanches,” The Reviewof Economic Studies, 65(4) (1998): 741–60.

7. The respondents were drawn from a random sample of high-income indi-viduals in the United States by Survey Sampling, Inc. We coded their answersinto ten categories. The percentages of 131 respondents in each category were asfollows: (1) friend or relative (13%), (2) worked for company (21%), (3) someoneinvolved with company (3%), (4) broker (33%), (5) spinoff of successful company(2%), (6) IPO–publicity (2%), (7) periodicals–newspapers (6%), (8) customer ofcompany (2%), (9) stock was inherited or a gift (2%), (10) performance of simi-lar company (0%). The remaining answers could not be placed into categories.See Robert J. Shiller and John Pound, “Survey Evidence on the Diffusion ofInterest and Information among Investors,” Journal of Economic Behavior andOrganization, 12 (1989): 47–66. If we repeated this study today, we would of coursehave to include television (which now has extensive business reporting) and theInternet on the list. In Psychological Economics, the psychologist-economist GeorgeKatona presented evidence that a process of repeated human interaction isneeded to promote the kind of “social learning” that spurs people to take action.Robin Barlow and his colleagues found evidence similar to ours, that individualinvestors usually make decisions after conversations with others; see Robin Bar-low, Harvey E. Brazer, and James N. Morgan, Economic Behavior of the Affluent(Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1966).

8. Amy Feldman and Bill Egbert, “Mess of an Invest: Little People in BigTrouble with 1.3 Million Scam,” New York Daily News, May 27, 1999, p. 5.

9. See A. A. L. Reid, “Comparing Telephone with Face-to-Face Contact,” in Ithielde Sola Poole (ed.), The Social Impact of the Telephone (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press,1977), pp. 386–414.

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10. Regarding securities fraud in the 1920s and contemporary legislation tolimit it, see Emmanuel Stein, Government and the Investor (New York: Farrar andReinhart, 1941).

11. International Data Corporation, “Press Release: New Technologies Makefor Better Viewing Experience,”, 1999.

12. See Norman T. Bailey, The Mathematical Theory of Epidemics (London: C. Grif-fin, 1957).

13. The logistic curve is P = 1/(1 + e–rt), where P is the proportion of the pop-ulation infected, r is the infection rate per unit of time, and t is time. This expres-sion is a solution to the differential equation dP/P = r(1 – P)dt, and (1 – P) is theproportion of the population that is susceptible to infection.

14. Alan Kirman, “Ants, Rationality and Recruitment,” Quarterly Journal ofEconomics, 108(1) (1993): 137–56.

15. See David J. Bartholomew, Stochastic Models for Social Processes (New York:John Wiley and Sons, 1967).

16. See Tom Burnam, More Misinformation (Philadelphia: Lippincott and Crow-ell, 1980), pp. 20–21.

17. John Kenneth Galbraith laid to rest the suicide myth. The New York suiciderate did, however, rise during the 1930s with the advent of the Great Depression.See Galbraith, The Great Crash: 1929, pp. 132–37.

18. The sample sizes were 30 (control) and 40 (experimental); see Shiller andPound, “Survey Evidence,” p. 54.

19. See N. R. F. Maier, “Reasoning in Humans. II. The Solution of a Problemand Its Appearance in Consciousness,” Journal of Comparative Psychology, 12(1931): 181–94; see also Robert E. Nisbett and Timothy DeCamp Wilson, “TellingMore Than We Can Know: Verbal Reports on Mental Processes,” PsychologicalReview, 84(3) (1977): 231–59.

Chapter Nine Efficient Markets, Random Walks, and Bubbles

1. See Eugene Fama, “Efficient Capital Markets: A Review of Empirical Work,”Journal of Finance, 25 (1970): 383–417.

2. George Gibson, The Stock Markets of London, Paris and New York (New York:G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1889), p. 11.

3. Joseph Stagg Lawrence, Wall Street and Washington (Princeton, N.J.: Prince-ton University Press, 1929), p. 179.

4. There does seem to be an advantage to following professional analysts’advice—if one disregards the trading costs associated with following the frequentchanges in their opinions. See Womack, “Brokerage Analysts’ Recommendations”;and Brad Barber, Reuven Lehavy, Maureen McNichols, and Brett Trueman, “Can

258 NOTES TO PAGES 175–181

Investors Profit from the Prophets? Consensus Analyst Recommendations andStock Returns,” unpublished paper, University of California at Davis, 1998. Thelatter argue that, despite transaction costs, “consensus recommendations remainvaluable to investors who are otherwise considering buying or selling” (p. 25).

5. Judith Chevalier and Glenn Ellison, “Are Some Mutual Fund Managers Bet-ter Than Others? Cross-Sectional Patterns in Behavior and Performance,” Journalof Finance, 54(3) (1999): 875–99.

6. Andrew Edgecliffe, “eToys Surges after Listing,” Financial Times, May 21,1999, p. 29.

7. Although the term Nifty Fifty was used earlier, the exact date when the “NiftyFifty” list was clearly and authoritatively identified appears to be 1977, with theForbes article. However, the article defines the list as the stocks with the highestprice-earnings ratio in 1972, whereas Siegel uses 1970 as the starting date for hisanalysis.

8. Jeremy J. Siegel, Stocks for the Long Run, 2nd ed. (New York: McGraw-Hill,1998), pp. 105–14.

9. Charles Mackay, Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Mad-ness of Crowds (London: Bentley, 1841), p. 142.

10. Peter Garber, Famous First Bubbles: The Fundamentals of Early Manias(Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2000).

11. Siegel, Stocks for the Long Run, p. 107.12. See Jeremy J. Siegel, “Are Internet Stocks Overvalued? Are They Ever,” Wall

Street Journal, April 19, 1999, p. 22. This article appears to have caused a mini-crashin Internet stocks the day it appeared: the NASDAQ, which is heavy on high-techstocks, dropped 5.6% that day, representing its third largest percentage drop inten years.

13. Peter Garber, “Tulipmania,” Journal of Political Economy, 97(3) (1989): 557.14. Sanjoy Basu, “The Investment Performance of Common Stocks Relative

to Their Price-Earnings Ratios: A Test of the Efficient Markets,” Journal of Finance,32(3) (1977): 663–82; Eugene Fama and Kenneth French, “The Cross Section ofExpected Stock Returns,” Journal of Finance, 47 (1992): 427–66. Firms’ managers alsoseem to know when their shares are relatively overpriced by the market and tendto issue new equity less often then. Thus firms’ equity financing is a negative sig-nal of future returns; see Malcolm Baker and Jeffrey Wurgler, “The Equity Sharein New Issues and Aggregate Stock Returns,” unpublished paper, Harvard Uni-versity, 1999.

15. Werner De Bondt and Richard H. Thaler, “Does the Stock Market Over-react?” Journal of Finance, 40(3) (1985): 793–805; see also James Poterba and Law-rence Summers, “Mean Reversion in Stock Prices: Evidence and Implications,”Journal of Financial Economics, 22 (1988): 26–59.

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16. Jay R. Ritter, “The Long-Run Performance of Initial Public Offerings,”Journal of Finance, 46(1) (1991): 3–27.

17. The advertisem*nt quoting Lynch appeared in numerous places, for examplein Mutual Funds, September 1999, p. 37. The ad says that the data are for the S&P500 Index, but it does not give the sample period. By searching for the intervalof greatest earnings growth, and making no correction for inflation, I can roughlyreplicate the quoted results. To maximize earnings growth, one chooses a startdate right after World War II, when earnings were still depressed by the war, andalso at the bottom of the recession in October 1945. Lagging four-quarter-totalS&P earnings went up 48-fold from the second quarter of 1946 to the third quar-ter of 1997. Between June 1946 and April 1998, the S&P 500 went up 60-fold. Lynch’sbasic result is therefore more or less confirmed for these intervals. But if one choosesother intervals the results look very different. Between the fourth quarter of 1947and the fourth quarter of 1998, earnings went up only 23-fold, while betweenDecember 1947 and April 1999 the S&P 500 went up 83-fold. These slightly dif-ferent sample periods give a very different impression than that created by thead: these results show price growing far more than earnings.

Over the period from 1946 to 1997, the producer-price index went up seven-fold, and so in fact real earnings increased only sevenfold in this period. A seven-fold earnings increase is a growth rate of real earnings of about 4% a year.Between the fourth quarter of 1947 and the fourth quarter of 1998, the growthrate of real earnings was only 3% per year. The growth of inflation-corrected earn-ings over this entire interval has not been impressive: no more than the currentrate of interest on inflation-indexed government bonds. But the ad—by choos-ing sample creatively, by reporting changes over very long time intervals, andby not making an inflation correction—fosters the false impression that enormousprice increases are warranted by enormous earnings increases.

18. Robert Barsky and J. Bradford De Long, “Why Have Stock Prices Fluctu-ated?” Quarterly Journal of Economics, 108 (1993): 291–311.

19. Kenneth Froot and Maurice Obstfeld, “Intrinsic Bubbles: The Case of StockPrices,” American Economic Review, 81 (1991): 1189–1214. The fit of their “warrantedprice” to actual price is not much better than the fit of dividends themselvesto actual price, except that their model, by making stock prices more responsiveto dividends when dividends are higher, makes warranted price correspond moreclosely to actual price after 1950.

20. A nice review of all these anomalies is found in Siegel, Stocks for the LongRun, pp. 254, 259, 91–104, 264–66.

21. The inconstancy of anomalies reported in studies of market efficiency isalso due to the varying econometric methodologies employed in the differentstudies; see Tim Loughran and Jay R. Ritter, “Uniformly Least Powerful Tests of

260 NOTES TO PAGES 184–185

Market Efficiency,” unpublished paper, University of Notre Dame, 1999 (forth-coming in Journal of Financial Economics [2000]).

22. Merton Miller, “Behavioral Rationality in Finance: The Case of Dividends,”in Robin M. Hogarth and Melvin W. Reder (eds.), Rational Choice: The Contrastbetween Economics and Psychology (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1986),p. 283.

23. Robert J. Shiller, “Do Stock Prices Move Too Much to Be Justified by Sub-sequent Movements in Dividends?” American Economic Review, 71(3) (1981):421–36; Stephen LeRoy and Richard Porter, “Stock Price Volatility: A Test Basedon Implied Variance Bounds,” Econometrica, 49 (1981): 97–113. See also SanfordJ. Grossman and Robert J. Shiller, “The Determinants of the Variability of StockMarket Prices,” American Economic Review, 71 (1981): 222–27.

24. To compute the dividend present value for any given month, one sums overeach subsequent month the present discounted value for the given month of thereal dividends paid in that subsequent month. The present discounted value inthe given month of a real dividend paid in a subsequent month is the real divi-dend divided by (1+ r)t, where r is the monthly real discount rate and t is the num-ber of months between the given month and the subsequent month. The dividendpresent value in Figure 9.1 was drawn with a constant discount rate r equal tothe historical geometric average real monthly return on the market from January1871 to June 1999, or 0.6% a month. The assumption that r is constant throughtime corresponds to an efficient markets assumption that expected returns on themarket are constant through time, that there are no good or bad times to enterthe stock market in terms of predictable returns. Some more sophisticated versionsof the efficient markets hypothesis allow r to vary over time, but these versionsimply that the returns on the stock market are forecastable. The simple presentvalue computed here is relevant to the most popular, and most important, ver-sion of the efficient markets model.

Of course, we do not know now what dividends will be after the latest yearfor which data are available. To compute the dividend present value, I assumedthat real dividends will grow from 1.25 times their December 1999 value at theirhistorical average growth rate from January 1871 to December 1999, which is0.1% per month. The 1.25 factor makes a rough correction for the fact that divi-dend payout rates have, in recent years, been about 80% of their historicalaverage payout rate (dividends as a fraction of ten-year moving average earn-ings). The need to make an assumption about real dividend growth after Decem-ber 1999 means that the more recent values of the dividend present value shownin the figure are unreliable as indicators of actual dividend present value. How-ever, the numbers given for the dividend present value a couple of decades ormore before 2000 are most likely fairly accurate, since for these years the subsequent

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years after 2000 are heavily discounted in the present value calculations. Eventhe dividend present value shown in the Figure 9.1 for 2000 is quite possibly fairlyaccurate, if one accepts that growth possibilities for future dividends are differ-ent from those of the past only to the extent that dividend payout is lower.

The series shown in my 1981 article were detrended.25. It must be stressed that efficient markets theory does not mean that the stock

price curve must be more smooth than the dividend present value curve, onlythat it must be—in a sense that must be carefully defined—less volatile overall. Itook great pains to explain this point in my first article on excess volatility; see RobertJ. Shiller, “The Volatility of Long-Term Interest Rates and Expectations Modelsof the Term Structure,” Journal of Political Economy, 87 (1979): 1062–88. But somecritics, overlooking this explanation, thought they were raising a fresh and orig-inal idea when they later pointed it out again; see, notably, Allan Kleidon, “Vari-ance Bounds Tests and Stock Price Valuation Models,” Journal of Political Economy,94 (1986): 953–1001. No definitive conclusions can be drawn about efficientmarkets just by looking at this figure. Nonetheless the figure is, I believe, quiteinformative about the lack of big-picture evidence for efficient markets in aggre-gate U.S. stock market data. Looking at this figure can help disabuse us of somepossibly erroneous notions about the nature of the evidence for market efficiency.

26. Their argument had to do with firms’ setting dividends in response to price,and thereby achieving a certain sort of nonstationarity in dividends; see Terry A.Marsh and Robert C. Merton, “Dividend Variability and Variance Bounds Testsfor the Rationality of Stock Market Prices,” American Economic Review, 76(3)(1986): 483–98. In my reply, I argued that although their model was technicallycorrect, it was hardly relevant to actual U.S. experience over the last century; seeRobert J. Shiller, “The Marsh-Merton Model of Managers’ Smoothing of Divi-dends,” American Economic Review, 76(3) (1986): 499–503. The entire debate is nowmoot, since econometric work testing for excess volatility no longer relies onassumed stationarity for dividends; see, for example, John Y. Campbell and JohnAmmer, “What Moves Stock and Bond Markets? A Variance Decomposition forLong-Term Asset Returns,” Journal of Finance, 48(1) (1993): 3–38.

27. Campbell and I developed a co-integrated log-linear vector-autoregressivemodel that was capable of representing various forms of the efficient markets model.See John Y. Campbell and Robert J. Shiller, “The Dividend-Price Ratio and Expec-tations of Future Dividends and Discount Factors,” Review of Financial Studies,1 (1988): 195–228; Shiller, Market Volatility; and Campbell et al., Econometrics ofFinancial Markets, pp. 253–337.

28. See Campbell and Shiller, “The Dividend-Price Ratio.”29. See Campbell and Ammer, “What Moves Stock and Bond Markets?”30. See Shiller, Market Volatility, pp. 197–214.

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31. Concern has been expressed recently that measured dividends in the1990s may understate cash flow from the firm to investors. Kevin Cole, JeanHelwege, and David Laster (“Stock Market Valuation Indicators: Is This Time Dif-ferent?” Financial Analysts Journal, 52 [1996]: 56–64) estimate that considering sharerepurchase as a form of dividend would raise dividend-price ratios in the mid-1990s by about 80 basis points. This adjustment would still leave dividend-priceratios on the S&P Composite far below their record historic lows until now.Liang and Sharpe, “Share Repurchases and Employee Stock Options,” pointout that the Cole et al. assumption that share issues occur at market prices is inac-curate because many issues come about in response to the exercise of employeestock options. Consideration of the fact that issues are made below market pricemight be interpreted as suggesting lowering the terminal value for the dividendpresent value below the amount shown in Figure 9.1.

Chapter Ten Investor Learning—And Unlearning

1. Economists have long puzzled over why the equity premium has been sohigh historically. How, they wonder, can it be that over the years people haven’tinvested more in stocks, given that stocks so outperform other investments? SeeRaj Mehra and Edward C. Prescott, “The Equity Premium Puzzle,” Journal of Mon-etary Economics, 15 (1988): 145–61. According to the learning theory discussedin this chapter, the equity premium puzzle is supposed to be a thing of the past—people have finally wised up.

2. Edgar Lawrence Smith, Common Stocks as Long-Term Investments (NewYork: Macmillan, 1924).

3. Kenneth S. Van Strum, Investing in Purchasing Power (Boston: Barrons, 1925).4. Fisher, Stock Market Crash, pp. 202, 99. It is puzzling that he includes the phrase

“during a period of dollar depreciation,” since he emphasizes elsewhere in the bookthat the 1920s were a period of exceptionally stable prices. Perhaps he meant to say“even during a period of dollar depreciation” and may have been referring to oneof the periods in the 1920s when there was slight inflation. He cannot be referringto the exchange rate of the dollar, since we were then on the gold standard.

5. Dice, New Levels in the Stock Market, p. 126.6. Franklin L. Dame, “Public Interest in Business Is Found Growing,” New York

Herald Tribune, January 2, 1929, p. 30.7. Siegel, Stocks for the Long Run, p. 15.8. See Ibbotson Associates, Stocks, Bonds, Bills and Inflation, Table 2-9, p. 46, or

consult the data on my Web site, According to data shown in Ibbotson Associates, Stocks, Bonds, Bills and Infla-

tion, Table 2-11, p. 50, there has been no twenty-year period since 1926 when stocksunderperformed short-term interest rates. They do not show data on the 1901–21

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time period. My data, from my book Market Volatility (updated by using theConsumer Price Index to measure inflation after 1913), actually show a slight under-performance of stocks versus short-term interest rates for 1966–86 as well as1901–21, and the difference in results between my data and Ibbotson’s for1966–86 can be attributed to a difference in the short-term interest rate (commercialpaper versus Treasury bills) and slight differences in timing.

10. See Philippe Jorion and William N. Goetzmann, “Global Stock Markets inthe Twentieth Century,” Journal of Finance, 54(3) (1999): 953–80, and also StephenJ. Brown, William N. Goetzmann, and Stephen A. Ross, “Survival,” Journal ofFinance, 50(3) (1995): 853–73. Jeremy Siegel points out that with financial returnsthe median is generally much lower than the mean, and the mean appreciationrate over all these countries is not so low.

11. James K. Glassman and Kevin A. Hassett, “Are Stocks Overvalued? Nota Chance,” Wall Street Journal, March 30, 1998, p. 18, and “Stock Prices Are StillFar Too Low,” March 17, 1999, p. 26; the quote is from the 1999 article.

12. James K. Glassman and Kevin Hassett, Dow 36,000: The New Strategy for Prof-iting from the Coming Rise in the Stock Market (New York: Times Business/RandomHouse, 1999), p. 140.

13. See, for example, William Goetzmann and Roger Ibbotson, “Do WinnersRepeat? Patterns in Mutual Fund Performance,” Journal of Portfolio Management,20 (1994): 9–17; Edwin J. Elton, Martin Gruber, and Christopher R. Blake, “Sur-vivorship Bias and Mutual Fund Performance,” Review of Financial Studies, 9(4)(1996): 1097–120; and “The Persistence of Risk-Adjusted Mutual Fund Perfor-mance,” Journal of Business, 69 (1996): 133–37.

14. To the extent that mutual funds make better diversification possible for indi-vidual investors, they lower the riskiness of stocks, and therefore the prolifera-tion of mutual funds may lower the risk premium that investors require. JohnHeaton and Deborah Lucas conclude that increased diversification “goes atleast half way towards justifying the current high price dividend ratio in the UnitedStates.” Heaton and Lucas raise a valid and potentially significant issue; never-theless their theory is a little unsatisfying, as it depicts individuals as completelyrational at all times but does not explain why people did not invest that much inmutual funds until recently. See John Heaton and Deborah Lucas, “Stock Pricesand Fundamentals,” unpublished paper, Northwestern University, 1999.

Chapter Eleven Speculative Volatility in a Free Society

1. One might expect to see some offset of the low dividend yield to the extentthat share repurchases are substituting for dividends (recall the discussion in Chap-ter 2). But with annual net share repurchases on the order of 1% of shares,dividend yields are still very low even after accounting for repurchases.

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2. “Internet Users Now Exceed 100 Million,” New York Times, November 11,1999, p. C8.

3. See Forrester Research, “Net Investing Goes Mainstream,”,1338,5876,FF.html, 1999.

4. See Ray C. Fair, “How Much Is the Stock Market Overvalued?” unpublishedpaper, Cowles Foundation, Yale University, 1999.

5. See William D. Nordhaus and Joseph G. Boyer, “Requiem for Kyoto: An Eco-nomic Analysis of the Kyoto Protocol,” Cowles Foundation Discussion Paper 1201(New Haven, Conn.: Yale University, November 1998).

6. Data on values of housing over time can be inferred for each state from homeprice indexes, home ownership rates, numbers of households, and census medianprices on benchmark dates. The inferred national value can then be comparedwith stock market capitalization. See Karl E. Case and Robert J. Shiller, “The StockMarket, the Housing Market, and Consumer Spending,” paper presented at theAmerican Economic Association–American Real Estate and Urban EconomicsAssociation meetings, Boston, January 9, 2000.

7. Advisory Committee on Endowment Management, Managing EducationalEndowments: Report to the Ford Foundation (Barker Report) (New York: Ford Foun-dation, 1969); Kathleen Teltsch, “Streamlining the Ford Foundation,” New YorkTimes, October 10, 1982, p. 41. The impact of the 1973–74 stock market crash onthe endowments of Harvard, Rochester, and Yale is discussed in Andrew Tobias,“The Billion-Dollar Harvard-Yale Game,” Esquire, December 19, 1978, pp. 77–85.This article appears to be the source of the oft-repeated story that Yale respondedto the 1969 Ford Foundation report by investing its endowment heavily in thestock market just before the 1973–74 crash and then suffered greatly. But if onereads the Tobias story carefully one sees that his own data do not support sucha conclusion. In fact, although it suffered in the 1973–74 crash, Yale did not increaseits level of investment in the stock market after the Ford Foundation report, andthe exposure of the Yale endowment to stock market risk was actually reducedjust before the 1973–74 crash.

8. Christine Triano, Private Foundations and Public Charities: Is It Time to IncreasePayout? National Network of Grantmakers, 1999,

9. I have tried to understand the failure of the public to be very interested in index-ing their contracts. The reason appears to be tied up with money illusion, a ten-dency to see the currency as the ultimate indicator of value (see Chapter 2), andwith a failure to appreciate the risks of price level change, along with a mistrustof formulas and price indexes; see Robert J. Shiller, “Public Resistance to Indexa-tion: A Puzzle,” Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 1 (1997): 159–211.

10. See Jack VanDerhei, Russell Galer, Carol Quick, and John Rea, “401(k) PlanAsset Allocation, Account Balances, and Loan Activity,” Perspective (Investment

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Company Institute, Washington, D.C.), 5(1) (1999): 2. Results are based on asample that covers 6.6 million active participants.

11. According to the ICI/EBRI study (VanDerhei et al., “401(k) Plan Asset Allo-cation”), 24.5% of the participants in the 1996 sample had 80% or more of theirplan balances invested in equity funds. This figure underestimates their expo-sure to the stock market, since the category of equity funds excludes investmentsin their own company’s stock and exposure to the stock market from balancedfunds. According to a TIAA-CREF study of its own participants’ premium allo-cations, the percentage of participants who allocate 100% to equities has risenalmost monotonically from 1986 to 1996, from 3.3% of participants in 1986 to 22.2%in 1996. More recently, according to data provided to me by John Ameriks, thepercent allocating 100% to equities has risen to 28.8% as of June 1999. See JohnAmeriks, Francis P. King, and Mark Warshawsky, “Premium Allocations and Accu-mulations in TIAA-CREF—Trends in Participant Choices among Asset Classesand Investment Accounts,” TIAA-CREF Research Dialogues, 51 (1997): 2.

12. For an analysis of the assets of retirees, see Alan L. Gustman and ThomasL. Steinmeier, “Effects of Pensions on Savings: Analysis with Data from the Healthand Retirement Survey,” Carnegie Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy, 50(1999): 271–324.

13. See U.S. Department of Labor, Pension and Welfare Benefits Administra-tion, “Participant Investment Education: Final Rule,” 29 CFR Part 2509, InterpretiveBulletin 96-1, Federal Register, 61(113) (1996): 29,585–90,

14. See Robert J. Shiller, “Social Security and Institutions for Intergenera-tional, Intragenerational and International Risk Sharing,” Carnegie Rochester Con-ference Series on Public Policy, 50 (1999): 165–204.

15. There is of course also the issue, if we were to switch to a defined contri-bution Social Security plan, of who would pay for the existing obligations tothe currently retired; see John Geanakoplos, Olivia S. Mitchell, and Stephen P.Zeldes, “Social Security Money’s Worth,” in Olivia S. Mitchell, Robert J. Myers,and Howard Young (eds.), Prospects for Social Security Reform (Philadelphia: Uni-versity of Pennsylvania Press, 1999), pp. 79–151.

16. See Shiller, “Social Security and Institutions.”17. These events are described in Yukio Noguchi, Baburu no Keizaigaku

(Bubble Economics) (Tokyo: Nihon Keizai Shimbun Sha, 1992). To suppose thatthe bubble would not have burst even without the monetary policy is also rea-sonable, and there were changes in speculative expectations that suggest otherorigins of the Japanese stock market decline; see Robert J. Shiller, Fumiko Kon-Ya, and Yoshiro Tsutsui, “Why Did the Nikkei Crash? Expanding the Scope ofExpectations Data Collection,” Review of Economics and Statistics, 78(1) (1996):156–64.

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18. See Barry Eichengreen, Golden Fetters: The Gold Standard and the GreatDepression: 1919–1939 (New York: Oxford University Press, 1992), Table 12.1, p. 351.

19. “Courtelyou puts in $25,000,000,” New York Times, October 24, 1907, p. 1;“Worst Stock Crash Stemmed by Banks, New York Times, October 25, 1929, p. 1.

20. “Will History Repeat the ’29 Crash?” Newsweek, June 14, 1965, p. 78.21. The closing came in response to closings of the European stock exchanges

at the outbreak of World War I and panic selling by Europeans on the exchange.The New York Stock Exchange was the only major stock market still open at theend of July 1914, the only place where stocks could still be converted into cash,and that was thought to be an untenable situation. There might well have beena world stock market crash of record proportions at that time, but we will neverknow, since it was forestalled by the market closings.

22. See James Tobin, “The New Economics One Decade Older,” in The EliotJaneway Lectures on Historical Economics in Honor of Joseph Schumpeter (Princeton,N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1974); James Tobin, “A Proposal for InternationalMonetary Reform,” Eastern Economic Journal, 4 (1978): 153–59; and Barry Eichen-green, James Tobin, and Charles Wyplosz, “Two Cases for Sand in the Wheels ofInternational Finance,” Economic Journal, 105 (1995): 162–72. Mahbub ul Haq, IngeKaul, and Isabelle Grunberg have edited a volume (The Tobin Tax: Coping with Finan-cial Volatility [New York: Oxford University Press, 1996]) of papers commentingon the Tobin proposal.

23. Lawrence H. Summers and Victoria P. Summers, “When Financial MarketsWork Too Well: A Cautious Case for a Securities Transactions Tax,” Journal of Finan-cial Services Research, 3(2–3) (1988): 163–88.

24. See Jeffrey Frankel, On Exchange Rates (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press,1993) and “How Well Do Foreign Exchange Markets Work: Might a Tobin TaxHelp?” in ul Haq et al., The Tobin Tax, pp. 41–81.

25. See Shiller, “Measuring Bubble Expectations.”26. See Richard Roll, “Price Volatility, International Market Links, and Their

Implication for Regulatory Policies,” Journal of Financial Services Research, 2(2–3)(1989): 211–46.

27. See Shiller et al., “Why Did the Nikkei Crash?”28. Michael Brennan, “Stripping the S&P 500,” Financial Analysts’ Journal,

54(1) (1998): 14.29. Robert Shiller, Macro Markets: Creating Institutions for Managing Society’s

Largest Economic Risks (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1993). I have beenworking with my colleague Allan Weiss and others at my firm, Case Shiller Weiss,Inc., to develop certain of these new markets. See Karl E. Case, Robert J. Shiller,and Allan N. Weiss, “Index-Based Futures and Options Trading in Real Estate,”Journal of Portfolio Management, 19(2) (1993): 83–92; Robert J. Shiller and Allan N.

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Weiss, “Home Equity Insurance,” Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 19(1999): 21–47; and Robert J. Shiller and Allan N. Weiss, “Moral Hazard in HomeEquity Conversion,” forthcoming in Real Estate Economics (2000).

30. Shiller, Macro Markets, pp. 42–46. For a description of the macro securities(proxy assets) system that Allan Weiss and I devised, see our patent 5,987,435 (ProxyAsset Data Processor) at Macro Securities LLC,a subsidiary of Case Shiller Weiss, Inc., is developing these securities.

31. Stefano Athanasoulis and I have proposed creating first a market for a long-term claim on the combined national incomes of all the nations of the world (“TheSignificance of the Market Portfolio,” forthcoming in Review of Financial Studies[2000]). By investing in it, one would have a totally diversified portfolio, the so-called true “market portfolio” that finance theorists only dream about. Youngerworking people and people who are less risk averse may short this market, andelderly people who are no longer working can take long positions, thereby liv-ing off a completely diversified portfolio in their retirement.

32. See Marianne Baxter and Urban Jermann, “The International Diversifica-tion Puzzle Is Worse Than You Think,” American Economic Review, 87 (1997): 170–80.

33. Athanasoulis and I show, using a theoretical finance model calibratedwith real data, that proper management of national income risks alone can havelarge effects on economic welfare. See Stefano Athanasoulis and Robert J. Shiller,“World Income Components: Discovering and Implementing Risk SharingOpportunities,” unpublished paper, Yale University, 1999.

34. See Shiller and Weiss, “Home Equity Insurance.”



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Acampora, Ralph, 97Adaptive expectations, 60–61Advertising, 36, 156, 161, 258–59n17Albania, 65, 66Allen, Frederick Lewis, 47,, 21, 28American Economic Review, 116, 184, 189Ammer, John, 189Amplification mechanisms, 44–68,

242–45n1–30. See also Attention;Confidence; Expectations; Feed-back systems

Analysts: optimistic forecasts by,30–32, 239n18, 241n40; value ofadvice, 257–58n4. See also Institu-tional investors

Annuities, 219Anomalies, financial, 179–80, 183–84,


Antitrust legislation, 102, 211Ants, experiments with, 159Appreciation rates, 195Aquino, Corazon, 123Argentina, 81Arthur, Brian, 244n22Asch, Solomon, 149–50, 151Asian financial crisis, 22, 129–30,

210, 212, 228–29Associated Press, 83, 84Athanasoulis, Stefano, 267n31,33Atlanta Constitution, 85Attention, 40, 57–60; bull market

of 1920s and, 103–4; common lan-guage and, 253–54n4; inability toexplain changes in, 165–67; sociallybased variations in, 164–65

Attention cascades, 79–82, 88Atwood, Albert, 115

Page numbers for entries occurring in notes are followed by an n and those forentries occurring in tables, by a t.


Australia, 4Authority: obedience to, 150–51; of

opinion leaders, 224–25Automobiles, 104, 106Avery, Christopher, 256n6

Baby Boom, 19, 204, 238–39n12; bullmarket of 1950s/1960s and, 109; inEurope, 241–42n40; future impactof, 207–8; perceived effects on themarket, 25–28

Baby Bust, 26, 207, 241n40Baker, Malcolm, 238n9, 258n14Bakshi, Gurdip, 238n12Balanced funds, 34Bandwagon effect. See Feedback

systemsBanerjee, Abhijit, 256n5Banking crises, 128, 129Bank of Japan, 223Barber, Brad, 59Barberis, Nicholas, 144, 255n19Barlow, Robin, 256n7Barriers (milestones for Dow), 137Barro, Robert, 237n3Barrons, 82Barrons Big Money Poll, 63Barsky, Robert, 182Baruch, Bernard, 114Basu, Sanjoy, 179Batra, Ravi, 73Baxter, Marianne, 267n32Bear markets, 115Bell, David E., 243n12Beltratti, Andrea, 240n29Benartzi, Shlomo, 34, 40, 254n9Benna, R. Theodore, 239–40n21Bias in forecasts, 28–30Bikhchandani, S., 156n5Birth rate, 25Black Monday, 84Black Thursday, 86, 87, 106, 224Blake, Christopher, 263n13

Blanchard, Olivier, 237n3Bloomberg Television, 29Blue-sky legislation, 156Boiler rooms, 156Boldrin, Michael, 244n22Bonds, 26; in pension plans, 217–18;

performance of stocks versus,193–97; Social Security and, 221

Bonham, Raejean, 65, 66Boom, Bust & Echo (Foot and Stoff-

man), 28Boomernomics (Sterling and Waite), 28Bootle, Roger, 112–13Borah, William, 85Boston Globe, 97Boston real estate, 242n3Boyer, Joseph, 264n5Brady, Nicholas, 90Brady Commission, 90–92, 248n21Brazil, 5, 81Brennan, Michael, 229Brooks, Robin, 238n12Brokerage commissions, competi-

tive, 39Brown, Stephen J., 263n10Bruno, Michael, 250n30Bubble expectations index, 63Bubbles. See Speculative bubblesBucket shops, 156Bull market of 1920s, 6–7, 9, 57–58,

156, 181; dividend present valueand, 187; learning from, 193; newera thinking and, 103–7. See alsounder Stock market peak

Bull market of 1950s/1960s, 7, 10,181–82; new era thinking and,107–11. See also under Stockmarket peak

Bull market of 1990s, 5, 181, 182;inflation decline and, 36–37; newera thinking and, 111–14. See alsounder Stock market peak

Burns, Arthur, 116–17

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Business: cultural changes favoringsuccess of, 19, 22–24, 241n40;resentment toward, 211, 212

Business Week, 97, 111, 112Buy recommendations, 29–30, 239n18

Cable News Network (CNN), 28–29CAC-40 index, 81California real estate 242n3Campbell, John, 11, 61, 189,

236n9–11, 261n27Canada, 4Capital gains taxes, 24–25, 43, 92, 200Cascades: attentional, 79–82, 88, 95;

informational, 151, 153. See alsoFeedback systems

Case, Karl, 242n3Center for Industrial Renovation

(Kansai, Japan), 80Chaos theory, 62, 244n22Chen, Zhiwu, 238n12Chevalier, Judith, 175Chicago Tribune, 87Chile, 5China, 21, 212“Circuit breakers” (on stock ex-

changes), 225–26Clayton Antitrust Act, 102Clinton, William, 24, 207–8Clough, Jr., Charles, 237n2CNBC, 29CNN (Cable News Network), 28–29CNNfn, 29Coca-Cola, 140, 177Cochrane, John, 61Cohen, Abby Joseph, 74–75Cohen, Joel, 238n10Cohen, Randolph, 237n2Cohn, Richard, 37Cole, Kevin, 262n31College endowments. See EndowmentsCollins, Allan, 255n15Commercial and Financial Chronicle, 107

Communism, 43, 116, 149, 211Community of interest, 101–2, 115,

211Company stock, 140, 254n9Competitive brokerage commis-

sions, 39Conference Board, 52Confidence, 44–52; feedback systems

and, 44, 48, 60–61; reflections on,47–52. See also Overconfidence

Conflicting ideas, 162–63Conservatism, principle of, 144Consumer credit, 109Consumer Price Index (CPI), 36, 38,

52, 219, 222, 235–36n2Contagion of ideas. See EpidemicsCorporate profits, 4, 20, 102, 209, 211Council of Economic Advisors, 116Courage to Be Rich, The (Orman), 51CPI (Consumer Price Index), 36, 38,

52, 219, 222, 235–36n2Craxi, Bettino, 127Curiosity value, 34Cutler, David, 78, 80

Dabora, Emil, 253n4Daniel, Kent, 255n19Danko, William, 50DAX index, 3, 81Day-of-the-week effect, 183, 184Day trading, 39Death of Inflation, The (Bootle), 112–13De Bondt, Werner, 130, 179Defined benefit pension plans, 32,

217, 219Defined contribution pension plans,

43, 216–19; bonds not offered in,217–18; defined, 216–17; expan-sion of, 32–35; Social Security and, 220, 222

Deflation, 193De Forest, Lee, 104De Long, Brad, 182


Dent, Harry S., 28Depressions, 9. See also Great

Depression; RecessionsDeutsch, Morton, 149–50Diamond, Peter, 240n31Dice, Charles Amos, 105–6, 193Dilbert (comic strip), 113Discount brokers, 38Diversification, 215, 263n14; altering

conventional wisdom about, 231–32; learning about, 197–200; ofretirement plans, 218, 219

Dividend present value, 261n25;computing, 260n24; excess volatil-ity and, 185–89

Dividend-price ratios, 13–14, 205,229, 237n12, 238n8, 259–62n22–31,263n1; excess volatility and, 184–85, 190; price changes and, 182–83

Dodd, David, 7, 8Dornbusch, Rudiger, 84, 85Dow 36,000 (Glassman and Hassett),

197–98Dow 40,000 (Elias), 49–50Dow Jones Industrial Average, 3, 21;

bull market of 1920s and, 105; bullmarket of 1950s/1960s and,110–11; crash of 1929 and, 83, 86,87, 94; crash of 1987 and, 89, 94;expectations for, 53; media and,77, 82, 83, 86, 87, 89, 94; milestonesfor, 137; previous highs surpassedby, xv–xvi, 4; trade interruptionsand, 225

Downsizing, 23, 113

Earnings, 5–14; arrival of Internetand, 19–21; possible new influ-ences on, 209–10; zero, 236n4. Seealso Price-earnings ratios

Easterly, William, 250n30Efficient markets, 79, 171–90, 191,

199, 257–62n1–31; arguments sup-

porting theory, 172–73; defined,171; excess volatility and, 183–90;mispricing in, see mispricing;price-earnings ratio in, 180–82

Eichengreen, Barry, 265n17, 266n22Eisenhower, Dwight, 246n7Electrification, 104Elias, David, 49–50Ellison, Glenn, 175Elton, Edwin, 263n13e-mail, 157, 160Emotions, 55–57Employee Benefits Research Insti-

tute, 218Employee Retirement Income Secu-

rity Act, 36Endowments, 213, 215–16, 264n7EntreMed, 247n10Envy, 56Epidemics, 255–57n1–18; coexistence

of conflicting ideas and, 162–63;models of, applied to word-of-mouth communications, 157–62

Equity premium, 192, 262n1eToys, 176E*, 21Europe, 4, 241–42n40, 266n21Evans, Owain, 237n2Excess volatility, 183–90Exchange rate crises, 128, 129Expectations: adaptive, 60–61; evi-

dence for undiminished, 52–55;reflections on, 55–57

Ex-post rational price. See Dividendpresent value

Exuberance, irrational. See Irrationalexuberance

Face-to-face communications,154–57

Fair, Ray, 211Fairness, 211–12Fama, Eugene, 172, 179

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Famous First Bubbles (Garber), 177–78Federal Reserve, 3, 11, 30, 55, 105,

116, 223, 224–25Feedback systems, 60–68, 244n22;

confidence and, 44, 48, 60–61;crash of 1987 and, 90, 91, 93–95;epidemics and, 157; investor per-ceptions of, 62–64; irrational exu-berance and, 67–68; media and, 78,90, 91, 93–95; new era thinkingand, 98; overconfidence and, 144;Ponzi schemes as models of, 64–67

Feltus, William, 77Fidelity Investments, 181Financial crises, 128–30Financial News Network, 29Financial Times (London), 127Fischer, Stanley, 84, 85, 237n3Fischhof, Baruch, 142Fisher, Irving, 106, 109, 193, 262n4Foot, David K., 28Forbes, 177Ford Foundation, 215, 264n7Fordney-McCumber tariff, 85Foreign Affairs, 113Foreign countries, resentment by,

211–12Foreign currencies, 226–27Foreign economic rivals, decline of,

19, 21–22, 204, 208, 241n40Fortune, 113–14Forwarding, of e-mail, 160Foundations. See Endowments401(k) plans, 19, 32–34, 217, 218–19,

239–40n20403(b) plans, 32France, 4, 25, 127–28, 251n11Frankel, Jeffrey, 227Freedman, Paul, 246n1Free-rider argument, xiv, 163French, Kenneth, 179Froot, Kenneth, 182, 253n4Frugality, 141–42

FT-SE 100 index, 3, 81“FUDD” (fear, uncertainty, doubt,

and despair) (Cohen), 74Fujimori, Alberto, 126Futures, perpetual, 230

Galbraith, John Kenneth, 57, 257n17Gale, William, 239n13Gambling, 19, 207, 241n39–40, 254n7;

rise of opportunities for, 40–42;stories and, 140; in Taiwan, 125

Gandhi, Rajiv, 126Garber, Peter, 177–78, 179Gates, Bill, 178GDP (gross domestic product), 4, 98,

182, 211Geanakoplos, John, 255n19, 265n15Gerard, Harold, 149–50Germany, 3, 4, 51, 81, 116, 149Gibson, George, 172GICs (guaranteed investment con-

tracts), 218Glassman, James, 197–98GNP (gross national product), 85Goetzmann, William, 195, 263n13Goldman Sachs & Co., 74Gold standard, 223Graham, Benjamin, 7, 8Grant, James, 30Granville, Joseph, 81–82Great Boom Ahead, The (Dent), 28Great Crash, The: 1929 (Galbraith),

57–58Great Depression, 7, 105, 122, 223;

dividend present value and, 187–88; new era thinking and, 115–16;Smoot-Hawley tariff and, 84–85

Great Depression of 1990, The (Batra),73

Great Society program, 110Greenhouse gas emissions, 213Greenspan, Alan, 3, 4, 14, 97, 225Greetham, Trevor, 237n2


Griffin, John, 253n4Grinblatt, Mark, 253n4Gross domestic product (GDP), 4,

98, 182, 211Gross national product (GNP), 85Grossman, Sanford, 260n23Gruber, Martin, 263n13Guaranteed investment contracts

(GICs), 218Guaranty Survey, 87Guaranty Trust Company, 87

Habit formation, 61Hang Seng index, 3Happiness for All (Ta Chia Le)

(numbers game), 125Harvard Business Review, 97Hassett, Kevin, 197–98Hastie, Reid, 139Heaton, John, 263n14Hedging, 231–32Helwege, Jean, 262n31Herd behavior, xvi, 135, 255–57n1–18;

economic theories of, 151–53;experiments on, 149–51

Heston, Steven, 253n4High-pressure economics, 116Hindsight bias, 143Hirshleifer, David, 255n19, 256n5Holland, John, 244n22Home equity insurance, 266n29Hong, Harrison, 255n19Hong Kong, 3, 5, 129Hoover, Herbert, 84, 85–86, 87Housing prices, 5, 52, 231, 242nHsieh, Cheng-Ho, 254n5Huang, Ming, 255n19Huberman, Gur, 247n10Humphrey, George, 108

Ibbotson Associates, 236n8, 262n8,9Ibbotson, Roger, 263n13IBM, 154, 177

Incentive stock options, 23–24Indexation, 264n9India, 126–27Individual investors, 18, 145, 154,

237n2, 247–48n18. See also Institu-tional investors

Individual Retirement Accounts, 36Indonesia, 5Infection rate, 157–59, 160–61, 163Inflation, 4, 19, 240n28–31; bull mar-

ket of 1950s/1960s and, 108, 110;bull market of 1990s and, 112–13;decline of, 36–39, 43, 241n40;defined benefit plans and, 217;new era thinking and, 116–17;outlook for, 206–7; in Peru, 126;stocks versus bonds during, 193;true value disguised by, 52; warsand, 194

Information, 149–51Information cascades, 151–53Information processing, 153–54Inglehart, Ronald, 239n14Initial public offerings, 180Insider trading, 154–55Institutional investors, 18, 145,

165–66, 196, 227, 228, 237n2; indi-vidual investors compared with,18; mailing list for, 247–48n18;underperformance of, 174–75. Seealso Analysts

Interest rates, 194, 262–63n9; effectsof increases in, 223–24; excessvolatility in, 189; inflation and,36–38; nominal, 37

Interest value, 34Internal Revenue Act of 1978,

239–40n20International Acceptance Bank, 107International Data Corporation, 157,

205Internet, 39, 43, 108, 161, 204, 205–6,

208, 241n40; gambling on, 41;

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stocks, 23, 175–76, 179, 258n12;timing of arrival, 19–21; U.S. dom-ination of, 211, 212

Intrinsic bubbles, 182Intuitive judgment, 142–46Investment clubs, 58–59Investment Company Act, 35Investment Company Institute, 218Investment managers. See Institu-

tional investorsInvestment trusts, 35Investors. See Individual investors;

Institutional investorsIraq, 125Irrational exuberance: defined, xii;

feedback systems and, 67–68;institutional investors and, 18;public reaction to term, 3–4;worries about, 14

Italy, 4, 127

January effect, 183–84Japan, 3, 5, 21–22, 125, 223, 228;

earthquake in, 80–81; financialcrisis in, 129; perceived losses to,117; postwar birthrate in, 25

Jegadeesh, Narasimhan, 237n11Jermann, Urban, 267n32Johnson, Eric, 243n13Johnson, Lyndon, 10, 110Jorion, Philippe, 194–95Judgment, intuitive, 142–46Justification, 139, 140–41

Kahneman, Daniel, 137, 144Karolyi, Andrew, 253n4Katona, George, 256n7Keloharju, Matti, 253n4Kennedy, John, 10, 38, 76, 109–10, 116Kennedy-Johnson Peak. See Stock

market peak of 1966Keren, Gideon, 254n8Kindlberger, Charles, 245n1

King, Robert 237n1Kirman, Alan, 159Kleidon, Allan, 261n25Kobe earthquake, 80–81Kon-Ya, Fumiko, 265n17Korea, 5, 129Korean War, 76, 149Kosovo, 212Krugman, Paul, 97Kuwait, 125Kyoto Protocol, 213

Labor income, 231Labor unions, 23, 32–33, 106, 112,

113, 211Laderman, Jeffrey, 239n16Ladies’ Home Journal, 50Lambert, Richard, 238n7Land, Edwin, 178Lanen, W., 238n8Lange, Oscar, 116Langer, E. J., 255n17LaPorta, Rafael, 237n2Larker, D., 238n7Laster, David, 262n31Lawrence, Joseph, 172Learning, 191–200, 262–63n1–14;

about mutual funds, diversifica-tion, and holding, 197–200; aboutrisk, 192–95; about stocks versusbonds, 193–97; unlearning and,200

LeBaron, Blake, 244n22Lee, In-Ho, 256n6Lefevre, Edwin, 103Lehmann, Bruce, 237n11Leland, Hayne, 92, 93LeRoy, Stephen, 184Liang, J. Nellie, 238n7, 262n31Levine, Ross, 237n1Lichtenstein, Sarah, 142Lin, Hsiou-Wei, 239n17Lo, Andrew, 237n11


Logistic curve, 158, 257n13London stock exchange, 3, 81Long Term Capital Management, 189Long-term investing, 176–77, 197–200Long-term returns, 10–14, 194–95Loomis, Graham, 243n12Lopez-de-Silanes, Florencio, 237n1Loser stocks, 130Lotteries, 40–41Lotus Development Corporation,

154Loughran, Tim, 259n21Lucas, Deborah, 263n14Lynch, Peter, 181, 259n17

Maas, Anne, 255n16McDonald’s, 177Mackay, Charles, 177Mackinlay, Craig, 237n11McKinley, William, 102MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour, 73McNichols, Maureen, 239n17Macro markets, 229–31Macro Markets (Shiller), 230Macro securities, 230, 267n30Magical thinking, 143Maier, N. R. F., 166, 257n19Malaysia, 5Managed capitalism, 112Managerial revolutions, 113Mandel, Michael, 112Mandelbrot, Benoit, 244n22Marcos, Ferdinand, 123Marsh, Terry, 189, 261n26Martin, William McChesney, 224Massachusetts Investors Trust, 35Master-charting, 106Mean reversion, 129, 252n13Media, 71–95, 118, 163, 203, 206,

208–9, 241n40, 245–48n1–24; atten-tion cascades and, 79–82, 88; bigprice changes and absence ofnews, 78–79; bull market of 1990s

and, 113; crash of 1929 and, 82–88;crash of 1987 and, 88–95; cultiva-tion of debate by, 72–74; effect ofsignificant world events on prices,75–77; epidemics and, 160–62;expansion of business reporting,19, 28–29; face-to-face communi-cations versus, 154–57; marketmoves and, 72; market outlookand, 74–75; new era thinking and,98; origins of, 245n1; peak of 1901and, 100–101; psychologicalanchors and, 147; record overloadand, 75; speculative bubbles and,95; tag-along news and, 77–78

Mehra, Raj, 263n1Mehta, Harshad (“Big Bull”), 127Mehta Peak, 127Meksi, Aleksander, 65Meltzer, Allan, 84Mergers, 106Merrill Lynch, xv, 22Merton, Robert, 189, 261n26Mexican peso crisis, 128–29Mexico, 5Microsoft, 211, 212Milestones for Dow, 137Milgram, Stanley, 150–51, 256n4Milgrom, Paul, 255n20Millennium. See Turn-of-century

optimismMillennium boom, 6Miller, Merton, 184Millionaire Next Door, The (Stanley

and Danko), 50–51, 141–42Mispricing: examples of obvious,

175–76; questioning examples of,176–79; statistical evidence of,179–80

Mitchell, Mark L., 248n21Mitchell, Olivia, 265n15Mitterrand, François, 128Modigliani, Franco, 37

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Momentum, 236n11. See also Serialcorrelation

Monetary policy, 222–24Money illusion, 19, 36–38, 264n9Monopolies, 102Montgomery Asset Management, 54Moody, John, 105Moody’s Investors Service, 105Moral anchors, 136, 138–42Morgan, J. P., 224Movies, 104Mutation rate, 160Mutual funds, 19, 43, 54, 240n27,

263n14; growth of, 35–36; learningabout, 197–200

NAIC (National Association ofInvestors Corporation), 58

Narrative-based thinking. See StoriesNASDAQ, 19, 39National Association of Investors

Corporation (NAIC), 58National Broadcasting Company, 104National crises, 76–77National Gambling Impact Study

Commission, 41National income, per capita, 219, 222National Network of Grantmakers,

216Nazism, 116, 149Negative bubbles, 62, 244n21; crash

of 1929 and, 88; crash of 1987 and,90–91; media and, 88, 90; in Philip-pines, 124

Nelson, William, 238n9Netter, Jeffrey M., 248n21New era economic thinking, xvi, 14,

96–117, 118, 209, 224, 248–50n1–38;bull market of 1920s and, 103–7;bull market of 1950s/1960s and,107–11; bull market of 1990s and,111–14; ends of, 114–17, 128–30;financial crises and, 128–30; in

France, 128; peak of 1901 and, 99–103; in Peru, 126; in Philippines,123; stock market creation of, 99;in Taiwan, 124

New Levels in the Stock Market (Dice),105–6

Newsweek, 108, 109, 111New York Daily Tribune, 101New York Herald Tribune, 193New York Stock Exchange, 22, 33,

35, 39, 40, 59, 225, 226, 266n21New York Times, 75–76, 83, 84, 85, 86,

87, 107Niederhoffer, Victor, 75–76, 78Nifty Fifty, 177, 178, 258n7Nikkei index, 3, 48, 80–81, 228, 265n179 Steps to Financial Freedom, The

(Orman), 51Nisbett, Robert, 257n19No Fear of the Next Crash (Niquet), 51Noguchi, Yukio, 265n17Nominal interest rates, 37Nonconsequentialist reasoning, 146No-Ponzi condition, 245n30Nordhaus, William, 264n5North American Free Trade Agree-

ment, 129Northern Securities Company, 102

Obstfeld, Maurice, 182Odean, Terrance, 59Oil prices, 125–26Okun, Arthur, 116Online trading, 39–40, 59, 206Only Yesterday (Allen), 47, 103Optimism: of analysts’ forecasts,

30–32, 239n18, 241n40; bull marketof 1920s and, 103–7; bull market of1990s and, 113; peak of 1901 and,99–103; turn-of-century, 9, 99–101,205–6

Organization for Economic Coopera-tion and Development, 129


Organized crime, 42Orman, Suze, 51Overconfidence, 142–46, 151, 242n3,

255n19. See also ConfidenceOverpricing. See MispricingOverreaction, 252n12

PaineWebber/Gallup polls, 53–54Palmer, Richard, 244n22Pan-American Exposition (1901),

100, 102Paris stock exchange, 81Parker, Richard, 29Patriotism, 19, 43, 228. See also For-

eign economic rivals, decline of;Triumphalism

Pennington, Nancy, 139Pension plans, 214, 239–40n20. See

also Defined benefit pension plans;Defined contribution pensionplans; Retirement plans

Pepper prices, 246n1Per capita national income, 219, 222Perez, Carlos Andres, 125–26Perfect foresight price. See Dividend

present valuePerpetual futures, 230Persian Gulf War, 28, 212Personal income, 4Peru, 126Peso crisis, 128–29Petersen, James, 254n5Pheromone recruitment, 159Philippines, 123–24Phillips curve, 55Pitz, Gordon, 255n14Pliny the Younger, 246n1Polaroid Corporation, 178–79Pollution, 212–13Ponzi, Charles, 64, 65–66Ponzi processes, naturally occurring,

44, 67. See also Feedback systemsPonzi schemes, 35, 64–67, 245n30Porter, Richard, 184

Portfolio insurance, 92–93, 95Poterba, James, 78, 80Pound, John, 154, 166PPI (Producer Price Index), 235–36n2Prechter, Robert, 89Precipitating factors, 17–43,

237–42n1–38. See also Analysts,optimistic forecasts by; BabyBoom; Business, cultural factorsfavoring success of; Capital gainstaxes; Defined contribution pen-sion plans; Foreign economicrivals, decline of; Gambling, riseof opportunities for; Inflation,decline of; Internet; Media, ex-pansion of business reporting;Money illusion; Mutual funds;Republican party; Trade, expan-sion of volume

Prescott, Edward, 262n1Pressman, Steven, 245n29Price-earnings ratios, 5–14, 17, 50,

195; Baby Boom and, 26; earningsunaffected by, 180–82; Internetand, 19; long-term returns and,10–14; other periods of high val-ues, 8–10; in Philippines, 124; poorperformance and, 179; quantita-tive anchors and, 138; in Taiwan,125

Price-insensitive selling, 91Prices: absence of news on big

changes in, 78–79; following sig-nificant world events, 75–77;largest recent five-year decreases,122t; largest recent five-yearincreases, 121t; largest recent one-year decreases, 120t, 124; largestrecent one-year increases, 119t,123, 124, 125–26; long-term move-ments of, 226; predicting changesin, 252–53n12; quantitativeanchors and, 137–38; as randomwalks, 171, 172–73, 199; short-term

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movements of, 226, 227; sources ofdata for, 235–36n2; statistical ten-dency for reversals in, 130–32;stories associated with largestchanges, 123–28. See also Dividend-price ratios; Efficient markets;Feedback systems; Price-earningsratios

Price-to-book value, 179Producer Price Index (PPI), 235–36n2Professional investors. See Institu-

tional investorsProhibition, 42, 107Proxy assets. See Macro securitiesPrudential Securities, 97Psychological anchors, xvi, 135–47,

253–55n1–21; contingent futuredecisions and, 146–47; moral, 136,138–42; overconfidence and intu-itive judgment and, 142–46; quan-titative, 136–38, 140

Public figures, 74, 203–4

Quantitative anchors, 136–38, 140Questionnaires. See Survey data

Radio, 100, 104Random number generators, 62Random walks, 171, 172–73, 199Raskob, John, 243n9Rationality of markets, 135–36Reader’s Guide to Periodical Literature,

58, 241n39Reagan, Ronald, 24, 90–91Real estate, 5, 26, 72, 227, 264n6Real estate investment trusts, 138Reason-based choice, 140–41Rebound, 145Recessions, 7, 30, 115, 129, 182, 188.

See also DepressionsRecord overload, 75Recruitment, 159Reed, David, 85Regev, Tomer, 247n10

Regression to the mean, 180Regret, 56Removal rate, 157–59, 161Representativeness heuristic, 144Republican party, 24–25, 43Repurchase of shares, 24, 238n9,

261–62n31, 263n1Resentment, by foreign countries,

211–12Restructuring, 113Retirement plans, 140, 214–15,

216–19. See also Pension plansRisk, 19, 41–42, 43; learning about, 192–

95; Social Security and, 220, 222Risk management, 231–32Ritter, Jay, 180, 240n30, 259n16,21Road to Financial Freedom, The

(Schäfer), 51Roaring 2000s, The (Dent), 28Roaring 2000s Investor, The (Dent), 28Rockefeller, John D., 224Romer, Christina, 250n35Romer, David, 237n3Roosevelt, Theodore, 102Roper-Starch questionnaire survey,

22Ross, Stephen, 263n10Rostenkowski, Dan, 92Rouwenhorst, K. Geert, 253n4Rubinstein, Mark, 92Rule 80B, 225

S&P. See under Standard and Poor’sSabelhaus, John, 239n13Salinas de Gortari, Carlos, 129SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test), 175Saturday Evening Post, 115Savings, 214–15, 216, 239n13; Baby

Boom and, 26–27; in Taiwan, 124Sala-i-Martin, Xavier, 237n3Santos, Tano, 255n19Scatter diagram, 10–13Schäfer, Bodo, 51Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), 175


SEC (Securities and Exchange Com-mission), 39, 154, 156, 226

Securities Act of 1933, 156Securities and Exchange Commis-

sion (SEC), 39, 154, 156, 226Securities Exchange Act of 1934, 156Sensation seeking, 254n7Serial correlation, 252n12. See also

MomentumShafir, Eldar, 140, 146, 240n31Sharpe, Steven, 31, 238n7, 239n19,

262n31Shefrin, Hersh, 253n1Sherman Antitrust Act, 102Shining Path, 126Shleifer, Andrei, 144, 237n1, 253n1Short sales, 180, 226Siegel, Jeremy, 176–77, 178, 179, 192,

193–94“Silly Putty Economy” (Cohen), 74Simonson, Itamar, 140Simpson, O. J., 29Singapore, 5Singh, Manmohan, 126Slovic, Paul, 142Small-firm effect, 183, 184Small Order Execution System, 39Smart money, 172–75Smith, Edgar Lawrence, 193Smith, Vernon, 244n22Smoot, Reed, 85–86Smoot-Hawley tariff, 84–86Social influence, 149–51Socialism, 211Socially based variations, 164–65Social Security, 208, 214, 218, 220–22,

265n15Soviet Union, 21Spain, 4Speculative bubbles, xii–xiii, xvi, 5,

44, 60–64, 132, 204; bursting of, 61,114–17; dividend-price ratio and,182, 183; efficient markets and,

177–78; excess volatility and, 190;feedback theories of, see Feedbacksystems; financial crises and, 130;intrinsic, 182; investor perceptionsof, 62–64; media and, 71, 95; mon-etary policy and, 222–24; as natu-rally occurring Ponzi processes,67; negative, see Negative bubbles;new era thinking and, 98, 118;overconfidence and, 144, 146; pol-icy and, 232–33; Ponzi schemes asmodels of, 64–67; trade expansionand, 228–30; trade interruptionsand, 225–28; word-of-mouth com-munications and, 157, 162, 228

Stagflation, 116Standard and Poor’s (S&P) Compos-

ite Stock Price Index, 5–6, 7, 20, 50,194; bull market of 1920s and, 187;bull market of 1950s/1960s and,181; bull market of 1990s and, 182;drop from 1929 to 1958, 9; mediaand, 76, 80

Standard and Poor’s (S&P) 500Index, 177

Standard and Poor’s (S&P) 500Strips, 229

Stanley, Thomas, 50Statman, Meir, 59Stein, Jeremy, 255n19Sterling, William, 28Stock Market Crash–-And After, The

(Fisher), 106, 262n4Stock market crash of 1907, 94, 224Stock market crash of 1929, 6, 47,

50, 58–59, 73, 106, 138, 226; invest-ment trusts following, 35; newsduring, 82–88; stabilizing attemptsprior to, 224

Stock market crash of 1974, 7, 181, 215Stock market crash of 1987, 46, 58,

59, 73, 138, 226; France and, 128;news during, 88–95; overconfi-

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dence and, 145–46; word-of-mouth communications and, 155

Stock market crash of 1989, 77–78Stock market peak of 1901, 9, 181,

194; end of, 114–15; new era think-ing and, 99–103. See also under Bullmarket

Stock market peak of 1929, 6–7, 9, 48,172, 194, 224. See also under Bullmarket

Stock market peak of 1966, 10, 48,194, 224. See also under Bull market

Stock Markets of London, Paris andNew York, The (Gibson), 172

Stock options, 23–24Stock prices. See PricesStocks for the Long Run (Siegel), 176–

77, 192, 194Stoffman, Daniel, 28Stokey, Nancy, 255n19Stories, 49–50, 161–62; largest price

changes and, 123–28; moralanchors and, 139–40; aboutPolaroid, 178–79

Strahlberg, Dagmar, 255n16Strong hands theme, 103, 108–9Subramanyam, Avanidhar, 255n19Suchanek, Gary, 244n22Sugden, Robert, 243n12Suicide, 163, 257n17Summers, Lawrence, 78, 80, 227Summers, Victoria, 227Surveillance, 154–55Survey data, 63, 97; on choice of

individual stocks, 165–66; on con-fidence, 45–47; on crash of 1987,88–90; on expectations, 52–57; on good life, 22; on Japaneseinvestors, 228; on mutual funds,198–99; on perceptions of feed-back and bubbles, 63; quantitativeanchors and, 136–37; on realestate, 242n3; on sources of atten-

tion, 256n7; on stocks versusbonds, 196; on UAL Corporation,77–78; on word-of-mouth commu-nications, 154, 155

Ta Chia Le (Happiness for All)(numbers game), 125

Tag-along news, 77–78, 95Taiwan, 124–25, 129Tandem recruitment, 159Tayler, Paul, 244n22Tax-loss selling, 115Technology, 104, 156–57, 195, 205,

211–12, 237–38n3Telephone, 156–57, 160Television, 20, 108, 156Tesobono, 128–29Thailand, 129Thaler, Richard, 34, 40, 130, 179Thorley, Steven, 59TIAA-CREF, 34, 265n11Time, 82Titman, Sheridan, 237n11Tobias, Andrew, 264n7Tobin, James, 226, 227, 229Tokai Research and Consulting Inc.,

81Toys “R” Us, 176Trade: expanding or encouraging,

228–30; expansion of volume, 19,39–40, 43, 208, 241n40; interrupt-ing or discouraging, 225–28

Transaction costs, 39. See also Onlinetrading; Transaction taxes

Transaction taxes, 226–28Transmission errors, 160Triumphalism, 21–22. See also

PatriotismTsutsui, Yoshiro, 265n17Tulip mania, 71, 177–78, 179, 246n2Turn-of-century optimism, 9, 99–101,

205–6Turnover rate, 39, 240n32


Tversky, Amos, 137, 140, 144, 146,240n31

Twentieth Century Peak. See Stockmarket peak of 1901

Twenty-four-hour trading, 39–40, 206

UAL Corporation, 77–78United Airlines, 77United Kingdom, 4, 25United Nations Intergovernmental

Panel on Climate Change, 213United News, 84, 85University of Michigan Survey

Research Center, 52University of Rochester, 215U.S. News and World Report, 107–8USA Today, 117USA Weekend, 50U.S. Steel, 83, 101

Value investing, 180Van Strum, Kenneth, 193Variance bounds. See Excess

volatilityVEFA (Albanian investment com-

pany), 66Venezuela, 125–26Videoconferencing systems, 157, 160Vietnam War, 194Viruses, 160Vishny, Robert, 144Vividness, 139Volatility, 40, 42, 59; epidemics and,

161; excess, 183–90; policy toward,232–33; quantitative anchors and,138

Volume of sales, 59Vortex effect, 127

Waite, Stephen, 28Wall Street Journal, 54, 82, 83, 86,

93–94, 197

Wanniski, Jude, 84Warburg, Paul M., 107Warr, Richard, 240n30Warther, Vincent, 240n27Watson, James, 85Wealth tax, 126Weber, Steven, 113Weiss, Allan, 230, 266–67n29–30Welch, Ivo, 256n5Wheel of fortune, 137Whisper numbers, 239n20Williams, Arlington, 244n22Wilson, Timothy, 257n19Winfrey, Oprah, 51Winner stocks, 130Womack, Kent, 239n18Woodford, Michael, 244n22Word-of-mouth communications, 98,

163, 228; epidemic models appliedto, 157–62; information processingand, 153–54; media communica-tions versus, 154–57

World Bank, 238n11World War I, 194World War II, 7, 107, 194World Wide Web, 19, 212Wurgler, Jeffrey, 237n1, 238n9,


Xerox, 177

Yale University, 264n7Yen, 223Y2K bug, 162

Zacks Investment Research, 30Zaret, David, 245n1Zeldes, Stephen, 265n15Zemsky, Peter, 256n6Zero earnings, 236n4Zero era, 112–13Zuckerman, Marvin, 254n7

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What is the irrational exuberance summary? ›

Irrational Exuberance by Robert J. Shiller examines the recurring patterns of speculative bubbles in financial markets. Drawing on historical examples and extensive research, Shiller demonstrates how irrational behavior and herd mentality drive asset prices to unsustainable levels, leading to inevitable crashes.

What is the irrational exuberance bias? ›

Irrational exuberance is unfounded market optimism that lacks a real foundation of fundamental valuation, but instead rests on psychological factors. The term was popularized by former Fed chair Alan Greenspan in a 1996 speech addressing the burgeoning internet bubble in the stock market.

What is an example of irrational exuberance? ›

It is believed that the term 'irrational exuberance' was coined by Alan Greenspan in the year 1996 in his speech 'the challenge of central banking in a democratic society'. The speech was delivered in the 1990s dot-com bubble, which is a good example of irrational exuberance.

What are asset bubbles? ›

An asset bubble, also known as a speculative bubble, refers to a situation in which the prices of certain assets, such as stocks, real estate, or commodities, rise rapidly and significantly above their intrinsic or fundamental value.

Who coined irrational exuberance? ›

"Irrational exuberance" is the phrase used by the then-Federal Reserve Board chairman, Alan Greenspan, in a speech given at the American Enterprise Institute during the dot-com bubble of the 1990s. The phrase was interpreted as a warning that the stock market might be overvalued.

When can we claim that there is irrational exuberance in the market? ›

Irrational exuberance occurs when the investors exhibiting high excitement and interest go for the purchase of an asset based on its current high performance without considering its intrinsic value. Subsequently, this leads to the increase in asset price irrational with its real value.

Which is the closest synonym for the word exuberance? ›

Synonyms of exuberance
  • vigorousness.
  • brightness.
  • enthusiasm.
  • cheerfulness.
  • vibrancy.
  • vitality.
  • liveliness.
  • briskness.

When did Greenspan say irrational exuberance? ›

Greenspan's comment was made during a televised speech on December 5, 1996 (emphasis added in excerpt): Clearly, sustained low inflation implies less uncertainty about the future, and lower risk premiums imply higher prices of stocks and other earning assets.

How do you use irrational exuberance in a sentence? ›

The news made her feel a sort of irrational exuberance.

What is an irrational market? ›

An irrational market is a market where prices deviate significantly from their intrinsic values, meaning that the prices do not reflect the underlying value of the assets being traded.

What is a rational exuberance? ›

This implies there are unexploited profit opportunities and the possibility for investors to beat the markets by earning investment returns that are higher than those justified by the risks involved.

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