Featured CHILD FIND NOTICECHILD FIND NOTICEM.S.A.D. #32 (Ashland, Masardis and Garfield Plantation) This notification is to ensure that MSAD #32 is in compliance with Chapter 101, Maine Special Education regulations, Section 4.7A. "Child find responsibilities for private school/home-schooled students -- that each school administrative unit must locate, identify, and evaluate all private school students, including religiously-affiliated school students, and home-schooled students who have disabilities residing in the jurisdiction of the unit in accordance with §4.2, Resident Students." It is the stated intention of the District to provide any eligible special education student for whom it has responsibility, a "genuine opportunity for equitable participation" in available special education programs. If, for whatever reason, you feel that your child may be adversely affected by a specific learning problem, please contact the Office of Special Education. Every effort will be made to respond to the concerns of the parent and to proceed with the development of support for the child. Parents of students who are being home-schooled should be aware that the District understands its ongoing responsibility for providing special education services to all children within the District. If there are questions regarding this notification, please contact the Office of Special Education at 435-3481. The Office of Special Education is open between the hours of 7:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m., Monday through Thursday for the month of August and 7:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m., Monday through Friday during the school year, with the exception of school breaks and Federal holidays. Miranda Carney, School Nurse, has been appointed as the homeless liaison for MSAD #32. It is the responsibility of MSAD #32 to notify the citizens/parents of the District on an annual basis that educational services are available to students classified as homeless. If you need further information to determine the rights available to homeless students in our District, please contact Mrs. Carney at 435-3481. August 28, September 4, 2024M.S.A.D. #32 (Ashland, Masardis and Garfield Plantation) This notification is to ensure that MSAD #32 is in compliance with Chapter 101, Maine Special Education regulations, Section 4.7A. "Child find responsibilities for private school/home-schooled students -- that each school administrative unit must locate, identify, and evaluate all private school students, including religiously-affiliated school students, and home-schooled students who have disabilities residing in the jurisdiction of the unit in accordance with §4.2, Resident Students." It is the stated intention of the District to provide any eligible special education student for whom it has responsibility, a "genuine opportunity for equitable participation" in available special education programs. If, for whatever reason, you feel that your child may be adversely affected by a specific learning problem, please contact the Office of Special Education. Every effort will be made to respond to the concerns of the parent and to proceed with the development of support for the child. Parents of students who are being home-schooled should be aware that the District understands its ongoing responsibility for providing special education services to all children within the District. If there are questions regarding this notification, please contact the Office of Special Education at 435-3481. The Office of Special Education is open between the hours of 7:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m., Monday through Thursday for the month of August and 7:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m., Monday through Friday during the school year, with the exception of school breaks and Federal holidays. Miranda Carney, School Nurse, has been appointed as the homeless liaison for MSAD #32. It is the responsibility of MSAD #32 to notify the citizens/parents of the District on an annual basis that educational services are available to students classified as homeless. If you need further information to determine the rights available to homeless students in our District, please contact Mrs. Carney at 435-3481. August 28, September 4, 2024Posted Online 4 days ago
Featured PUBLIC NOTICE OF INTENT TO FILEPUBLIC NOTICE OF INTENT TO FILEPUBLIC NOTICE OF INTENT TO FILE Please take notice that McCain Foods USA, Inc., 319 Richardson Road, Easton, Maine 04740, phone number (207) 488-2561, intends to file an Air Emission License application with the Maine Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) pursuant to the provisions of 38 M.R.S.A., Section 590 on August 28, 2024. The application is for an air license amendment to modify one of the existing fryers at McCain Foods USA, Inc., Easton, Maine. According to Department regulations, interested parties must be publicly notified, written comments invited, and if justified, an opportunity for public hearing given. A request for a public hearing or for the Board of Environmental Protection to assume jurisdiction must be received by the Department, in writing, no later than 20 days after the application is accepted by the Department as complete for processing. The application and supporting documentation will be made available for review by contacting the Bureau of Air Quality (BAQ) DEP offices in Augusta, (207) 287-7688, during normal working hours. A copy of the application and supporting documentation may also be available at the municipal office in Easton Maine. Written public comments may be sent to Jane Gilbert at the Bureau of Air Quality, State House Station #17, Augusta, Maine 04333. August 28, 2024PUBLIC NOTICE OF INTENT TO FILE Please take notice that McCain Foods USA, Inc., 319 Richardson Road, Easton, Maine 04740, phone number (207) 488-2561, intends to file an Air Emission License application with the Maine Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) pursuant to the provisions of 38 M.R.S.A., Section 590 on August 28, 2024. The application is for an air license amendment to modify one of the existing fryers at McCain Foods USA, Inc., Easton, Maine. According to Department regulations, interested parties must be publicly notified, written comments invited, and if justified, an opportunity for public hearing given. A request for a public hearing or for the Board of Environmental Protection to assume jurisdiction must be received by the Department, in writing, no later than 20 days after the application is accepted by the Department as complete for processing. The application and supporting documentation will be made available for review by contacting the Bureau of Air Quality (BAQ) DEP offices in Augusta, (207) 287-7688, during normal working hours. A copy of the application and supporting documentation may also be available at the municipal office in Easton Maine. Written public comments may be sent to Jane Gilbert at the Bureau of Air Quality, State House Station #17, Augusta, Maine 04333. August 28, 2024Posted Online 4 days ago
Featured NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALENOTICE OF PUBLIC SALENOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE Notice is hereby given that in accordance with a Judgement of Foreclosure and Sale entered May 21, 2024, in the action entitled John Fulton v. Christopher Carson, Sr. and Shelly Carson, by the Aroostook Superior Court, Docket No. CARSC-RE-23-055, where the Court adjudged the foreclosure of a mortgage of Christopher Carson, Sr. and Shelly Carson, described in a Real Estate Mortgage recorded in Book 6158, Page 114 in the Southern Aroostook County Registry of Deeds. A public sale of the property will be conducted on October 2, 2024, commencing at 10:00 a.m. at the Office of Steve Smith Trial Lawyers, 191 Water Street, Augusta, Maine 04330. The property is located at 100 Fowler Road, Woodland, Aroostook County, Maine. The sale will be by public auction. All bidders for the property will be required to make a deposit of $5,000 in cash, certified or bank check at the time of the public sale made payable to Steve Smith Trial Lawyers, which deposit is non-refundable as to the highest bidder. The balance of the purchase price shall be paid within thirty (30) days of the public sale. In the event a representative of John Fulton is not present at the time and place stated in this notice, no sale shall be deemed to have occurred and all rights to reschedule a subsequent sale are reserved. Additional terms will be announced at the public sale. John Fulton by his Attorneys, John E. Baldacci, Jr., Esq. Steve Smith Trial Lawyers 191 Water Street Augusta, Maine 04330 August 28, September 4, 11, 2024NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE Notice is hereby given that in accordance with a Judgement of Foreclosure and Sale entered May 21, 2024, in the action entitled John Fulton v. Christopher Carson, Sr. and Shelly Carson, by the Aroostook Superior Court, Docket No. CARSC-RE-23-055, where the Court adjudged the foreclosure of a mortgage of Christopher Carson, Sr. and Shelly Carson, described in a Real Estate Mortgage recorded in Book 6158, Page 114 in the Southern Aroostook County Registry of Deeds. A public sale of the property will be conducted on October 2, 2024, commencing at 10:00 a.m. at the Office of Steve Smith Trial Lawyers, 191 Water Street, Augusta, Maine 04330. The property is located at 100 Fowler Road, Woodland, Aroostook County, Maine. The sale will be by public auction. All bidders for the property will be required to make a deposit of $5,000 in cash, certified or bank check at the time of the public sale made payable to Steve Smith Trial Lawyers, which deposit is non-refundable as to the highest bidder. The balance of the purchase price shall be paid within thirty (30) days of the public sale. In the event a representative of John Fulton is not present at the time and place stated in this notice, no sale shall be deemed to have occurred and all rights to reschedule a subsequent sale are reserved. Additional terms will be announced at the public sale. John Fulton by his Attorneys, John E. Baldacci, Jr., Esq. Steve Smith Trial Lawyers 191 Water Street Augusta, Maine 04330 August 28, September 4, 11, 2024Posted Online 4 days ago